With this offer we would like to give you the opportunity to learn more about the Bible and Christian life. Reach people and get the message across to other people.
We thank "The International Curriculum" as well as all pastors and pastor Michael Ackermann, who unfortunately passed away much too early and gave us the opportunity to use these lessons for this service.
The Bible says: "You received it for free and you should pass it on for free."
Our thanks also go to BibleServer for the possibility to connect the links of the Bible verses directly to the website. The biblical passages shown refer to the King James Version (KJV) translation.
In the course of these lessons, we will look at:
Foundations of Faith (6 Lessons)
Rev. Bayless Conley is a pastor from the Cottonwood community in California and a popular television minister whose broadcasts are seen around the world. This course teaches the basics of Christian belief very clearly and is an ideal introduction for young Christians. The central biblical truths are taught in an understandable way.
Supernatural Life (10 Lessons)
Dr. A.L. Gill is the author of many books and has a worldwide teaching service with a strong commitment to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This course comprehensively teaches all New Testament spiritual gifts and introduces a powerful lifestyle of faith for every Christian. Many Christians have experienced the release of spiritual gifts through this course in their lives.
New Testament Overview (10 lessons)
Dr. John Amstutz. This course is an excellent introduction by Dr. John Amstutz in the New Testament. He teaches the main focuses of every book in the New Testament and gives many helpful instructions for studying. John Amstutz is a popular Bible teacher with years of experience teaching this course.
Praise and Worship (5 Lessons)
Rev. LaMar Boschman is the author of several bestselling praise books. He is the head of the "International Praise Leader Institute". He teaches with many examples from the Old and New Testaments that every Christian is called to live a life of praise and worship. It shows how such a lifestyle fills with God's power and leads to various blessings from God.
Rev. Bayless Conley - Foundations of Faith
Foundations of Faith Rev. Bayless Conley - The Bible is God's Word - Trinity

The word Bible means book. It consists of 66 individual books of various literary genres. This includes letters, historical information, stories, poetry, song lyrics and apocalyptic writing, but all deal with one topic. God put this book together over a period of 1500 years - from 1400 BC to around 100 AD. The 40 authors include shepherds, fishermen, warriors, priests, prophets, kings, a doctor, a scribe and a cup-bearer. Such a broad collection of truth literature, which is important for every generation of all cultures, nations and peoples, can only be put together by the hand of God.
2. Timothy 3: 16-17 | For all scriptures, inspired by God, are useful for teaching, for correction, for improvement, for education in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, for all good work.
A. The Bible is inspired by God
1. The words of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, come from God. (2. Peter 1: 20-21).
2. The Bible is true because it comes from God (Psalm 19: 8).
B. The Bible is the standard and guide for our lives
1. It is the owner's manual on how to make and enjoy life.
2. In the above In his words to Timothy, Paul says that the Bible is useful.
3. Because the Bible is God's word, it must be our highest authority in all matters.
C. The Bible is a book of God's thoughts. (Isaiah 55: 7-11)
1. God and his word are one (John 1: 1).
2. God does not change His Word, nor does His Word itself (1. Peter 1: 24-25; Psalm 33: 10-11).
3. Scripture, as God's written word, is perfect (Psalm 12: 6).
4. God's word offers solutions to all life problems
D. God's word has power.
1. It creates spiritual growth (1. Peter 2: 2).
2. It makes us disciples of Jesus and it sets us free when we know this fact (John 8: 31-32).
3. It creates faith (Romans 10:17).
4. It changes our thinking and transforms our lives (Romans 12: 1-2).
E. God's Word has everything you need as a Christian for your spiritual life and development (Matthew 4: 4).
1. God's Word contains promises for all we need (2. Peter 1: 3-4).
2. God speaks to us through his word. He also works in our hearts and minds through His Word (1. Thessalonians 2: 13).
A. Christians believe in one God
Deuteronomy 6: 4 | Hear, O Israel: The Lord your God is one (cf. Isaiah 43: 10-11; Isaiah 44: 8).
The Bible proclaims that there is only one true God. All other gods and idols are seductions of Satan.
B. The one God shows himself in three different persons
1. In the context of the creation story, God said: Let us ... (Genesis 1: 26).
2. God speaks of himself elsewhere in the plural as well (Genesis 11: 6-7; Isaiah 6: 8).
3. The Trinity includes: (cf. Matthew 28:19).
God the Father.
God the son.
God the Holy Spirit.
4. When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came down on him in physical form like a dove. At the same time a voice came from heaven: "You are my dear son, in whom I am well-pleased" (Luke 3:22). At this moment all three persons were present and distinguishable from one another (cf. also 2. Corinthians 13: 13)
C. The Bible calls each of these three persons God.
1. Jesus is called God (John 1: 1, John 1: 14; John 14: 6-11) (cf. also Isaiah 9: 6).
2. The Holy Spirit is called God (Acts 5: 3-4).
Three distinct persons and roles represent the one deity. The Bible testifies to this teaching without explaining the details or the reasons for it.
1. Memorize 2. Timothy 3: 16-17!
2. What did the Old Testament writers believe about God and His Word?
(a) Numbers 23:19; Psalm 33: 4 | God keeps his promises
(b) Deuteronomy 4: 2-8 | God's law is complete and perfect.
(c) Proverbs 30: 5-6 | God's word is flawless.
3. What did Jesus believe about his own teaching and that of his disciples?
(a) John 8: 25-30 | His word is true and comes from God.
(b) John 16: 13-15 | The Holy Spirit would guide His disciples to do this. To proclaim God's truth and also to write it down.
4. What did the New Testament writers believe about God, His Word, and their own writings?
(a) Titus 1: 2 | God keeps his promises.
(b) Revelation 22: 18-19 | God's revelation is true and complete.
(c) Romans 15: 14 | The teaching of the Old Testament is valuable.
5. Please write a personal statement expressing what you believe about the authority of the Bible.
Form a small circle with three or four others to discuss this lesson.
1. According to the following verses, how can God's Word help you grow spiritually?
(a) Ephesians 6: 11- 17 | The sword. that we use to defeat Satan.
(b) 1. Peter 2: 2; Hebrews 5: 12-14 | Spiritual nourishment.
(c) Psalm 119: 105, 130 | Light, understanding and wisdom.
(d) James 1: 23-25 | A mirror that helps us see ourselves through God's eyes.
2. What detail do the following scriptures tell us about the nature of Jesus? Is he to be equated with God?
(a) Matthew 1: 20-23 | His name means God with us.
(b) John 1: 1-5, John 1: 14 | He is the word and thus the creative God himself.
(c) Philippians 2: 5-11 | He has the essence of God.
3. Pray for one another. Thank God for his word. Ask him to help each of you grow in divine wisdom through his word.
Foundations of Faith Rev. Bayless Conley - The Divinity and Mission of Jesus

Write down some names, titles, or words that you think can describe the Jesus of the Bible. If you are not sure what the Bible says about it, please write down a few words that you have heard others say about Jesus.
A. The Bible claims that Jesus existed as God the Son long before he was born to the Virgin Mary (Proverbs 30: 4; Micah 5: 1; Matthew 2: 6).
B. Jesus has God as his Father and was born of a virgin (Matthew 1: 18-25; Luke 1: 31-35).
1. Jesus is more than a good person, prophet, or leader. He was, is and always will be: the eternal Son of God.
2. God Himself came into the flesh! (John 1: 1-2, John 1: 14).
C. Jesus claimed to be God. Jesus uses the same name that God once gave himself: "I am" (John 8: 57-58; Exodus 3: 13-14)
D. Jesus' deity is the central truth of Christianity! (John 8: 23-24)
Jesus came to earth because mankind had been separated from God and was in a fallen, sinful state. As humans, we were completely unable to redeem ourselves. Christianity consists in God reaching out and descending to people. It is nothing other than that God identifies with the human race.
A. God created people in his own image.
He made them pure and holy. He gave them the freedom to choose. (Genesis 1: 26-27).
B. Sin separated man from God
1. Adam and Eve died spiritually when they rebelled against God's word (Genesis 2: 16-17; Genesis 3: 1-6)
2. The sin of Adam and Eve affected the whole world. We live in a fallen world. Humanity is separate from God. (Romans 5: 12).
3. Everyone is sinful by God's standard and is at risk of failing God's judgment. (Romans 3: 23, see also Romans 3: 19). God created human beings to fellowship with HIM. But sin and rebellion separated us from God. So God decided to open a way for that relationship to be re-established.
C. Jesus came to earth to give his life as a sacrifice for humanity so that it would again be possible to come back to God. (1. Corinthians 15: 21-22).
1. The only way to be saved from spiritual death is to be “in Christ.” We must trust Christ to forgive us of our sins and deliver us from our fallen condition.
2. God laid our sin on Jesus. He died on the cross in exchange for us so that we could get away without punishment. (2. Corinthians 5: 17-21).
1. Learn John 1: 1 by heart.
2. How is the content of the mission of Jesus described in the following sections?
(a) Matthew 20: 28 | To serve. To give one's life as a ransom.
(b) Luke 19: 10 | To seek and to save what is lost.
(c) John 5:30; John 6: 38 | To please the father and to do his will.
(d) John 10: 10 | To give life in abundance.
3. Summarize Romans 5: 6-8 in your own words.
Form a small circle with three or four others to discuss this lesson.
1. Exchange your thoughts on the introductory session. What names, titles or words would you add to your list?
2. What claims did Jesus make in the following sections?
(a) John 3: 13-18 | He came from heaven.
(b) John 4: 25-26 | He is the promised Messiah.
(c) John 5: 18 | He is God's Son and equal to God.
(d) John 8: 48-59 | He speaks words of eternal life.
(e) John 14: 6 | He is the way. the truth and the life.
3. According to the following passages in the Bible, what claims do his followers make about Jesus?
(a) John 1: 26-34 | He is the Lamb of God. who bears the sin of the world and he baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
(b) Acts 4: 8-12 | He is the only one. who can save.
(c) Colossians 1: 15-20 | Through him all things were created and through him they are sustained. It existed before creation.
(d) 1. Peter 3: 22 | He sits at the right hand of God and everything is subject to him.
4. Pray for one another. Thank God for Jesus and His salvation.
Foundations of Faith Rev. Bayless Conley - Saved by Grace by Faith - Heaven and Hell - The Return of Christ

Find a partner and talk to them about the following questions: What do you observe that people do to deal with their feelings of guilt? And how do they cope with their sins? How do you imagine heaven?
According to Romans 3: 19, the whole world stands guilty before God. Sin separates humanity from God and leaves us no hope of being able to redeem ourselves from it. God redeemed humanity by sending His Son to die for our sin. There is no other way to be saved (John 14: 6; Acts 4: 12).
A. Jesus provides salvation by grace through faith (Ephesians 2: 8-9)
1. God gives salvation. You can't deserve it. Nobody is good enough because nobody is perfect. (Romans 3: 23). See also Acts 10: 1-6.
2. People are saved by believing in God's word. (Acts 10: 13-14; Romans 10:17; 1. Corinthians1: 21).
B. We must receive Christ's gift of salvation
1. Repentance precedes faith. (Mark 1: 15; Luke 24: 46-47). Jesus wants Christians to teach and preach two things:
Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins Acts 2: 36-38. Reversal = inner change of heart, which is reflected in the outer way of life.
2. Exercise your faith through confession (Romans 10: 9-10; John 3: 3-5).
When someone professes their faith in the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit renews that person's spirit. The Bible calls this way of being saved "born again."
3. Everyone “born again” in this sense becomes a member of the church of Jesus, also called the body of Christ (Acts 2: 47).
A. About hell and everyone who will be there
1. Those who reject Jesus Christ and his gift of salvation will go to hell.
2. Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels, not for human beings (Matthew 25: 41).
3. Hell is a place of fire and torment (Luke 16: 22-24).
4. Nobody can escape hell once they get there. There is no second chance after death!
5. Hell (Hades) is a synonym for the lake of fire (Revelation 20: 10, Revelation 14-15).
B. About heaven and all who will be there
Heaven awaits all those who have taken Jesus into their hearts (Ephesians 3: 14-15; John 3: 16; Luke 16: 22-26).
A. The Bible proclaims "the blessed hope" Jesus will come again to go to heaven for all who belong to him gathering (1. Thessalonians 4: 16-18; 1. Corinthians 15: 51-53).
B. Christ will reign for a thousand years (Revelation 19: 11-16; Revelation 20: 1-4).
C. In the end, God will establish a new heaven and a new earth. All Christians will live with God in this new world (Revelation 21: 1, Revelation 21: 10-11; Revelation 21: 21-27; and Revelation 22: 1-7)
1. Memorize Ephesians 2: 8-9.
2. According to Galatians 2: 15-16, how is one justified or declared righteous before God?
3. What does Jesus promise His disciples in John 14: 1-4?
4. Read Revelation 21-22. Make a list of some of the miracles in God's new kingdom.
Form a small group of three or four people and share the lesson.
1. Everyone should pass on at least one thought from the lesson that particularly touched their heart or inner being.
2. What do these scriptures tell us about faith?
(a) Romans 10: 17 | We gain faith by hearing God's word.
(b) John 1: 12 | All. those who receive Christ have the right. To become God's children.
(c) John 3: 16 | Whoever believes in Jesus has eternal life.
(d) Hebrews 11: 1-6 | Faith is firm confidence in its hope and it is sure of things that it cannot see.
3. In the examples below, tell what happened to the people when they believed. Where did her faith lead her?
(a) Acts 2: 36-47 | You are reversed. were baptized. have praised God together. have cultivated community and from that. what they experienced passed on.
(b) Acts 8: 4-13 | You were baptized.
(c) Acts 16: 22-34 | They showed fruits of repentance. were baptized and hospitable.
4. What does Peter say about the new heaven and the new earth (2. Peter 3: 8-13)?
God is patient until he lifts them up. It will be the home of the righteous.
5. Pray for one another. Thank God for your salvation through Jesus and for the promise of eternal life with him in the new heaven and the new earth.
Foundations of Faith Rev. Bayless Conley - The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

Get together in groups of two or three and read these sections aloud: John 14: 15-21, John 14: 25-26; John 15: 26; John 16: 7-15.
A. Jesus and the authors of the New Testament refer to the Holy Spirit as a person. They use “he” and “him,” never “it.” The Holy Spirit is a person (John 14: 15-18, John 14: 26).
B. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to us and do His work among us.
1. He promised to come to us through the Holy Spirit. He said that the Spirit would represent Him and act in His place.
2. In his final message to the disciples before his crucifixion, Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit and his ministry. (John 16: 7-16).
(a) The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
(b) The Holy Spirit will show you the things that are to come.
(c) The Holy Spirit will guide you.
(d) The Holy Spirit will give the wisdom of God to your heart.
C. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would be in you. Jesus lives in your heart through the Holy Spirit. (John 14: 17).
1. The Holy Spirit works to make a person born again. No one can be saved without the Holy Spirit dwelling inside.
2. With this promise, Jesus referred not only to the new birth, but also to baptism in the Holy Spirit or to being filled with the Holy Spirit.
The baptism of the Holy Ghost is an experience that comes after salvation. It is open to every child of God.
A. Jesus taught about two experiences of the Holy Spirit:
1. Salvation (John 4: 13-14).
The work of the Holy Spirit in salvation is like a well of fresh water. He sustains life. He lives in us, always present with his supply of help.
2. Baptism in the Holy Spirit (John 7: 37-39)
(a) Jesus promised an experience that would come after his resurrection and ascension. He compared them to rivers of living water. This is the supernatural power of the spirit that flows out of the Christian's life.
(b)Everyone who is thirsty can be filled with both the spring water and the rivers (John 1: 29, John 1: 32-33).
(c) Jesus bears the sin of the world and he also baptizes in the Holy Spirit.
(d) I trust Jesus for my salvation and I trust HIM in.
(e) Reference to a second work, the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit.
B. Jesus promised to be baptized in the Spirit (Acts 1: 4-5).
God fulfilled this promise on the day of Pentecost: (Acts 2: 1-4).
God came to dwell in them through His Holy Spirit.
C. Five Examples of the Baptism of the Spirit in Acts.
1. Pentecost (Acts 2: 1-4).
2. In the house of Cornelius (Acts 10: 44-46).
3. John's disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19: 1-2, Acts 19: 6).
4. Samaritans (Acts 8: 5, Acts 8: 12, Acts 8: 14-17).
5. Saul's conversion (Acts 9: 17-18; 1. Corinthians 14: 18).
D. The tongues (tongues) affirm the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit
1. Why tongues?
(a) I am speaking to God. 1. Corinthians 14: 2
(b) I edify myself for my strength. 1. Corinthians 14: 4
2. Other Evidence of Spiritual Filling:
(a) (Acts 1: 8): Power to testify.
(b) (Acts 4: 8-13; Acts 19: 21): Boldness
(c) (Ephesians 5: 18-19): Song of praise and thanksgiving
1. How can the Holy Ghost help you pray?
2. Why did Jesus often call the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth? Why did he call him the Comforter?
3. What three pieces of evidence of baptism in the Spirit were "seen" and "heard" as Peter said on the day of Pentecost? (Acts 2: 1-4).
Team up with three or four others to share the lesson with you.
1. Review the scriptures you read in the introduction to this lesson. What promises about the Holy Ghost does Jesus make in these passages?
John 14: 15-21 | Jesus will send the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. .
John 14: 25-26 | The Holy Spirit will teach us.
John 15: 26 | He will glorify Jesus.
John 16: 7-15 | He will open its eyes to the world to sin, to righteousness and to judgment.
2. What instructions does Jesus give his disciples in Acts 1: 4-8 regarding receiving the Holy Ghost? Wait for the Spirit in Jerusalem.
3. What steps did the following people take to receive the Holy Ghost?
(a) Apostles (Acts 1: 4, Acts 1: 12-13 They waited.
(b) Samaritans (Acts 8: 12-17) They were saved. Laying on of hands.
(c) Gathered in the house of Cornelius (Acts 10: 1-3, Acts 10: 24-27, Acts 10: 44-46) They were saved. were obedient.
(d) Twelve men at Ephesus (Acts 19: 1-6) They were saved. Paul laid hands on them.
Foundations of Faith Rev. Bayless Conley - Divine Healing

Read the following healing reports from the life of Jesus. Write down similarities between the events. Mark 7: 31-35; Luke 4: 38-44; Luke 5: 12-16; Luke 5: 17-26; John 9: 1-7.
A. God gives His Spirit to believers to equip them with divine, supernatural power.
1. God communicates with people through His Spirit to our spirit. Those who pray in the Spirit become sensitive to God's voice.
2. The Holy Ghost helps us pray for things that we do not understand or that we find difficult to pray for (Romans 8: 26).
3. The Holy Spirit gives us strength for signs and wonders.
4. People receive the Holy Spirit through:
(a) laying on of hands and
(b) Requests.
B. Jesus said that we can receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost if we simply ask for it. (Luke 11: 9-13)
C. We must remain permanently filled with the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 5: 18; 1. Corinthians 14: 14-15)
We can and should pray in the Spirit daily.
A. God reveals Himself to His people as the Healer. (Exodus 15: 23-26)
1. Jehovah - Rapha = Malachi 3: 6, "I, the Lord, change not."
2. God is essentially a healer.
3. God's will for those who serve HIM to have sickness leave them. (Exodus 23: 25-26)
* God kept this promise throughout the Old Testament.
B. God heals the body as well as the soul. Psalm 103: 1-3 - Two virtues of the Lord:
1. Forgiveness.
2. Healing.
C. Jesus revealed God the Healer through His ministry.
1. Jesus is God's will in action.
Because Jesus is God in the flesh, He treated the sick as God treats them. He illustrates God's will and essence with his life. (John 14: 7-9)
2. Jesus demonstrates God's desire to heal.
(a) He healed them all (Matthew 12: 14-15).
(b) He showed compassion for the sick by healing them. (Matthew 14: 13-14).
(c) He healed all who came to him (Matthew 14: 35-36).
(d) He healed all kinds of diseases {Matthew 15: 30-31)
(e) He wanted to heal (Matthew 8: 1-3).
Is his will the same today? The Bible says: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13: 8)
3. Jesus appointed others to help him heal
(a) The Twelve Disciples | Matthew 9: 37-38; Matthew 10: 1
(b) The Seventy | Luke 10: 1; 8-9
(c) All believers | Mark 16: 15-16
Healing is a sign that follows all believers. Jesus commissioned all believers to heal the sick. God will heal if we lay hands on the sick and pray.
D. The church followed Jesus' instruction to heal.
From the beginning to the last chapter of Acts (almost 30 years after Pentecost) we read that God heals people. For example: Acts 3, Acts 5, Acts 8, Acts 9, Acts 14 etc.
E. The apostles taught people how to heal.
In fact, prayer for the sick was an integral part of the church. (James 5: 14-16)
1. The prayer of faith heals the sick.
2. Pray for one another and expect healing.
F. Divine healing is part of Christ's work of redemption.
1. The prophets foretold physical and spiritual healing through Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 53: 1-5).
2. The Gospels tell of Jesus' fulfillment of these predictions (Matthew 8: 16).
3. Christ came to die for our sin and to suffer for our healing. (1. Peter 2: 24).
1. Memorize Isaiah 53: 4-5.
2. In the following sections, why did Jesus choose to heal people?
Matthew 9: 22 | Because of people's beliefs.
Matthew 14: 14 | Out of compassion for people.
John 9: 1-7 | To reveal God's glory.
3. Why did Jesus refuse to heal in the following sections?
Mark 6: 1-6 | Lack of belief.
Matthew 17: 14-21 | Because the woman was from pagan territory. However, she later received healing.
Luke 23: 8-9 | Jesus was not a "magician".
Team up with three or four others to share the lesson with you.
1. Take a look at the last section of the outline that was not shown in the video (point 6) by reading up the scriptures and discussing them.
2. Compare the methods used for healing in the following sections: Which events led to healing in each case?
2. Kings 5: 1-14 | Naeman obeyed and dived seven times in the river.
Mark 8: 22-25 | Jesus healed the man in two stages.
Acts 19: 11-12 | Sweat towels and other towels were used.
2. Kings 20: 1-7 | Hezekiah prayed.
Luke 8: 40-56 | The woman touched the hem of Jesus' robe.
3. What common obstacles to healing are mentioned in the following sections?
Isaiah 5:13; Hosea 4: 6 | Ignorance.
Mark 6: 4-6 | Unbelief.
Proverbs 28: 13 | Not known sin.
Mark 11: 25 | Resentment and unforgiveness
Exodus 23: 24-26 | Occult activity. Idolatry.
4. If anyone in your group has a need for healing, pray for those specific needs.
Foundations of Faith Rev. Bayless Conley - Order in the Church

A regulation is a prescribed act, similar to a religious rite. Jesus gave orders to the church, not in the sense of a ritual or rule, but as an aid to express our faith. Each ordinance is a materialized representation of a spiritual gift of grace.
During the last meal before his crucifixion, Jesus gave his disciples a decree to keep his memory. Read Matthew 26: 26-29. What physical elements did Jesus use to illustrate the spiritual process of forgiveness through death on the cross?
A. Jesus commanded the believers to be baptized. (Matthew 28: 18-19; Mark 16: 15-16)
B. The apostles commanded believers to be baptized. (Acts 2: 38)
C. Baptism is for believers. (Acts 8: 5, Acts 8: 12, Acts 8: 35-38)
You must believe first before you can be baptized.
Baptism is an outward representation of an innate faith.
D. In baptism, the believer identifies with Christ.
When I am baptized, I demonstrate what Christ did for me through death, burial, and resurrection. (Romans 6: 3-6)
1. I am dying of sin. I am buried with Christ. I am raised with him in the power of the Spirit.
2. When I am baptized, I declare that I am a new creature in Christ.
E. The dove is an immersion in water for believers.
1. The Greek word used in the New Testament means to submerge.
2. Because the dove symbolizes a burial, we not only sprinkle the person with water, but we immerse them completely in it. When a dead person is buried, they are completely submerged in the earth. Water baptism is also to be understood in this way.
3. By water baptism, the believer confesses that his old life is dead to sin and that he has received new life in Christ.
4. Because baptism expresses a person's faith in Christ, we do not baptize infants. To be baptized, one must make a conscious choice to follow Jesus. A child must be old enough to understand this decision before making it.
A. Jesus' disciples anointed the sick with oil for healing. (Mark 6: 12-13)
B. The elders of the church are to anoint the sick with oil as they ask for healing (James 5: 14-15)
NOTE: The power of faith brings healing, not oil.
C. The oil is a symbol for:
1. The work of the Holy Spirit in the healing process.
2. Devotion and consecration to God.
A. When we partake of the sacrament, we proclaim what the Lord has accomplished through His death.
We testify to an inner belief through an external act. (1. Corinthians 11: 23-30)
1. The wine or juice represents the blood of Christ that was shed to cleanse us from sin and bring us salvation for our spirits.
2. The bread represents his body that has been broken for our healing. (1. Peter 2: 24) * cf. also Isaiah 53: 5
3. We must participate in it with dignity, with respect for His body, because we have been healed through His wounds.
B. The Lord's Supper unites the church, the body of Christ.
1. The bread also stands for the one body of Christ.
2. The body of Christ is united, although it includes people of different cultures, ways of life, languages and tribes. (1. Corinthians 10: 16-17)
3. We are free to choose the frequency of the meal as long as we remember Christ's death and glorify him when we eat it. (1. Corinthians 11: 26)
A. It is called a basic teaching of Christ. (Hebrews 6: 1-2)
B. The Bible gives five reasons for the laying on of hands:
1. For healing. (Luke 4:40; Mark 16: 17-18)
2. To receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8: 14-17) * cf. also Acts 19: 1-2, Acts 19: 6
3. To transfer an office; to provide for a special Task. (Acts 6: 2-6).
4. To be used in Christian ministry. (1. Timothy 4: 14).
(a) Gifts can be given by the laying on of hands for service (if the Holy Ghost wills).
(b) When we lay on our hands to institute, we affirm a call from God that has already been made; it does not create a new one. If one neither feels nor practically lives a calling to service over his life, the laying on of hands and his institution are fruitless.
5. To give blessings. (Mark 10: 13-16).
Even though we do not baptize infants, we still give them to God and lay our hands on them to bless them.
1. What does the laying on of hands mean in each of the following sections of the Old Testament?
Genesis 48: 8-15
Numbers 27: 22-23
2. Kings 13: 14-17
2. Why do you think God gave the church each and every one of these four ordinances?
Give a reason or purpose for each one.
1. According to Romans 6: 1-14, what changes in a person's life are reflected in baptism?
2. What advice does Paul give the believers regarding the Lord's Supper in 1. Corinthians 11: 23-29
3. Pray for one another.
Dr. A. L. Gill - Supernatural Life and Healing
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - Knowing the Holy Spirit

We will study the gifts of the Holy Spirit as a spiritual lifestyle. The gifts of the Holy Spirit do not only include what happens between the song singing and the Sunday announcements. Rather, they are a lifestyle.
When we were born again, we became spiritually alive. We have soul and spirit, so we are spiritual beings. We live in the supernatural sphere of power of the Spirit of God every day of our lives.
The Holy Spirit is a real person. It is our job to get to know Him in a personal and intimate way. Paul wrote about the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2. Corinthians 13: 14b).
A. A new way of life
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are the basis for a whole new way of life for the Spirit-filled believer. Similar to how Peter got out of his boat and walked on the water towards Jesus, we must break out of our cozy corners of natural life and walk on "spiritual waters". As believers we are destined to live in the Spirit and all nine of His supernatural gifts in to apply to our daily life.
1. Samuel 10: 6 | And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon you, that you shall be entranced with them; there you will be transformed and become a different person.
Ephesians 1: 19-20 | The resurrection power is available for those who believe.
B. Jesus served through the Holy Spirit.
According to Philippians 2: 5, Philippians 2: 8, Jesus humbled himself and came as a human when he set foot on this earth. For a time he did not value His rights and privileges as God and lived on this earth as a human. No miracles are reported from the first 30 years of his life. When He was baptized by John the Baptist (compare Mark 1: 10-11), the Holy Spirit came upon Him. Immediately miracles began to occur in His ministry.
Mark 1: 10 | And immediately, as he got out of the water, he saw that the sky was opened and the spirit descended on him like a dove. Jesus, our example, anointed with the Holy Spirit, began his ministry with the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Luke 4: 18 | The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to preach to the prisoners to be free, and to the blind to see, and to the broken to be free and single.
C. That same power is with us today
Ephesians 1: 19-20 | And how exuberantly great his power in us, who believe, because the power of his strength was effective in us, with which he worked in Christ. Through her he raised him from the dead and put him on his right hand in heaven.
Romans 8: 11 | If the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, then he who raised Christ from the dead will also make your mortal bodies alive through his spirit, which dwells in you.
Jesus says in Luke 24: 49 that we should be "clothed" with power from on high.
Joel prophesied: And after this I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall have dreams, and your young men shall see visions. I also want to pour out my spirit on servants and maids at the same time. (Joel 3: 1-2). Jesus said that they would be done with power from on high (Luke 24: 49).
John said: I baptize you with water; But someone comes who is stronger than me and I am not worth loosing the straps of his shoes, he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. (Luke 3: 16).
Jesus exclaimed: But you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not long after these days (Acts 1: 5)!
It will be the power to be His witnesses.
Acts 1: 8 | But you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit who will come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
A. It started on the day of Pentecost
Acts 2: 1-4 | And when the day of Pentecost came, they were all in one place. And suddenly there was a roar from heaven like a mighty wind and filled the whole house in which they were sitting. And tongues appeared to them as if tongues were parted with fire: and he sat down on each one of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to preach in other languages, as the Spirit gave them to speak.
A miracle happened in her mouth.
Peter proclaimed to others:. . . so you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 38b).
B. The Samaritans received this gift
Acts 8: 14-17 | When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. They came down and prayed for them to receive the Holy Spirit. For he had not yet fallen on any of them, but they were only baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. So they put their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
It is a present. We don't have to work for it.
C. The Gentiles received this gift
Acts 10: 44-46a | While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. And the believers who had come with Peter were astonished because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles too: for they heard that they spoke in tongues and praised God.
All we have to do today is receive this gift.
D. The Ephesians received this gift
Acts 19: 2-6 | To them he said: “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? They said to him, We have never heard of a Holy Spirit. And he asked her: What are you baptized into? They answered: To the baptism of John. But Paul said, John baptized with the baptism of repentance and told the people to believe in him who would come after him, namely in Jesus. On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied."
Luke 11: 11-13 | “Where is a father among you who offers his son a stone when he asks for bread? Or when he asks for a fish, offers a snake for the fish? Or who, if he asks for an egg, offer him a scorpion in return? If you, who are evil, can give good gifts to your children, how much more will Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! "
Our Heavenly Father is ready to give you a gift.
A. Speaking in tongues (or languages)
Evidence of speaking in an unknown language always accompanied receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said it was a sign that follows those who believe. ... they will speak in new tongues (Mark 16: 17b).
Paul wrote that he was able to speak a heavenly language like the tongues of angels (1. Corinthians 13: 1a).
Paul explained that this was done through the Holy Spirit, on the path of the human spirit bypassing one's own mind.
Angels never run out of words in praise to God.
1. Corinthians 14: 14 | For when I pray in tongues, my spirit prays; but what I have in mind remains fruitless.
Romans 8: 26-27 | In the same way the spirit also helps our weaknesses For we do not know what to pray as it is due; but the spirit itself represents us with unspeakable sighs.
We should hold the word true and pray in the Spirit.
Ephesians 6: 17-18 | And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Always pray with petitions and supplications in the Spirit and watch with all perseverance in prayer for all the saints.
B. We need to start talking.
When we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, we must also begin to speak; not in our own language, but in "other languages".
Acts 2: 4 | And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to preach in other languages, as the Spirit gave them to speak.
There are two sides: God's part and man's part.
All languages consist of words that are formed from a combination of different sounds. If the spirit is to give us the qualification or linguistic inspiration, as it did on the day of Pentecost, we have to start speaking - but not in a language that we can speak. We must, like these early believers, begin to speak sounds audibly.
As soon as we begin to fix our eyes on Jesus and have already prayed for and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we must also begin to speak. It will be us who speak - just as they did on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit will then give us the ability to do so. Have we done our part by starting to speak God will always do His part and give us the ability. At that moment of faith, a miracle will happen in our mouth.
Say this prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of salvation!
But father, I want to receive every gift you have for me! I want your gift from the Holy Spirit! I need this power in my life!
Lord Jesus, I ask you to baptize me in the Holy Spirit! I receive this gift in faith!
Right now, father, I raise my hands to praise you.
I open my mouth wide and start praising you, but not in a language I can speak.
Just like on the day of Pentecost, I'll start speaking.
And in doing it, I thank you Father that the Holy Spirit will give me the ability to do it!
Now, when you stand before God with your hands up in praise, begin to praise Him. Start making small sounds audibly. Rivers of living water will begin to flow from you as soon as the Holy Spirit begins to give you linguistic inspiration.
SUMMARY - Purpose of this heavenly language
1. Corinthians 14: 15 | How should it be now? I want to pray with the spirit and also want to pray with the mind; I want to sing psalms with the spirit and also want to sing psalms with the mind.
Jude 1: 20 | But you, my beloved, build yourselves on your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.
Your life will never be the same again. As soon as you praise God and pray in the Spirit, currents of supernatural living water will continually flow out of you.
Please study these verses of the Scriptures and write after each one in your own words which signs followed or should follow those who were baptized in the Holy Spirit.
1. Acts 2: 1-4
4. Acts 19: 2-6
5. Mark 16: 17
1. At this point, take the time to pray for and assist those in your group who have not previously been baptized in the Holy Spirit.
2. Those who have already received the baptism of the Holy Ghost should spend some time praying and giving praise in the heavenly language.
3. Special attention should be given to those of you who have just now been baptized in the Holy Spirit as part of this time spent together before God. Advise them how to continue using this gift. (This is the responsibility of the director of studies).
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - The gateway to the gifts of the Holy Spirit

In lesson 1 we received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and started speaking in other languages. We have now passed through the entrance to the supernatural. When you receive baptism in the Holy Spirit and speak in new languages, you enter a new area of the supernatural.
In this section we will turn to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Video | The gateway to the gifts of the Holy Spirit
mp3 | The gateway to the gifts of the Holy Spirit
The apostle Paul emphasized the importance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to all believers, to whom he wrote: But I will not leave you in ignorance of the gifts of the Spirit, dear brothers. (1. Corinthians 12: 1).
A. Nine revealed gifts
Paul taught about the differences, the activities, and the manifestations each of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.
1. Corinthians 12: 4-10 | They are different gifts, but it is a spirit. And there are different offices, but there is one gentleman. And there are different forces, but there is one God who works everything in everyone. In each one the Spirit reveals itself for the benefit of all; one is given by the Spirit to speak of wisdom; the other is given to speak of knowledge according to the same spirit; another belief, in the same spirit; in another the gift to heal in one spirit, in another the power to perform miracles; to others the gift of distinguishing spirits; to another various ways of speaking in tongues; another the gift of interpreting them.
B. For all believers
Notice that Paul teaches in verse 7 that these gifts were revealed and given for the benefit of all. Believers will not gain the amount of gain in their lives that God intended them to do unless all the gifts are used. Paul also teaches in this verse that all nine of these gifts are given to each individual. It is clear from this verse that every believer, through the supernatural empowerment of the Holy Spirit, should engage in all nine gifts according to his destiny.
C. Instructions for Public Use
Every believer should participate in the use of the gifts when they come together for a common meeting. Just as every limb functions in accordance with signals from the brain, so every believer should participate in the development of the gifts under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
1. Corinthians 12: 11-12 | But all this works by the same one spirit and assigns to each his own as he wants. For as the body is one and yet has many members, but all the members of the body, although they are many, are still one body: so also Christ.
Hebrews 2: 4 | And God gave testimony to this through signs, wonders and various mighty deeds and through the distribution of the Holy Spirit according to his will.
It is important that we learn to listen to the Holy Spirit.
We should be zealous, and sincerely desire that each of us surpass ourselves in the exercise of these gifts; not so that we look good, but so that the whole church is edified.
1. Corinthians14: 12 | So you too: since you strive for the gifts of the Spirit, strive to build up the community and have everything in abundance.
A. For the edification of the church
Jesus said he would build his church. His church is built or built up when these gifts are used. We cannot afford to be ignorant of the doctrine of gifts. But we have to study, practice and train ourselves in their use until we have reached a certain level of quality in the exercise of each individual gift.
We are bound to earnestly seek the exquisite exercise of these gifts in our lives. As soon as we discover a need in human life or in the body of Christ, we should strive to act with the most appropriate gift - the gift that can most effectively meet that need.
1. Peter 4: 10 | And serve one another, each one with the gift he has received, as good stewards of the various graces of God.
B. Serious desire for these gifts
1. Corinthians12: 31 | But strive for the greater gifts! And I want to show you an even better way.
The even better way to exercise these gifts is through faith, hope, and love, as described in chapter 13. The gifts are to be given in faith in order to provide fresh new hope for the church and for the lives of other people. We must always be motivated by God's love for others, not by our own pride.
C. Awaken the gifts
2. Timothy 1: 6 | For this reason I remind you that you awaken the gift of God that is within you by the laying on of my hands.
Romans 1: 11 | Because I long to see you, so that I can impart something to you in the form of a spiritual gift to strengthen you.
The effectiveness of these gifts was granted both through the laying on of hands by Paul and activated in the life of Timothy. It was now up to Timothy to awaken these gifts and to keep them burning in his own life and ministry. If we do the same, we will also be able to live and walk in the Spirit.
Galatians 5: 25 | If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.
The nine gifts of the Holy Ghost are important ministry tools for every believer. In order to better understand their function and their practice in our lives, we have divided them into three categories (three gifts per category).
These three categories are:
Gifts of linguistic inspiration (also called word gifts)
languages: Interpretation of the language prayer
prophecy: Revelations (listening)
Differentiate between the spirits
Word of knowledge
Word of wisdom
Gifts of power effects (doing)
Gifts of faith
Gifts of healing
To do miracles
A. Gifts of linguistic inspiration
The gifts of linguistic inspiration (word gifts) are manifestations of the Holy Spirit who speaks supernaturally - to or through us. When that happens, believers are strengthened, encouraged, and comforted, but never brought under condemnation.
The three gifts of linguistic inspiration are speaking in tongues, interpretation in tongues, and prophecy.
B. Revelatory gifts (listening)
The gifts of revelation are manifested when God supernaturally reveals the identity, nature, or activities of spirits, or when He supernaturally reveals knowledge or wisdom to His people. This revelation comes to our mind through our minds in the form of a thought, impression, feeling, dream or vision. The three gifts of revelation are the knowledge of the spirits (or also differentiation between spirits), the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom.
C. Gifts of power effects (doing)
Power effects are manifested from God by He lets his supernatural faith or his power work or flow through us. The three gifts of power effects are the gifts of faith, the gifts of healing and the doing of miracles.
Scripture distinguishes between the manifestation of speaking in tongues, which everyone received when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and the gift of tongues, which is used to convey a message to believers in a supernatural way. One is a language of praise or prayer to God, the other is a message from God to people. On the day of Pentecost they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to preach in other languages as the Spirit gave them to pronounce. (Acts 2: 4).
A. Angelic tongues or human language
This supernatural manifestation of speaking in tongues could either be a heavenly language called angel tongues (1. Corinthians 13: 1). Or it could be supernatural human language that is unknown to whoever speaks it, but can be understood by someone who lists.
Acts 2: 6-11b | When this roar happened, the crowd gathered and was dismayed; for everyone heard her speak in his own language. But they were astonished and astonished, and said, Behold, are not all these who speak from Galilee? How do we each hear their own mother tongue? ... we hear them speak in our languages of the great deeds of God.
B. Tongues: A way of praising God
All Spirit-filled believers who have experienced a manifestation of tongues as visible evidence of received Spirit baptism should continue to speak to God or sing to God daily in their supernatural language of praise. In doing this, they are speaking secrets in spirit.
1. Corinthians 14: 2 | For whoever speaks in tongues speaks not for people but for God; for nobody understands him, rather he speaks in the spirit of secrets.
We are edited by speaking in tongues. Paul said: He who speaks in tongues edifies himself ... (1. Corinthians 14: 4a)
C. Paul emphasized the importance of using tongues
Paul wrote: I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. (1. Corinthians 14: 18).
He also wrote: I wanted you all to speak in tongues ... (1. Corinthians 14: 5a) In verse 39 Paul says, ... don't stop speaking in tongues.
D. Tongues: A sign for unbelievers
The new languages are one of the signs that Jesus spoke of: but the signs that will follow those who believe are these: in my name they will cast out evil spirits and speak in new tongues (Mark 16: 17). When believers preach or spread the gospel, speaking in tongues is one of the supernatural signs which confirm the word to unbelievers.
This passage in Mark's Gospel ends with the following words in verse 20: But they went out and preached everywhere. And the Lord worked with them, confirming the word by the signs with the following.
When the supernatural sign of speaking in tongues appeared on the day of Pentecost, 3,000 souls were added to the community of believers.
Speech in tongues is practically the entrance to the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.
1. Read Romans 1: 11 and 2. Timothy 1: 6; How can you awaken the gift of God in you?
2. Formulate your own definition of each of the nine gifts of the Spirit.
(a) Tongues (language) speech:
(b) Interpretation of the speech:
(c) prophecy:
(d) Distinction between spirits:
(e) Word of Knowledge:
(f) Word of Wisdom:
(g) Gifts of Faith:
(h) Gifts of Healings:
(i) Performing miracles:
1. Share your views on the statement made in this lesson that "all nine of these gifts are given to each one" (with special reference to 1. Corinthians 12: 29-30).
2. What does it mean to act with the best gift?
3. What is the better way to exercise the gifts of the Holy Ghost?
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - The word gifts of the Spirit

In this lesson we will learn how to use the Holy Spirit's wordings properly. It is about the gift of speaking in tongues, the interpretation of speaking in tongues and prophecy. The tongue-in-cheek equips the spirit-filled believer with a supernatural prayer language.
Paul wrote: Whoever speaks in tongues, pray that he can also interpret it. For when I pray in tongues, my spirit prays; but what I have in mind remains fruitless. How should it be now? I want to pray with the spirit and also want to pray with the mind; I want to sing psalms with the spirit and also want to sing psalms with the mind (1. Corinthians 14: 13-15).
When I speak a language through the guidance of the Spirit, I enter an exciting, powerful area of prayer. My prayer is no longer limited by my lack of mind, which is fruitless. When I pray in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit prays through my Spirit in complete accordance with the will, knowledge, mind, and wisdom of God.
Romans 8: 26-27 | In the same way, the spirit also helps our weaknesses. For we do not know what to pray, as it should be; but the spirit itself represents us with unspeakable sighs. But he who searches the heart knows what the mind of the spirit is directed to; for he represents the yeasts as it pleases God.
When we pray in the Spirit, we can be sure that we are not asking for the wrong things. James writes: ... you ask and receive nothing because you ask with evil intent ... (James 4: 3)
When we pray in the Spirit, it often happens that the interpreting gift of tongues also takes effect, and then we begin to pray "with our minds" in our own language through supernatural revelation.
When we pray in tongues, we no longer pray with our fruitless minds or are filled with fear in prayer over problems. Rather, we take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and pray at all times with petitions and supplications in the Spirit ... Ephesians 6: 17b-18a).
A. God speaks through the gift of speaking in tongues
The speaking gifts will always bring strength, encouragement, and comfort rather than condemnation.
1. Corinthians 14: 3 | But whoever speaks prophetically speaks to people for edification, as an admonition and for consolation.
B. It needs to be judged.
The message conveyed by these gifts is subject to the fallibility of a human vessel and therefore must never be given the same authority as Scripture. Instead, it must be judged by the audience as to whether or not it is a true and reliable message from God.
1. Corinthians 14: 29 | Let two or three speak of the prophets and let the others judge them.
C. A definition of the gift of speaking in tongues
The gift of speaking in tongues is a supernatural linguistic expression of inspiration from the Holy Spirit using our natural voice. God speaks to believers through this gift when it is used with the gift of interpretation. The believer who exercises this gift does not understand the language that comes out of his (or her) mouth.
D. Interpretation of speaking in tongues
Expressions of praise to God that occur in prayer in tongues do not require any interpretation. However, if God wants to speak to believers by means of speaking in tongues, it must be interpreted, either by the one delivering the message in tongues or by someone else.
1. Corinthians 14: 13 | So whoever speaks in tongues pray that he can interpret it.
The gift of interpretation in tongues is a supernatural demonstration of the Spirit, with which a certain explanation or meaning in the language of the believer is brought to light, which in turn relates to a verbal utterance of a message in an unknown language. It is not a rational approach. Rather, it is given by the Spirit of God.
The interpretation of speaking in tongues may be given to a believer whom God wants him to use at a particular time. This can happen through an impression, through a vision or even just with the initial values. If we venture further in faith, God will fill our mouths with more words until the full interpretation of the message to be conveyed by tongues is brought on.
In Corinth there was confusion regarding the order and the practice of speaking in the church. Paul’s writings show that many spoke in tongues at the same time without giving any space for interpretation. This resulted in disorder, which prompted Paul to issue clear instructions for the use of the speaking gifts within a service.
1. Corinthians 14: 27 | When someone speaks in tongues, there are two or at most three, and one after the other; and someone will interpret it.
1. Corinthians 14: 19, 28 | But in the church I would rather speak five words with my mind so that I can teach others than ten thousand words in tongues. But if there is no interpreter, let him be silent in the community and speak for himself and for God.
If a message is conveyed to the church in tongues with no interpretation, the result can only be confusion and disorder. If no one can be found exercising the gift of interpreting in tongues, it would be better to convey the message than prophecy in a language that can be understood. In this way, the one who prophesies is of far greater value to the church.
1. Corinthians 14: 5 | I wanted you all to speak in tongues; but much more that you could speak prophetically. For he who speaks prophetically is greater than he who speaks in tongues; unless he also interprets it so that it might edify the church.
In Corinth, it appears that many church members praised God during extended periods of speaking in tongues during worship. Paul told them that it would be better for them to praise God in tongues in private. At the same time, when they come together, if God wanted to speak to them through the gift of speaking in tongues, they should not oppose this speech, but wait for God's interpretation. Furthermore, it would be of even greater value if they could prophesy God's message using their natural language.
Joel 3: 1 | And after this I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy ...
1. Samuel 10: 6 | The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, that you will be raptured with them; there you will be transformed and become a different person.
The gift of prophecy is a spontaneous, supernatural linguistic expression of inspiration in a familiar language that strengthens, encourages, and comforts the body of Christ. It is a message that comes directly from God and that edifies the individual or the whole community.
Prophecy tells us only a limited part of God's knowledge about a particular matter. Paul writes: For our knowledge is piecemeal, and our prophetic speaking is piecemeal. (1. Corinthians 13: 9).
A. The desire for prophecy
Paul writes: Strive for love! Strive for the gifts of the Spirit, but most of all for the gift of prophetic speech! I wanted you all to speak in tongues; but much more that you could speak prophetically. For he who speaks prophetically is greater than he who speaks in tongues; unless he also interprets it so that it might edify the church. Therefore, dear brothers, strive for prophetic speech. (1. Corinthians 14: 1, 1. Corinthians 14: 5, 1. Corinthians 14: 39a)
B. It needs to be judged
1. Corinthians 14: 29-32 - Let two or three speak of the prophets, too, and let the others judge them. But if a revelation is made to another who is sitting by, the first keep silent. You can all speak prophetically, one at a time, so that everyone learns and everyone is admonished. The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
A. Is it in accordance with Scripture?
Galatians 1: 8 | But even if we or an angel from heaven were to preach to you a gospel that is different from what we have preached it to you, that be cursed.
B. What fruits are shown in the life of the Prophet ’s life?
Matthew 7: 15-16a | Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves. You shall recognize them by their fruit.
C. Does it glorify God?
John 16: 13a-14 | But when that, the spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will glorify me; for he will take from mine and announce it to you.
Revelation 19: 10b | But the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
D. Has it been fulfilled?
Deuteronomy 18: 21-22 | But if you were to say in your heart, How can I know what word the Lord has spoken? - If the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, and nothing comes of it, and it does not come into being, then that is a word that the Lord has not spoken. The prophet spoke it out of presumption; therefore do not be afraid of him.
E. Does it lead to God or does it lead away from Him?
Deuteronomy 13: 2-4a | When a prophet or dreamer gets up among you and proclaims a sign or a miracle ... and he says: Let us follow other gods whom you do not know and serve them, if you shall not obey the words of such a prophet ...
F. Does it lead to freedom or bondage?
Romans 8: 15a | Because you did not receive a servile spirit that you had to fear again ...
G. Is the message confirmed by the inner testimony of the Spirit?
1. John 2: 20 | Yet you have the anointing from him who is holy and all have the knowledge ...
If the message is from God, there will be an inner witness through the Spirit. If the message does not confirm what God has already told you through your spirit, it is necessary to wait for this confirmation before taking the appropriate action. Do not allow anyone unknown to your spiritual leaders to prophesy about you without one of those leaders present to judge this prophecy.
Passing on a prophecy:
Wait until you know for sure that you've heard something from God. Wait for God's time to share the prophecy. Wait for a spiritual leader to assess prophecy. Say it in a natural voice in a contemporary language. Avoid extreme emotions and nervous repetitions. .
1. Corinthians 14: 32 | The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
Edification, admonition and consolation:
The most important thing is that you should receive prophecy only when it is in harmony with the testimony of your Spirit. Remember Paul's words: But whoever speaks prophetically speaks to people for edification and exhortation and consolation (1. Corinthians 14: 3).
How wonderful it is that God still uses His people today to communicate through the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
1. Identify the threefold purpose of prophecy in worship meetings found in 1. Corinthians 14: 3.
2. Who should judge whether a prophetic utterance is from God or not?
3. Write down the instructions for using the speeches in ward meetings according to the following sections of scripture:
(a) 1. Corinthians 14: 27
(b) 1. Corinthians 14; 19, 1. Corinthians 14: 28
(c) 1. Corinthians 14: 5
4. Who should speak, interpret, and prophesy in tongues (according to 1. Corinthians 14: 1, 1. Corinthians 14: 5, 1. Corinthians 14: 39)?
5. State in your own words which guidelines you should follow if you want to convey a prophetic message.
1. Form small groups and exercise the speaking gifts of the Spirit by speaking in tongues and either by the person speaking or by someone else in the group providing the interpretation.
2. Everyone receiving a prophetic message is encouraged to share it in your small group.
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - The gifts of prophecy

In this lesson we will learn a lot about the gifts of revelation. God speaks today and He still reveals things to His people.
God's revelation for His people always happens through one of the three revelations of the Holy Spirit. These gifts - recognition of the spirits, word of knowledge and word of wisdom - are important tools that are used in the daily life of the believer.
This gift is probably the most needed but also the most neglected of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jesus warned: For false Christs and false prophets will arise and do great signs and wonders so that, if possible, they will deceive the elect too. (Matthew 24: 24).
We will not be deceived when we learn how to use this important gift of the Holy Ghost.
The word "knowing" used here has often been confused with "insight" and so this gift has been mistakenly called "the gift of insight" in some circles. Human insight is an activity of the mind or a part of the soul. In contrast, this gift is a supernatural one which is used by our spirit after receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit.
The Greek word, which was translated as "recognize", means "a clear distinction". Perhaps this gift can be described more precisely with the term, which the Luther translation (and the English NIV) also uses, "differentiation of spirits".
A. Definition of gift
The gift of discerning spirits is a supernatural insight into the realm of power of the spirit world. It reveals the kind of spirit, but also spirits, that are behind a person, situation, action or message. It is a knowledge in your spirit, which is given to you through supernatural revelation and which concerns the origin, the nature and the procedure of any spirit.
This makes it possible on the one hand to make a clear distinction and on the other hand to identify the presence of a spirit. With the use of this gift, the following can be identified:
The presence of God.
The presence and effectiveness of the Holy Spirit.
The presence and function of the holy angels.
The essence of a human mind.
The presence of Satan.
The presence and mode of action of evil spirits (demons).
B. The purpose of this gift
1. Bound saints can be delivered.
2. The plans of Satan can be known.
3. The communion of saints can be saved from the influence of sin.
4. False revelation can be exposed.
C. Spirits of Deception
1. Timothy 4: 1-2 | But the Spirit clearly says that in the bad times some will fall away from the faith and cling to seductive spirits and diabolical doctrines, tempted by the hypocrisy of lying speakers who have a stigma on their conscience.
2. Timothy 3: 13 | But with bad people and deceivers, the longer it gets, the worse: they seduce and are seduced.
D. Test the spirits
E. The spirit of truth and the spirit of error
Paul warned: For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, and pretend to be Christ's apostles. And that's no wonder either; for he himself, Satan, disguises himself as an angel of light. It is therefore nothing great if his servants disguise themselves as servants of justice; their end will be after their works. (2. Corinthians 11: 13-15).
A. An example: The maid with the divination spirit
When the maid ran after Paul with the divination spirit and said good things about him, he used the gift of discernment between spirits and in this way recognized this "spirit of prophecy" in her. He turned and said to the spirit: I. in the name of Jesus Christ command you to come out of her (Acts 16: 16-18)
B. Casting out the spirits
Jesus said that we believers would cast out evil spirits (Mark 16: 17). According to Luke 10: 19-20, Jesus gave us the power to “step on serpents and scorpions and over all power of the enemy; and nothing will harm you. "
The word of knowledge is a supernatural revelation of the Holy Spirit regarding certain facts. which can be in the present as well as in the past. about a person or situation that one has not appropriated through the natural mind. This realization reaches our mind through our spirit. Often the natural thoughts of the mind are interrupted by this. It comes across as a thought, word, name, feeling, impression, vision, or as an "inner certainty". Just as a word is only a small part of a sentence, the word of knowledge is only a small part of God's complete knowledge of the situation.
A. The intention behind the Word of Knowledge.
This supernatural "knowledge" revealed to the believer seeks to help and contribute to perfecting God's purposes with His people. It is intended to give glory to God and not to men. It helps us to serve positively and effectively. It will warn of danger, bring encouragement, convict of sin, and keep us "on the right track" in our daily life and ministry.
B. Jesus performed his ministry using the word of knowledge - John 5: 19-20
* How can we do greater works than Jesus? The key is simply to learn how to properly use the revelatory gifts.
C. The example of Paul
Paul served in the Word of Knowledge when he saw in the Spirit “that the crippled man in Lystra had faith that he would be healed.
Acts 14: 9 | And when this [Paul] looked at him and saw that he believed that he could be helped, he said in a loud voice, "Stand up straight on your feet!" And he jumped up and walked around (Acts 14: 9b-10).
Often times the word of knowledge comes to us about an individual when we look or touch that person in the eye. The key is to learn to listen to the Holy Ghost and to await in faith its use.
The gift of the word of wisdom is a supernatural revelation of the Holy Spirit, which gives the believer a share in God's wisdom so that he can continue on a chosen path of service, which is based on natural or supernatural knowledge. This reveals God's plan and purpose for our life and service to His kingdom. It reveals what God intends for us immediately, soon, and in the medium or long term. This gift reveals what an individual or a whole community should do, or how they should move forward in God's will. The word of wisdom often works with the word of knowledge. They often appear together.
A. The word of wisdom is not a natural gift of wisdom. It's a word or a saying. It is only part of the whole. Paul: For our knowledge is piecemeal and our prophetic speaking is piecemeal (1. Corinthians 13: 9).
Like the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom also often interrupts our natural thoughts when it reaches our minds. It then comes across as an impression or a vision in which we see ourselves in the mind doing something in a certain way before we actually do it.
B. The gifts of the Word of Knowledge and the Word of Wisdom work so closely together that it is sometimes difficult to separate one from the other. One reveals the facts in a supernatural way, while the other provides the wisdom. what to do with these facts.
1. The example of Jesus: When Jesus served the woman at Jacob's Well, He knew through the word of knowledge that she had had five husbands and that the man she was living with now was not her husband. The rational mind would have called for them to be stoned. However, Jesus also received a word of wisdom about how to meet her so effectively that she and many others might be saved. (John 4: 19-29).
2. When Jesus found out that his friend Lazarus was sick, he already knew through a word of knowledge that he was dead. But he could also say through a word of wisdom: This sickness is not for death, but for the glory of God, so that through it the Son of God might be glorified (John 11: 4). Then in John 11: 14, Jesus clearly tells them, "Lazarus died."
Jesus knew what to do and what to say through the word of wisdom. It was clear to him that he would have to postpone his trip to Bethany by four days in order to be able to raise Lazarus from the dead and say to Martha: Your brother will be resurrected. (John 11: 23b).
3. The Example of Peter and Others Peter was prepared to go to the house of Cornelius, even though he was a pagan, because he had received a word of knowledge in the form of a vision while he was on the roof of Simon the tanner in Joppa . He received another word of knowledge when the spirit said to him: "Look, three men are looking for you". "This revelation was continued in a word of wisdom:" ... so get up, go down and go with them and others not, for I have sent them. " (Acts 10: 19-20).
By the word of wisdom, Ananias was sent to Judas in the street called Straight, to lay hands on Paul. Agabus was warned of an impending famine and of Paul's imprisonment. Paul received the warning regarding the coming storm and the shipwreck.
The revelations prepare us for effective service.
The revelations prepare us for future events and thus save our lives.
In the lesson on the gifts of power we will see how the revealed gifts can set free the gifts of faith and miracles, and how they work together in the gifts of healing.
Study the following passages of scripture and summarize the gifts that are used in each and the relationships between them.
1. John 4: 5-26
1. Discuss the characteristics of various spirits that may be at work in any situation or encounter, and how we can distinguish between them and the Spirit of God. Provides examples.
2. How can we deal with it when we recognize the work of evil geysers in a situation?
3. How is it possible for believers in Christ to do greater works than Christ himself (according to John 14: 12)?
4. How do the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge complement each other in their functioning?
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - The powers of the Holy Spirit

The gifts of the effects of power are the manifestations of the power of God, which are done by us through the gift of faith, the miracle work and the gifts of healing.
The sayings and powers both work closely with the revelations of the Holy Spirit as soon as these gifts unfold and work together. For this reason, it is important that every believer be trained and practically trained to use all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The gift of faith is a supernatural belief for a specific time and a specific purpose. It is a gift of strength to achieve a very specific task - in exactly the situation in which you find yourself at a particular point in time.
This gift is bestowed when it is needed for a particular task that is either immediate or in the near future. Once the word of wisdom has been given to us and the "how" of a task has been defined, the gift of faith is incited to boldly carry out the task according to the plan already laid out by God.
A. Receiving the gift of faith
This gift is received in the exercise of the revelatory gifts. supernatural faith seizes the believer when the gift of the word of wisdom heralds an early demonstration of God's power. It sets us free to act boldly based on the revelation we have just received.
B. The manifestation of the gift of faith
Often times the gift of faith is associated with the use of the gift of miracles and the gifts of healing. It can show itself by issuing a powerful commandment. Jesus said to the storm: Be silent and be silent! He called out in a loud voice at his friend's grave: Lazarus, come out!
After God has given a revelation through the word of wisdom about what he wants to have done, the gift of faith comes on the believer to accomplish the task. The particular belief shows itself when the plan of how to proceed has been revealed through a word of wisdom. This sets the believer free to act boldly based on what God has given them. When the gift of faith is given, it is no longer difficult to believe. We know what God's Word is saying and we know His will about the situation. We know that God's power that is within us is about to be revealed in a release of power. We act boldly and unleash the supernatural gift of faith through miracles or the gifts of healings.
C. The gift of faith releases boldness.
Often times, the gift of faith frees us to make bold statements through supernatural revelation.
1. Jesus said to the fig tree, Now never grow more fruit on you! (Matthew 21:19).
2. Peter said to Saphira, "... See, the feet of those who buried your husband are at the door and will also carry you out." And immediately she fell to the ground at his feet, and gave the Spirit (Acts 5: 9-11).
3. Paul said to Elymas the magician, “You son of the devil, full of all cunning and all wickedness, you enemy of all righteousness, do you not cease to twist the straight ways of the Lord? And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is coming on you, and you shall be blind and not see the sun for a while! "Immediately darkness and darkness fell on him, and he went about looking for someone to lead him by the hand (Acts 13: 10-11).
4. The Example of David and Goliath Young David received a word of wisdom that could unleash a gift of faith when he met the giant Goliath. Undaunted, David said to King Saul: Because of him, let no one lose heart; your servant will go and fight this Philistine. (1. Samuel 17: 32).
Then David said to the Philistine, You come to me with sword, lance and spear, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the host of Israel, whom you have mocked. Today the Lord will deliver you into my hand, that I will kill you and cut your head off ... (1. Samuel 17: 45-46).
5. The Fiery Example - Daniel 3: 16-18.
The working of miracles is a supernatural intervention in the ordinary course of nature. It is a supernatural demonstration of the power of God with which the laws of nature are changed, suspended or controlled.
A. Working miracles in practice
The miracle work begins with knowledge, which often comes from a word of knowledge. Next we get a word of wisdom with which we can see ourselves doing a miracle in a supernatural way before it actually happens. This unleashes a gift of faith and we bravely begin to do what we saw ourselves doing when we received the word of wisdom.
It is called "working miracles" or "doing miracles" because we were an active participant in the miracle that happened. What we "see" ourselves doing through the Word of Wisdom, which the gift of faith has brought about, we begin to undauntedly do by serving in the situation.
B. It's easy to do miracles.
When we become aware of this simple and rapid process in the interaction of the gifts of the Holy Spirit involved, we realize that it is just as easy to use the gift of miracles as it is to convey a message in tongues or to exercise any other gift of the Holy Spirit .
C. The Example of Moses - Exodus 7: 9; Exodus 14: 13-16
D. The Example of Elias and Elias - Dividing the Jordan - 2. Kings 2: 8, 2. Kings 2: 13-14
E. The miracles of Jesus
1. The first miracle of Jesus happened in Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine. Before Jesus gave the servants the instructions on how to fill the water jars, they had received instructions from Mary, the mother of Jesus: Do whatever he tells you to do. (John 2: 5).
If we want to engage in the supernatural gift of miracles, we must first hear Him speak to us and then simply obey what He has said. Working miracles is an act of obedience to what we have heard from God.
Other miracles of Jesus:
2. By working miracles Jesus raised the widow's son, he walked on the water and fed the four thousand with seven loaves of bread and a few fish.
3. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he first received a word of knowledge that Lazarus had died. Next, he received a word of wisdom about when and how to raise him from the dead. This word of wisdom triggered the gift of faith with a correspondingly bold appearance. Jesus stood in front of the tomb and began to do what He had seen himself doing through the word of wisdom. He ordered them to roll away the stone and then called out in a loud voice: Lazarus, come out!
A. Walking on the water.
When Jesus came to them walking on the water, the disciples were frightened. But immediately Jesus said to them: “Be of good cheer, it is me; do not be afraid. "
And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water. "
And he said: “Come here. “And Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came towards Jesus (Matthew 14: 27-29).
If we are to be used in miracles, we must overcome our fear of failure as well as our fear of being ridiculed. We have to get out of the secured area of our traditional boat. Notice Peter's fervent desire to walk in the supernatural gifts when he said: ... command me to come to you on the water. Peter received the word of wisdom and the gift of faith when he heard the voice of Jesus say: Come here! Peter obeyed instantly, got out of the boat and began working miracles as he walked on the water.
B. The Great Haul of Fish - Luke 5: 4-7
C. Working miracles for believers today
Peter had fished all night without catching anything. Many, like Peter, have tried to act according to their own knowledge.
Like Peter, we have to say: But on your word ... We have to take time to hear him speak, to receive his word through the revelations (the differentiation of spirits, the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom). Faith will come upon us and we must be ready to obey immediately and immerse ourselves in the supernatural gift of To venture into miracle work.
John 14: 12 | Verily, verily, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do, and he will do greater than these; because I'm going to the father.
Take your Bible and make a list of four examples each from the Old Testament and the New Testament where the gifts of faith and miracles are used and which are not referred to in this lesson.
Do you need a miracle in your life Write it down below, pray and ask God.
1. Discuss how the gift of faith works in believers today.
2. Share the relationship of the gift of faith to miracle working.
3. Bear testimony of miracles recently witnessed in your own life or in others.
4. Do you think that God is still working miracles through believers today? Do you feel the need for miracles in your life or in a particular situation?
Become one in your small group and come to God with faith in prayer that He will work the miracles you need.
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - The gifts of healing

The gifts of healing are supernatural assignments of God's healing power to people who need healing. They are described as gifts (in the plural) because many of the other nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are actively involved when we serve the sick in healing. The gifts are also spoken of in the plural because there are many ways. To pass on healing to the sick or to serve them.
The person. which receives the healing. is also the recipient of the gifts of healing. It is as if we are the postman who simply delivers these gifts to others.
Often times, demonic spirits of weakness are the root cause of a person's illness or suffering. These spirits of weakness can also be identified by their specific function as spirits of osteoarthritis or as spirits of cancer.
Very often when someone has an illness that is medically and scientifically incurable, it is caused by a demonic spirit of weakness. In exercising the gift of discernment of spirits, the Holy Spirit "puts his finger" on the root of evil.
Luke 11: 20 | But if I drive out the evil spirits with God's fingers, then the kingdom of God has come to you.
* The finger of God could mean a revelation from the Holy Spirit here.
Liberation casts out that spirit and sets that person free from that weakness and the symptoms of the disease.
A. The Example of the Woman with the Spirit of Illness - Luke 13: 11-13, Luke 13: 16
B. The example of Jesus casting out a dumb spirit
Matthew 9: 32-33a | When they had gone out, behold, they brought to him a man who was dumb and possessed. But when the evil spirit was cast out, the mute spoke.
This man was said to be possessed by a demon. The only symptom was that he could not speak until the mute spirit was cast out.
In both of these examples, Jesus was very effective in His ministry. He went straight to the root of the problem using the gift of discernment of spirits.
Often, when ministries in the gifts of healing are performed, God reveals a word of knowledge about a particular disease that He wants to heal. Through this gift we can supernaturally know the name of the disease, the name of the organ or body part or the painful area in need of healing. Often times it comes as a feeling of discomfort, pressure, tingling, pain, or sensation in that part of our body. It may come as an impression or a vision of the part of the body that God wants healing through us.
When we do so when we serve an individual, we are usually guided by the Spirit to tell that person what God has revealed to us and ask if we can assist them with healing ministry on that particular part of their body.
A. Passing on healing through the word of knowledge
When we serve a group of people, we may be led to say, "God shows me that there is someone here who is in a certain condition and God wants you to receive the healing right now."
Whatever God reveals, He always heals!
B. The word of knowledge sometimes points to a specific person
A large number of the sick were gathered at the pool of Betesda: the blind, the cripples and the paralyzed. However, Jesus was led to one man by the Spirit.
John 5: 5-6; John 5: 8-9a | But there was a person there who lay sick for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying down and heard that he had been lying down for so long, he said to him: "Do you want to get well?"
Sometimes God directs our attention to a specific person as we serve in the Word of Knowledge. He may give us the name of the person or we may feel a "pull in the spirit" towards that particular person.
The gift of the word of wisdom is a supernatural allocation of God's wisdom that reveals which next steps we should take in a course of action so that a particular need can be effectively met. This gives us the wisdom of knowing what to do with the knowledge that we have already received naturally or supernaturally. It reveals the best ways to serve in accordance with God's plan and purposes in the face of need.
It is important that we take the time to listen to and understand the Father's will. Only in this way can we know if, for whom, when, where and how He wants us to take care of a need.
John 8: 28 | Then Jesus said to them, When you will exalt the Son of Man, you will know that it is me and that I do nothing of myself, but that I speak as the Father taught me.
John 14: 10 | Don't you think that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I speak to you, I do not speak of myself. And the Father who lives in me does his works.
Through the word of wisdom, Jesus was not only led to a specific man at the Betesda pond. He did his healing ministry to people in many ways. He put his hands on them, He put his finger in their ears. He touched her tongue with saliva, He cast out the spirits and He even healed by speaking just one word.
A. The word of wisdom in Paul's healing ministry
Paul also did his healing ministry in the most varied of ways, just as he knew himself to be guided by the action of the word of knowledge. Paul served healing by the laying on of hands and by placing his handkerchiefs and other handkerchiefs on the sick. Paul raised the young Eutychus from the dead by lying on him and hugging him.
Before Paul served Publius's father, Paul first prayed (apparently to receive a word of wisdom regarding the manner in which this man was healed) and then laid hands on him and healed him.
Acts 28: 8 | It happened, however, that Publius's father fell ill with fever and dysentery. Paul also went in and prayed and put his hands on him and healed him.
B. Receive a word of knowledge regarding healing
The knowledge that someone needs to be cured of a certain illness can come to us either naturally or supernaturally through the word of knowledge. At this point we should stop and listen to the Spirit to see if He wants to teach us through a word of wisdom instructions on how to give this person healing.
The word of wisdom usually comes through an impression or a vision where we see ourselves in the healing ministry of that person. Sometimes God gives us a word that guides us to proceed in a certain way so that we can encounter the root of the evil and not just the apparent symptom.
The gift of faith imparts a supernatural belief at a specific time and purpose. It is a gift of strength that brings a defined task to completion regardless of the external circumstances of a situation at a specific point in time.
Sometimes, we are faced with the need for a creative miracle, or serving a person in need of healing requires a higher level of faith than what has grown in our lives. God will then, in a supernatural way, give us a special faith so that regardless of human "impossibilities" we can be certain without a doubt that we will experience a full manifestation of this healing.
Sometimes people come to us who are missing individual body parts due to birth defects, operations or accidents. Perhaps our faith has not yet grown to the point where we can trust God to perform the desired miracle. However, perhaps through a word of wisdom we have a vision in which we see ourselves courageously serving ourselves in such a way that the miracle of creation is before our eyes before it actually happens.
When we receive such a word of wisdom through a vision, the gift of faith is set free and we know without a doubt that a miracle will occur through our service; just as we saw it happen in our minds.
The gift of faith in practice
Peter and John received a gift of faith the day they saw the lame man near the gate of the temple.
Acts 3: 6-8 | But Peter said, I have neither silver nor gold; but what I have, I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and go about. And he took him by the right hand and raised him up. Immediately his feet and ankles became firm, he jumped up, could walk and stand, and went with them to the temple, ran and jumped about, praising God.
After receiving the word of knowledge, we received a vision or an impression in the spirit of a miracle that occurred before we began the healing ministry to a particular person in need of a creation miracle.
At that moment we received a gift of faith. From then on, there is no longer any trouble in believing. Rather, we know without a doubt that the miracle will also occur through our courageous healing ministry - just as we saw it in the Spirit.
Undaunted, we begin to put into practice what we have already seen ourselves doing in the spirit. In doing so, we are bringing the gift of miracle working to fruition.
Mark 3: 3-5b | And he said to the man with the withered hand: Come out! ... and said to the person: Stretch out your hand! And he stretched it out; and his hand became well.
The gifts of healing require every believer to be trained to exercise all the gifts of revelation and power of the Holy Spirit and to allow them to unfold in practice.
1. What is your view: does any servant have the gifts of healings or is he just a means to an end in passing the gift?
2. What attitude on your part do you think is essential to be able to operate with the gifts of the Holy Ghost?
3. Write down your personal impressions or feelings that you had when you tried to activate the gifts such as word of knowledge, word of wisdom, the gifts of faith, healings and miracles in your small group or in specific service situations .
Gather in groups and learn to activate the gifts of the Holy Spirit in you by releasing the gifts of the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, and the gift of faith in healing and miracles.
Serve one another in your group and from now on be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in your service situations and let Him release the gifts in you.
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - Healing ministry and mission command

In this lesson, we study the relationship between the mission command and healing.
As Jesus prepared to leave this earth and return to his Father, He gathered His believers on the Mount of Olives to give them their final instructions. This is called the missionary order (the great commission).
A. For every believer
This command applies not only to the first apostles. It was given not only to those who would serve in the fivefold ministry of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists. Jesus was very specific. He gave this commission to those who believe. This mission command applies to every believer today.
B. Every creature
Every believer is challenged to fearlessly preach the gospel to all creatures. Jesus said: And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all peoples, and then the end will come (Matthew 24: 14).
To preach means to proclaim or to bring the gospel close to everyone. It is of secondary importance whether there is a crowd or whether it happens as with Philip, who sat down in the car with the Ethiopian eunuch.
C. Signs will follow those who believe
Everywhere Jesus went, He cast out demons and brought healing to the sick. Today He commands all who call themselves His followers to do the same. Those who believe are destined to cast out demons and speak in new tongues ...
Jesus did not say these signs would follow those who doubted whether such a thing could really happen through their own hands. Nor did he say that these signs would follow those who only vaguely hoped for them. Rather, he said that they would only follow those who believed that they would actually occur.
Faithful trust should grow in our spirit when God reveals these words to us as a direct message. If we who are spirit filled believers really believe in these words of Jesus, the signs will follow too. At that time the last eleven words of Jesus were spoken according to the Gospel of Mark. These were His final instructions before He was lifted up to His Father. Those were his most important instructions; Words that he wished would ring in the ears of those "who believe".
Mark 16:18 | They will lay hands on the sick and they will get better.
D. Confirm the word by characters
Mark 16: 20 | But they went out and preached everywhere. And the Lord worked with them, confirming the word by the signs with the following.
Signs are to follow every believer when the gospel is preached or spread. One of the most important signs that we are destined to follow in our daily life and ministry as believers is laying our hands on the sick.
If we do that, Jesus will work with us right there and confirm His Word to the lost through signs, miracles and healings that are to follow every single believing Christian.
Everywhere Jesus went during His earthly ministry, these signs followed Him.
Matthew 9: 35 | And Jesus went round about every town and village, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all diseases and sicknesses.
Luke 4: 18-19 | The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to preach to the prisoners that they should be free, and the blind to see, and the broken, that they should be free and unmarried, to proclaim the year of grace of the Lord.
A. Jesus, our example
Jesus said: Verily, verily, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do, and he will do greater things than these; because I'm going to the father. (John 14: 12).
Many have read these words and thought, “How can we even do the same works that Jesus did? How can it even be that Jesus should be our example and expect us to do the same works that He did? After all, He was the eternal, almighty Son of God. "
B. Son of God privileges - temporarily disabled
It is important to understand that when Jesus came to earth, He came as the "last Adam." While he was still true God, He temporarily renounced His divine rights and came as a human.
As God, He was omnipresent (present everywhere at the same time). As a human, however, He could only be in one place at a time. As God, He was omniscient. As a human being, however, after the woman had touched Him with the flow of blood, He asked: "Who touched me?" And looked around searchingly to find out who it was. As God He was omnipotent reported no miracles from the first 30 years of Jesus' life.
However, when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan and the Holy Spirit filled Him with power, miracles suddenly happened everywhere He went. Just as we should do, Jesus worked in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew about some facts through the supernatural revelations of the Holy Spirit - just as it is promised to us.
C. If Jesus could do it, so can we
Jesus is uniquely qualified to be our example. His service was not done in His power as the Son of God. Rather, he served as a person on this earth through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So we can boldly say, “If Jesus could do it, so can we. We can and will do His supernatural works here on earth. "Think
because Jesus said: ... whoever believes in me will do the works that I do ...
D. Jesus' compassion for the lost - Matthew 9: 36-38
Jesus doesn't want anyone to be lost. Everyone needs to hear the good news of salvation. He preferred not to do this alone, but rather to multiply himself in our lives.
Jesus began sending workers into His harvest by sending out His twelve disciples. He gave them directions to go and do the exact same works that He himself had done. (compare Matthew 10: 1, Matthew 10: 7-8).
A. Then the seventy - Luke 10: 1-9
* As we impart healing to the sick, we bring the kingdom of God down to earth. Jesus multiplied himself into the twelve and then into the seventy. They were sent out to preach the gospel of the kingdom. They were sent out to do the exact same works that He had done.
B. Today every believer
From today's perspective, the work of the earthly Jesus is finished. He left the earth again, but it is not intended that His works should stop. You have only just begun! He multiplied himself and his ministry in the shape of the lives of all believers.
All believers are called to go into all the world and preach the gospel. All believers should cast out demons, speak in new tongues and lay their hands on the sick so that they will be better off.
As believers, Peter and John took the lame man by the hand and said, In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, get up and go about! The man ran and jumped and praised God and the church grew to 5,000 people that day.
Philip, a believer who served as a deacon in the Jerusalem church, went to Samaria and preached Christ there.
Acts 8: 6-8 | And the people, with one accord, bowed to what Philip said as they listened to him and saw the signs he was doing. For the unclean spirits came out with great shouts from many possessed, and many paralyzed and crippled people were healed; and there was great joy in this city.
Paul went to Ephesus to teach the gospel there, and God performed extraordinary miracles at the hands of His servant. Even handkerchiefs and other handkerchiefs that he wore on his skin were brought to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out. (Acts 19: 11-12).
As a result, all who lived in Asia Minor heard the word of the Lord Jesus - Jews and Greeks alike. (Acts 19: 10).
In our time, God is again instituting apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to equip the saints for the service of the kingdom of God. This work in God's service is meant for every saint. Today all believers stand up like a mighty army trained and prepared for evangelism by miracles.
If every believer continues to preach the gospel to all creatures, we can and will reach our cities, nations, and all of our world with the gospel of Jesus Christ before his early coming.
1. Study Mark 16: 15-20 and make a list of all the commandments and promises you come across.
2. Who is called to keep these commandments and claim these promises?
3. Do you obey these commandments and do you claim these promises in various service situations?
4. Pray over your answer to question 3.
1. What is the relationship between the healing of the sick and the missionary order?
2. How is it possible for believers to do the same works that Jesus did?
3. What must today's believers do before the signs at Mark 16: 15-20 follow them?
4. Pray for one another.
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - The healing power of God

Paul wrote:. . .and my word and my sermon did not come with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of spirit and strength. (1. Corinthians 2: 4)
Paul's success was based on demonstrations of God's healing power in and through his ministry. The word proclaimed by Paul was confirmed by signs and miracles. Evangelism combined with miracle work is the key to reaching the lost.
A. Explosive power (dynamite) in Jesus
The word "force", which is used in Mark 5: 30, is based on the Greek word "dynamis". It is the same root form from which our words dynamic, dynamo or dynamite come. It was the most expressive word for explosive power in the Greek language.
The same Greek word is used for Jesus in Luke 4: 14 after the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the Jordan: And Jesus came back to Galilee in the power (dynamis) of the Holy Spirit ...
When the Holy Spirit came down on Jesus, He was filled with the "dynamis" power of God. He became a walking, highly explosive stick of dynamite.
John 1: 32 | And John testified, saying, I saw that the Spirit came down like a dove from heaven and stayed on him.
B. Power to heal the sick
The power of the Holy Spirit that was in Jesus was the power to heal the sick. One day when Jesus was teaching, many had come from the cities of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem, including the religious leaders.
Luke reports: ... And the power of the Lord was with him that he could heal. (Luke 5: 17). In the next chapter we read: And all the people tried to touch him; for power went out from him and he healed them all (Luke 6: 19).
Acts 19: 11-12 | And God did no small deeds through the hands of Paul. So they also held the handkerchiefs and other handkerchiefs that he wore on his skin over the sick, and the diseases went away from them, and the evil spirits came out.
The same explosive healing power that was in Jesus also flowed through the hands of Paul. God's healing power is so real and powerful that it could even be transferred into a piece of cloth and taken to a distant city. When these cloths were placed on a sick person's body, he was instantly healed and released.
A. Healing power is real and tangible
The power of God, which was in Jesus, was so real and tangible that He could feel that it had gone out from Him to the blood-flowing woman. Even though He was on his way to raise Jairus' daughter from death, He stopped immediately and said: Who touched me? He had felt his explosive power emanating from his body.
The healing power that was in Paul was so real and tangible that it could even be transmitted through a piece of cloth to bring healing and deliverance to the sick.
B. What does this have to do with me?
Many have already thought: “Yes, I know that this power was in Jesus! I also know that this power was in the great apostle Paul. But what does that have to do with me? I'm just an ordinary believer. "
Jesus said, "But you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit who will come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1: 8)
The word that stands for power here in the original text is "dynamis" (dynamite). Jesus was saying that when we receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we receive exactly the same power as it came from Jesus to the blood-flowing woman.
As spirit-filled believers, we have exactly the same power in us as Paul carried in his body when his handkerchiefs and other towels were taken to lay them on the sick.
As spirit-filled believers, we ourselves are walking sticks of dynamite!
Many have asked themselves: “If I already have all this power within me, why don't I see more people healed. Why am I not experiencing more miracles in my life? "
Just as it is possible today to sit in complete darkness in a room that is wired up with high voltage and equipped with electric light, so today many sit in the dark without knowing the power that is in them. Somebody just has to flip that switch and let the power flow. Faith is that switch!
Jesus said to the woman who had just been healed of her blood flow: My daughter, your faith has made you well. The key to receiving the healing power of God or to release it in its work is to turn the switch of faith.
A. The woman with the blood flow
Let's return to the story of the woman with the flow of blood (according to Mark 5: 25-34) and see how the belief that she would be healed entered her spirit. This woman had been bleeding from her body for twelve long years. According to Old Testament law, she was "an unclean woman." As such, she had to live apart from her family and friends. If she had been seen in public by any of the religious leaders, she would have been guilty of death by stoning.
Even if one of the many doctors had been able to stop her bleeding, she would not have been able to go in public until she went to the temple for the prescribed ritual ablution. She was lonely and desperate.
This woman had spent all of her money on treatment by many doctors. Each time her hopes had been dashed anew by bitter disappointments. She had suffered from the treatment of many medical professionals. She had spent everything she owned and was not doing better, but actually getting worse and worse (Mark 5: 26).
In the meantime she had run out of money and even if a specialist had been found, she would not have been able to afford any further treatment. She was desperate to death. She was not doing better, but went downhill with her. While she was getting weaker every day and she was certain of her imminent death, it seemed that all hope had left her.
B. Faith came by hearing the word
One day, while she was lying there in desperation, she heard about Jesus.
Mark 5: 27 | When she heard about Jesus, she came up from behind the crowd and touched his robe.
Romans 10: 17 | So faith comes from preaching, but preaching comes from the word of Christ.
The Greek word translated here as “word” is “rhema.” In contrast to the usual word (Greek: “logos”) of God, this verse makes it clear that faith springs from listening to the “rhema” of God. The "rhema" word is when God directs a personal word directly to our spirits through revelation. The Holy Spirit makes the word alive for us personally. There is a sudden realization of the truth, as if the light was just beginning We might exclaim, "WOW! God put a new verse in my Bible! I've never seen it like this before. That's the answer for me!"
When this woman heard about Jesus with the flow of blood, she received her personal "rhema" word from God. Faith occupied her spirit and she started moving.
James said: ... Faith without works (equivalent deeds) is dead (James 2: 20b).
When this woman was about to leave her home, her family may be trying to stop her by saying, “Mother, go back to bed and save your strength. Don't you know you're killing yourself with it? You could be stoned if one of the religious leaders sees you! "
When faith comes we know we will be healed. When faith comes, nothing can stop us like this woman. Even in her weakened condition, she made her way through the crowd after Him. Suddenly she must have noticed that the man who accompanied Jesus was Jairus, one of the rulers of the synagogue. Even knowing that she might be stoned couldn't stop her. She stretched out and touched his robe.
A. Faith speaks words of faith
If it is faith, then it is also articulated. Paul wrote: ... but righteousness speaks by faith ... (Romans 10: 6).
The woman did not express the problem. She expressed faith. She announced boldly, “If I could only touch his clothes, I would be well. (Mark 5: 28) "
B. Faith is for the present
If it really is faith, then it is meant for the "now." Hebrews 11: 1 begins with the words: But faith is a firm confidence in what one hopes for and not doubting what one does not see .
The woman knew she would be healed the moment she touched Him. At the moment when the woman touched Jesus' robe in unswerving faith, which was manifested in a bold act, and at the same time spoke believing words, the dynamite-like power of Jesus flowed into her body. She was instantly healed. Jesus exclaimed: My daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be well from your plague. (Mark 5: 34)!
When faith comes, the things we hoped for become reality.
C. Faith sets free the flow of healing power
Jesus said: “Whoever believes in me, as the scriptures say, rivers of living water will flow from his body ... (John 7: 38-39a)
We as believers, full of the explosive power of God, must obey Jesus.
We must lay our hands on the sick.
We need to flip the switch of faith and let the healing power flow.
When we do this, God will work with us by confirming His Word with signs below.
"But to him who can do exuberantly beyond everything we ask or understand, according to the power that works in us ..." (Ephesians 3: 20).
1. Study the following sections of scripture related to healing and note the method which is used in each case:
(a) Numbers 21: 4-9
(b) 2. Kings 5: 1-14
(c) Isaiah 38: 1-4, Isaiah 38: 21
(d) Mark 5: 25-34
(e) John 9: 1-7
(f) Acts 19: 11-12
2. Can you think of another passage in the Bible where one of these methods occurs again? shows up?
3. What important teaching (s) you can learn about God's methods from the Recognize healing service in sick people?
1. Why is it that many who profess to be believers today fail to experience the kind of explosive healing power that we learned about in this lesson?
2. How do we turn faith into our lives to experience the flow of God's healing power?
3. Is it true that, as Spirit-filled believers, we have the same power as Paul did in his day? If that is true, the question arises, how can we specifically use this power in human life and situations today?
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - Speak words of healing

There is great power in the words we pronounce. Our negative speech can wreak havoc. Proverbs 18: 4, Proverbs18: 7 - The words in a man's mouth are like deep water, and the source of wisdom is a bubbling brook. The fool's mouth brings him to ruin, and his lips make him fall.
With the words we speak, we can release either the power of death or the power of life.
Proverbs 18: 20-21 - A man will be rewarded for what his mouth has said, and he will be satisfied with what his lips bring to him. Death and life are in the mouth of violence; whoever loves them will eat their fruit.
In the previous lesson we learned that belief, like the belief that women had in blood flow, always speaks. When faith speaks, powerful things happen. When we lay our hands on the sick, we flip the switch of faith and release the power of God to flow freely.
A. The right to use Jesus' name
Every disease, every ailment has a name. Cancer is a name. Osteoarthritis is a name. The name of Jesus, however, is the name above all other names. When we pronounce the name of Jesus in faith. all sickness and all suffering must bow down. Cancer Must Bend! Osteoarthritis has to bend!
Jesus gave us the right to use His name. He said: But the signs that will follow those who believe are these: in my name ... they will lay their hands on the sick and they will be better (Mark 16: 17a-18b).
B. A lame man healed in the name of Jesus - Acts 3: 6-8
The key to healing this man was believing in the name of Jesus shown by Peter and John. Peter said, “And by believing in his name, his name made him strong, whom you see and know; and the faith that was worked through him gave him health in the sight of all of you ”(Acts 3: 16).
Satan, who has come to steal, kill, and destroy, often instructs spirits of weakness to bring the attachment to disease, suffering, and death upon humanity. - Luke 13: 11-13
When Jesus was confronted by religious leaders about a healing on the Sabbath, He replied: "Shouldn't this one, who is Abraham's daughter, whom Satan had bound for eighteen years, be released from this fetter on the Sabbath?"
A. Jesus brought healing by casting out evil spirits
Acts 10: 38 ... how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with holy spirit and power; he went about doing good and healed all who were in the power of the devil ...
The deaf spirit: When they went out, behold, they brought to him a man who was dumb and possessed. But when the evil spirit was cast out, the mute spoke. (Matthew 9: 32-33a).
Much of Jesus' ministry is casting out demonic spirits.
Deaf and dumb: He threatened the unclean spirit and said to him, You speechless and deaf spirit, I command you: Leave it and do not enter it any more! So he screamed and tore him badly and drove out (Mark 9: 25b-26).
Obsession: The epileptic boy suffered terribly from being thrown into the fire or water frequently by a demon. And Jesus threatened the demon; and the evil spirit came out from him, and the boy was healed at that hour. (Matthew 17: 18).
Blind and deaf: a demon was brought to Jesus who was blind and dumb; and he healed him, so that the mute spoke and saw. (Matthew 12: 22).
B. Performing the healing ministry by casting out demons
Illnesses that are considered "incurable" from a medical point of view are often caused by spirits of weakness. However, by using the spirit of discernment, we will be able to identify and cast them out.
Mark 16: 17a | But the signs that will follow those who believe are these: in my name they will cast out evil spirits ...
Jesus gave us the key power to bind and loosen on earth. Jesus said: I want to give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: everything that you will bind on earth should also be bound in heaven, and everything that you will loosen on earth should also be loosened in heaven. (Matthew 16:19).
By virtue of this authority, we can say, “Satan, I bind you in the name of Jesus! You spirit of Cancer, in the name of Jesus I command you to leave this person! "We can also say:" Woman, you are redeemed from your suffering. "
Many people are missing certain body parts due to birth defects, accidents, or surgery. God, who made us in His kindness, created us through the words He spoke out of His mouth. We too can work miracles of creation in the name of Jesus by speaking words of faith. Isaiah wrote: ,,. ... I will create fruit of the lips "(Isaiah 57: 19). This verse ends with the words:" ... I will heal them. "
A. You heal the sick!
Many have said, “I couldn't even cure a flea.” But Jesus said: ... Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do ... (John 14: 12).
Jesus said to the man with the withered hand, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched it out, and his hand was healed (Mark 3: 5). Jesus gave His disciples the same power and authority to heal that He himself had .
Matthew 10: 1 | And he called his twelve disciples to him and gave them power over the unclean spirits, that they should cast them out and heal all sicknesses and all infirmities.
Jesus continued with the following commandment: “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out evil spirits. You received it free of charge, give it free of charge ”(Matthew 10: 8).
B. Talk to the mountain
Mark 11: 22-23 | And Jesus answered and said to them, Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever said to this mountain, “Get up and throw yourself into the sea! and did not doubt in his heart, but believed that what he said would happen, and it will happen to him.
Often, "incurable diseases" and the urgency of a creation miracle appear like mountains to those in need or asked for healing ministry. This verse does not say that we should pray for this mountain to move. We "should." to say to this mountain: 'Get up and throw yourself into the sea!' To say this means to command in authority.
In the face of such circumstances, many seem to believe that we need to "pray" and ask God for healing. This verse, however, does not encourage us to "pray". Instead, he speaks of "speaking." There are no examples from the ministry of Jesus or the Acts of the Apostles that someone was healed because they were prayed for.
Jesus says to every Spirit-filled believer today: “I have given you the authority of my name, the power of my spirit and the power to speak my word. You heal the sick! Put your hands on the sick and they will get better. "
Psalm 107: 20 | He sent his word and healed them and saved them from dying.
A. Speak the word of faith
We send the word by boldly speaking the word out of our mouths. If we pronounce the word by faith, it will produce corresponding results. Isaiah 55: 10-11; Romans 10: 8-11
B. Say just one word and my servant will be healed - Matthew 8: 5-8
The greatest model of a belief "switch" is belief that knows authority.
The captain went on to say that he understood the authority of the spoken word because he himself was under human authority.
When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those who followed him: Truly, I say to you, I have not found such faith in anyone in Israel.
When we are in the healing ministry, we are called to speak words of faith.
We should speak in the name of Jesus!
We are to command spirits of weakness to go out!
We are to bring miracles of creation into being and speak the word of God.
A belief that speaks fearlessly and acts accordingly is the switch that makes the power flow!
One of the ways to grow spiritually is to embrace the Berean habit found in Acts 17: 10-11. Take your concordance on the Bible and look for all references to healings in the service of Jesus according to the account of the Gospels and analogously in the Acts of the Apostles.
Can you find a place where someone has been prayed for before they are healed? If so, write these down.
1. Who has the right to exercise authority in the name of Jesus?
2. Given that Christ commanded us and given us authority to heal the sick in His name, should we still pray to Him that He may come and heal the sick?
3. Comment on the statement:
"There are no examples in the ministry of Jesus or in the book of Acts that anyone was healed because they were prayed for."
If there are people in your small group facing mountains of problems or sickness, please exercise the authority of the word of faith in your mouth and speak to their mountains to lift them away.
Supernatural Life and Healing Dr. A. L. Gill - Transfer by laying on of hands

Powerful things happen when we lay hands on one another in obedience to the Spirit in faith. A real and tangible message takes place. The laying on of hands creates a contact with which a transfer of the power of God can take place. This is also called the law of contact and transmission.
Jesus said ... they will lay hands on the sick, so it will be better with them (Mark 16: 18b).
A Basic Principle: The writer of Hebrews mentions the laying on of hands as one of the basic principles of Christ (Hebrews 6: 1-2).
Transfer of sin to a scapegoat: On the great day of atonement, Aaren, the high priest, placed both hands on the head of a living goat and confessed the wrongdoings and transgressions of the children of Israel (Leviticus 16: 21). The scapegoat was a foreshadowing of Christ, as Christ was also supposed to carry away the wrongdoings and transgressions of the people.
The transmission of the spirit of wisdom to Joshua: But Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom; for Moses had laid his hands on him ... (Deuteronomy 34: 9)
A. The Allocation of Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit(es)
Paul imparted the Holy Spirit to the believers in Ephesus by the laying on of hands
Acts 19: 6 | And when Paul laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. Paul passed on a gift of the Holy Ghost to Timothy by the laying on of hands.
2. Timothy 1: 6 | For this reason I remind you that you are awakening the gift of God that is within you by the laying on of my hands.
B. The laying on of hands is not to be taken lightly
Paul wrote to Timothy: Do not lay hands on anyone too soon ... (1. Timothy 5: 22a).
Before we lay hands on others in recognition of their service, we must carefully consider learning and assessing their characters first, and also knowing about the fruit of their service. Paul wrote: But we ask you, dear brothers, to acknowledge those who are working on you ... (1. Thessalonians 5: 12).
C. Jesus performed healing ministries by the laying on of hands.
1. The leper: And a leper came to him and asked him, knelt down and said to him, If you want, you can cleanse me. And he wailed, and stretched out his hand, touched him and said to him, I will do it, be clean! (Mark 1: 40-41).
2. The daughter of Jairus: When Jesus accompanied Jairus home to raise his daughter from death, he first sent out the mockers and disbelievers. Then He took the child by the hand (the laying on of hands) and said to her: "Talita kum", which means in translation: Girl, I tell you, get up! And immediately the girl got up and walked around, but she was twelve years old And they were immediately astonished beyond measure (Mark 5: 41-42).
3. The dove: Jesus served the speech-impaired deaf by placing His fingers on the parts of the body that were infected. And he took him aside from the crowd and put his fingers in his ears and touched his tongue with saliva and looked up at the sky and sighed and said to him, Hefata !, that means: Open up! And immediately his ears opened, and the fetters of his tongue loosened, and he spoke correctly. (Mark 7: 33-35).
A. Identify the need
You must first find out what the need is. This can be done either by the action of the word of knowledge or by the person saying why they want to receive this service.
Sometimes someone does not come to seek healing for the obvious ailment. A person in a wheelchair may have come with a desire to cure diabetes. If time permits, ask and find out exactly what cause the person is currently believing.
Ask the question in such a way that it evokes a "belief response" rather than a negative response. Try to get the person to express their beliefs rather than doubts, even when talking about the negative details of the condition. Try that the person utters by faith exactly what they have long hoped for. guide them to express their faith in the "here and now" realm.
Instead of the question "What is wrong with you?", Formulate better: "What do you think God can do right now?" One possible belief reaction might be, "I trust God for a perfect manifestation of the cure for diabetes right now!"
B. Touch the affected body part for healing to occur
The healing power is passed on according to the law of contact and transmission. It's like connecting two wires together to make contact so that electricity can flow.
Matthew 9: 29 | Then he touched her eyes and said: "It is done to you according to your faith."
We want the power to flow directly into the area of the body that needs healing. If this area is part of the person's intimate area and they are not of the same sex, we should proceed with wisdom and either put our hands on that person's head or let them put their hand on the affected area and then we put our hand on their head. It is best for men to lay hands on men and women to keep to themselves.
C. Imagine the healing and then release the power to flow.
When you lay your hands on a sick person and speak words of faith, imagine the area of their body that has been healed or restored. In faith release the healing power in you so that it can flow into the body of the person concerned.
Set your faith free for them to be healed and not just go to the ground under the power of God. Many are healed without falling to the ground under the power of God. Others fall under this power without receiving any manifestation of their healing.
Focus your belief by speaking specifically to the affected body part. Sometimes we are guided by the Spirit to touch and act quickly. But it can also be that we are guided in such a way that our hands rest on a person and let the power flow over a certain period of time.
D. Keep your eyes open - expect manifestations to appear
Closing your eyes is a religious expression of doubt and disbelief. Jesus said: Watch and pray ... (Matthew 26: 41). If Matthew, Mark, and John had their eyes closed when Jesus was performing His healing ministry on the sick, they would not have been able to describe the miracles.
There are times when a situation tells us to serve many people in a very short time. During such times a wonderful anointing comes to heal the sick. At such times, we have to be careful not to let someone stop us and tell us long details. Because that often grieves the Holy Spirit. We must allow ourselves to be carried away by the wave of anointing and lay hands on as many people as humanly possible during such a time.
E. The healing ministry to large crowds
There are times when we e.g. Serving large crowds in which God leads us to proclaim healing through the word of knowledge and then boldly proclaim what God is doing. It may also be that God leads us to fearlessly command spirits of weakness in the name of Jesus to flee. Sometimes many will fall under the waves of God's power. The key is in listening to the Holy Spirit and moving in accordance with His anointing.
However, we must remember that miraculous mass evangelism alone is not enough to accomplish our mission. The model of the New Testament is rather the personal miracle evangelism, in which signs and wonders follow every believer, wherever his testimony leads him.
F. Healing through bold acts of faith
We have learned that where there is faith, action can always be understood. James said: Faith without works (corresponding deeds) is dead (out of order).
1. The man at the Betesda pond: Jesus said to the lame man at the Betesda pond: "Get up, take your bed and go" (John 5: 8).
2. The blind man: Jesus said to the blind man, having smeared his eyes with a paste of saliva, "Go to the pool of Siloam and wash yourself" (John 9: 7).
3. The man with the withered hand: Jesus said to the man with the withered hand: Stretch out your hand! And he stretched it out; and she got well again like the other. (Matthew 12: 13).
Jesus said: “Exercise your faith! Do the impossible! Get started boldly! "Often the moment we've been helping someone in the healing ministry, we can say," Take a good look at your body! Do what you couldn't before! Move this arm! Bend it down! "
Next, we boldly ask, "What happened to the pain?" If the symptoms are not completely gone, we can boldly say, "Look at it again! Try flexing again!"
Often, when doing the healing ministry on the sick, we encounter doubts and disbelief. It was the same with Jesus in Nazareth, where He could not perform powerful miracles. So we must first deal with doubt and unbelief so that we can do our service in an atmosphere of faith. On one occasion, Jesus sent the scoffers (doubters) out of the room.
Often times, it makes sense to take the time to build one's faith through the teaching of God's Word on healing, and then to share testimonies from others who have been healed. We can avoid failure if we take the time to listen to words of knowledge and wisdom before beginning the service.
A. Stand by Faith
There are times when we don't see an immediate change in a person's symptoms. It is precisely then that it is important to ensure that this person does not become discouraged and does not lose faith in the healing.
The writer of the Letter to the Hebrews says: For we have partaken of Christ if we hold on to confidence from beginning to end. (Hebrews 3:14).
Tell them the difference between an instant miracle and a cure in which symptoms take time to go away. The power of God that passed on to the person's body when we laid our hands on will continue to do its job as long as the faith continues.
We have seen many remarkable healings happen over a period of time as the person continues in faith: to trust, speak, and act according to the truth of God's word.
B. My confession
Jesus' words are addressed to those who have faith to trust Him.
"They will lay their hands on the sick and they will get better." I am a believer and not a doubter. Jesus said it. I believe that Jesus told the truth.
I am a courageous witness of Jesus as I obey Jesus' command to preach and spread the gospel.
God will work with me, validating His Word through the symbolic healings and miracles that follow me wherever I go!
I am a miraculous witness of Jesus Christ!
Study Hebrews 6: 1-2 | Is the basic teaching of the laying on of hands condemned in this passage?
What does this teach us?
Give some Bible examples (besides those mentioned in the lesson) where the laying on of hands preceded healing, the baptism of the Spirit, or the anointing for service.
Now split up into small groups and lay hands on each other so that Christ's ministry can be passed on to you with the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit.
Praise Him for filling you again and for giving you the best gifts for the service to which He has called you.
Dr. John Amstutz - Overview of the New Testament
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - Introduction to the New Testament

How does God reveal himself? God reveals himself in the same way as each of us. The God of the Bible reveals himself through word and deed. What God said and did is passed down in the Word of God. In creation and through conscience, he reveals his great strength and divine sovereignty. In the covenant and through his commandments, he reveals his loving bond and his just demands on people. He also reveals his grace in saving actions. We see all of this in the New Testament, which has its focus in God's Son, Jesus Christ.
The Bible is a unique book that comes from God himself.
A. Divine:
It is the word of God (2. Timothy 3: 16a).
B. Human:
It is the word of God carried through the words of people who themselves lived in history - 2. Peter 1: 20-21. So the Bible is a divine and a human book at the same time, just as Jesus Christ was completely God and completely human at the same time. Because HE is the living word of God.
Why was the Bible written?
A. To teach about salvation through faith in Christ (2. Timothy 3: 14-15).
Which Bible that Timothy had at that time is Paul referring to here?
To the Old Testament. If the Old Testament can teach someone to be happy, how much more so can the NT, which Jesus has as its central focus.
B. To equip for all good work (2. Timothy 3: 16-17).
How does that happen?
1. By teaching us what is right and true.
2. By correcting us when we are strong.
3. By correcting us and showing us how to do it right.
4. By training us in a sincere relationship.
The word "testament" means covenant, or in other words: agreement between God and man. There is the old agreement and the new agreement. The new is based on the old.
A. God's Eternal Covenant
God promised 3 things:
1. I will be your God - divine "direction" (Genesis 17: 7; Genesis 17: 26: 24; Genesis 28: 13-14).
2. You will be my people - divine relationship (Deuteronomy 29: 12-13).
3. I want to dwell among you - divine fellowship (Exodus 29: 45-46).
B. Man's constant rebellion.
1. The broken covenant - (Daniel 9: 4b-6).
2. A new covenant is foreseen - (Jeremiah 31: 31-33).
A. Between the Old and New Testaments.
1. God no longer spoke to His people (Amos 8: 11-12).
There was a prophetic drought that lasted 400 years.
2. God did not deliver His people (Hosea 3: 4-5).
B. The Messiah of God, born "when the time was fulfilled" (Galatians 4: 4).
1. Religious: Preparation in the Jewish World
Through legalism and temple worship.
2. Cultural: in the Greek world
a language
3. Politically: in the Roman world
world peace
Good roads
The legalization of the Jewish religion.
A. Historical Books: The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles (The Dawn of the New Covenant).
B. Textbooks: The 21 Letters (Illustrating the New Covenant).
C. Prophetic Book: The Revelation (The Completion of the New Covenant).
This is only the beginning and the preparation for what God has in mind for us forever when we know Him as God in His fullness.
We will be His perfect people. Not only will we live with Him, but we'll also see Him face to face.
1. Read 2. Timothy 3: 14-17 and express the purpose of the Bible in your own words.
2. What three promises are made in God's eternal covenant?
3. Write down the New Testament books, with appropriate subdivisions.
1. Read 2. Peter 1: 20-21 and discuss the process by which the word of God came to us through the words of men.
2. Discuss different ways the Word of God guides us to do any good work. (2. Timothy 3: 16-17)
3. Share some preparatory measures that have taken place between the old and the new covenant and what God has achieved with them.
It is a story about Jesus Christ, about what He said and what He did.
A. The Words of Jesus - Acts 1: 1
The gospel of Jesus was preached years before it was put into writing.
B. The works of Jesus - 1. Corinthians 15: 3-8.
A. A Selective Story - (John 20: 30; John 21: 25).
They are not biographies as we usually understand them to be stories about a person's life. We will learn about:
1. The birth of Christ.
2. His childhood.
3. His last three years.
It's not a biography, but rather a portrait.
B. A specific purpose - (John 20: 31).
The author's intention determines what he wants to choose and what he doesn't want to include in his presentation at the same time.
C. A specific emphasis - (Mark 10: 45).
Each of the four gospel writers seems to have the same particular emphasis.
They focus on the death of Jesus.
The Gospels have therefore already been described as detailed introductions to the story of the death of Jesus.
D. A clearly defined perspective - (Ezekiel 1: 10).
1. Matthew - has the characteristics of a lion and aims at Jesus as the King of the Jews.
2. Mark - directs the main focus on an ox, which in turn portrays Jesus as the suffering servant of God. (Mark 10: 45)
3. Luke - shows us the human side of Jesus as a compassionate Savior.
4. John - presents Him as an eagle - speaking of His divinity. Thus a four-fold portrait of Jesus is shown.
A. The Synoptic Gospels:
Matthew. Mark and Luke.
They follow the same structure of the life of Jesus.
B. The fourth Gospel - 92% unique material (special good) with further interpretation.
Matthew is probably not the oldest gospel. But it was put at the beginning of the New Testament because it connects so well with the Old Covenant.
This is the gospel that focuses on how Jesus Christ does
Embodied fulfillment of hope for Israel.
A. The Gospel of the David King.
1. The book begins with a family tree of the promised Messiah - (Matthew 1: 1).
He is a Jew and of royal descent.
2. Jesus as the fulfillment of the coming Messiah. (Matthew 1: 21).
The first two chapters contain seven specific Old Testament ones Prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus.
B. A teaching gospel.
1. Disciple: The Purpose and Structure (Matthew 28: 19-20).
There are five major discourses in the Gospel, each beginning with "When Jesus did these things".
2. The discourses:
(a) The Sermon on the Mount is a summary of what Jesus said on the subject of "making disciples."
This textbook could also be called a discipleship handbook Matthew 5: 19, Matthew 5: 29. There are six exemplary differences in the way in which religious leaders on the one hand and Jesus on the other hand taught. Jesus taught a deeper righteousness that comes from the heart.
(b) The mystery of the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 13: 10-11).
A. The gospel of the suffering servant of God.
The emphasis is on overcoming.
There is relatively little teaching in Mark.
There are 19 miracles in Mark's Gospel.
These represent half of all miracles in the four Gospels.
The focus is on what Jesus did, which is always underlined with the word "immediately".
1. Victory through suffering: - Purpose and purpose (Mark 10: 45).
2. The messianic mystery (Mark 1: 25, Mark 1: 34, Mark 1: 43; Mark 5: 19).
Everywhere Jesus went people reacted to Him. Either they loved him or they hated him.
B. A gospel of action and reaction.
1. The apostle behind the gospel (2 Peter 1: 15).
2. Focus on Jesus' works rather than His words (19 miracles and only 4 parables).
3. Response from disciples, crowds, and religious leaders (Mark 1: 1; Mark 15: 38).
A. The gospel of the compassionate Savior.
1. Jesus lived as a man in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Luke 2: 52; Luke 4: 14).
2. The good news of abundant joy for all people (Luke 2: 10-11, Luke 2: 30-32).
3. The good news for "the poor" (Luke 4: 18-19; Luke 19: 10).
B. A gospel of certainty.
1. A report in good order: purpose and structure (Luke 1: 3-4).
2. The gospel tied to human history (Luke 2: 1-2; Luke 3: 1).
These are three portraits of the one gospel.
1. Study the first two chapters of Matthew's Gospel and list seven specific Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus.
2. What is your explanation for Mark's focus more on the miracles of Jesus than on His teachings?
1. If the oldest gospel was not written about 30 years after the resurrection, how did early Christians spread the good news and maintain the accuracy of what happened?
2. Also talk about the difference between a person's biography and a person's life picture (portrait). What consequences does this difference have for the accounts written about the life of Jesus?
3. Discuss the difference in the way religious leaders taught, as opposed to Jesus, after the Gospel of Matthew presented.
4. Why were there such mixed reactions to Jesus' ministry when He was still on the earth?
5. What should His disciples expect from the world today?
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - John

John's portrayal of Jesus was written towards the end of the first century, about 20-30 years after the synoptics. The world in which he wrote had changed a lot. It was a world deeply influenced by Greek philosophy. How could the good news of a Jewish Messiah be brought as accurately and appropriately as possible to this non-Jewish world? There is therefore quite a difference to the synoptics in terms of environment, chronology and content.
It starts in an incomparable way. "In the beginning ...", John 1: 1.
90% of all verses are independent material from John.
A. John's addressees
People who don't understand anything Jewish.
1. Explanation of "Messiah" as "Christ".
2. Declaration of "Rabbi" as "teacher".
B. The introduction of John.
How Christ is presented differs from the other gospels.
1. It begins with, "In the beginning ..." John 1: 1
2. The special emphasis on the "word" - "Logos" | "Logos" stood for what holds the universe together.
3. The terms used were understandable to Greek ears.
A. The Eternal Son of God - (John 1: 1).
B. The God who became flesh- (John 1: 14, John 1: 18).
C. The presentation by John the Baptist
1. The Lamb of God ...
2. ... that bears the sin of the world.
This unique introduction was created to attract the attention of the Jews.
D. His purpose - John 20: 30-31
It is a gospel of divine signs.
John selected seven signs, five of which only appear in his depiction, but not among the Synoptics.
A. Miraculous signs.
1. Turning water into wine. - John 2: 11
(a) Intention: To reveal His glory.
(b) The result: His disciples believed in Him.
2. The feeding of the five thousand - John 6: 1-14.
(a) The response: John 6: 14 - People trusted Him as "the Prophet".
(b) The purpose: He revealed himself as "the bread of life".
That is the purpose of miracles. It consists in looking at the miracle worker to refer. So that we can put our trust in Him.
B. The "I am" words and sayings (John 8: 58; John 14: 6).
1. "Before Abraham became, I am" - John 8: 58
Jesus himself claimed to be the God who is in the Old Testament revealed. .
2. "I am the way, the truth, and the life" - John 14: 6
3. "... that I am in the Father ..." - John 14: 10
We encounter God in Jesus Christ.
C. The Divine Claims - (John 5: 17-18, John 5: 26-27; John 8: 46; John 14: 9).
Jesus made claims that only God himself could make.
He forgave sin, raised the dead to life, His words will judge people.
From His miracles, His teachings and His claims we can only draw one logical conclusion: in Jesus Christ the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily.
A. A Gospel of Faith - John 3: 16
B. The Purpose of the Gospel - John 20: 28-29
So that we may bow down to Him as our Lord and God. Understanding who Jesus is has its origin in divine revelation, not in human reason.
C. Whose Son is Jesus Christ?
1 . The Son of God - John 10: 24-33.
2. The Son of David - John 8: 40-43.
3. The Son of Man - John 12: 32-34.
D. Four possible replies.
1. Jesus is a legend.
The story is just made up.
2. Jesus is a madman.
"He must be possessed by an evil spirit."
3. Jesus is a liar.
"He just made false claims."
4. Jesus is Lord. (John 20: 28-29).
He is who He claims to be.
The reason John wrote his gospel is to lead us to faith in Jesus Christ.
Study the Gospel of John and complete the following list with a passage from the Bible:
1. The seven miraculous signs of Jesus:
2. The seven "I am" words of Jesus.
1. Study the miraculous signs in John's Gospel and discuss the results and responses to each miracle.
2. Apply the results and responses to your respective situations today as Jesus continues to do miracles in our day and age.
3. What should be the ultimate goal of a miracle or the purpose behind it?
4. Discuss the four possible statements people have made about Jesus and expose each of the wrong answers.
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - Acts

Luke, the doctor of non-Jewish origin who wrote the Gospel of Luke, wrote. also the Acts. Together, these two books are longer than Paul's 13 letters. Since it is a two-volume double work, the introduction, which can be found in Luke's Gospel (Luke 1: 1-4; compare Acts 1: 1-2) also applies to the Acts. Thus both books are addressed to the man Theophilus ("God loves"), so that he gains certainty not only about the things he has heard about Jesus but also about his followers.
A. The Acts of the Apostles presuppose the Gospels. (Acts 1: 1).
B. The Acts of the Apostles sees the letters coming. (Acts 11: 25-26).
It is a book that holds the Gospels and the Epistles together.
Notice the words "from the beginning" in verse 1. What Jesus began teaching and doing from the beginning was to be continued through the church (Acts 1: 8)
A. The Apostles - (Acts 4: 13).
They were the people who did what Jesus did and shared what he said.
The Acts of the Apostles have much in common with the Gospels. She is also very selective. It does not give a comprehensive account of all events, hence the name (Greek): The deeds of the apostles. Actually it is the deeds of only two apostles.
1. The Twelve Apostles of the Jews with an emphasis on Peter (Acts 1 to 12).
2. The other apostles of the Gentiles with an emphasis on Paul (Acts 13-28).
B. Preparation for testimony.
Jesus did two things to prepare His disciples to testify after His resurrection.
1. He convinced them that He was alive. - John 1: 3
2. He spoke to them about the Kingdom of God. - John 1: 3.
C. The Disciples' Testimony - John 8: 4
The murder of Stephen is the "starting shot" for the disciples to spread the Gospel.
A. Witnesses in Jerusalem (Acts 1 through 7).
The apostles were not born in Jerusalem. But in this city they were living when the Holy Spirit came upon them. So they started witnessing from there.
The gospel is strongest when we live it where we are known.
But that is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.
B. Witnesses in Judea and Samaria (Acts 8 to 12).
1. In Judea.
This is where people live who are comparable to our own people.
Spread the gospel according to our relationships.
2. In Samaria.
The Jews and the Samaritans were anything but friends.
But those who had to flee Jerusalem when the persecution broke out
turned to the Samaritans - the mixed Jewish people.
This could also be called "ethnic groups". People who live among us, but who are distant from us because of their culture and lifestyle.
Jesus loves them and we have to reach them with the gospel.
C. Witness to the ends of the earth. (Acts 13-28).
What is the connection between taking the gospel into Samaria and to the ends of the earth?
In the fact that many Samaritans were from the ends of the earth.
How does the kingdom of God come to earth? It happens through the proclamation of the kingdom of God on earth.
How did they preach the gospel?
A. In acts of power (Acts 1: 8; Acts 2: 43; compare Mark 16: 15-20; John 14:12).
B. In service (Acts 2: 44-45).
C. In words of forgiveness (Acts 2: 36-39; compare Luke 24: 45-49).
1. The announcement of salvation through Christ's death and resurrection.
2. The call to repentance and belief in the gospel.
3. The command to be baptized with water and to receive the promise of the Holy Ghost.
A. Receiving the Father's promise (Acts 1: 4-5; Acts 2: 1-4, Acts 2: 38-39).
B. Be filled with the Spirit (Acts 4: 8, Acts 4: 31; compare Ephesians 5: 18).
C. Being guided by the Spirit (Acts 15: 28; Acts 16: 6-10).
D. Oneness in Spirit (Acts 2: 16-18; Acts 11: 15-17).
Why have we seen such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this century? So that we may be blessed? Yes. But beyond that, so that we will be equipped to be witnesses for Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
1. Study Acts 8 and Acts 9 and list the good results of the great persecution that rose against the church in Jerusalem.
2. What lessons could the church today learn from being witnesses to Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
1. Exchange ideas about what it means to be a witness of Christ in our society today. In connection with this question, it is just as important how we can be light and salt for our civic communities in which we are placed.
2. How can you testify of Christ to family members or extended family members (who are not yet saved) without being hurtful to them?
3. What methods might be most effective for reaching people from other cultures who live among us but have nothing in common with us?
4. Pray for one another and especially help those of you who need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - Romans

The former Pharisee Saul of Tarsus, who. who had persecuted the community was converted to this in a dramatic encounter with the living Christ on the road to Damascus in Syria. He immediately began preaching the Lord Jesus as the promised Messiah and preaching the good news of salvation in His name. From the time of his conversion, Paul knew that the Lord himself instructed him not only to carry the gospel to the Jews but also to the Gentiles. So he preached the gospel within the eastern Mediterranean, where he made many disciples and planted churches. He wrote 9 letters to congregations and 4 letters to responsible community leaders.
Paul's most thorough explanation of the gospel he preached can be found in his longest letter addressed to the church in Rome. This congregation was neither founded by Paul nor visited by him so far. Because he believed that he had "fully aligned the gospel from Jerusalem to Illyria (Albania)," the apostle Paul now planned to go west so that "he would not build on a foreign ground." (Romans 15: 19-20). He wrote to the church in Rome in anticipation of visiting her on his way to Spain. He took this opportunity to explain the gospel of grace that he had preached to Jews and Greeks during his 3 missionary trips over the past 20 years.
The gospel is the revelation of God's righteousness. (Romans 1: 16-17)
A. All have sinned and lack both God's righteousness and glory. (Romans 3: 9-19).
1. Gentiles have despised the truth of God, which can be seen from creation and through conscience. (Romans 1: 20-21; Romans 2: 12-15).
2. The Jews disobeyed the truth of God revealed to them in the covenant and law. (Romans 2: 23-24).
B. The gracious gift of God is righteousness and life by faith in Jesus Christ for all who repent and believe (Romans 1: 16-17; Romans 3: 21-24).
1. Jesus paid the debt for all sin through His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. (Romans 3: 25-26).
2. God declares (justifies) all innocent and gives eternal life to all who believe in Christ's sacrifice for sin (Romans 3: 27-30).
C. God makes righteous and holy (He sanctifies) all who place themselves under the control of the Holy Spirit rather than under the guidance of their sinful nature. (Romans 8: 9-16).
1. In the Taute the believer is buried with Christ in death and like Christ he is raised from death to new life. (Romans 6: 3-4).
2. Believers are freed not only from the guilt of sin but also from the power of sin as long as they go forward in obedience to the Spirit of God who dwells in them. (Romans 8: 1-4).
A. The Jews' rejection of the gospel means that the gospel is being preached to and accepted by the Gentiles. That makes the Jews jealous. (Romans 11: 11-14).
B. The eventual acceptance of the gospel by the Jews, as God shows himself gracious to all of them (Romans 11: 15, Romans 11: 26-27, Romans 11: 32).
C. In the face of God's grace for all people, whether Jews or Gentiles, all should live differently. (Romans 13: 8).
1. Try to please God, not yourself (Romans 12: 1-2).
2. Serve God's people (Romans 12: 13).
3. Overcome evil with good (Romans 12: 21).
4. Submit yourself to the ruling authorities as God's servant of righteousness (Romans 13: 1-2).
5. Accept those who are weak in faith and conscience. (Romans 14: 1; Romans 15: 7).
This is the gospel of grace the world needs. This gospel transforms us from the inside out.
1. According to the statements in this lesson, how many years did Paul preach the gospel before he wrote the letter to the Romans?
2. Read Acts 9: 1-19 and summarize Paul's experience in the following ways:
(a) His conversion
(b) His mission
3. Explain in detail the gospel of grace Paul preached in Romans.
4. According to Romans 12-15, what effects should the gospel of grace have in:
(a) your life?
(b) your relationship with believers?
(c) your relationship with non-Christians?
(d) How you feel about those in authority over you?
1. Discuss Paul's strategy in church building and how the church can implement this strategy in our time.
2. What would the fate of the Gentiles who died without hearing the gospel look like on the last day, considering the inadequacies of meeting God's standard of righteousness as set out in Romans 1–3?
3. What does it mean for believers to be delivered from guilt and also from the power of sin?
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - 1 and 2 Corinthians and Galatians

Like the Letter to the Romans, the 1 and 2 Corinthians and the Letter to Galatians deal with the gospel of grace. All three letters were sent by the apostle Paul to congregations which he founded together with colleagues in Greece and Turkey. Problems in the community required explanations of how believers should live the gospel of grace in the home community, in the community, and in society. Such problems also required Paul to defend himself and the gospel of grace.
Corinth was a large and important economic center in southern Greece. It was a Roman colony known for a culturally diverse population, loose morals, and religious prostitution. Paul preached the gospel and planted a church in Corinth on his second missionary trip. He wrote at least four letters to this church and visited it several times because of the difficulty there. Quite a number of them are mentioned in 1. Corinthians. They can be summarized under the following four important aspects.
A. Unity: Follow Christ, not people (1. Corinthians 1: 12-13).
1. There is only one Savior by whose blood we have been saved (1. Corinthians 1: 22-24).
2. Each messenger of Christ has his own assigned role and as God's co-worker must be accountable to himself (1. Corinthians 4: 1-2).
B. Purity: For you were bought at a high price, therefore praise God in your body. (1. Corinthians 6: 20).
C. Love: When you come together, let it all happen for the edification of the church, the body of Christ. (1. Corinthians 12: 31; 1. Corinthians 14: 26)
1. Participate in the Lord's supper with dignity by respecting the Lord's body and examining your relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ (1. Corinthians 11: 28-31).
2. Love should be the goal when seeking spiritual gifts that can best build up the body of Christ. (1. Corinthians 13: 13; 1. Corinthians 14: 1, 1. Corinthians 14: 12).
D. Truth: Everything we believe is based on Christ's resurrection. Then how can some of you claim that there is no resurrection of the dead? (1. Corinthians15: 12-13)
1. Christ's resurrection is the first fruit that ultimately guarantees the victory of God and His kingdom over all enemies (1. Corinthians 15: 22-24).
2. Because of Christ's decisive victory over death, all of our work is not in vain because we are on the winning side (1. Corinthians 15: 58).
This is the difference between Christianity and all other religions.
Many Corinthians responded positively to Paul's teachings as a true apostle and repented with divine repentance. However, some did not. 2. Corinthians is above all his position on the response of this Corinthian group. This is probably Paul's fourth letter to the Corinthians.
A. Your changed lives are living proof of the validity of my calling and service as ambassadors of the new covenant (2. Corinthians 3: 1-2).
B. True apostles experience suffering for Christ's sake. I rejoice in such suffering and persecution because when I am weak I am strong in the power of Christ. (2. Corinthians 12: 9-10).
The congregations in the province of Galatia, located in the center of southern Turkey, were brought into being by the apostle Paul on his first trip. Some Jewish Christians had come from Jerusalem. They taught the Gentile Christians that in order to be saved, they must be circumcised and obey the law. Paul wrote the letter to the Galatians to combat this heresy.
A. The gospel of grace Paul preaches comes from Christ himself, not Jerusalem (Galatians 1: 11-12).
B. Did you Galatians receive the Spirit by faith or by obedience to the law? You started in the spirit, do you now want to complete it in the flesh? (Galatians 3: 2-3).
C. The law can never save you; it only underscores your need for salvation through faith in Christ. (Galatians 3: 24-25).
D. Salvation through faith in Christ sets you free to serve others, thereby fulfilling the real reason the law was given: "To love your neighbor as yourself" (Galatians 5: 13-14) .
E. Whoever preaches "another gospel" be cursed; he has fallen away from grace. The "fruit" of their teaching are the works of the flesh, which break the very law they claim to establish. (Galatians 5: 2-4, Galatians 5: 18-25).
F. Whoever lives by faith and walks in the Spirit is blessed; he fulfills the law (Galatians 5: 22-23).
1 . What instructions did Paul give believers in dealing with the problem of uncleanliness (according to 1. Corinthians 6: 18-20)?
2. Name four key words related to the problems in Corinth and briefly explain how Paul dealt with each problem.
3. Summarize Paul's defense of his calling and the gospel of grace in Galatia.
(a) His calling:
(b) The gospel of grace:
1. How did Paul deal with the problem of disunity in the Corinthian church, and how should we deal with it in our church today?
2. Do we need church denominations within Christianity?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of existing church denominations?
4. What presupposes the "greater gift" in the church and what does not?
5. How did Paul describe his stake in the flesh in 2. Corinthians 12: 10?
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - Epheser, Philipper, Kolosser und Philemon

The gospel is good news for those who recognize that they are hopelessly lost in sin and therefore need a Savior to come to terms with God. Human-designed systems of justice, whether religious or non-religious, are based on pride and achievement. As such, they are the greatest enemies of the gospel of grace. People do not easily give up their independence. It is difficult for them to repent humbly, admitting that they are guilty sinners who cannot redeem themselves. Consequently, consciously or unconsciously, they try to extinguish the light of the gospel so that they are not exposed in their true identity: as proud sinners who have rejected God's gracious gift in favor of their own self-righteousness. Though they are far from sufficient for God's glory, they persist on their way. Arrogant as they are, they assume that their path is superior to God's offer.
It was such self-righteous religious people who continually opposed Paul and his message. In the end, they were successful in capturing Paul and imprisoning him in Jerusalem. Because his life was in danger, Paul exercised his Roman citizenship and insisted that his case be brought before the Roman emperor in Rome. While he was waiting for the Rome trial, Paul wrote the four letters to the Ephesians, the Philippians, the Colossians, and Philemon. The reason for the letter was given by personal contacts that Paul maintained with believers in Greece and western Turkey.
Video | Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon
mp3 | Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon
Paul preached the gospel and planted the church in Ephesus on his third journey. He spent considerable time in Ephesus preaching and teaching. As a result, Ephesus became the center from which the gospel was spread throughout the province of Asia Minor. Many churches were planted, including the seven churches described in Revelation. Obviously Paul intended that his letter would be read not just in the church at Ephesus but in all churches throughout the province.
A. In Christ all believers are blessed with every spiritual blessing, including a unity that transcends all boundaries (Ephesians 2: 13-16).
B. The church is the first expression of that perfect unity that will mark that time of fulfillment when all will be united under Christ. (Ephesians 1: 9-10).
C. Therefore, believers are called to live a life of purity, love, and service that reflects this Spiritual unity in the church and home alike. (Ephesians 4: 1-3)
Responding to a vision of a man from Macedonia calling for help, Paul preached the gospel and planted the church in the Roman colony of Philippi in northern Greece on his second trip. The Philippine congregation faithfully supported Paul with their gifts and even sent one of their own, Epaphroditus, with an offering. Paul writes his letter to thank them and to encourage them. He sent the letter back through Epaphroditus, who himself became seriously ill and almost died while caring for Paul in Rome.
A. Paul rejoices that his captivity drives the gospel forward. (Philippians 1: 12-14).
B. Paul encourages the Philippians to stand firm, with one mind and in one spirit, even in the face of emerging opposition he has experienced firsthand. --Philippians 1: 27-30.
C. Christ's humble mind is our example as we strive to know Him in the power of His resurrection and to share in the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 2: 4-5).
D. Rejoice in the Lord no matter what. Do not worry about anything, but pray with thanksgiving and God's peace will keep you (Philippians 4: 4-7).
Paul neither planted nor attended the church in Colossae, 100 miles east of Ephesus. Apparently, the church was organized by Epaphras, a colossal convert born from Paul's ministry in Ephesus. As his collaborator, Epaphras had come to Rome and together with Paul had reported about the church in Colossae. Paul writes his letter to encourage and help the Colossians understand and experience the fullness that is given them in Christ. Philosophy. religious rules and angel worship are superfluous.
A. The fulness of God is revealed in Christ because He is the firstborn of both creation and the church. Consequently, He has the highest place of honor in everything. (Colossians 1: 15-19).
B. Because God's fullness resides in Christ, believers need nothing more than what they have in Him to live a whole new life. (Colossians 2: 9-10).
Roman government slaves and household slaves made up up to a third of the population in the cities of the Roman Empire. In the community of believers, slavery became meaningless because masters and slaves became one in Christ. Onesimus was a slave who ran away from his master.
This gentleman was Philemon and he lived in western Turkey. Obviously Paul had led Onesimus to Christ. Now he is sending him back to his Lord, whom Paul had also brought to Christ a few years earlier. Accompanied by Onesimus is a letter of "gentle conviction" from Paul. It is addressed to Philemon and the church in his house to encourage them to take the runaway slave back as brother in Christ (Philemon 10-11).
Listen to Paul's words in Philemon 10-11, Philemon 17.
It is this transformative power of the gospel that finally brought about the end of slavery in the Roman Empire.
1. Study Ephesians 1: 3, Ephesians 2: 16 and make a list of at least six things that believers in Christ are blessed with.
2. Study Acts 16 and briefly explain how the Philippi church was planted.
3. Why did Paul write the letter to the Colossians?
1. Consider seven things that bind believers together according to Ephesians 4: 1–6.
2. Why does Paul combine household service with spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6?
3. Why should believers rejoice in all circumstances?
4. According to Colossians 3: 1, Colossians 4: 1, what are the requirements for new life?
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy

Misunderstood as well as unhealthy teaching by wrong teachers required constant correction. In addition, the challenge of adequately addressing the diverse needs of the widely dispersed congregations made it necessary for Paul to train reliable leaders who could do good work for the Lord. Timotheus and Titus were two loyal collaborators who, among other things, particularly enjoyed Paul's trust and who had previously helped him to strengthen the communities in Thessalonica and Corinth. Despite his young age, Timothy was given oversight of the communities in the expanded area of Ephesus, and with it great responsibility. Titus was given responsibility for the communities on the island of Crete.
Paul preached the gospel and planted the church in Thessalonica (central Greece) on his second missionary trip. Because of his Jewish opposition, Paul had to leave the church earlier than planned. Read Acts 17. This is how the opposition to Paul turned against the newly established church. Paul was so concerned that the young believers could not withstand such persecution that he sent Timothy back to see how they were doing. When Timothy returned with a positive report, Paul wrote his letter in which he expressed his great joy over her steadfastness. He also offered consolation by assuring the Thessalonians that even those who had already died would not miss the return of Jesus.
A. That our faith will be tested and that Satan's temptations will come to force us to give up should be expected from those belonging to the Lord (1. Thessalonians 2: 2-5; 1. Thessalonians 3: 1-5).
B. All who have fallen asleep in the Lord will be resurrected first. when he comes back. After that, we who live will be caught up with them and be with the Lord at all times (1. Thessalonians 4: 14-18).
C. While persecuted for the gospel sake, we will be spared from the wrath to come (1. Thessalonians 5: 9-11).
Due to a misunderstanding regarding the timing of Christ's return, Paul writes a second letter to the Thessalonians. No matter what any prophecy, record or alleged Pauline letter may say, the day of the Lord will not come until the man of injustice is revealed. Again, that will not happen until what is still holding back its visible appearance is not taken away (2. Thessalonians. 2: 1-10).
A. God shows himself righteous in punishing those who persecute the church. This includes the man of injustice and also those who are deceived by him; so those who refuse. to love the truth and instead delight in evil (2. Thessalonians 1: 6-10; 2. Thessalonians 2: 8-10).
B. But you who believe are destined to be saved and partake of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit and faith in the truth (2. Thessalonians 2: 13-15).
The apostle Paul performed his ministry consistently in teamwork. Often he left a team behind to lead new churches. He also sent team members like Timothy and Titus back to encourage and direct the congregations in a city or area. Paul himself also visited such churches. Apparently Paul's trial in Rome led to his release. Instead of going to Spain, as he had written the Romans, he traveled east to visit the churches in Greece and Turkey again and to strengthen them. The need of the congregations consisted of three elements: the passing on of healthy teaching, which should be evidenced by changing the way of life, the selection of reliable elders who took care of the interests of the congregation and the appropriate implementation of public events. Since Timothy had been commissioned by the church in Ephesus to carry out these important matters, Paul wrote him a letter in which he gave him instructions in case his arrival was delayed. So that Timothy might know "how to behave in the house of God" (1. Timothy 3: 14-15).
A. Provide teachers who abuse the law to prevent unhealthy teaching contrary to the gospel (1. Timothy 1: 3, 10-11).
B. Teach what is trustworthy. Take care of yourself and the teaching (1. Timothy 4: 16).
C. Do not be hasty in calling elders with the laying on of hands because they must be above reproach (1. Timothy 3: 1-2).
D. Ensure that right-wing widows who find themselves in real need are receiving appropriate ward care (1. Timothy 5: 3).
Like Timothy, Titus was given the responsibility of running the affairs of the churches, appointing elders, and insisting on the teaching of right doctrine. These were not easy tasks, as the Cretans were known for being "always liars, bad animals, and lazy bellies" (Titus 1: 12-13).
A. Teach what is in harmony with wholesome teaching. Teach the older men and women to direct the younger church members to self-discipline (Titus 2: 11-14).
B. Warn a heretical person a maximum of two times. Then avoid him completely, because such a person sins and thus speaks his own judgment (Titus 3: 9-11).
Apparently Paul was captured a second time in Rome. Even if the charges against him cannot be reconstructed, the conditions of this second imprisonment were much more difficult than the first time. Far worse than just being under "house arrest", Paul found himself in the infamous underground Mamertine prison, where the criminals awaited their execution. Paul, feeling his end near, encourages Timothy with a haunting letter, strongly in the grace of Jesus Christ to stay, to preach the word of truth and to come to him with Mark as soon as possible.
A. Commit what you have received to faithful people who are able to teach others (2. Timothy 2: 2).
B. Do your best to prove yourself to God as a righteous worker, rightly handling the word of truth (2. Timothy 2: 15).
C. Do the work of a gospel preacher and do all the duties of your ministry faithfully and honestly, for the time of my passing has come (2. Timothy 4: 5-8).
1. Study 1. Thessalonians 2: 1, 1. Thessalonians 3: 5 and Acts 17: 1–10.
Describe what Paul and his team went through as they brought the gospel to Thessalonica.
2. What lessons can you learn from this?
3. Paul gave Timothy many instructions in his two letters. Read 1. Timothy 4: 12-16 and list specific instructions Timothy received regarding his teaching and life.
4. What is Paul's main concern shortly before his death that he shares with Timothy? (2. Timothy 2: 2)
1. Why should believers expect temptation and tribulation in this world?
2. Discuss some temptations and related trials that Christians around you may face because of their beliefs.
3. Discuss various interpretations regarding "... him who is now holding it ..." at 2. Thessalonians 2: 7.
4. What lessons can we learn from Paul's concept of teamwork for our missionary work today?
5. How should community leaders deal with those who create division in the community. (Titus 3: 9-11)
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - Hebrews and Judas

As the gospel spread throughout the Roman Empire in the last third of the first century, the congregation was increasingly faced with two specific challenges. After the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple by the Romans (70 AD), religious persecution subsided, but political persecution increased. In addition, after the apostles' death with the second generation of believers, the problem of heresy became increasingly important. Against this background, the remaining letters of the New Testament are written. Because the addressee's place of residence cannot always be clearly determined, these letters are better identified by their authors rather than their recipients. That is why the seven letters of James; 1 and 2 Peter and 1, 2 and 3 Letter of John and Judas called general letters because they appear to be generally addressed to Christians everywhere. The letter to the Hebrews, for which even the constitution is unclear, could not be counted among the Pauline letters nor among the general letters. We start with this letter, which is unusual from this point of view because it is unique.
Jewish Christians face increasing persecution, probably from unbelieving Jews. Therefore, they are tempted to leave their faith in the Messiah and return to their Old Testament faith. This letter is a "warning letter" that encourages perseverance because in Christ the fullness of the revelation and salvation laid down in the old covenant has already come (Hebrews 1: 1-3).
A. Jesus Christ is superior to any Old Testament prophet or priest because He is God's perfect image and paid the price of our sins in full (Hebrews 3: 1).
B. Look to Jesus and trust Him completely. He is both the beginner and the finisher of our faith. Your trust in Him will be richly rewarded (Hebrews 12: 1-3; Hebrews 13: 7-8).
James was a half-brother of Jesus who only believed in Him when he saw Him himself after the resurrection from the dead. James later became a senior elder in the Jerusalem church. He writes his letter to Jewish Christians who live scattered in different nations. He urges them to show their faith by helping those in need and keeping their lives clean from the world's defilement James 1: 27.
A. In addition to hearing the word of God, do it (James 1: 22-23).
B. Show the uniqueness and genuineness of your faith through your good deeds (James 2: 14-17).
III. 1 PETER: Suffering, because you do the right thing - not the wrong thing
Soon after Pentecost, the apostle Peter realized that suffering was an inevitable part of the life of a true follower of Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, the believers were persecuted not only by Jews who remained unbelievers, but also increasingly by the Roman government. Because the followers of Jesus believed in Him as Lord and not in the Roman Emperor, their devotion to Rome was questioned and their lives were threatened.
A. You are called to proclaim the blessings of him who called you (1. Peter 2: 9).
B. Do like your Savior in suffering for righteousness but not because of wrongdoing. Trust God that He will be as faithful to you as He was to His Son, your Savior and Lord (1. Peter 4: 15-19).
The apostle Peter warns of coming mad teachers who secretly introduce destructive heresies into the churches, with which even the sovereign Lord who obtained salvation is denied.
A. If you do not allow your beliefs to be lacking in virtue and cultivate the other qualities ascribed to partakers of the divine nature, then you will never fall due to the falsehood of nefarious mad teachers 18).
B. The Lord delays His coming because of His grace. He does not want any one to perish, but rather that all, including those who scorn, repent . 2. Peter 3: 9.
As in his gospel, the apostle John combats in his three letters the collapse of the truth of the gospel by those who try to reinterpret it with the help of Greek philosophy. Therefore, he points out the error of those who claim that Jesus did not come to earth in the flesh and clearly sets out the evidence by which a true believer can know that he has eternal life. (1. John 5: 12).
A. We know that we know God when we keep His commandments (1. John 2: 3).
B. We know that we came from death into life because we love our brothers (1. John 3: 14).
C. We know that every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. comes from God (1. John 4: 2).
Because of the increasing number of deceivers who spread error, the admission of traveling teachers must be made conditional on what they teach about Jesus Christ.
A. Deny your hospitality to those deceived, who have the spirit of the Antichrist and deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. (2. John 7-11).
B. Be hospitable to those who work for the truth and who have gone out for Jesus' sake and in the name of the Lord (3. John 5-8).
Judas, a brother of James, had planned to write about salvation in which all believers share. But the secret infiltration of mad teachers makes it necessary for him to write about how the saints are to fight for their faith, which has become theirs once and for all (Jude 3).
A. What the apostles foretold happened. Undivine scoffers are in the community of Belivers entered and are now trying to cause division (Jude 17-19).
B. Therefore, fight for the faith by building on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, and keeping yourselves in the love of God (Jude 20-21).
1. Why is the title "General Letters" used for the last eight letters in the New Testament?
2. Study Hebrews 1: 1, Hebrews 3: 5 and make a list of those to whom Christ is compared.
3. How is Christ compared to them?
4. How does James describe true religion in James 1: 27?
5. How can you put this commandment of James into practice in the Christian community in which you live?
6. According to First John, what three pieces of evidence are there that a believer can know that he has eternal life?
1. Discuss three conditions the early Church had to meet before a book could be included in the New Testament.
2. How do these conditions apply to Hebrews in particular?
3. Whose Christians are affirmed by the threefold "negative" at Hebrews 13: 5?
4. According to James, how do we prove our faith?
5. What things will help believers avoid falling into the error of false teachers (as per 2. Peter 1: 5-10)?
Overview of the New Testament Dr. John Amstutz - Revelation

If one tries to understand the Book of Revelation, the need for an appropriate methodology of Bible study becomes immediately apparent. Here, as throughout the Bible, the approach chosen is critical to "properly distributing the word of truth" (2. Timothy 2: 15). We have to let the Bible speak for itself instead of letting it say what we think she should say, which means that we must sincerely strive to answer the following four important questions:
1. What does a section say? We need to know what the author actually wrote by reading the section carefully and reading again and again.
2. What does a section mean? We need to find out what the author intended by looking at the original situation in which he wrote.
3. How does the teaching conveyed by this section fit with the teaching of the rest of Scripture? We need to consider the truth of this section in the light of God's whole counsel.
4. How can this truth be applied to me today? We have to apply to ourselves what a section wants to teach us by becoming the culprit of the word, not just listening.
Such direct study of the Word of God firsthand will bring it to life and will change our lives. It gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to use the word like a sharp and double-edged sword. (Hebrews 4: 12). It lets us hear the truth of God directly, which He originally intended when He inspired the author at the time. In this way, Scripture serves its purpose. She prepares us for salvation and equips us for every good work. (2. Timothy 3: 14-17).
Therefore, we should allow John's revelation to speak for itself. Let us try to hear the message as the first believers did, read to it by the ambassador who delivered it to the seven churches. As we do this, the book will become a real "revelation", a "revelation of Jesus Christ" (Revelation 1: 1). It is a "revelation" that Jesus gave and it is also a revelation of Himself.
The apostle John, who had been exiled to the small island of Patmos (35 miles off the southwest coast of Turkey) because of his testimony for Jesus, was "in spirit" on the day of the Lord. He writes down what he sees. The revelation is destined to be sent to seven parishes in the province of Asia Minor, over which area John was under supervision. Based on the statement by the Apostle John, "I was seized by the Spirit" appears in chapters 1, 4, 17 and 21 the book as a fourfold revelation of the reign of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1: 10-11a). It is the book of the increasing revelation of the reign of Jesus Christ.
I. JESUS CHRIST, LORD OF THE CHURCH (Revelation 1 to 3).
A. Christ's message to each church was heard by each of the seven churches.
1. Anyone with ears to hear should pay close attention to everything Christ said (Revelation 2: 7).
2. All must be fully prepared if they are to overcome and share in the ultimate victory (Revelation 2: 7).
B. What did they receive from Jesus Christ, Lord of the church?
1. Ephesus: return to your first love! (Revelation 2: 4-5)
2. Smyrna: Be faithful to death! (Revelation 2: 10)
3. Pergamon: reject compromises! (Revelation 2: 14)
4. Thyatira: Repent of your immorality! (Revelation 2: 21-22)
5. Sardis: Wake up and live! (Revelation 3: 1-2)
6. Philadelphia: Hold on to what you have! (Revelation 3: 11)
7. Laodicea: Open the door, let Christ rekindle your passion (Revelation 3: 20)
C. Everything that Christ said applies to the whole church of every generation as long as it is willing to overcome!
1. The number seven is symbolic of totality and completeness.
2. The order of the churches is only ordered geographically, not from a prophetic point of view.
A. What happens in heaven determines what happens on earth.
1. The growing dimension of the worship of God and the Lamb in heaven precedes the universal proclamation of the gospel on earth (Revelation 5: 13; Revelation 7: 9-10).
2. The death and triumph of the Lamb of God qualify Him to break the seal of the scroll and reign as the lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5: 5-10).
3. The annihilation of Satan and his throwing out of heaven is an occasion for great joy in heaven, but at the same time leads to a great conflict on earth (Revelation 12: 10-12).
B. Like the labor pains of pregnancy, the painful conflict unfolds on earth in three stages of sevenfold judgment.
1 . God's righteous judgments of wrath come upon people on earth who bear the mark of the beast. They are designed to lead to repentance (Revelation 9: 20-21).
2. As in the time of the plagues in Egypt, God's people are kept (sealed). Although persecuted by those who do not repent, they remain faithful until death (Revelation 14: 12-13).
III. JESUS CHRIST, LORD OF THE LORD (Revelation 17 bis 20)
A. The kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our Lord and His Messiah (Revelation 11: 15).
1. Babylon, Satan's kingdom, is falling apart (Revelation 18: 19-21).
2. With the armies of heaven, Jesus Christ returns as King of kings to destroy his enemies (Revelation 19: 11-16).
3. The beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet are cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 19: 20).
4. Satan is bound for 1000 years, after which he too will be thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20: 7-10).
B. The judgment before the great white throne takes place.
1. Everyone will be judged according to what has been recorded of them in each book (Revelation 20: 12-13).
2. Whose name is not found in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20: 14-15).
A. The eternal covenant will be fulfilled in the New Jerusalem.
1. God's dwelling will be with the people and He himself will live with them. They will be His people and He will be their God (Revelation 21: 1-3).
2. They will see His face and His name will be on their foreheads (Revelation 22: 4).
B. The old order with its curse is gone. God makes all things new.
1. A new heaven and earth replaces the first heaven and earth as God's glory makes both the moon and the sun unnecessary (Revelation 21: 1; 23).
2. There is no death, lamentation, weeping, or pain (Revelation 21: 4).
3. Paradise is then restored. All nations will have access to the tree of life (Revelation 22: 1-2).
4. God's people rule with Him forever and ever (Revelation 19: 6; Revelation 22: 5).
All things eventually find their fulfillment and consummation in New Jerusalem. What God originally intended for mankind from the beginning in the Garden of Eden is being fully realized: relationship. Community. Worship and rulership. The book of Revelation closes with a twofold invitation (Revelation 22: 17):
1. The Spirit and the Bride say “Come!” And whoever hears it (the words of this book) say: Come! Lord Jesus, come back soon. Maranatha!
2. And whoever thirsts, let him come; and whoever wants to can take the water of life for free (as long as there is still time). Amen! Yes, come, Lord Jesus! The Lord's grace be with all. Amen! (Revelation 22: 20-21).
1. Write down the dual purposes of the Bible in your own words.
2. How does this apply to the study of Revelation?
3. What does the word "revelation" suppose in this book?
4. List the seven churches and the messages of Christ addressed to them.
Are these messages still meaningful for the church today?
5. Study Revelation 19 and Revelation 20 and make a list of the sequence of events that will bring up the end of this age.
6. What did God originally have in mind for mankind that, according to the book of Revelation, will only be fully realized in the new age?
1. Review the correct methodology of Bible study. What lessons can we learn from this today?
2. How does this method apply to studying Revelation?
3. Discuss the saying, "I was taken by the Spirit," which John used four times. How does this relate to the rulership of Jesus Christ?
4. How should we interpret Jesus' message to the seven churches in Asia Minor?
5. Comment on the "seal" at Revelation 7: 4.
(a) What is the seal? (Ephesians 1: 13).
(b) Who are the sealed? (Romans 8: 9; Revelation 14: 1-5).
6. How should we respond to the double invitation with which Revelation 22: 17 closes?
Rev. LaMar Boschmann - Praise and worship
Praise and worship Rev. LaMar Boschmann - Purpose and meaning of worship

We will discover, on the one hand, how important worship is to the Lord and, on the other hand, deal with the responsibility of every believer to give worship the corresponding priority in his life. After that, we will ask "Why do we worship?" And "What is worship?" answer.
A. Worship is a priority in scripture.
1. Revelation 14: 7 “... FEAR GOD, and GIVE HONOR TO HIM; for the hour of his judgment has come; and PRAY TO him who ... "
2. The highest function of all creatures, including man, is for time and eternity to worship the Creator. Jesus said that all creatures owe worship.
3. Matthew 4: 10 "YOU SHOULD Worship THE LORD YOUR GOD, and serve Him only."
B. It is the primary function of the church.
1. The church must give worship the highest priority because the church's first priority must be God Himself. Any other answer would ultimately mean that the church is practicing idolatry - putting anyone or something above HIM.
2. The church is called to worship its exalted head. 1. Peter 2: 9 "But you are the chosen generation, the royal priesthood, the holy people, the people of property, that YOU SHOULD PROCLAIM THE GOOD DUTIES of him who called you from darkness to his marvelous light."
3. In Genesis we read that Adam fell when he failed to worship God. Revelation reads that the entire story boils down to eternal worship in the presence of the glorified Lord.
4. AW Tozer, states in his little book entitled Worship: The Missing Jewel of the Evangelica / Church regarding the purpose God has in sending His Son to die, to rise from the dead and to sit at His right hand: “ The purpose is that at all costs he wanted to give us back the missing jewel of worship. So that we might come back and learn again to do what we were originally created to do - to worship the Lord in the beauty of His Holiness, to spend our time in reverential wonder and admiration for God, to feel it and also to express it. We are first of all as worshipers in this world, only secondarily as workers. "
C. Jesus made worship a priority in His life.
1. Matthew 22: 26-38 “... You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important commandment. "
(a) Worship is the first and greatest commandment in the new covenant and the first commandment of the law under the old covenant.
(b) This call to worship is actually giving her universal priority. It is the number one task that every believer in every nation has to fulfill.
(c) Revelation 15: 4 “Who should not fear you, Lord, and glorify your name? Because you alone are holy! Yes, ALL PEOPLES will come and WORRY BEFORE YOU, for your righteous judgments are revealed. "
2. In prayer He taught us to worship God.
(a) Luke 11: 2 "But he said to them:" When you pray, say [Our] Father [in heaven], Your name be SANCTIFIED. "
(b) Before we ask Him, we should worship Him. Worship is not based on "what" He can do for us, but "who" He is for us.
A. Why do we practice worship?
1. Because we know who He is - the Creator. He is worthy of us worshiping Him because of His intrinsic transcendence, uniqueness, and holiness.
2. For what he did for us. He created us, so we worship Him. He saved us, so we worship.
3. To obey the will of our Heavenly Father. (John 4: 23 "... for the Father wants those who worship him like this [true worshipers who worship in spirit and truth]").
4. To honor and praise HIM. Worship is not for us, but a selfless attitude and action towards HIM. Our adoration is for HIM.
(a) We do not worship because we want to enjoy the feeling or the sensations. We don't worship because it makes us feel good. We worship because we want to please HIM.
(b) We are not the beneficiaries of worship. Our drive for worship should go far beyond such an attitude. "True" worship is not self-centered, nor is it selfishly motivated.
5. Because we love HIM. He means so much to us. Figuratively speaking, our hearts are "pregnant" with the adoration, exaltation and appreciation that HIM deserves.
6. Because of His activity on this earth. Because of the Christ event (His death, resurrection and imminent return) we worship HIM.
7. To approach HIM.
(a) In musical worship we move into His presence.
(b) Psalm 100: 2-4 "... come before him with exultation ... Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise."
(c) Psalm 22: 4 "But you are holy, enthroned over the praises of Israel."
A. Worship is ...
1. Give something to God. We don't gather to receive but to give. God should benefit from our worship, not us. Worship is not for people but for God.
2. Announce who He is. Singing out one's qualities with an adoring attitude honors and elevates HIM audibly and visibly for people and angels.
3. An attitude of the heart - an attitude that is expressed in adoration, praise and thanksgiving Expression comes.
4. An expression of love. Worship is a love response within an existing relationship.
5. To tell the work of Christ and to understand it in practice.
6. Both a subjective feeling and an objective activity. It is neither a suppressed feeling nor an empty formality.
7. An encounter between God and his people.
B. Worship is not ...
1. Music. Music alone is not worship. Musical ability alone does not necessarily make up admirable worship. Musical instruments aren't just for worship. Worship is not mechanical and is not lifeless. Certain tempos and durations (the style of music) are not criteria for worship. The heart determines whether the song is for worship - not the style of music.
2. Praise. Praise is a sacrifice of faith. There is a worship offering, but there is no worship offering. Worship is based on love. Thanksgiving and praise are often based on the actions of Christ, but worship is always based on His person.
A. Worship is ...
1. the result of creation. Because we were created, we worship our Creator. Every civilization has worshiped someone or something. God created us with a desire and a tendency to worship.
2. to give exclusively to God himself. It cannot be for our benefit or for the unsaved. Worship is an essential part of the ministry that is given to God.
3. centered on his person, not on his work. We worship HIM for "who he is for us," not just for "what he has done."
4. a lifestyle. We worship because we are worshipers.
5. a result of rebirth. We are now the temples of the Holy Spirit where worship takes place regularly, no matter where we are.
B. Worship will not ...
Done for you by others. Contributors and worship leaders are not a substitute for our own worship. Worship is personal and takes place individually.
1. Memorize 1. Peter 2: 9.
2. Give three reasons why worship is the highest function of the church.
(a) The first priority of the church must be God himself.
(b) The church is called to do so. to worship their exalted head.
(c) Man is made for it. Worship god.
3. Give two reasons why we worship.
(a) God is the Creator. He created and saved us.
(b) Obey Him, praise and honor Him.
4. Suggest some ways that you can make worship part of your lifestyle. (Read Romans 12: 1-2)
Form a group of 3 or 4 people to discuss the lesson.
1. What misconceptions about worship were corrected in this lesson?
2. How does Jesus, our Lord, incorporate worship into His prayer life?
3. List many of the priorities of the church today and compare the amount of time we devote to these things compared to worship.
Praise and worship Rev. LaMar Boschmann - The role of music in the kingdom of God

What is the purpose of music in the kingdom of God? What role does the musician play in this kingdom, which is governed by the creator of the cosmos? We will discover the principles according to which music works in the kingdom of God and what supernatural results such music can achieve.
A. The use of music in God's Kingdom is biblical.
1. 1. Chronicles 15: 16 "And David commanded the rulers of the Levites to order their brothers, the singers, with strings, with psalteries, harps, and cymbals, that they should sing aloud and with joy."
B. The use of music is a divinely ordained ministry.
1. 2. Chronicles 29: 25 “And he set up the Levites in the house of the Lord with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, as David commanded, and Gad the king's seer, and Nathan the prophet; for it was the command of the Lord through his prophets. "
2. Psalm 81: 1-3 “Sing joyfully to God, who is our strength, shout for joy to the God of Jacob! Begin with psalms and let us hear the timpani, lovely zithers and harps. "
A. Music in effect
1. The supernatural power of God's presence fills the music that He commissions.
2. God fills praise and worship with His presence. Psalm 22: 4 "But you are holy, enthroned over the hymns of Israel."
(a) "Set in" - yashab (ya-schab); sit down, linger, persist, settle down, apartment, dwelling, let someone live, keep (with regard to house), wait, stay, return, sit, sit down, hesitate.
(b) "Praise" -tehillah (te-hil-la); from hymn of praise; specifically it is a hymn or a chorale.
3. 2. Kings 3: 14-15 “Elisha said ... 'So now bring me a minstrel.' And when the minstrel was playing on the strings, the hand of the Lord came upon Elisha ".
(a) "Minstrel, player '- nagan (na-gan); goes back to a simple root; more precisely: strumming, e.g. strike a beat with your fingers; mainly to play on a string instrument in order to make music (in general).
(b) When this musician of the kingdom began to play, the power and direction of the self-existent Eternal came upon Elisha. (c) When the royal musician played, God appeared. What was the minstrel playing that led to this encounter with God?
B. A Ministry of Prophecy See 1. Chronicles 25: 1-7.
C. A service of warriors
1.Enemies are destroyed when the royal musicians play in praise (Joshua 6: 20)
2. God fights for His people. (2. Chronicles 20: 22)
3. The example of Shiloh Christian Fellowship in Oakland.
4. Miracles happen when we worship God because in it his presence is revealed. (Acts 16: 25-30)
D. A ministry of liberation
1. 1. Samuel 16: 23 - Deliverance from evil spirits.
2. I saw demons come out of people while practicing worship and worship in Cordoba, Argentina and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
E. A stream of the Holy Spirit.
1. The Holy Spirit is a musical spirit. He sings and plays using certain people.
(a) Through David - 2. Samuel 23: 1-2
(b) By believers - Ephesians 5: 18-20
2. Musicians in God's Kingdom are like locks that have the spiritual ability to develop the flow of the Holy Spirit as well as the presence of God.
F. A ministry of God's presence
1. When musicians of the Divine Kingdom play, supernatural things, signs, and wonders happen (2. Chronicles 5: 12-14).
2. When musicians play and sing in the kingdom of God, they are performing a heavenly service.
NOTE: There is no scripture suggesting that instruments are in Hell. Only in heaven, in the presence of God, are there musical instruments and perpetual singing. The party is in heaven.
G. A ministry of preaching God's Word
1. Colossians 3: 16 “Let the word of Christ dwell abundantly among you: teach and exhort one another in all wisdom; with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, God sings gratefully in your hearts. "
2. The royal musicians read and study God's Word. As they serve, their music is filled with God's Word. It is full of truth and principles of the kingdom of God.
H. A ministry of evangelism
1. 2. Samuel 22: 50 "Therefore I will give thanks to you, Lord, among the Gentiles, and to sing praises to your name".
2 Romans 15: 9 "The Gentiles shall praise God for mercy, as it is written: Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles and sing your name."
1. Why should we (Christians) use musical instruments to praise God when the same instruments are used by unbelievers? 2. Chronicles 15: 16; 2. Chronicles 29: 25; Psalm 81: 1-2; Ephesians. 5: 18-20
2. According to the following scriptures, where are musical instruments used to accompany worship? Revelation 5: 8-14; Revelation 14: 2-3; Revelation 15: 2-3
3. Who is commanded to sing psalms and other songs of praise and worship?
(a) Ephesians 5: 18-20
(b) James 5: 13
4. List the benefits of music in our lives as we advance the kingdom of God.
5. Write Colossians 3: 16 in your own words.
1. Take a few minutes to sing praise and worship songs to God.
2. Discuss how the ministry of music can be used in the following areas:
(a) Spiritual warfare
(b) Deliverance from evil spirits
(c) In teaching the Word of God
(d) Evangelism
Praise and worship Rev. LaMar Boschmann - The meaning of the new song

Is it really necessary to praise God in a spontaneous way, be it in common or private times of worship? Isn't it enough to sing songs that others have written? Why do we need improvised singing at all? Can't we just sing what is on the daylight projector's slides or in the hymnbook? Let's take a look together at the importance and power of the new song.
A. God longs most for the new song. It is the song that every Christian should sing and is a necessary part of our collective and private worship. There is supernatural power in this song.
B. Psalm 40: 4 "... he has put a NEW SONG in my mouth to praise our God."
A. We are urged by the scriptures to sing "new" songs.
1. Isaiah 42: 10 "SING A NEW SONG to the LORD, his glory in the ends of the earth." (Luther translation)
2. "New" - fresh, something new (it is the original).
B. All Christians should sing.
1. Music lies in the believer. Every Christian in the kingdom of God is a musician.
2. The word "musician" in Webster's dictionary denotes someone who composes and performs music.
(a) Singing a new song to the Lord (Psalm 40: 3) is composition.
(b) “Come before him with exultation” (Psalm 100: 2) is the performing and chanting of praise to Him.
3. Some consider themselves unsuitable as singers because of their vocal qualities.
(a) God pays attention to the quality of the heart first and only then to the quality of the pitch.
(b) “For the LORD does not see what a man sees. A man sees what is in front of his eyes, but the LORD sees the heart "(1. Samuel 16: 7)
C. It is the song God desires most.
1. Psalm 22: 3 "But you are holy, who are enthroned over the hymns of praise (Hbr -" tehillah ") of Israel."
2. The Hebrew word "tehillah" is defined in Psalm 40: 4: "He put a new song in my mouth, a song full of" tehillah ".
3. Of all the songs that God could have chosen to manifest His presence, He preferred to dwell in "tehillah".
(a) Illustration: a card for my wife.
(b) Illustration: Christmas card.
A. Psalm 149: 6 "Let God lift up their mouths (" tehillah "); they should hold sharp swords in their hands ... to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with iron fetters, that they may judge them, as it is written. Such honor shall all his saints have. " * Illustration - Dr. Sasser on the Marshal Islands.
B. 2. Chronicles 20: 21-22. King Jehoshaphat ordered singers to sing praises and when they began to give thanks and praise ("tehillah"), the LORD set an ambush over the three enemy armies.
IV. THE HOLY SPIRIT SINGS (Ephesians 5: 18-19; Colossians 3: 16)
A. "Spiritual songs" - Greek: "ode pneumatikos"
1. "Ode" - a hymn or a general expression for words set to music. It is essentially unprepared (not rehearsed) and it is often offered to God as a poem with uplifting feeling.
2. Definition of "Pneumatikos"
(a) "Non-fleshly, ethereal, spirit, breath, breath"
(b) “Always carries the associations of invisibility and power. It is a post-Pentecostal word creation ... "
B. The Holy Spirit is a singing spirit
1. He wants to sing through you. When the Holy Spirit is in abundance, He is concerned to sing. Spirit and song are signs of fulfillment. When you are full of the Holy Spirit, you are also full of song.
2. The word of God is His songbook.
3. Paul summed up the importance of the Holy Spirit in public worship by saying, "We worship by the Spirit of God."
C. John 7: 38-39: “Whoever believes in me, as the scriptures say, from his body will flow rivers of living water (continuously). But that is what he said of the spirit that should be received by those who believed in him. "
D. Our goal in a worship service is not just to sing songs but to step into His presence. The new song is one of several Luther translations. Set aside a time for people to sing their own songs to God. It is a more intimate and personal expression of love for God.
A. The early Christians sang this song.
* The example of Polycarp.
B. Moses, Miriam, Samuel, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Zefania, Zechariah, Jeremiah, Zefaniah, the sons of Korach, Joschafat, Asaph, Heman, Jedutun, Mary, Jesus, the disciples and the first Christians sang these songs.
C. It is these songs that are most likely to be sung predominantly in heaven.
1. Revelation 14: 2-3 “And I heard a voice from heaven like the voice of great water and like the voice of a great thunder, and the voice I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. And they sang a new song before the throne ... "
2. Revelation 5: 8-9 “... then the four figures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the lamb, and each one had a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints, and they sang a new song ... "
D. The New Song can be heard in every denomination.
1. It is not a matter of a specific form of charismatic, Pentecostal, Baptist, Catholic or Mennonite liturgy. It's just a biblical, Christian expression.
2. It is possible that this song was present in most revivals in church history as well as biblical history.
Every Christian should practice this hymn of praise anytime and anywhere - in the car, at home, in the office, at school, on the street, and in the marketplace. This is the song in which God himself dwells and in which the power of His manifested presence can be experienced.
Study Psalm 149: 5-9 and answer the following questions:
1. Who is commanded to sing to the Lord?
2. Where should they sing to the Lord?
3. What is the content of their song?
1. Discuss some ways we can put new spiritual song singing into practice in:
(a) our joint community meetings
(b) your private times before God.
2. Where do we get the composition of the new song from? From the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
3. If a believer leads a life filled with the Holy Spirit, what results are to be expected according to Ephesians 5: 18-19?
Praise and worship Rev. LaMar Boschmann - Our responsibility as worshipers

In this lesson we will discover what the believer's appropriate response to God should be. How should we behave in worship? What should our attitude be? What about our responsibility as a worshiper to our Creator? Some of us are not aware that God expects certain behavior on our part during times of worship. Or does he expect us not to give him an answer? And if He expects us to contact you, what should our answer be?
A. Our worship is for the pleasure of Christ
1. 2. Corinthians 5: 9 “We put our glory on it. ... that we please HIM ".
2. 2. Corinthians 5: 15 “so that those who live DO NOT LIVE FOR themselves; but THAT who died and rose for them. "
B. It is our responsibility to respond to God.
1. If God means anything to us, it is necessary that we respond to Him in worship. He gave life so that we could live. How important is it to us really?
2. An answer is required. He expects us to worship HIM with affection.
C. Worship is relationship.
1. Active worship and attitudes are essential; it is a necessity and a prerequisite for a relationship with God. Worship is more than a preference, although we remain free in our choice to serve God. If we love Him, we will worship Him too.
2. Worship is not simply optional for us for two reasons. He created us - as His creatures we must worship Him. He died for us - as our Savior, He deserves our worship.
A. A worshiper must have a sacred passion for Jesus. God wants us to have a sacred passion. How can we cultivate intimacy and closeness with our God? It is worth taking a look at how we can maintain an open and personal, two-way relationship with the one we love so much.
B. One thing is necessary. (Luke 10: 38-42)
1. Familiarity with God is the first priority
(a) There must be familiarity in our life before service.
(b) If we are drawn to HIM in worship, then we can go ahead with HIM in our area of responsibility. It is necessary that we are drawn to Him as trusted worshipers.
(c) We have been taught to serve the Lord. However, our evangelizing, teaching, or witnessing will not have any lasting effect until we worship.
(d) As we become more confident in God, we acquire a touch of the Lord for our spirit, attitude, and behavior. Every single area becomes more like Christ and our feeling for what the Lord wants in concrete situations grows.
(a) Mary and Martha lived in Bethany with their brother Lazarus. They were most likely something like a home for Jesus.
(b) Marta was the eldest of the family and was responsible for the household. She was practical and very down to earth.
(c) Mary was the one who, a few days after the death of her brother Lazarus, anointed the feet of Jesus with a precious nard and dried them with her own hair.
(d) Jesus is in the third year of His ministry. It's a year of resistance. It is only two miles from Jerusalem. In six months he will be killed.
C. Familiarity with God has some very interesting aspects.
1. Familiarity is more important than our work and our service.
(a) "Mary chose the better part."
(b) Jesus found being served as a distraction from the worship that had been given to Him. Business and activism are the enemies of intimate contact with HIM.
2. Familiarity with God is a choice that must be made.
(a) You are not just sliding into intimacy with God. Rather, this is preceded by a clear decision.
(b) Mary and Martha were sisters, i.e. they came from very similar backgrounds. But only Mary made the decision to be close to Jesus.
3. Familiarity is the opposite of an anxious attitude.
(a) "Marta, you have a lot of worry and trouble."
(b) Spending time with Jesus gives peace and quiet. To be with HIM fixes the actual situation again and gives the right perspective.
4. Familiarity leads Jesus to seek us.
(a) When we seek Him in relaxed worship, He draws near to us.
(b) God does not have "favorites" but "confidants".
D. Those who lack familiarity will ...
1. ... have an accusing spirit ("Lord, don't you ask about it ...?")
2. ... have no reverence for authority (Martha rebuked the Lord!)
3. ... have a selfish spirit ("... that my sister will let me serve alone?")
4. ... have to be demanding ("Tell her ..." - Marta made a demand to the Lord)
5. ... focus on things rather than relationships.
6. ... be constantly exposed to emotional ups and downs.
(a) Martha opened her house to Jesus, but then reprimanded Him.
(b) John 11: 21-22 Then Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, had you been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know: What you ask of God, God will give you. "
E. Some things seem to promote familiarity with God - but they don't
1. To recognize Christ as Lord.
(a) Jesus came to Marta's house. She called Him Lord.
(b) Matthew 7: 22-23 “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Have we not cast out evil spirits in your name? Have we not done many miracles in your name? Then I will confess to them: I have never known you; depart from me, you evildoers. "
2. Activities for Christ - ,, ... depart from me, you evildoers! "
3. Asking something of Christ - "Lord, could you please ..."
F. There are things that actually help to deepen familiarity with God.
1. Proximity to God
(a) Your closeness to Jesus. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. Maybe she was kneeling too.
(b) Being close to the Lord increases intimacy with Him. Spend time with Him.
2. Focus on communication.
(a) Making yourself vulnerable through communication is as much a key to opening up the world of emotions as being close to someone.
(b) Mary listened carefully to what Jesus had to say.
A. Spiritual intensity
1. God rejoices in great zeal in prayer and praise. He wants us to be generous in giving and ardent in faith, lavish in our worship, rich in love, and passionate in our prayers.
2. God wants us to be there for him wholeheartedly and totally - "outside of ourselves." it is we for you. For the love of Christ urges us ... "(2. Corinthians 5: 13-14)
B. Holistic, Serious Worship ... (Eight Buzzwords)
1. ... is "extreme" - Revelation 3: 15-16; Luke 10: 27; 1. Chronicles 16: 23-37; Psalm 150: 2
Is there a limit or a peak to our seriousness? Is there actually an edge or edge that we could move beyond?
2. ... "requires" feeling "- Luke 10: 27; Psalm 103: 1
The Lord is excited about our feelings, passion, and zeal. God created us to express our extreme feelings. It is a natural reaction to the things that happen in our life. * Should we withhold something in worship? Or shouldn't we be transparent and genuine? Isaiah 56: 7.
3. ... "requires" enthusiasm "
(a) "Hallelujah" - spontaneous outcry from someone who is totally excited about God. "Hallelujah '- STATE, rave, clamor, be loudly silly, put on a show. (1) This word was used to mean an extreme EXCITEMENT, EXCELLENCE and an extraordinary TRIUMPF expression.
4. ... "requires" calling out "- Revelation 4: 11; Revelation 5: 13; 1 Timothy 1: 17; 1 Chronicles 29: 10-13
5. ... "requires effort".
(a) Psalm 100: 4 “Enter his gates with thanksgiving (raise your arms with your hands hollowed upwards; confession, thanksgiving) to his courts with praise; thank him, praise his name! "The word" thanksgiving "implies action, not passivity. It requires participation. We are about to make the first move.
(b) Psalm 117: 1 "... Praise (shabach) Him, all peoples." "Shabach" - recommend happiness, loud admiration, a cry, loudly proclaim God's honor, triumph, strength, grace and love. Addressing someone in a loud voice. The Lord wants us to "show ourselves" and present ourselves in "exuberance".
(c) Psalm 100: 2 "... COME before His face with exultation."
(e) James 4: 8 "Draw near to God, and he draws near to you ..."
(f) It takes effort to draw near to God. He is in secret so those who are really interested in a relationship with Him need to get close to Him. It's not that easily accessible. Our effort goes ahead.
(g) 1. Chronicles 13: 8 "But David and all Israel danced before God with all might, with songs, with harps, with psalteries, with kettledrons, with cymbals and with trumpets."
6. ... requires "a role model"
(a) Jesus is the perfect worshiper and mentor in this area.
6.1. Luke 10: 21 "At that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit."
6.2. "Rejoice" - agalliao (ag-al-li-a-o); from "agan" (much); more precisely: jumping for joy, i.e. rejoice. In another biblical context also "delighted beyond measure."
6.3. Jesus demonstrated high levels of emotional excitement and intense devotion.
6.4. David is the model of a serious Old Testament worshiper.
(a) 2. Samuel 6: 13-23 (please read all verses) “And David danced before the LORD with all his might ... And David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouts and the sound of a trumpet. ... "and I want to be even lower than now and want to be low in my eyes."
(b) Psalm 27: 6 "... therefore I will offer praise in his tent; I will sing and give praise to the Lord."
7. Be "in anticipation" - Psalm 42: 5; Hebrews 11: 6
8. Be “wasteful” - Matthew 26: 6-13; 21: 8; 2. Samuel 24: 24; 1. Chronicles 29: 1-2
Do not be stingy in your worship. Do not hold back your emotions or hide your emotions. Rather, show carefree devotion to God.
A. What are we really thinking about?
1. Are we more concerned with how we stand and affect others than how God sees us? If so, we put ourselves above the Lord.
2. It is easy to walk the path of least resistance in prayer and praise and obey the urges of our flesh.
B. What does unadulterated worship ask of us?
1. It takes effort, feeling, enthusiasm, dedication, vocal affirmation, waste, expectation, and a role model from us. Put aside your self-confidence and worship God in "spirit (human, rational soul) and in truth (close to reality, clear, without hiding anything)."
Are we reluctant to let our feelings run free for fear? Are we afraid of enjoying the feelings that arise from God's presence?
2. We no longer need to feel guilty about the joy (rapture and excitement) of His presence.
3. It is wrong to shape our theology out of our feelings. But God created us in such a way that our theology influences our soul (center of sensations).
Psalm 27: 8 “My heart holds before your word: 'YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR MY FACE' (ASK and ASK FOR MY PRESENT - your most important need). That is why I seek your face, Lord. "
1. What is the first requirement we have to meet in order to be able to worship? Maintain a relationship with God.
2. Give two reasons why the worship of God is not at our discretion?
(a) He made us.
(b) He died for us.
3. List eight things that are part of serious worship. Effort, feeling. Enthusiasm. Commitment. loud reaffirmation. Waste. Expectation and being a role model.
4. Read 2. Samuel 6 | How does David show himself as an example of serious worship in this chapter? He degraded himself before God. by dancing in public.
Make small groups of 3-4 people to share the lesson with you.
1. How can we become more familiar with Jesus Christ? Luke 10: 38-42
2. What does it mean to worship God with all your heart?
3. What is the connection between worship and wasteful giving? Matthew 26: 6-13
4. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give each of you an attitude of praise and worship.
Praise and worship Rev. LaMar Boschmann - How to become a worshiper

A rebirth of worship is taking place in the hearts of believers around the world. The Lord confidently takes us to a new level of powerful, personal, and passionate worship. We will discover the need for every Christian and especially every leader to develop a life of intimacy with God through worship. We will find out how to promote and maintain such a lifestyle so that we are "worshipers" and not "worship" every weekend.
A. Worship begins with the individual.
1. It does not spring from a worship group or musical instruments.
2. Worship does not begin at the front of the podium or in the ward meeting.
3. Worship begins in the heart of every believer. God cares much more about the condition of our heart than about the position of our hands. He is more concerned with the personal praise of His people than the public, let alone the personalities who lead the praise (God looks at every heart).
B. How I became a worshiper.
1. For the first time when I raised my hands.
2. For the first time when I danced before the Lord.
C. The Father is looking not for worship but for worshipers.
1. John 4: 23 .But the time is coming, and now is, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the father also wants such worshipers. "
2. The Lord is not just looking for worship, but worshipers: people who give themselves to Him. (If he was just seeking adoration, we might as well have a CD played.)
3. Romans 12: 1 “I exhort you now, dear brethren, through the mercy of God, that you offer your bodies as a sacrifice that is living, holy and pleasing to God. That is your sensible service. "
4. We are required to give ourselves to Him anew every day, not just pay lip service. When we do this, we worship our faithful Father and he will be glorified.
D. Praise and worship should be ongoing.
1. Hebrews 13: 15 "So let us therefore always bring the praise offering to God through him."
2. Psalm 59:17 "But I will sing of your might, and in the morning I will praise your kindness."
(a) Why shouldn't we keep worshiping Him either? God himself is the object of our worship. He is immutable. His thoughts about us remain the same. No one else sits on the Throne of the Universe and He will never change His orders. God is never in a bad mood because He doesn't have black days.
(b) His honor will never diminish. His kingdom has no end. His grace endures forever. He is the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Because He never changes, our praising Him should never cease.
3. Psalm 145: 1-2 “I will exalt you, my God, King, and sing praises of your name forever and ever. I WANT TO PRAISE YOU DAILY and boast your name forever and ever. "
E. When and how we praise Him does not depend on our surroundings or the current situation.
1. Habakkuk 3: 17-18 “The fig tree will not grow there, nor will there be any growth on the vine. The olive tree does not produce anything, and the fields do not produce any food; Sheep will be torn from the corral and there will be no cattle in the stables. But I want to rejoice in the Lord and be glad in God my salvation. "
2. 1. Thessalonians 5: 18 “Be thankful in all things; for that is the will of God in Christ Jesus towards you. "
(a) "BE GRATEFUL TO GOD IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES ... if you follow this counsel you will carry out the will of God which was expressed in Christ Jesus." (Newer translation in American.)
(b) "Make it a habit to thank God for everything" (other English translation).
3. The first step to living a steadfast life of worship is to make the decision that "I WILL praise Him whether I feel like it or not."
F. Praise is intended for private as well as public offering.
1. Psalm 149: 5 "The saints ... and boast in their beds."
2. Psalm 35: 28 "... My tongue shall speak of your righteousness AND PRIZE YOU DAILY".
G. The question is not "where" or "when", but "who" and "how".
1. At John 4:23, the terminology Jesus uses when speaking about the worship of God is crucial. It showed that the place of worship was no longer central.
2. Ephesians 5:20 "And give thanks to God the Father always for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
3. A life of praise flows from your will to do so, not from emotions or emotions.
4. Psalm 34: 1 “I will praise the Lord AT ALL TIME; His praise should ALWAYS be on my lips. "
A. Worshipers spend time in God's presence.
1. Worshipers want to get close to God. You consciously sacrifice time in intimate fellowship with the Lord.
2. The more we meet God, the more we want to worship Him.
B. Worshipers seek to please the Lord in everything they do.
1. Proverbs 14: 2 "He that fears the Lord walks on the right track."
2. 1. Corinthians 10: 31 "Whether you eat or drink or WHATEVER YOU DO, THAT DOES EVERYTHING FOR GOD'S GLORY."
A. Worshipers have an undivided heart in their work.
1. Luke 10: 27 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart ..."
2. Serious worship gives everything to HIM. Serious worshipers are unreasonable about their lavish worship of God.
3. Worshipers are extreme and excessive. A biblical worshiper is extraordinarily generous with his time, feelings, demeanor, and strength in worship.
B. Worshipers are emotional.
1. Luke 10: 27 "You shall love the Lord your God" with all your soul ... ")
2. To love God with all your soul includes our emotional world. The Lord delights in worship that is carried entirely by our feelings.
3. Worshipers are free to live out and express what they feel. Our worship should not be introverted or limited to an intellectual level, but rather experiential and expressive, full of warmth, powerful, whole-hearted and definitely showing feelings.
C. Worshipers are expressive.
1. Luke 10: 27 "You shall love the Lord your God". of all strength. "
2. Our bodies are the source of our physical strength. God takes great pleasure in giving our bodies as living sacrifices. (Romans 12: 1).
3. We are to glorify God through and with our body. (1. Corinthians 6: 20)
D. Worshipers are determined.
1. Luke 10: 27 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your mind."
2. Wholehearted worshipers are single-minded and God-conscious.
E. Worshipers initiate worship in others.
1. Worshipers are contagious. Because of their exposure to God and their excessive expression, they ignite a passion in others.
2. We all want to experience and express worship as they do.
F. Worshipers have broken spirits.
Psalm 51: 18-19 “For you do not want sacrifices, otherwise I would give them to you, and you do not like burnt offerings. The sacrifices that please God are a frightened spirit; you, God, will not despise a frightened, bruised heart. "
“Worship culminates as an expression of a lifetime; our worship is only as dynamic as our lives. "- LaMar Boschman.
1. Make a list of your priorities as a believer and understand the importance of worship to you.
2. Make a conscious effort to worship the Lord in every situation every day.
3. What is the first step in building a consistent life of worship? Make the decision. that “I will praise him. no matter whether I feel like it or not. "
4. List six things that belong to a true worshiper as personal traits: an undivided heart, emotional, expressive, determined, innovative and a broken mind.
Questions: For discussion in small groups.
1. How often do we worship God in one day?
2. How well can we bring our praise to God in bad times?
3. Can you think of a relative, friend, or acquaintance who praises the Lord in all things?