With this offer we would like to give you the opportunity to learn more about the Bible and Christian life. Reach people and get the message across to other people.
We thank "The International Curriculum" as well as all pastors and pastor Michael Ackermann, who unfortunately passed away much too early and gave us the opportunity to use these lessons for this service.
The Bible says: "You received it for free and you should pass it on for free."
Our thanks also go to BibleServer for the possibility to connect the links of the Bible verses directly to the website. The biblical passages shown refer to the King James Version (KJV) translation.
In the course of these lessons, we will look at:
Multiplication mobilization (1 lesson)
Rev. Berin Gilfillan received the vision for the ISDD Bible School from God in the 1990s. In this lesson, he talks about God's promise to Abraham to multiply him like the stars in the sky and the sand in the sea. He shows that in His Word God promised multiplication in five areas for every Christian and for every church when we learn to do our part.
Community-centered training (3 lessons)
Dr. Stan de Koven is the founder and president of the Vision International University (VIU), through which the ISDD Bible School receives its bachelor, master and doctoral degrees. The university's service specializes in helping communities to establish and also accredit schools of service. In this course Stan teaches how to structure and build a training program.
Cell groups and the principle of 12 (5 lessons)
Rev. Larry Stockstill is the founder of one of America's leading cell-based communities. Today he is part of an international teaching and travel service and is the author of many books. In this course, he teaches how each community can build a strong service from cell groups. His principle of the twelve, inspired by Jesus' 12 disciples, forms the structure for disciples and leader training.
Power evangelism (5 lessons)
Dr. Reinhard Bonnke is a globally recognized evangelist whose powerful preaching has saved and healed millions of people in Africa and around the world. This course is a classic about evangelism in fire and the power of the Holy Spirit. In this course Bonnke teaches the secrets of evangelism, as well as the lifestyle necessary to bring a lot of fruit.
Integrity of the leader (2 lessons)
Dr. Jack Hayford is pastor of the well-known Church on the Way congregation in California, which also gave birth to the Cleansing Stream healing and relief service. He is valued worldwide as a pastor for pastors. This is a key course on a leader's heart and a lifestyle of integrity in words and deeds, which is a stable foundation for lifelong service.
The leader's vision (5 lessons)
Rev. David Shibley is the founder of the Global Advance service, which focuses on training pastors and leaders for effective service. In this very practical course, he teaches how to receive a vision from God, pray for it, and bring it to fruition. It is a very instructive course for every Christian to develop their own vision of life step by step.
Church planting in teams (5 lessons)
Dr. Jim Feeney was a pastor for many years in the Abbot Loop Church in Alaska, which sent out over 1,000 of its members for church planting. In this course, he teaches very clearly how to assemble teams of church planters, train them for service, prepare them and send them out later. The course teaches a model that has been tried and tested many times in practice.
Guided by the Holy Spirit (5 lessons)
Rev. Bayless Conley is a pastor from the Cottonwood community in California and a popular television minister whose broadcasts are seen around the world. In this course he teaches how to hear God's voice and how to experience His guidance in everyday life. He shares very practical insights on how to improve your ministry, how to serve the Lord in a balanced way and as a family.
Men who keep their word (1 lesson)
Dr. Ed Cole is the late founder of the worldwide Christian men's network. His ministry has impacted the lives of millions of men in over 150 countries worldwide. The message of this lesson influenced sports coach Bill McCartney to found the Promise Keeper movement. This is a lesson that every man and woman should listen to and heed.
Rev. Benin Gilfillan - Introduction to the multiplication of the Service
Einführung Rev. Benin Gilfillan - Introduction to the multiplication of the Service

As the one God used to implement the vision of the teachings, Berin Gilfillan gives insights behind it and why this tool was produced.
Video | Introduction to the multiplication of the Service
mp3 | Introduction to the multiplication of the Service
Since the beginning of time, God has spoken to people about the growth of His kingdom.
A. The command to multiply (Genesis 1: 28)
1. The "International Curriculum" was designed as a tool to help you increase the body of Christ in your nation.
2. God's first commandment was that we as humankind should multiply and fill the earth.
B. God's promise to Abraham (Genesis 22: 17)
1. In Genesis 1, God commanded people to multiply. In Genesis 22, however, it was God himself who promised to multiply the people.
2. The offspring of Abraham is the church.
When church leaders from different countries understand these five things, the body of Christ can be mobilized to multiply. These are the secrets of building the kingdom of God.
A. Multiplication of God's Word (Matthew 13: 23)
1. In all the areas for which God has made His promise of increase, man must do his part.
2. God's Word needs to be sown in people's hearts.
3. It is the task of the church to sow the word of God, to pour prayer over it and God will make it grow and multiply.
4. We must proliferate on earth with His Word.
5. The process of multiplication that follows the sowing of the Word of God.
B. Multiplication of Disciples (Acts 6: 7)
1. If we commit ourselves to sowing God's word among the peoples, God will also multiply the disciples.
2. Disciples are those people who are obedient to the faith and who continue to grow in the character of Jesus Christ.
C. Multiplication of ladders
Leaders are those who know how to build the kingdom of God. (Matthew 13: 37-38)
1. In the parable of the sower we are the sower, but in this parable the Son of man is the sower. The "good seed" here are the people.
2. As leaders within the body of Christ, we should prepare the good seed.
3. Jesus spent His earthly ministry preparing eleven seeds that He would later send into the world for harvest.
4. If we want God to increase disciples, we must commit ourselves to discipling people of good character. If the church does its part, God will in turn make all three of these areas flourish.
D. Multiplication of the anointing (Romans 1: 11)
1. God's solution for Moses (Numbers 11: 16)
2. There was a 7,000% multiplication of the anointing of Moses.
3. As you sit under the anointed teachings of the men of God of the "International Curriculum", the multiplication of their anointing will take place in your life.
4. God is a God of multiplication!
5. These four areas have become the heart of the curriculum.
E. Multiplication of parishes
1. God has called churches to reproduce and multiply according to their kind.
2. The curriculum is designed to help each pastor grow good seeds, develop fivefold ministry gifts, and ultimately multiply the church.
3. It is a tool that leaders can use to multiply disciples and advance them in obedience of faith.
4. As you advance through this curriculum, you will find that your local church can breed and plant new churches each year.
5. Each local church should be a place of training.
6. Our vision for each local church is to become a training site for Christian ministry.
7. This curriculum was not produced to highlight any denomination or service of any individual.
8. We just want to pass on the anointings of God that HE gave on earth, so that you can take them into your life.
A. We use various ministry gifts from many parts of the body of Christ.
B. Because not a single branch of service has all the answers.
C. Please be wise in using the curriculum.
D. We want to help you do what God has called you to do.
E. Don't take a single lesson from within the curriculum for extreme purposes.
F. Each ministry has its own anointing from God, but not every single anointing is the only anointing.
G. Our goal is to be balanced in the Word of God.
H. We believe in divine character.
I. The qualification for service according to the Bible is that we lead holy and godly lives.
J. This is why we love working with the pastors, because they know best which of their church members are loyal and reliable.
K. We seek to raise people who live their lives in accordance with the scriptures.
L. Training good seed takes time.
M. So I challenge you to mobilize for multiplication in the church.
Rev. Larry Stockstill - Cell Groups and the Principle of Twelve
Cell Groups and the Principle of Twelve Larry Stockstill - The purpose of Cell Groups

And they were unanimously in the temple every day, breaking the bread here and there in the houses, holding the meals with joy and a louder heart. (Acts 2: 46) The principle of meeting in the temple and in the house was at the very beginning of the early church. We read in Acts 5: 42, and they did not stop teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ every day in the temple and here and there in the houses. Here too we encounter the principle of "temples and here and there in houses".
Many communities meet in large public gatherings. This is important so that the world can see us in unity. But we should also meet in the houses. In Acts 20: 20, Paul says, "I have not withheld anything that is useful from me, that I would not have proclaimed and taught it to you, publicly and in the houses." Again we see the juxtaposition of public service and service in the house.
A tree is first recognized by its trunk and leaves. But it is held together by its roots. The trunk and leaves are the public service of the community. The root system is comparable to the service in the houses. Jesus performed over 15 miracles in houses. The home can also be seen as an image of the community in small format.
A. The first example of a desert community
1. In Exodus 18 we find the first church in the desert.
Exodus the leader was instructed to do so by his father-in-law. to change its structures.
3. Everything depended on himself and he visibly wore out his strength.
4. His father-in-law was concerned about Moses' health as well as about the well-being of the people, because they had to stand in line all day while waiting for Moses.
5. Such a picture can often be found in the congregations. All ministry is focused on the pastor. Often he has not delegated any of his tasks to others.
B. Jitro's advice to Moses
1. Look for able people among the people.
2. Those who fear God.
3. People who are true.
4. People who are hostile to unjust gain.
5. Set up such things as:
a. Supreme over a thousand.
b. Supreme over a hundred.
c. Colonel over fifty.
d. Top ten.
6. Ten people became the core group of this church.
7. Let them judge people at all times.
8. Every major cause they should bring before Moses himself.
9. You would decide every minor matter yourself.
A. The Bethany World Prayer Center.
1. A congregation with approximately 6,000 members.
2. Discovery of the principle of cell groups.
3. Pastor training of other leaders.
4. Other leaders can help serve as shepherds for the people.
B. Three goals of church work.
1. Take good care of the people in the pastoral ministry.
2. Evangelize the lost.
3. The formation of leaders - another generation to preach the gospel.
C. The pastor's mistake
1. Not taking good care of people.
2. He took over all pastoral activities.
3. He took over all visits.
4. He alone was active in pastoral care.
5. He took over the complete judging function for the people.
6. It wears out noticeably.
D. The discovery of the solution. (Ephesians 4: 11-12)
1. A start with 50 cell groups.
2. Divide people into groups of 10 and 12.
3. They began to serve one another.
4. Weekly leadership training.
5. These leaders helped take care of the people.
6. The pastor's anointing was conferred on the ladder.
7. They received a portion of his anointing.
8. Questions to the pastor:
a. Do you want to cope with all tasks in the context of your service alone?
b. Or are you ready to release your anointing for others?
9. The communities of 10 people organized in cell groups are more like an army than an audience.
10. They manage to complete the tasks on a rotation basis.
The 12 apostles
He traveled everywhere with them.
John 13; He called them together in the upper room and washed their feet.
A. People can serve better in a small group.
1. In the upper room, Jesus washed her feet.
2. Until people serve each other, they will never become equal partners.
B. People need encouragement. (John 14: 1)
1. If they belong to groups of cells, they are encouraged.
2. If someone is depressed or discouraged, the weekly face-to-face meeting can encourage one another through prayer or mutual service.
C. Christians must bear fruit. (John 15: 1)
1. If left to their own devices, they will not bear fruit.
2. Jesus sent His disciples out in pairs.
3. We are more productive in cell groups than on our own.
4. The Bible tells us that one of you will flee 1,000, but two together 10,000.
5. When a group meets regularly, it grows into a team and becomes more productive.
D. Christians need protection. (John 16: 1)
1. They go to their churches, but they are still tempted by sin.
2. If they do not share their life responsibly with others, Satan can set a trap for them.
3. We all have our "blind spots", so we need others to protect us.
E. Cell group Christians are better at praying. (John 17)
Just as Jesus and His Father are one, so Christians must pray together in unity.
A. The illustration of the geese
1. The example of Nehemiah: He placed a family on each section of the wall. Everyone serves with.
2. The example of Solomon: He brought a tribe to Jerusalem every month. This tribe always ensured the supply for the palace.
B. The example of the "Bethany prayer center"
1. 7 districts
2. 14 zones (areas)
3. A different zone (area) serves every Sunday
4. Cell groups are the basic elements of the church just like the cells in the body.
C. The beginning with cell groups.
1. Call a prayer meeting - People who pray in the ward are the real leaders.
2. Training leaders in the principles of prayer and spiritual warfare.
3. Selection of cell leaders from those mentioned under 2. so that they protrude in groups of ten.
4. A group should never have more than 15 members.
5. The group has to stay small so that people can still talk to each other and keep in touch with each other.
6. If the group grows, a new one is started.
D. That way people can be looked after very well. That corresponds to the first goal of church work. To take good care of believers through pastoral service.
1. If you are a pastor, start by meeting with a core group.
2. Find 12 leaders in your congregation who you want to train in the principles of pastoral service.
3. Start meeting with them weekly.
4. After a few months, let each of them start their own group.
5. Continue to meet with them weekly.
6. They should meet with their groups on a weekly basis, but you should still be equipped for the ministry so that they can serve themselves.
7. It is an annual goal for each group to reproduce.
E. The growth of cell groups around the world.
1. In Manilla, Philippines there is a ward with 2,000 cell groups.
2. Bogota, Colombia has a church with 13,000 cell groups.
3. In San Salvador, EI Salvador, there is a church with 6,000 cell groups.
4. Seoul, South Korea has the largest community in the world. There are 23,000 cell groups here with a total of over 700,000 parishioners.
5. I would like to seriously challenge you to change your structures. In order to become a cell church, I would like to point out that as a warning, one cannot maintain the same church offering alongside the cell groups. You have to choose one, because both cannot be achieved in parallel.
a. In Nairobi, Kenya, a community of 4,000 people built 500 cell groups in five years.
b. In Ivory Coast, West Africa, there is a ward of 80,000 members and 6,000 cell groups. You do not have any other community programs.
6. The cells form the biblical principle of leadership structures and we encourage you to tackle the change process.
1. Study Exodus 18 to 19 and describe in your own words the result of Moses' acceptance of Jitro's advice regarding leadership.
2. List seven biblical reasons why every church needs to have cell groups and give each of them a scripture reference.
Forms small groups to discuss the following questions:
1. Why are pastors sometimes afraid of starting small groups outside of their church?
2. In a large church, how can we have many home groups while maintaining unity?
3. Think about the many programs and offers within your churches.
Which of these would not serve the purpose of the cell groups if they were continued?
4. Pray for the cell groups in your churches so that they will not cease to serve the purposes for which they were established.
Cell Groups and the Principle of Twelve Larry Stockstill - Evangelism

In the previous lesson we discussed the goals of target groups with each other. We discovered 3 main areas. The first is to look after the faithful through pastoral service. We have looked at how Moses organized the church in the desert. He divided them into small groups of 10 people each and then appointed supervisors to ensure that they were well looked after. We also saw in the early church that the shepherds served their people effectively. They taught them both publicly and in the houses. The second goal of Community work is to evangelize the lost.
Studies have now shown that more people come to faith through relationships than through events.
In the New Testament we find such a person who invites his friends over to meet Jesus.
The cell groups form spiritual families.
People are simply drawn to this community.
The biggest problem in the world is loneliness.
Lost people are often lonely and if they can watch Christians love one another, then what Jesus said comes true: Then the world would know that God has sent HIM.
A. Understand the vision in evangelizing the lost. (Acts 26: 16-18)
1. In many countries, Satan rules people's minds. Their senses are so darkened that they cannot penetrate to understand the truth.
2. Jesus told Paul that it was his job to open their eyes so that they might receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance, including those sanctified by faith in Jesus.
3. This is what Paul called the "heavenly vision".
4. Soul acquisition is that heavenly vision.
5. This is exactly what we can best achieve with cell groups.
B. Examples
1. In EI Salvador there is a large church with 6,000 cells and they have a motto.
2. Together they say weekly:
a. I have a job.
b. It is my firm intention to win souls.
c. I do this best within a group.
There is an urgent need for cell groups to evangelize.
If they don't evangelize, they will stagnate and eventually die.
When cell members lead people to Christ, this leads to their maturation, because the cell members are already role models for the new believers.
Four little wise animals from Proverbs (Proverbs 30: 25-28)
These animals illustrate the dynamics in cell groups that lead to soul winning.
A. The ants are weak, but they get their food in summer.
1. The ants are small, but they work very purposefully.
2. This forms the first element of evangelistic cell groups: this group must focus on the lost.
3. The ant is a symbol of clear intentions.
4. The ant is not satisfied with what has already been collected.
5. The ant knows that it only has a limited amount of time available.
6. We all have limited time. Only in our lifetime can we win souls.
7. Each member of the cell group must be an ant in the spiritual sense: It must be about bringing in the harvest.
B. The rock badgers: They are only small animals, but they build their house in the rocks.
1. This animal learned the principle of partnership with the rock.
2. This truth also applies to the cell group.
3. You may feel ashamed to bear witness of your faith on your own, but you can go forward courageously with a cell partner.
C. The locusts: they fly in huge swarms and are even able to darken the sun.
1. They are like an army taking a city.
2. This is a picture for prayer.
3. We need to control the spiritual forces under heaven
4. The believers within the cell group must pray and engage in spiritual warfare.
5. To reach the lost with the gospel, they must defeat Satan.
6. By praying, the cell groups control the heavenly air space, they unlock the sky and allow the light of God to shine on people ..
7. A group of cells must pray to reach the lost.
D. The lizards: you grab them with your hands, but they can be found in the royal palaces.
1. Lizards make it into the palaces or they slip into everywhere.
2. Groups of cells must penetrate in many ways:
a. They have the opportunity to meet in the home of unbelievers and once inside there is a chance that the people will be saved.
b. You invite lost people to your home.
3. How did Jesus enter human life? (Luke 5: 2-3, Luke 5: 8, Luke 5: 10)
a. Jesus sat in Peter's boat and thus gained access to Peter's life.
b. Don't wait for the lost to come to your church, but get in their boat.
A. Three principles mentioned earlier.
1. I have a job.
2. It is my firm intention to win souls.
3. I do this best within a group.
B. Confirm: I will never be satisfied until I have done my job. That is Principle No. 4! You will never be satisfied until you have done your job. (John 4: 32-34)
1. A fish is made to swim.
2. A bird is made to fly.
3. We are made to win souls. That's why we live.
C. Principle # 5: I have no promise for tomorrow. I have to work while I can.
a. Jesus taught His disciples this principle.
b. Each member of the cell should learn these five principles by heart and recite them until they ignite a fire in the heart.
D. How many people in this world are lost?
Missionaries divide the world into four parts.
1. The first world or the "A" world: one in ten people.
a. They are people who are believers.
b. That is 500 million people.
2. The "B" world: two in ten people.
a. They are apostate believers.
b. This includes 1 billion people.
3. The "C" world: three out of ten people who live in the nations that the gospel has already reached.
a. They heard the good news but declined.
b. That is 1.5 billion people.
4. The "D" world: four out of ten people.
a. They live in the nations that are unmatched.
b. There are 2 billion people.
5. All over the world there are lost people who need to be brought to Christ. (John 4: 35-36)
a. I want to challenge each and every one of you to prepare for the harvest.
b. There has never been a harvest on earth as it is yet to come.
c. The question is, will you be able to keep up with this harvest?
d. Cell groups are there to evangelize.
e. They combine four elements of evangelism:
i. You have a clear intention.
ii. partnership
iii. Prayer and
iv. penetration
6. Organize your church into evangelistic cell groups and prepare the weekly lessons as a pastor.
a. In one week, focus on building up one another among believers.
b. For the second week, focus on the lost.
c. In the third week, return to the believers with an emphasis on edification.
d. In week four, the lost are practically reachable with the gospel.
e. In this way the cell wins souls for Christ week after week.
Study the principles of the little creatures in Proverbs 30: 25-28 and explain how you can apply them to your Christian life.
1. The ants:
2. The clip badger:
3. The locusts:
4. The lizards:
1. In your small groups, share your community priorities and how these are communicated to community members.
2. If there are cell groups in your churches, discuss the evangelism methods that these groups use and their effectiveness.
3. Discuss how you can best penetrate the gospel to upper class people.
Cell Groups and the Principle of Twelve Larry Stockstill - Leadership training

In the previous lesson we looked at the second goal of church work, evangelism of the lost. The Lord wants to give each cell group the vision of winning their neighborhood. We all have our destiny and that is to win souls. We can best achieve this goal in teamwork. With the cell group we go beyond fishing the individual to fishing with the net.
In this lesson, we want to take a closer look at the third goal of community work: building leadership. Leadership is the primary need of the church today. A leader can powerfully influence an entire nation. But very often in the local church we do not know how to use leadership. We tend to make people leaders who are visible within the church. We give them positions and titles, although they have mostly not yet proven their gifts. The cell group structure offers us an excellent opportunity to build leadership.
A. Everyone starts in a cell.
1. If they prove themselves faithful, their gifts will move them further and further into the leadership of the church.
2. This is like a race where everyone starts on the same starting line.
3. Some have more gifts than others and their gifts or anointing take them further.
B. Generations of leaders (2. Timothy 2: 1-2)
Paul describes four generations of leadership.
1. Paul
2. Timothy
a. Paul with a group of young men.
b. He taught these young men to serve in ways that he did himself.
3. Faithful people: This is the third generation.
4. Others: Faithful people who teach others.
Leadership training is like stations in baseball.
As a church, we see four things that we do in leadership formation.
A. The preaching phase (Mark 16: 15)
1. We preach in the church, in the cell, on television and radio. But we always preach the one gospel.
2. If people respond, we can confirm their salvation.
3. We will then visit her home within the next 24 hours. The alignment phase (Mark 16:16)
a. We must add them to the flock of believers through baptism.
b. This is where the integration process begins.
c. We divide them into a cell group.
d. At the end of this phase we offer these people a place of retreat outside the city, where we support them with liberation service.
e. We call this a retreat for the encounter.
f. This is exactly where the pastoral ministry begins.
B The preparation phase (Mark 16: 17-18)
1. In this phase we prepare people for discipleship.
2. After they return from this place of contemplation, they will be enrolled in a course lasting approximately 9-12 weeks.
The goal of this course is to teach people how to be disciples.
3. Signs will follow the disciples.
a. You cast out the devil.
b. You heal the sick.
c. You have power over demons.
4. They will now also receive teaching on prayer and spiritual warfare, sanctification, Bible reading, guidance from the Holy Spirit, and how to truly become a disciple of the Lord.
C. The leadership phase (Mark 16: 19)
1. At this stage the disciples begin to preach.
2. Unless people go through these four phases, they will never learn to become influential leaders.
3. In the leadership course, which also lasts approx. 12 weeks, they are trained in:
a. How to manage a cell.
b. How to discover your spiritual gifts.
c. What are the principles of character and integrity.
4. At the end of 12 weeks they arrive at the end. This consists in opening a new cell.
5. Now they are real leaders.
a. You accepted Christ.
b. You were baptized.
c. You have been released.
d. You have learned the basics of discipleship.
e. You have been trained.
f. You are now able to direct groups of cells.
6. Each member of a cell group should do the four things described above.
7. The greatest challenge in cell group leadership is that there is a rapid shortage of leaders.
III. THE IMPORTANCE OF MENTORING (2. Timothy 2: 2; Titus 2: 7)
A. Invest time in training leaders
1. Helpers who receive the following from you: Spirit, values, anointing, purposefulness and vision.
2. Bring out conductors from the cell groups.
B. God's emphasis on the next generation in the Old Testament
1. God wants to give you spiritual sons and daughters.
2. The example of Moses:
a. Not only did he build leaders, he also built up Joshua.
b. Joshua was with him day and night.
c. Whenever Moses was away, Joshua took the lead.
3. The example of Elias:
a. He focused on Elisa.
b. He anointed Elisha, who had been with him day and night until the day of Elijah's ascension.
c. Remember: success lies in the successor!
d. If you have no successor when you die, no one will continue your work.
e. Elisha received double the ration of Elijah's Anointing.
f. He performed 16 miracles while Elijah only performed 8.
g. Pastors, this should become your vision:
Not what you can do alone, but other leaders who have been trained.
C. The New Testament Leadership Training Vision
1. The Example of Jesus Christ
a. Two men by the Sea of Galilee
b. Two more and one more until HE finally had 12.
c. You were with Him.
d. He taught them to pray.
e. He sent them out in groups of two.
f. In Luke 10 we read of 70 that He had with him and sent out.
g. When He was raised from the dead, He had 500 who could be called believers.
2. The life of Christ has multiplied.
3. The example of Paul:
a. He did not travel alone.
b. He traveled with disciples with whom he shared his own life.
D. The leadership principle (1. Timothy 3: 1-8)
1. The principle of isolating loyal people.
2. This is how cell groups work.
a. In the cell group, a leader must demonstrate his loyalty.
b. They have the opportunity to show their spiritual gifts.
c. In a cell we have the chance to observe the skills of a leader.
3. God will send you leaders. But you have to start with those who are already there.
4. Start to see the potential in them.
5. You must bring forth leaders just like you are. Meet with your leaders. Plant your vision in them. Work your way through their problems with them. Train them to do what you do.
Each member of your church needs to be able to make a similar goal statement clearly:
"Our church exists to preach the gospel to every creature; to take pastoral care to the faithful, to equip disciples, and to plant leaders in every nation on this earth."
1. List the phases of preparing leaders in your ward and compare them to the phases found in Mark 16: 15-19.
2. If they are below the standard of Mark 16: 15-19, you can take this model to your church leadership and see if it can be used in an appropriate manner.
3. Does your community have a clear, overarching goal? Do you know it? If so, write it down and compare it to the goal we examined in this lesson and see if there is anything you can apply to establishing your church.
4. If your church does not have such a goal, develop one and share it with the church leadership.
Share the following questions in your small groups:
1. How are leaders cultivated and recognized in your communities?
2. How do you identify people with potential for leadership?
3. What kind of preparation do they receive before becoming leaders?
4. Evaluate the leadership formation systems of your churches in relation to the four phases considered in this lesson - What lessons can you learn from these phases?
Cell Groups and the Principle of Twelve Larry Stockstill - Multiplication principles

We have already taught about three provisions of community work. The church exists first to care for the faithful, then to evangelize the lost, and finally to train leaders. We believe that the cellular community offers the best structure for accomplishing these 3 things.
Stop for a moment and think about God in relation to the principle of multiplication. He teaches us this principle from Genesis to Revelation. He said to Adam and Eve: Be fertile and multiply, fill the earth. In Acts we can see that the number of disciples multiplied and increased. How can cell groups help your church to multiply and penetrate the land in this way? This lesson can be the most powerful lesson you have learned in church growth so far.
Let's look at 3 principles of multiplication together.
A. The meaning of the word "vision".
1. A vision is a snapshot into the future.
2. This means the ability to see something first in the spiritual world.
3. When the Lord told Abraham that he would have another offspring, he had already passed the childbearing age.
4. His mind couldn't grasp this.
5. The Lord made him look at the stars.
6. As he looked at the stars, he believed the Lord, and it was counted as righteousness.
7. A vision is the first principle for multiplication.
8. You have to understand the vision of what God wants to have done through the cell groups.
B. The fourth dimension
1. Dr. Cho called this principle the fourth dimension.
2. Everything we can see in the natural world is within the first 3 dimensions.
3. Outside the dimension of space and time lies the dimension in which God lives and faith shows its effect.
4. In this dimension Satan also fights against us.
5. Faith works within the fourth dimension.
6. In order to achieve multiplication, you must focus on the fourth dimension.
7. The Lord brought Abraham out of his tent.
8. Because his tent stood for the first 3 dimensions.
9. But when he looked up at the stars, every star he saw became a child.
10. And the Lord told him that this corresponded to the innumerable host of children whose father Abraham was to become.
11. Abraham believed the Lord and received His righteousness.
C. Receiving the vision of growth from the Holy Spirit
1. You must regard the sands of the sea and the stars in the sky as the number of souls that you will win through the cells and make disciples.
2. If you only have a small vision or only look around in the first 3 dimensions, you will never be able to multiply groups of cells.
Throughout the Bible, God could not use anyone who had not suffered an internal break.
A. The meaning of failure.
It means that you don't rely on yourself.
B. Biblical Examples of Breaking Up
1. After 24 years of agonizing waiting, Abraham finally had his child when he was 100 years old.
Exodus had a vision of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt ..
3. But he tried to do it in his own strength.
4. The Lord sent him into the wilderness for 40 years. It was there that he realized his incompetence.
5. Abraham was led to another place of fracture (Genesis 22) - Isaac's sacrifice on the altar is a major setback for his life.
6. God cannot use you to multiply until you become "invisible" yourself.
7. You must be ready to die for the vision.
8. Jacob had a vision of a ladder to heaven.
9. But he still had to work for Laban for 20 long years.
10. The moment he was struggling with God and was hit in the hip, God named him Israel instead of Jacob.
A. How can cells be replicated?
1. They multiply in the way that the leaders have a vision of faith.
2. They multiply when the ladder is broken, knowing full well that they cannot do it on their own.
3. They multiply according to the principle of the twelve.
B. The principle of the twelve.
1. Christ began with 12 disciples.
2. 12 is a discipleship number.
3. Three ways we can replicate a cell:
a. The traditional way.
The problem with this method.
b. The external multiplication
The principle of multiplication.
It is the task of each cell leader to make a group of potential leaders from his group.
c. The internal multiplication.
4. The key in each of the above is the weekly return of the leader to the mother cell.
5. Why? For the disciples of Jesus came back to him and gave a report before they were sent out again.
C. The potential in the principle of the twelve.
1. This concept was developed by a community in Bogota, Colombia.
2. In May 1995 they had 1200 groups of cells.
3. In December 1995 there were already 4,000 cell groups.
4. By December 1996 they had grown to 10,400 cell groups.
5. In December 1997 there were 13,000 cell groups.
6. This is a secret to quick multiplication. God is a God of multiplication. The more you multiply, the greater your sphere of influence. Whoever multiplies the kingdom of God gains divine territory.
7. Ask God to give you a vision that goes beyond your circumstances. Ask God to break you as He broke bread and fish. Then ask Him to multiply you so that you are like the stars in the sky or the sand on the sea.
1. Review the three ways of multiplying cell groups as we examined them in this lesson, and then evaluate the ways cell groups are growing in your community. Then, on the lines below, write which principle your church used and which one it should use.
2. List the names of 12 believers in your environment who have become important to you in prayer and whom you would like to lead in your discipleship and whom you could well imagine as leaders:
Discuss the following topics in your small groups:
1. What is your vision of growth for your church or for the group you lead?
2. What are the obstacles on the way to realizing this vision?
3. What does brokenness mean to you personally?
4. Pray for one another that the Lord will give you at least 12 faithful people who you can follow in your discipleship and train as leaders and who in turn lead others.
Cell Groups and the Principle of Twelve Larry Stockstill - Great Church Leaders

We have looked at the teaching of the goals of community work regarding cell groups. The cell is the smallest unit of the spiritual body of Christ. We also learned how to take good care of people through cell groups, how to reach the lost by inviting them into groups, and how to use leaders through cell groups.
In the previous lesson, we looked at the principle of twelve and multiplication. It should be remembered that most of our cell groups begin as family groups. If the groups multiply, the families also multiply. God is a family man. In figurative terms, God loves families so much that it's hard to imagine. In Psalm 127: 3 she tells us Bible: Behold, children are a gift from the Lord.
Cell groups restore the family feeling within the community. They also help the community regain their fighting spirit. God builds his church through families.
In this last lesson, I would like to introduce you to the blow of people that will become influential leaders within the church. We call them sons in the house of the Lord.
I SONS IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD (Philippians 2: 19-23)
A. The leaders to look for should be sons of the house, not hirelings.
1. A son has invested his own life in the house, but the tenant only looks to pay at the end of the day.
2. You cannot rely on hirelings. You cannot build church with people who do not share the pastor's vision.
B. Seven dangers within one cell
1. Take care of preparing cell leaders for the devil's attacks and training them in resilience.
2. Don't let anyone in your cell group teach until the pastor has given permission.
3. Never give such people a platform to raise money for their cause.
4. Be careful not to spread false teachings in the cell. For this reason, the pastor prepares the lesson each week.
5. Hazards can easily be eliminated if the leader is well trained.
6. Many of the dangers can be easily dealt with when sons of the house manage the estate.
A. Sons build the home, while ministers only do their hours in the home.
1. Sons take care of house building in the right way. But a servant does not feel attached to the house.
2. Sons recognize the right building material in new faces within the community, while tenants tend to fail and focus on insecurity.
B. Sons treat the father's heart and the fate of the father's work as they do their own. (Luke 16: 12)
Inheriting sons, taking servants.
C. Sons are family-oriented, servants are service-oriented or fact-oriented.
1. The son will not allow factual issues to divide the house.
2. But tenants concentrate on factual issues because they want to secure their rights with them.
D. Sons use the family language while hirelings use their own language.
1. What language do you hear when you listen to leaders? Do they say "we" and "us" or do they say "they" and "them"?
2. A son identifies with the needs of the local church, but a servant only ever says what is being done or what needs to be done (Absalom's example)
E. Sons honor those responsible and cover their father's nakedness, while servants handle filthy revelations.
1. We should never simply cover up a leader's sins. On the other hand, every leader makes mistakes. However, sons are more likely to want to honor their father's position than to enjoy making his mistakes known.
2. If the father comes under fire, the sons defend him (Psalm 127: 5)
F. Sons respect levels of instruction, while hirelings question them.
1. If the father has put someone in the household above me, the way I treat that person shows who I really am.
2. The test that distinguishes hirelands from sons: Can I submit to someone I personally don't particularly like?
G. Sons want to share their lives with their father, even into the third generation.
For a son, the vision is at the beginning.
H. Sons bring new people into the world for the father's family. Tenants "give birth" to new people for their own purposes.
1. When people are new to the church, hirelings want to gather them into the discipleship. (Acts 20: 20)
2. But true sons of the house will bring people into spiritual birth that will make them children of the house father.
I. Sons are concerned about the welfare of the people. Tenants focus on appearance.
1. A son is secure in the Father's love.
2. A son need not worry about impressing his father with his demeanor.
3. If someone is not a son, he may manipulate numbers because he is unsure of the Father's love.
J. Sons also talk about their inner workings, but hirelings only talk about what they would like to know.
K. Sons are well established and can handle correction, discipline and change, but hirelings are quick to blame others. (Hebrews 12: 7)
1. God treats us like sons.
2. Servants cannot endure chastisement. Because from their point of view it is always someone else's fault. They are insecure because they are always afraid of rejection.
3. Remember, chastisement does not mean rejection.
4. It's not something you do to your children.
5. It's something you do for your children.
6. Whether it is about sons or hirelings can be seen at the latest by whether or not they will still stay with you after the correction.
7. Servants maintain their self-worth through their gifts. They find it difficult when others try and improve in their gifts.
L. This sons are still in their infancy, but hirelings are already fully grown into the household.
1. Tenants know about everything. You can't teach them anything anymore. Rather, they come to teach you something. They are in no way ready to learn anything.
2. But sons want to learn. You want to do it right. You want to have the "spirit of excellence".
God can build his church on such. If God builds up his church on sons, it will endure. That is what we mean when we speak of cell group leaders. If the hirelings want to go, let them go. You can't count on them. Sons will stay with you.
A. Christ and the Father
1. If it is your will, let this cup pass me by. But father, not my will, but your will be done.
2. Everyone in the leadership of your ward must be a son of the house.
B. The pastor and the church
1. Some parishes are governed by a body. The pastor is subordinate to such committees and can therefore not lead the congregation on new paths. He is practically not the householder, but this body. That can never work. God leads the church through a man.
2. As a pastor, you must climb the mountain of God. (The example of Moses)
3. As a pastor, you must pray and fast and let God show you the pattern of a New Testament church.
4. The story of Dr. Yonggi Cho
Pastors, find the sons in your church. They are the building material of the church. Start meeting with these sons. Use her as cell leader. Prepare the weekly group lessons for them. Changes every week as far as the format is concerned. As you bring more people into the groups, prepare the groups for multiplication at the same time.
Prepare a weekly Bible study lesson (DIN A-4) for your cell group (s) and discuss this with your leader. This can be developed from a Bible passage, from a Bible series in the church, or a contemporary topic.
1. Use the principles explored in this lesson to find who you are in your group within the church. Are you a father, a son, or a hireling?
2. Apply the same principles to assess those who are followers around you. Do they show the characteristics of sons or servants?
3. Discuss different ways you can raise more sons and daughters in your groups.
4. Pray for one another that the Lord may give you sons and daughters for your service.
Dr. Reinhard Bonnke - Power Evangelism
Power Evangelism Dr. Reinhard Bonnke - Evangelists full of fire

The secret of world evangelization is the fire of the Holy Spirit. This is exactly what turned the doubting disciples into believers, who went everywhere with their sermon and performed signs and wonders in the process.
Read Mark 16: 9-20
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene
Jesus appears to two more
Jesus appears to the eleven disciples
(None of them believed)
The mission order is issued.
They went out to preach everywhere and signs followed them.
A. 3 times - the disciples did not believe.
There was unbelief - hardness of heart, as the Bible says.
B. But the same disciples experienced something great. (Mark 16: 15)
C. Did Jesus entrust the preaching of the gospel to unbelievers?
So what happened between Mark 16: 14 and Mark 16: 20?
1. The great commission and its fulfillment are related to a great mystery.
2. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit. They went out and preached everywhere. (Mark 16: 20)
Mark 16: 14-15, Mark 16: 20; Acts 2: 1-4
What happened between Mark 16: 14 and Mark 16: 20?
A. "Order cannot be carried out" has become "order executed"!
1. The secret: Pentecost! (Acts 2: 1-4)
2. You went out: put yourself into action. (Mark 16: 20)
B. Wait for the Lord or go out?
1. Waiting for the Lord is an Old Testament concept. (The disciples waited for the last time in Jerusalem until they were finally given the power from on high.)
2. Today God is waiting for us to get up and go out.
C. Evangelism in the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 1-4)
1. Split tongues as if from fire sit on each of them (a flame was provided for each head). (Acts 2: 3)
2. Split tongues (Greek), small flames. What would have happened if a great flame had fallen over all Jerusalem? (Acts 2: 3)
3. God has eternal purposes and goals when He gives the Holy Spirit.
a. Is the purpose of having cozy conferences with the Holy Ghost? No.
b. Is the purpose just to fellowship? No.
4. God's purpose that He pursues with the fire of the Holy Spirit:
a. To accomplish the missionary command around the world.
b. In order to become portable "power plants" in small format ...
i. as preparation for the path to be walked.
ii. so that the fire follows us.
Example: Peter - I do not have silver and gold; but what I have, I give you.
5. In the Word of God lies the power of God for redemption for everyone who believes.
III. GO OUT AND Sermon the Gospel
A. The Goals of the Gospel (Mark 16: 15-20)
1. People are saved.
2. Minus becomes plus.
3. Bondage is transformed into freedom.
4. Illness becomes health.
5. From hell to heaven.
6. These are the intentions behind the events of Golgotha.
B. The privilege of preaching the gospel.
Personal experience of Reinhard Bonnke
C. Determination to share the gospel
1. Jesus made it possible.
2. Take the initiative.
3. Don't wait for God first.
4. The Lord will accompany you on your way and confirm His word with the following signs and wonders.
A. Incapable disciples:
1. Minimal or no training.
2. No funds.
3. Never travel more than 100 miles before.
4. Simple fishermen
5. Full of disbelief
6. With a hard heart
7. Full of nonsensical thoughts
B. Jesus assigns them the command of the mission.
1. He empowers them through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Example: A fish assumes the temperature of the water around it; it is similar with Christians.
2. We should not accept the temperature of the world as suggested to us by TV, print media, politics, public opinion, etc.
3. We should turn the temperature regulator up a lot more, set it to "hot"!
Let Jesus set you on fire!
C. The fire of the Holy Spirit is the key to effective world evangelism.
1. No specific procedure or method.
2. No tricks
3. God himself holds the key to every door - what God unlocks, neither a person nor any devil can lock !!!
1. What was the cause of the disciples' disbelief? Your hardness of heart.
2. What did the disciples experience between Mark 16: 15 and Mark 16: 20? Pentecost.
3. Should we wait on God or go out instead for the commandment? We should go. to go.
4. If you should really get up and go out, how could you make it clear whether you are walking in God's will?
a. The Lord will be with you. in which HE confirms His word through signs and wonders.
b. Jesus will make it possible.
5. Where in the Scriptures are we repeatedly told to wait for the Lord or to wait for Him? In the Old Testament.
1. How did such intense doubt and disbelief survive in the hearts of those who had walked, lived, and served by Jesus' side for three years?
Is it even possible for God to use someone in such a state?
2. Under what circumstances do we wait for the Lord, and when we go out and take a step of faith, do we anticipate the Lord's work?
3. Why is it through the fire of the Holy Spirit that “order impossible” is now “command carried out”?
Isn't salvation and faith enough to go out and preach?
Power Evangelism Dr. Reinhard Bonnke - The Power of the Holy Spirit

I have a burning desire to see our generation on Jesus' side. The Lord has promised that in the last few days He will pour out all flesh from His Spirit. You and I are part of God's plan to save this world, to save this generation from total destruction.
We have seen how this world is completely held under the power of Satan. But the chains of Satan are broken by the power of the Holy Spirit and the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ is God's redemptive power.
The creation of the world has cost nothing to God, but the creation of the gospel has cost him everything. It cost His native son.
Read: Mark 16: 15 and Luke 17: 5-6.
The apostles asked Jesus to strengthen their faith. However, there is nothing within this section to suggest that Jesus ever did anything to increase their faith. He simply replied with the parable of the mustard seed to make it clear that faith begins small and then grows to great strength. So Jesus explained that faith is not a question of size, but a question of time. Yet elsewhere the Bible also talks about:
A. The measure of faith. (Romans 12: 6)
1. Our faith is proportional to the demands made of it.
2. To move away mountains of unbelief and to tear down the mountains that Satan made. (Matthew 17: 20)
B. The parable of the mustard seed.
1. Faith is like a wire that conducts electricity.
a. The high voltage power of God wants to enter your life.
b. Our faith works like a wire bridging a circuit so that the power of God can flow into and through us.
c. The higher the resistance, the lower the obedience. However, the lower the resistance, the higher the obedience to the Word of God.
d. Our faith is such a leader and when the power of God reaches us, we will pass it on to a lost and consecrated world.
2. Jesus is Lord.
a. In the Old Testament the prophets said:
"So says the Lord."
b. In the New Testament, Jesus never says "thus says the Lord", but rather: "Verily, verily, I say to you ..." Why?
c. Because HE himself is the Lord to whom the prophets of the Old Testament referred.
d. Jesus is the word of God. In the written Word the Living Word is revealed.
3. The connection to the river of God
a. We don't believe with our brain because the brain is just our "department of doubt".
b. We believe with the heart because the heart is the "division of faith" (Romans 10: 9-10)
c. Our minds ask questions while our hearts believe.
Our belief is only the electrical conductor, but we do not generate the energy ourselves. We are not generators, but rather electrical conductors.
We are never the sources ourselves, only the channels. Even prayer cannot generate power. We receive the power from Himself. We read John 1: 16: And of His fullness we have all received grace for grace.
A. God's "twin" powerhouse
1. Golgotha
2. Resurrection of Christ
a. These are the twin generators.
b. The word of God is like our power line and our faith is the wire.
c. When these two come together, something wonderful happens.
d. The main thing is not only to stay "switched on" but "plugged in".
B. Jesus stepped into the breach. (Ezekiel 22: 30)
1. In the time that has passed since Ezekiel wrote this verse, God has found someone!
2. Jesus is the man God found for it.
It was Jesus who stretched out His arms on the cross of Golgotha. It was Jesus who bridged the gap.
3. The finger of God.
a. The Holy Spirit is touching your heart right now.
b. Why is He doing this? Because He is trying to find men and women, boys and girls, who are willing to commit to His eternal plans and goals.
4. Isaiah's calling to preach (Isaiah 6)
a. Isaiah had no direct call from God.
b. Isaiah was in prayer and he witnessed a conversation in heaven between two persons of the Godhead within the Trinity.
c. Isaiah made himself available to God so that he could use him.
1. What is the measure of faith addressed at Romans 12: 6? It is proportional to a requirement or a task. to which faith is exposed.
2. Why is it that Jesus never said in His speeches "Thus says the Lord" as the Old Testament prophets did? Because HE himself is the Lord. To which reference was made in the Old Testament!
3. Write down your personal impression of God's call for your life as you reflect on Brother Bonnke's message. Create a plan of action for how you can become a conduit for God's power for your generation.
1. How can we stay "plugged in" to the source of our faith every day?
2. To what extent should our faith be before we expect to receive power from God?
3. Reinhard Bonnke said: "It is not prayer that creates strength." But where does the believer's strength come from?
Power Evangelism Dr. Reinhard Bonnke - Integrity

Integrity is an absolutely essential requirement for wearing the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If we want to receive anything from the Holy Spirit, we have to be very serious about presenting ourselves to Him as perfect servants of God.
Our message focuses on an event that took place in heaven and that the young prophet Isaiah was able to witness.
Isaiah was allowed to glimpse what was going on around the throne of God. He observed the serafim (the angels who serve on the throne of the Most High) as they were gathered around the throne of God. Nothing unclean or tainted could ever be tolerated near the divine throne. An interesting detail that stands out about the serafim is that each had 3 pairs of wings (six wings in total) (Isaiah 6: 1-3)
They covered the face with two wings, which stands for humility.
They covered their feet with two wings, which stands for purity.
They flew with two wings, which stands for worship and praise.
A. They covered the face with two wings.
1. Why should the serafim cover their faces with their wings?
a. They were aware that young Isaiah was looking at them.
b. They did not want to distract Isaiah from the main point of this vision; for this consisted in God himself, the Lord on His throne.
c. So that stands for humility, because the Serafim did not want to push the Lord into the background.
2. Jesus is the focus of every servant of God.
a. He is the source of every miracle.
b. He is the doer of every miracle that occurs.
c. He is the one that every miracle is about.
d. The light of the cross is not intended to be the spotlight for the preacher. Jesus did not die to enable pastors and evangelists to have a career. Jesus died to find and save those who were lost.
3. If we are to serve the Lord fully, we must learn to cover our own faces and always point to Jesus instead. It is pride that makes the anointing stink.
B. The seraphim covered the feet with two wings.
This is a symbolic sign of purity. It suggests the need to walk in holiness before God.
1. In the Bible, unclean feet mean sloppy work. (Isaiah 52: 11)
2. Scripture speaks of the dress code of Old Testament priests.
a. The trousers represent a holy life and life in purity before God.
b. Fornication and any kind of evil lust should in no way be part of the lifestyle of a child of God.
c. We must make new choices every day to put on our trousers and live holy lives.
3. The best safety precaution for staying clean and pure is to wash our minds clean with the Word of God daily.
This is like a vaccination against all spiritual infections that exist in this world. (Psalm 119: 11)
C. The Serafim flew with two wings.
Scripture tells us that they glorified the Lord in the air by singing: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts, all the earth are full of his glory.
1. Revelation 4: 8 says that the seraphim did not cease to worship God the Lord day or night, and the doorsteps trembled under their voices.
2. The climax of praise and the highest form of worship is always associated with holiness and the glory of God.
3. We must be given the perspective of the throne of heaven so that we can worship together with the serafim.
This point focuses on the life of Samuel, the prophet and judge of Israel. (1. Samuel 12: 1-3)
A. Samuel had judged them all, now the others had to judge him.
1. They all thought he was innocent. (1. Samuel 12: 4)
2 Samuel was a real role model to be emulated.
3. If you ever want to ask Samuel's questions one day, you need to be clear in the beginning about what really matters in the end.
B. The people's vote was not good enough for Samuel. He needed God's approval. (1. Samuel 12: 18)
1. God agreed to His servant by a rain of thunder, confirming the integrity of Samuel.
2. This is an earthly example of perfect service.
C. The image of an anointing overflowing (Psalm 133: 1-2)
1. We are anointed with the oil of the Holy Spirit that flows down on us to mark our footsteps.
2. Remembrance of the integrity of a man or woman of God is more valuable than a marble monument.
3. It is the cleansing blood of Jesus that makes communion with God possible. (1. John 1: 7)
The blood of Jesus cleanses us and the Holy Spirit welds us together. We know the gospel is clean, but God also needs clean vessels to carry the pure gospel out.
Study Isaiah 6: 1-9 and answer the following questions:
1. The Serafim have six wings (3 pairs). What does that mean?
a. They covered the face with two wings, which stands for humility.
b. They covered their feet with two wings, which stands for purity.
c. They flew with two wings, which stands for worship and praise.
2. How did this vision affect Isaiah in terms of preparing him for God's service?
a. Conviction of sin. (Isaiah 6: 5)
b. Confession of sin. (Isaiah 6: 5)
c. Purification by God (Isaiah 6: 6-7)
3. What was the eventual outcome in Isaiah's life? (Isaiah 6: 8-9). He responded to God's call.
Make a small group of 3-4 people to share about this lesson.
1. How can the conduct of the angels (serafim) gathered around the throne benefit us in our walk with the Lord?
2. Do the trousers referred to in the OT example (Exodus 28: 42-43) mean anything to us as we live under the New Covenant?
3. Discuss the possible meanings of the following statement: "You need to be clear in the beginning about what really matters in the end." How does this statement apply to Samuel's life? (1. Samuel 12: 1-4, 1. Samuel 12: 18)
Power Evangelism Dr. Reinhard Bonnke - The Mission Order

God has given us the privilege to spread the gospel and has given us generous guidelines by which we should do our work. He has equipped us extensively with His power to perform His tasks with the capacity of a fully accomplished Christian. It is up to us whether we choose to live up to our reputation or simply struggle with the self-sufficient capacity of being a minimal Christian.
And He said to them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16: 15)
NOTE: "all the world" "all creatures"
Let's connect this verse with Joshua 1: 4. There the dimension of the promised land "of the great river Euphrates" is given.
This is God's elastic "rubber band" promise.
All of God's promises have a minimum and a maximum.
A. Who are the minimum Christians?
1. Those who are satisfied with little.
2. A single Hallelujah can carry them through for six months.
B. Who are the maximum Christians?
1. These are the hungry.
2. You are not satisfied with a little.
3. They always push God's promises to the max.
a. God's minimum for a pastor is to trust HIM for a small church; but His maximum for a pastor is to trust HIM to evangelize an entire city.
b. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as water covers the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)
C. How does water cover the sea?
1. Water covers the sea so thoroughly that there is no longer a dry patch at the bottom.
2. No country will remain dry.
3. Rely on the promise and don't stop fighting for it.
II. GOD'S PERFECT GIFT (James 1: 17)
Explanation of "change ... nor change of light"
Our God does not rise in the morning to go to rest again at noon. He is eternally present in His perfect strength.
A. We are not sitting in the shade now, but in the bright sunshine of His power.
1. He is at the height of His power.
2. The throne of all thrones forms the backbone of the gospel.
3. When we preach the gospel, the Holy Spirit is the hand in the gloves to share the gospel.
B. Don't worry about circumstances.
1. Your circumstance is God.
2. Don't wait for opportunities, create opportunities yourself.
"they moved out ..."
A. It's centrifugal motion.
1. As long as you are after the saved, you produce conferences. But as soon as you go after the lost, you start producing evangelism events.
2. Charles Spurgeon said, "The coward's lock is the pulpit."
3. We have to go to the hedges and fences.
4. Bonnke's experience of how he started preaching and people were healed.
5. The good news we preach is not the gospel of the Reformation; it is not a gospel of renovation.
6. Sandern a gospel of deliverance and restoration.
7. Go out and proclaim it everywhere! A gospel not preached is not a gospel at all.
8. God walks with people who move. Go out in the name of Jesus!
B. God's chariots are in motion. So you can do two things:
1. You can either get out of the way or
2. You jump up.
3. If you jump up, you will never walk again. Let's go out in the name of Jesus and win our generation to Him.
How would you use the following scriptures to help you fulfill your missionary command? Joshua 1: 4
1. Read Joshua 1: 4 and discuss the following question:
Why was God not made clear and unequivocal in His promise to Joshua regarding the Euphrates as the border of the promised land?
2. At James 1: 17 God is described as one with no change, nor change of light and darkness.
Why is it important for us to know?
Pray for one another that the Holy Spirit will fill you and give you courage to go out for Christ and bear testimony to him.
Power Evangelism Dr. Reinhard Bonnke - The fire of the Holy Spirit

The blood always precedes the fire. The blood of salvation belongs before the Holy Spirit. Once life is cleaned, the fire will fall. Mark 16:15 says: Go all over the world and preach the gospel. However, Matthew 3: 11 says: I baptize you with water to repentance; but he who comes after me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
John the Baptist introduces another Baptist. John the Baptist stands in the river of cold water; However, Jesus Christ stands in the stream of liquid fire, the fire of the Holy Spirit. Because we have a gospel of fire, we have a HOT Gospel. If the gospel does not melt the ice of sin, it is not the original gospel of Jesus Christ.
Read Judges 15: 4-5
To get revenge on his father-in-law, Samson took 300 foxes or 150 pairs, tied them together by the tail, set the torches on fire between the tails and let them run into the harvest field of sinners. In this way total destruction was wrought.
A. Jesus took His disciples and sent them out in pairs. He did this, not without giving them the fire of divine authority, and sent them out into the villages of darkness. (Luke 12: 49)
This has done great harm to the cause of Satan.
B. Running the course without the fire of the Holy Spirit is a futile endeavor. He said: It should not be done by army or strength, but by my spirit.
The Holy Spirit is not an option. If we are to be effective in our service, we must allow ourselves to be filled with fire.
A. Definition of force
1. The Greek word is "dynamis".
2. It means the strength of perseverance and strength in storage.
3. Dynamite by itself is nothing. In order for it to explode, the energy of a fire source must be tapped.
Example: In order to start your car, you first have to turn the key which causes the battery to release the power of the fire source.
4. However, the Holy Spirit is much more than a battery. Rather, it is the generator of all generators.
Example: The steam from a locomotive
B. What is the purpose of Pentecost?
We do not receive the fire of the Holy Spirit just to be happy and blessed. Rather, we must use this power to ensure that the word of Jesus can be brought to the ends of the earth.
1. It is good to be addicted to spreading the gospel of Jesus and bringing in the lost.
2. The things of this earth will come and go, but God's Kingdom will endure forever!
3. The blood of the Lamb is medicine for us, but poison for Satan!
4. Definition of atheism: Atheism is intellectual vandalism.
5. The blood of Jesus is like soap; it won't work unless you use it.
C. Jesus is the giver of the Holy Spirit with fire - He is the one who anoints and baptizes with Holy Spirit and fire.
1. We do not take away the anointing of others.
2. We are not duplicates in the Kingdom of God, but originals.
a. Example: If you wanted to make 100 cups of tea out of a single tea bag, nobody would want to drink the 100th cup because it would be colorless and tasteless.
b. Jesus is ready to give you a unique anointing.
c. When someone puts their hands on you to anoint you, it is the original anointing of the fire of the Holy Spirit that Jesus gives you.
d. Yet we are still connected to the saints of the past.
e. David Livingston was quoted in Blantrye, Malawi, saying: "We are the watchmen of the night; we have preached with little results, but later men will come with more light and many will receive justice."
f. We walk on the tears (seeds) that other generations have planted. We will be happy to reap the crops that others have planted. Likewise, others will reap the seeds that we have planted. (John 4: 36-38)
3. We are connected with anointed men and women of previous generations. We carry the same torch that others carried, that is the original gospel. Not only do we have duplicates or imitations, so we too have the original power of the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Example: How the anointing that was on George Jeffries carried over to Reinhard Bonnke.
4. The Jesus who made great leaders of the past great is still there today.
Run the race! The cloud of witnesses looks upon us.
Explain the following statements in your own words:
1. Before the fire, the blood always comes first.
2. John the Baptist stood in a river of cold water, Jesus stood in a stream of liquid fire.
3. Why do we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
4. Compare the fire of Samson to the ministry of Jesus' disciples as discussed in this lesson.
1. What is the difference between the baptism of John and the baptism of Jesus?
a. John the Baptist: water baptism for repentance;
b. Jesus: Baptize with the Holy Spirit.
2. Why is filling with the Holy Spirit not just an option?
To be able to serve effectively at all.
3. Why is the Holy Spirit compared to a car battery in this lesson?
Because the battery is a motor's source of power.
Dr. Stan DeKoven - Community centered training
Community centered training Dr. Stan DeKoven - Training for Service

When Jesus started His ministry on earth, He did it as a God-sent teacher (John 3: 1-2) There is no question that Jesus came to be our Savior. Through His death on the cross and His resurrection, He accomplished our salvation. But the first focus of His ministry was to build leadership for the coming generation. That is why Jesus invested His life in His disciples and demonstrated to us a particularly important ministry that has lost none of its meaning to this day. Nicodemus' statement described an obvious fact: Jesus was a teacher. It is also a fact today: if we want to be effective in our ministry, we must also learn to be effective teachers. The only question is: Will leaders be systematic about teaching, or will things be left to chance?
In the Old Testament, preparation for service was under the direction of the Spirit and arose from the schools of prophets. This practice still applies today when we look at it in the light of Jesus' plan for His disciples. Jesus taught His disciples many things of enormous importance. He summarized the goal of their lives in Matthew 28: 16-20.
I. THE MISSION ORDER (Matthew 28: 16-20)
A. The service mandate
Go into all the world ... make disciples.
Among every people and among every ethnic group in teaching them to keep Christ's commandments.
B. Service focus
To recruit, train, and teach men and women for effective service in the kingdom of God.
A. The assignment (Acts 1: 6-8)
To carry the gospel of the kingdom out into all the world.
B. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 1-4)
1. The mighty results (Acts 2: 5-47)
2. The disciples gathered in the temple each day to teach the apostles.
3. What did the apostles teach? Everything they heard Jesus teach.
C. Church Growth and Problems (Acts 6: 1-7)
1. The apostles' solution:
2. Selection of seven deacons
3. Stephen's testimony and his death. (Acts 7: 1-8)
4. The persecution of the church (Acts 8: 1-3)
A. The Antioch Experience (Acts 11: 19-30)
The persecution had dispersed the people. Most believers went to other Jews to testify to them. But some began to serve people outside of Jewish culture. Many people entered the kingdom of God in this way. Who were these people?
People who could speak Greek.
People who were trained at the feet of the apostles. The news of this revival spread to Jerusalem.
1. Barnabas, a man of zeal, Holy Spirit, wisdom and trustworthiness was sent for confirmation.
a. Barnabas brought Saul to this cross-cultural ministry in Antioch.
b. Barnabas taught the disciples in Antioch for a year and thus laid a solid foundation for them.
c. He taught them the same things he himself had learned from the apostles in Jerusalem - about the life and ministry of Christ.
d. The work soon grew beyond the capabilities of Barnabas.
2. The situation of Saul
a. He first had to learn from Barnabas what church life was all about.
b. Her teaching at Antioch was so effective that even the world began to see the hand of God in the lives of believers.
c. Now they were called "Christians" - little Christs.
d. It was precisely in this church that Saul, who was later called Paul, understood the model for building up the local church.
B. Leaders from within the church itself (Acts 13: 1-3)
1. There were teachers and prophets in the church of Antioch. Where did they come from
a. All of them came from this local church and matured under the teaching and preaching of the Word and under the care of Barnabas and Saul until they finally held offices within the church.
b. This is one of the dynamics of teaching within God's "laboratory," read work, the local church.
c. There was prayer and fasting.
d. Then the Holy Spirit said that the very best of these leaders should be set free.
2. In the same local church, however, there were enough leaders who had been equipped to carry on the work when Saul and Barnabas left for their new assignment.
C. Perfection in Ephesus through the ministry of Paul (Acts 19: 1-20)
1. Paul taught his disciples for two years. What did he teach them?
a. Everything that Jesus had given him through direct revelation.
b. He taught them systematically.
c. He very likely taught them the Old Testament scriptures, the life of Christ, the miracles, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
d. He taught them both in theology and in areas of practical life.
2. Paul understood that it was not enough to win someone over to Christ or even move them to be baptized in the Spirit.
a. Every believer deserves the opportunity to be fully trained and equipped in spiritual matters.
b. Paul trained the disciples in the city of Ephesus.
c. When someone is born again, they must be trained in the things of God. God's field of work, where this has to happen, is the local church.
3. The result of Paul's teaching ministry (Acts 19: 11)
a. Extraordinary miracles could happen.
b. Everyone in Asia Minor heard the gospel. God's method is to train His people in the local church and through the power of the Holy Spirit, so that the gospel can then be shared through His disciples all over the earth. God's plan is to receive training in the local church.
1. Study Acts 2: 42–47; Acts 11: 19-30; Acts 19: 1-20; and outline how disciples were introduced to leadership positions in the early days of the ward.
2. How can such a system be integrated into your local church?
1. Discuss the mandate the Lord has given the church and how it can be effectively implemented in the church today.
2. Discuss what our curriculum should be like if our teaching service is to produce effective disciples.
3. Discuss various ways that are available in your local church to equip disciples for effective service and how this International Curriculum can help improve the quality of formation.
Community centered training Dr. Stan DeKoven - The purpose and aim of teaching Services

The first lesson covered the overarching pattern that we find in God's Word on Leadership Development. It is absolutely essential for any local church to develop a training program that can equip God's people for effective service.
In the first century church, buildings were not important in terms of the gatherings of believers. They met in Solomon's Hall, in the houses, in rented premises, and wherever they could meet to be taught the Word of God. As leaders, we have to be flexible. Whatever God has put in our hands to equip His people for effective service, we should also use it.
In this lesson we will look at three priority areas: We will consider the goals and direction of the training service. We will also strive for a biblical philosophy of the training service. Then we will take a look at how the first steps or preparations for the actual development of your "community-centered training" can be realized.
A. Instruct faithful men and women in discipleship. (2. Timothy 2: 2)
It was not enough for Timothy to preach, to teach, and to do all the work of service.
1. It was of vital importance for him to find other "Timothy types" in which he could invest his own life.
Timothy first had to look for potential leaders in the local church, where he was chiefly the leader.
2. The kind of potential leaders Timothy should look for were those who were full of faith.
a. To be faithful means to be truly faithful in every aspect of life.
b. By observing for a period of time, Timothy was able to find out if someone was already in the formation to see if they were being faithful.
c. It can be assumed that Timothy knew the people within his church quite well.
d. After a while, some of the fellowship will likely have emerged as truly and faithfully committed to the service of the gospel of Christ.
e. Timothy then began to work with them and provided them with a training program that was just as comprehensive as he himself had experienced through the ministry of Paul.
f. It was the particular aim of Timothy to find and train the faithful.
3. Fidelity also includes the ability to teach others with what you have learned.
B. Faithful disciples who have a clear and complete bond with the word and work of God.
1. Jesus taught His disciples the importance of abiding by the Word.
2. The scriptures were written from the Eastern or Hebrew point of view.
3. When the Old Testament was read by the people of God, they looked at it from the perspective of experience. Emotions or experiences and not from the point of view of intellectual knowledge.
4. It is not enough just to know something about the word of God. Then it is important to become so familiar with the word that we begin to empathize with it and act accordingly.
5. This is exactly what Paul is expressing in 2. Timothy 2: 2. Find young men and women who are so deeply believing in God that they not only listen to and receive the word, but who act according to the word with all their hearts.
C. The long-term goal is to develop a truly consistent Christian lifestyle. (Romans 6: 4)
1. The purpose of our baptism in Christ is to learn to live faithfully and consistently as Christians.
2. Ultimately, that is the goal of all of our training.
D. Every believer should be trained to be a warrior in the kingdom of God.
1. The place of this formation is the local church where the believers gather.
2. The focus is on preparing men and women for full-time service in God's vineyard.
3. That is why an important element of training centers is to offer everyone a place where they can receive the full equipment of a soldier in the kingdom of God.
4. Who should attend an in-house training course? Every believer needs to be equipped in order to fulfill his call from God.
E. The special purpose of love (1. Timothy 1: 5)
Paul's goal was not to have a graduate degree. Nor did he seek an influential or powerful position.
1. His main goal was love.
a. To awaken a deeper understanding of the agape love in the life of believers.
b. To love God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind and with all your strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.
c. Where does this love come from?
d. From a pure heart.
2. The second main goal was a clear conscience.
a. That means having Christ's mind.
b. Your conscience has been purified by the Word of God in a way that you will think as Jesus thinks.
3. The third main goal is righteous belief.
a. The word translated here as faith means "faithful faith" - faithfulness over time.
b. The goal of our teaching is to transform hearts and minds and to loosen and set God's people free to accomplish great things in the kingdom of God.
A. A balanced and mature life.
Jesus increased weight in four primary areas of life:
1. He steadily increased in wisdom.
This relates to the mental or cognitive area of life.
2. He grew outwardly, physically.
There are people who have heard the strong call of God in their lives but who will never fulfill their destiny because their physical temple is so damaged.
3. He grew in favor with God.
The grace of God was in His life or He also grew spiritually.
a. How did Jesus grow spiritually? The same way we do.
b. He spent time in the synagogue studying the word of God.
c. He spent a lot of time in prayer alone with His Father.
d. He learned to worship.
e. He learned obedience to submit to authority, especially His parents.
4. It also increased in the social area. (Favor with people)
a. Jesus liked people and got on very well with them.
b. He adapted the culture of His people.
c. He was kind to everyone who lived in His town.
In summary, part of the philosophy of a formation service is to bring up holistic people with complete belief in the fullness of the things of God. It is so important to develop a balanced life.
B. An educational model (Deuteronomy 6: 1-9)
1. Through the repeated emphasis on the truth of God's Word, to which we repeatedly expose ourselves, our lives are changed and our intentions and our path are brought in the right direction before God.
2. This is the pattern we find in the Word of God.
3. However, if you really want to establish church training, which is what every local church around the world needs within their own church, then you have to be ready to plan accordingly and make this a priority in your life and service.
A. Be assured of your own calling and God's guidance. (2. Peter 1: 10)
1. The virtues of God must be firmly anchored in the life of every believer.
2. This also includes the diligent application of the Word of God in your life.
B. No service should only function as a "one-man show".
1. The ministry of Peter was not only carried out by himself, but he worked with other apostles.
2. So it was in Paul's ministry.
3. A great deal of commitment is required to train people in spiritual matters.
4. But there is no greater joy than to see young men and women who have accepted the teachings of the Word of God and have been enlightened by the light of the Word in such a way that their lives are changed and, in turn, they teach others.
C. Networking is one of the critical keys.
To find other men and women in your sphere of influence who share the same desire to equip the saints of God. If you do that, you will bear fruit and your fruit will remain.
Do you have a Bible-based church training in your local church? If so, arrange a meeting with the person in charge and ask them about ...:
1. The biblical goals of this program.
2. who the students are.
3. the aim of training.
4. How you can help improve the training program yourself. If not, use this course to write down the training goal and philosophy from your perspective, as well as develop an action plan to start such a program.
1. Suggest different ways to find other Timothy (leaders) in your ministry.
2. What does loyalty mean to you personally?
3. Compare the biblical goals of in-house Bible training with the effort to earn degrees, as is the case in many Bible schools today. Try to strike a balance between these two approaches.
4. What does it mean to develop people with a balanced, mature life?
Community centered training Dr. Stan DeKoven - Planning your Institute

We have looked at the philosophy of developing an in-church Bible study and recognized its importance in reaching people for Jesus. In this lesson we will look at how to plan such a Bible study.
Before we turn to the basic principles, let's take a look at 2. Timothy 3: 16-17. God's Word is very profitable for us. When we study the Bible systematically over a period of time, the Holy Spirit begins to teach us to correct ourselves, to give us new directions, and to actually train us to live properly. God's purpose behind it is to prepare us adequately, which means as much as equipping us for all kinds of eventualities.
That is why it is God's plan with Bible training that His Word be studied so that it can bring about all the changes that are necessary in our life until we are fully mature.
I. First things first.
A. We need to have a place.
What kind of place do you need to start a Bible training course?
1. You can teach people in a house.
2. It can also be done in the open air.
3. It could also take place in rented premises.
4. A meetinghouse is a great place to be.
B. We have to have the people to do it.
1. People who are hungry to study God's Word.
2. People who are willing to commit their time and energy to a more comprehensive service.
C. It is good to have a program.
1. You must have exactly the courses available that you want to take. Example: The ISDD International Curriculum.
2. As a leader, you need to think about the courses your people need.
D. Consider various aids.
1. People need paper, pens, and books.
2. You need to find resources that will help people learn thoroughly.
3. Pray that God will provide these resources in His time.
E. Administration and communication
1. Some will have to make the decisions.
2. Others will have to do the planning of the program.
3. Find someone in your service environment who has proven capable of these roles.
4. God will give you the right people in His time.
A. You need to have a method of communicating the material to your students.
1. One method is video training.
2. Other methods include, for example, standard lectures given by teachers who are gifted.
3. Such teachers can teach books of the Bible, work on theological questions, give lectures on Christian life, etc.
4. The aim is to teach in a systematic manner, i.e. a full study course.
B. This can be full-time or part-time.
1. The example from Cameroon, West Africa.
2. You can start in a certain way and if that doesn't work, you take the other way.
3. The main thing is the study itself.
C. It can be carried out through evening or weekly seminars.
A. Choose carefully.
B. Find material that is translatable and reproducible.
C. It is of great benefit if your material covers the entire gospel so that God's people can actually be prepared for effective service.
D. It is an advantage if you can obtain a qualification and recognized points (credits) for your school.
E. Textbooks are useful if some want to pursue advanced studies.
A. People in the local church who have the gift of teaching.
B. Help the teaching staff to get the necessary study materials.
C. Find the right teaching staff.
How do you choose them?
1. You must be confident in your teaching calling.
2. They must be anointed to teach.
3. You must be academically trained.
4. You need to acquire the vision of the field service.
D. Give faculty members the opportunity to continue training.
1. Offer them opportunities for an ongoing training program.
2. You can only take someone with you as far as you personally got there.
3. Every leader should remain a student himself and never stop growing.
E. You have to show commitment to the main thing.
1. It must be people who love the word and regard it as their food.
2. You must be willing to share what God has taught them to share with others.
3. They have to be passionate people.
4. You must know that you are committed to the long term.
A. Do something where there was nothing before.
1. You may find it difficult to gather all of the materials you will need. Be ready to take whatever you can get.
2. Jesus taught people wherever he could.
3. If there is no textbook, just start with the Bible and study it effectively.
B. Every student has to bring at least some tools with them.
1. You absolutely need the Bible.
2. You must have writing materials.
3. Everyone has to have at least the bare minimum in order to be able to take care of themselves.
4. You have to pay for their education.
C. Many study aids are beneficial.
2. Concordances.
The goal of every servant and member of the body of Christ is neither independence nor dependency but mutual relationships for the sake of the kingdom of God.
The aim is to meet the need for Bible training, which is by its nature cross-cultural and offered in order to develop independence.
Closing Thought: Ephesians 4: 11-16, unity and maturity are primary goals of in-house Bible training.
Continue working on your lesson 2 project by creating a schedule for starting a Bible study.
1. Which tools do you have to put together?
2. Who should you enroll as a student and where will you get them from?
3. Where will you start from?
4. How will you set up the administration?
5. What will your curriculum be?
6. Who will your teaching members be?
7. How much will it cost the students?
After you complete this project, discuss it with your pastor or whoever you will mentor for advice.
1. For those of you who do not have Bible training in your local church:
Discuss the best ways to start one in your location.
2. Exchange ideas about which tools you need and how you can get them.
3. Discuss which curriculum you can start with, e.g. with the "International Curriculum" or any other.
4. Pray for one another.
Dr. Jack Hayford - Integrity of the Leader
Integrity of the Leader Dr. Jack Hayford - The integrity of the heart

1. There are different qualities that make a good leader. Some of us have such traits and skills as:
a. Exceptional, creative skills
b. An excellent perception
c. Administrative skills
d. Prophetic vision
e. An attractive personality
f. Spiritual zeal
G. Supernatural gifts
None of us have all of these gifts. But almost always, when people are looking for great conditions for leaders, they focus on things you can see. I want to talk about things you can't see. There is no level of skill or strength that can replace these things.
2. I am regularly asked by leaders: "What is the secret of a successful leadership service?"
Example: It is assumed that the key is the number of hours worked in Bible reading and prayer. Of course these are important things, but I am convinced that nothing exceeds the importance of cultivating a "heart of integrity" because it has to do with the heart from which prayers are said and the Word of God is preached.
• The most important thing for a leader is the integrity of the heart.
3. The Bible text familiarizes us with an idea that appears repeatedly in the Old Testament.
TEXT: Genesis 20: 1-6
A. Some scholars have called this principle the "Law of First Application." The first time a concept appears in the Bible it becomes clear how that thought will apply to the Word as a whole. Here we are concerned us with the integrity of the heart first addressed in the Bible.
1. Look at this story which introduces the following thoughts:
a. Sincerity of the tongue
b. Truthfulness of the Thought World
c. Honesty to yourself
d. A heart that will not abuse trust
2. Integrity of the heart is the catchphrase with which all these qualities can be summarized in one.
3. It is an interesting observation about this story that we are taught about "integrity" in a context where a man of faith has not done justice to honesty.
4. But a pagan king responded with integrity. The lesson to be learned is clear.
5. I may not be a person of great revelation and insight, but I can always have integrity in responding to the things God shows me.
6. God shows us things in different ways:
a. By His word.
b. Circumstances.
c. Through his spirit, which acts on us within us.
d. He convicts us.
e. He corrects us.
B. God's confrontation with Abimelech and his reaction. (Genesis 20: 3-5)
Note: The first time the Bible speaks of integrity in relation to the heart, God comes to speak to a man about what he does not understand. The integrity of the heart has to do with these two things:
1. There are always things I don't know or understand about. God will help me in the face of such things that I do not know or do not understand.
2. There are things that I understand. If I violate these commandments, God will not come and correct me for it.
That's a frightening truth.
C. The Lord's answer reveals this principle. (Genesis 20: 6)
1. God, in his patience, shows understanding where our ignorance produces innocent failure due to lack of knowledge.
2. God Says, "The reason I am here to stop you is because I know that you are acting without knowing or hurting your own understanding of things."
D. Assumption: The opposite is also included in this concept.
1. God gives us the responsibility to walk in the light of the knowledge or revelation that we have.
2nd illustration: Example of a leader who has fallen into a false belief, another who has been financially unreliable, and another who maintains an immoral relationship; EVERY INDIVIDUAL of them expressed something of the feeling of divine tolerance or "exceptional status" in their case. WHY?
3. It is because where integrity is trampled from the start, God will not intervene until the judgment is finally grown. GOD WARNS / CORRECTES / INSTRUCTS only where His intervention is based on the sincere search of the individual for God's way.
4. The key is to respond promptly whenever God is working on me and I haven't yet realized what I've done wrong.
This story dramatically illustrates that there is arguably no more essential quality or value to pursue and maintain in the life of a leader than the integrity of the heart.
A word study on "INTEGRITY" reveals concepts that can help us HOW "INTEGRITY" can be MAINTAINED.
A. Old Testament: "thom" - concept of "wholeness perfection."
Example: In mathematics we speak of "whole numbers" as opposed to "fractions".
1. Integrity of the heart describes this attitude of the heart, which does not allow the "slice by slice separation" of the WHOLE.
2. SERIOUSNESS TO GOD AND YOURSELF, with supposedly "insignificant" deviations.
How this is done:
Rationalize-give myself an excuse for my compromise behavior. Self-justification-argue that my case is an exception and that "God doesn't take it that seriously, He'll accept my compromise."
B. Practical examples
1. Violating the precept of the whole truth in engaged conversation. "Zack" - already happened!
2. Inner correction of the Holy Spirit, "do not grieve" (Ephesians 4: 30)
Compare Ephesians 4: 17-32
The full range of verbal purity, reliability in demeanor, refusal to "dress up" the truth, rejection of extramarital sexual activities of any kind, refusal to give room to one's anger, unforgiveness. AND DO NOT GIVE ROOM TO THE DEVIL )
A. David, a man after the HEART of God (i.e., full of integrity). Listen to the words of David:
1. Lord, show me your way, that I may walk in your truth; GET MY HEART by the one that I may fear your name. (Psalm 86: 11)
NOTE: Two steps:
a. I WANT to be instructed.
b. I WANT to commit to walking in what you show me.
Result: THIS WAY, LORD, you can "my heart with the one receive."
2. Keep my soul and save me; Don't let me be ashamed, because I trust you. LET INNOCENCE AND RIGHTNESS (INTEGRITY) guard me, for I wait for you (i.e., wait for your voice) (Psalm 25: 20-21)
B. Illustration: Under David's leadership the borders of Israel stretched at their widest expansions in history. Given the inability to control the borders, the question arises, "How can I KEEP my Kingdom?" He speaks the above Prayer: "YOU, LORD, must keep me."
A. Remember Solomon's original prayer: Now, Lord God of Israel, keep your servant, my father David, what you promised him (1. Kings 8: 25)
God's answer: (1. Kings 9: 3-5a) I have heard your prayer and supplication that you brought before me, and I have sanctified this house that you built to let my name dwell there forever, and my eyes and my heart should be there ALL TIME. And you, if you walk before me as your father David walked, WITH A RIGHT (INTEGER) HEART and SINCERELY, that you do everything I have commanded you, and keep my commandments and my rights, I will confirm the throne your kingship.
B. Note the total contrast of Solomon's approach to the same problem that David had: defending the frontiers.
1. Solomon's Choice for Diplomatic Solutions: Alliances.
2. With every treaty, a new princess comes to seal the political connection. Jerusalem becomes full of idols that bring with them these "contracts" which are designed to ensure personal / professional safety.
3. CONCEPT: Each of us is a "builder" - we build our FAMILIES, MEETINGS, SERVICES.
4. The key to a HOME, a CHURCH, a MINISTRY that SUSTAIN (i.e., that God receives at all times) is embedded in our will to continually maintain a heart of integrity.
A. My discovery of the plural of "integrity" (thom) THUMMIM which amazed me. God has given us a picture of maintaining the integrity of the heart.
1. The high priest's breast pocket: urim and thummim. Nobody knows exactly what this consisted of, but we do know something about how and when the urim and thummim were "consulted".
a. Exodus 28: 30 and you shall put in your breast pocket the lots of light and justice (that is, to make decisions according to a divine judgment), the Urim and Thummim, so that they may be on Aaron's HEART.
b. Example: Fight for a pure priesthood: Wait until a high priest stood up with the urim and thummim. (Nehemiah 7: 65; Ezra 2: 63)
2. HOW IT WAS DONE: Rabbinical scriptures suggest an answer: They would have gone up to the curtain and said, "Show us God what Israel should do."
If we hold faithfully to this thummim of the heart, we shall be able to walk in obedience. The borders of the kingdom can be stretched. Services are effective, boundaries are kept in blessings, and services are established by the integrity of the heart.
1. What lessons can you learn from the first occurrence of the phrase "integrity of heart" in the Bible?
2. What ideas are conveyed by the expression "integrity of the heart"?
3. How does God reveal His will to us?
4. What does God expect from you when He reveals His will to you?
5. Explain how this can be illustrated:
a. Based on David's life (Psalm 25: 20-21)
b. By means of the high priest's breast pocket.
1. Discuss various qualities we look for in determining good leaders in Christian ministry.
2. How do these good qualities relate to the integrity of the heart?
3. How can we apply these two lessons when faced with an issue relating to our integrity?
a. Encountering things that we do not know or do not understand.
b. Violating the commandments we already know and understand.
4. Pray for one another and for the Christian leaders in your country that the Holy Spirit may keep your hearts with integrity.
Integrity of the Leader Dr. Jack Hayford - A forgiving Spirit

In our first lesson, we learned about heart integrity. We talked about the way in which the openness of the heart can be reduced in all its devotion to God. How the heart can only be fooled a little bit until a great misfortune happens. Preserving the integrity of the heart means resisting the heart's invasion. An invasion that takes away just a little bit each time like an invading force occupies a nation's country.
We now want to deal with another matter of the heart regarding integrity. Now it is not a question of the heart being invaded, but of being infected. It has to do with the leader and the spirit of forgiveness.
The main meaning of forgiveness is to release or let go. When our Lord forgave us, we were released from the power of sin. Our bond with eternal death has been broken. This is how we understand the relationship between forgiveness and release. But the Bible also speaks of the spirit of forgiveness. It's about experiencing a life determined by the spirit of letting go. When our hearts and hands have been opened to God through a liberated attitude. So that the hands are not filled with things that are only about anger and bitterness. Like someone who carries luggage with them that they don't need for the trip they are planning.
Release of freedom in a ministry depends on the spirit of letting go that dominates the leader's heart.
TEXT: Matthew 18: 21-35
A. An honest request
1. Peter's question shows us a position which he believed went beyond the standing interpretation of his day.
2. Based on such passages as: Amos 1: 3, Amos 1: 6, Amos 1: 9, Amos 1: 11, Amos 1: 18 (etc. up to chapter 2), the rabbis of Jesus day assumed that God himself would not forgive more than 3 times.
3. But the Lord said to Peter sensitively: NO Peter, but 70 times 7 times.
4. What Jesus expressed was not 490 times, but unlimited forgiveness. (1. Corinthians 13: 4-7)
B. A new dimension (Matthew 18: 22-23a)
1. Not only does Jesus expand this limited view, but He adds the importance of a principle of the kingdom of heaven to this teaching.
2. When Jesus speaks about the kingdom of heaven, two things are confirmed:
a. He speaks of God calling us into an environment of salvation.
b. There is a clear commandment from the kingdom of heaven.
It is a lesson so clear that Jesus will show frightening consequences if left unreacted. (Matthew 18: 34-35)
3. What does it mean to be handed over to the tormentors?
a. The servant who did not forgive was not returned to his original position. (Matthew 18: 25, Matthew 18: 34)
b. Sandern, the regular urging of the debt collectors, who demanded the payments, stayed with him. (Matthew 18: 34)
C. The lesson
1. It is possible to have been forgiven and to know what salvation means.
2. If we forget the great forgiveness we have received and yet do not deal with others in the same spirit of total release and forgiveness, we will experience constant pain because of such unforgiveness. that torment our souls get to do.
3. The spirit of unforgiveness will rob us of our joy, spiritual strength, and physical health.
4. Medical studies show that 70% of all human illnesses are the result of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness within the human being.
D. The servant who does not forgive (Matthew 18: 24-34)
1. An incredibly great debt (Matthew 18: 25)
a. Matthew 18: 25. Notice the destruction that threatens to occur in a person's life, family, and future. His guilt, indicating his impending ruin, depicts the utter forlornness of our situation outside of God's grace and forgiveness in Christ.
b. Matthew 18: 26. Note the servant's petition for mercy, which actually seems like a totally impossible proposition. This amount of money running into the millions could never be paid back, no matter how much time was available for it. He couldn't even keep up with the interest payments, let alone paying off the actual debt.
c. Matthew 18: 27. Notice the king's overwhelming compassion. His character is in complete contrast to the common practice of that society and that of today. This is NOT a common response to debt: Jesus illustrates the Father's heart to our burden and liability of sin and guilt.
2. An incredible response (Matthew 18: 28-29)
In an incredibly insensitive way, the servant, who has been forgiven such a great debt, approaches a fellow servant and demands of him the settlement of a liability that existed between the two. (Please note: this guilt has nothing to do with the king's relationship with his servants. It exists solely between the two of them. This is very important for the lesson to be learned.)
a. Matthew 18: 28. The two amounts of debt cannot be compared in any way: the first is a lifelong unpaid amount. The second debt amount is only the equivalent of 3-4 months' wages.
b. Matthew 18: 28. Pay attention to the actions of the "forgiven" servant: He immediately grabs him, strangles him and throws him on his knees. Not only has he already forgotten the forgiveness that has come to himself , but rather he treats a fellow servant with hard heart and ruthlessness.
c. Matthew 18: 29. Listen to the words the second servant utters. They are exactly the same words that the first uttered to his master. Amazingly, he doesn't even hear the echo of his own objection, which now penetrates him from the lips of his fellow servant.
d. Matthew 18: 30. Remember that the second request, "I will pay you," was a reasonable one. That is the drastic difference in the two situations. The unforgiveness was shown in a context where there was an infinitely smaller debt and where therefore a patient attitude would have been more appropriate and to be expected.
A mind that controls:
A. By resentment:
Being resentful to someone means keeping people in jail of our anger.
B. By a judging attitude
1. In my opinion, this or that person is wrong.
2. Unfortunately, the body of Christ is tragically full of such attitudes. These cripple the effectiveness of a living church. They eat away at the spiritual strength of the leader. It is through them that walls of separation are built between parts of Christ's church.
C. The tension that unforgiveness brings in the body of Jesus Christ.
The Lord's attitude: He said: I have forgiven you everything. I met you with understanding and empathy. I understand your disposition. I am patient with your incomplete understanding. I have forgiven you for the things that you were not even aware of but that hurt others. I completely set you free. I urge you to let go in the same way. To be patient with the people who hurt you and cause you pain.
A. The precious truth.
1. I will not let you do any other way in my kingdom.
2. The father gets angry if you try differently.
3. You will inflict punishment on yourself for living in such a way.
B. The lesson
1. I won't just let you go back to your former forlorn state.
2. You will have to experience what it means to pay the price of constant nagging of the spirit of unforgiveness.
3. It paralyzes services.
4. It holds leaders captive.
5. It also captivates people.
C. Ask yourself:
How do I relate to other servants of the kingdom of God?
This is what forgiveness is really about: liberation from relationships, release from salvation, breaking through what our lives are all about, and releasing the body of Christ when we are forgiven as we have been forgiven.
1. Study Matthew 18: 21-35 and answer the following questions:
a. How often does Peter feel that he can forgive his hurting brother every day?
b. How many times does the Lord teach?
c. What do you mean with that?
d. How did the master of the rascal forgive?
e. How did the servant treat his fellow servant?
2. List the practical lessons you learned from this parable.
3. Is there anyone in your life with whom you have broken off your relationship?
Apply the principles of this lesson and take the time to express your releasing and forgiving this person.
1. Share the centrality of forgiveness and what the teaching of this lesson teaches you to do.
2. How does this relate to the principle of God's Kingdom?
3. Discuss the destructive effects of the spirit of unforgiveness in the body of Christ.
4. What are the timeless lessons that each of us should learn from the parable of the "rascal"?
5. Is there anyone in your life whom you hold grudges against or whom you meet with judgment?
Grasp a believer's hand or two and pray for the spirit of forgiveness to take place in your heart. Let go of each and every person completely.
Dr. David Shibley - The Leader's Vision
The Leader's Vision Dr. David Shibley - Spiritualization of the Vision

All over the world, the Church of Jesus longs for a clear, distinctive vision that comes from God. God has given us wonderful opportunities in the approaching 21st century. Within our reach is now everything that Christians of the past 20 centuries have longed for and prayed for. This generation is about to complete or complete the mission order.
There is a loud cry from the throne room of heaven, which comes from the “AD. 2000 "movement is readily accepted. This call is about planting a church among every ethnic group worldwide. For this to happen, however, there must be a vision in the heart of God's people, especially the leaders. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 29:18, that where there is no revelation (vision), the people will
wild and wild. In other words, ruthless life is spreading where there is no clear vision.
Today God calls His bride, the church, to live according to their destiny. It is our job to align our lives with God's purposes. God's highest intention is that the whole world may get to know His Son Jesus Christ. He is now challenging us to live for what really matters. The bottom line is the exaltation of the Son of God to the very end of the earth.
I am convinced that God will use these lessons to align your lives with His purposes. When we speak of vision from a biblical point of view, it is not about good ideas that someone has on their minds. A vision is not a group match. It is not a kind of mystical trance.
A biblical vision is when God opens His heart to you about the future. When God speaks to you about His will for the future and puts this burden on your heart, you are already contributing to His vision. This vision can affect your city as well as the injustice that prevails in your country. It may be that God calls you to speak out against injustice and to express God's will over a situation.
This vision could also be to reach the unreached in your village. Whatever God tells you to do. If you start to organize your life according to the vision that God has put in your heart, you will find that your life, which is lacking direction, is clearly focused. This is exactly what happened to a young prophet named Jeremiah.
TEXT: Jeremiah 1: 4-12
In the calling story of Jeremiah, we find 5 principles that are critical to accepting a vision from God.
Don't say i'm too young (Jeremiah 1: 7)
A. There are people who are discouraged by all kinds of influences from fulfilling God's vision.
B. Fulfillment comes when you obey God's Word for your purpose in life.
C. God calls us to be His messengers. (2. Corinthians 5: 20)
We should conduct ourselves according to the dignity of our calling.
D. Reasons We Are Of Value To God:
1. We are made in His image. (Genesis 1: 27)
2. The price of our salvation was so precious. (1. Peter 1: 18-19)
3. There is a unique contribution to the kingdom of God that only you can make. (Philippians 3: 12)
a. There is a reason Jesus added you to God's family.
b. The world would be even poorer without you.
I put my words in your mouth. (Jeremiah 1: 9)
A. C. H. Spurgeon's question to a young preacher.
B. When you get up to preach, don't focus on your question marks. Rather, preach your exclamation marks. Preach what you have found safe.
I set you today over peoples and kingdoms, that you should uproot and tear down, destroy and perish, and build and plant. (Jeremiah 1: 10)
A. God encourages us to work hard.
1. We are workers by the side of our God.
2. Prove yourself to be an impeccable worker before God (2. Timothy 2: 15)
B. God calls us to work responsibly and transparently.
What do you see? (Jeremiah 1: 11)
A. It is in the prayer chamber that we receive revelation from God.
B. What qualifies us for service is not just training.
C. Keys to an Effective Prayer Life:
1. Make a binding prayer. (Acts 3: 1)
2. Pray passionately. (James 5: 16)
3. Pray in detail. (Matthew 16: 19)
4. Pray with one accord. (Acts 4: 24)
5. Persist in praying. (Luke 11: 9)
6. Pray boldly. (Hebrews 4: 16)
7. Pray expectantly. (1. John 5: 14-15)
V. I HAVE TO SOW TO HARVEST; THEREFORE I WILL SOW IN FAITH. Get up and preach. (Jeremiah 1: 17)
A. You cannot harvest a vision for which you have not planted.
B. Remember that you are important to the kingdom of God.
Do you remember when God called you into His service?
One way to remember the call of God in your life is to write it down. Practice this on this side and use the back if necessary.
1. In your small groups, discuss what is meant by a vision of God in the context of this course and how it is important for anyone who leads God's people in any way.
2. How can you live and act as ambassadors of Christ and succumb to the spirit of pride?
3. What roles do training and prayer play in our qualifications for service?
The Leader's Vision Dr. David Shibley - The qualities of a Visionary

What qualities must the life of a leader have whom God will entrust a vision? A vision is a valuable treasure. That is why God will take special precautions before sharing His vision with anyone.
The vision may come through confirmation of a biblical passage when the "Logos" of God becomes a "theme" in the conduct of our lives. It can even be done through the words of other believers. No matter which approach the Lord chooses when communicating a vision, that vision of the future becomes a very meaningful thing. The one who carries the vision must be guided by the Holy Spirit to be the right bearer of the vision. Someone has correctly observed that someone whom God uses in public is also privately directed by HIM. There are very personal things that the Lord shows the visionary and that he guides him in overcoming.
One of the clearest illustrations of a visionary that God used is found in Joshua. Joshua offers us the best example of how a change to an enormously effective management position can be achieved. It had already passed through the hands of his mentor, Moses. At the beginning of the book of Joshua, we encounter Joshua's call to a level of leadership that he had never known before. In the same way is the
today's church in almost every country at a time of transition. Over the next 5 years, 80% of the names in Christianity leadership will change. Just as it was in the leadership of Moses, many of the post-war leaders will leave us and go to the Lord. I believe that the Holy Spirit is bringing in new visionaries in the body of Christ.
There is a parallel between how God dealt with Joshua and how He deals with us today. There are 10 qualities in the life of a visionary that we can see in the life of Joshua.
My servant Moses died (Joshua 1: 2)
A. Paul's declaration of intent. (Philippians 3: 14)
1. Where is the orientation point of your life?
2. In the past or in the future?
B. The struggle with the problem of irreconcilability regarding past mistakes.
1. The penalty of irreconcilability is that your point of reference is in the past and not in the future.
2. It is like a chain around you that prevents you from entering God's inheritance.
3. Things That Prevent Men and Women from Being Effective in Service:
a. Abuse of money.
b. Sexual wrong turns
c. Abuse of power
4. But there is a fourth silent killer who is forcing thousands of Christian leaders to the edge or to surrender. It is the creeping death of irreconcilability.
5. Implacability that is not addressed immediately will grow into anger.
6. Anger that is not met turns inward and turns into bitterness.
7. The root of bitterness defiles many people.
8. Forgiveness is what sets you free to take on the inheritance that God has for you.
C. What is forgiveness?
1. What steps have to be taken in forgiving? Jesus gave us a 4-point plan in the Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 5: 44)
a. Love your enemies.
b. Bless you who curse.
c. Do good to those who persecute you.
d. Pray for them
2. Only you yourself can move for your life out of God's will. Nobody else has that power over you. Only your own reaction to what is happening to you can ultimately harm you.
a. Release is spiritual liberation.
b. The Holy Spirit is now speaking a word about entire denominations and nations.
3. What does real forgiveness look like?
It is like the forgiveness of Joseph for his brothers. (Genesis 45)
a. He kept the reputation of his brothers. (Genesis 45: 1)
b. He didn't want any distance between himself and his brothers. (Genesis 45: 4)
c. He didn't want his brothers to suffer emotionally for what they did to him. (Genesis 45: 5)
d. He saw the caring hand of God in everything that had happened. (Genesis 45: 5)
"The whole Christian life consists in finding out what we already are as heirs." - Bill Bright
There is a specific area of anointing that is yours only. "Try great things for God; expect great things from God." - William Carey
Nobody should resist you all your life. (Joshua 1: 5)
"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." - Tertullian
As I was with Moses, I want to be with you too. I don't want to leave you or leave you. (Joshua 1: 5)
A. There is a promise our Father made to us. He will neither leave us nor leave us.
B. The presence of God will be with us no matter what circumstances we go through.
You only confidently and without hesitation (Joshua 1: 7)
A. God wants to lift you into a life of miracles.
B. Allow God to take you into a new level where events are taking place in your life that cannot be explained other than by God's intervention himself.
C. God does miraculous things. He wants to do things like that in your life. He wants you to be the bearer of a vision for the future.
D. We will complete the remaining three qualities in the next lesson.
Study Joshua 1 to 3 and apply each of the seven qualities in the life of a visionary to your own life and ministry.
Do this by writing in your own words what the Lord would like to say to you when you have considered each quality.
1. Discuss different ways a leader can deal with the past in ways that prevent it from becoming his reference point.
2. Discuss the fourth silent killer in the ministry and the various levels of the church that are exposed to destruction as a result.
3. How can Joseph's example help us reconcile with those who have hurt us?
4. How can we practice true forgiveness in the body of Christ today if we are to apply the four steps of Jesus?
The Leader's Vision Dr. David Shibley - Concentrate your Vision

In lesson two, we looked at the qualities of a visionary. We have already opened up seven properties by taking a closer look at the life of Joshua. The first five chapters in the book of Joshua are witness to the transition period in which Joshua grew into a key position in the leadership of God's people.
There are three other qualities that we want to share when looking at the life of Joshua and what they mean to us. In Joshua 5 there are 3 events that are of tremendous importance for our lives today as leaders.
The sign of the covenant with God:
A. Before we can represent God in battle, we must bear the mark of His covenant.
B. With circumcision, the unnecessary flesh was cut off and an operation was performed on a reproductive organ.
C. In the same way, we must allow the Holy Spirit to intervene surgically in our lives to cut off all carnality and the works of the flesh. We must allow Him to remove all unclean things from our lives.
D. We must submit to the Holy Spirit so that He can press His mark on the creative abilities that God has given us.
A. There was a change in the way God provided for God's people.
B. We are at a time when God is changing the way He is giving His care to His people.
C. As you cross your personal "Jordan", expect changes in the way God is supplied.
D. The old way of doing things may no longer work.
E. Sandern instead is provided for each individual. The fruit of Canaan is ready for you.
F. Canaan's reserves are not only sufficient for our own needs, but also a seed of supply for others.
G. God wants to bless you in abundance so that not only are your needs met, but that you can also be a source of blessings to others.
H. We, as the people of God, bless the nations of the earth by bringing them the gospel.
I. That, however, requires us to cooperate with God and get behind enemy lines because that is the place where God wants to take care of us.
A. Joshua's meeting with the prince over the Lord's host.
B. With this refreshing encounter with the Lord, we are qualified to march and go forward for HIM. Now let's move on to the third lesson. It is the essence of this course.
According to George Barna, vision is defined as follows:
"A vision for service is a clear spiritual picture of a desired future that God gives to His chosen servants, and it is based on a right understanding of God, of man himself and of the circumstances." George Barna
But if vision is actually to be turned into reality, there are many aspects to consider.
Let's look at 10 steps together to consider when building a vision.
A. Know your gift.
1. Know your spiritual gifts that have been given to you by the Holy Spirit. (1. Corinthians 12: 11)
2. Use the following scriptures to study spiritual gifts:
a. Ephesians 4
b. Romans 12
3. Seek the Lord's guidance in prayer to find out what gifts the Holy Spirit has given you.
4. All of these gifts are there to equip us for service to people and the purposes of God.
5. Know that as you serve within the scope of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that have been given you, you will be spiritually fulfilled.
B. Trust your gift. (Proverbs 18: 16)
1. When you are aware of the gifts of God in your life, you can be relaxed in exercising those gifts.
2. Discover the favor or grace of God in your life and stay in this sphere of activity.
C. Develop your gift. (2. Timothy 2: 15)
Make a personal plan to grow and develop your gift and your whole life.
D. Have God give you a vision for your ministry. (Colossians 4: 17)
Aubrey Malphurs gives us the characteristics of a healthy vision:
1. She is clear. (Habakkuk 2: 2)
a. Write down the vision.
b. check and clarify the vision.
c. Read the vision.
Then you can set out with your vision.
2. It's challenging.
a. It will spur you on as a leader.
b. It will also goad the people of God.
3. It is something that happens on the spiritual level.
If you pass on your vision to others, they will be able to see what you are about.
4. It's the future.
5. It can be realized.
6. It has to be done.
E. Try something so big that only God can get the glory for it. (Ephesians 3: 20-21)
1. Try great things for God.
"Expect great things from God." -William Carey
2. Dr. Bill Bright's vision for Campus for Christ.
F. Remember, you can do whatever God has called you to do. (Philippians 4: 19)
G. Develop a plan for your spiritual life before God. (Luke 18: 1)
Three prayers that you should personally practice daily for your life:
a. The prayer of familiarity (Ephesians 3: 16-19)
b. The prayer of growth (Psalm 67: 1-2)
c. The prayer of influence
H. In prayer before God, make a plan for how your vision will come true. Dr. Ralph Mahoney suggests the following way for a leader to do this too:
1. Receive God's vision for your life and ministry.
2. Define the goals that will bring you closer to this vision.
3. Prioritize your goals accordingly to create a workable plan.
a. HOW? Programming
b. WHEN? time planning
c. WITH WHO? Human resource management
d. COSTS? budgeting
4. Realize your plan.
5. Evaluate the implementation.
I. Firmly bind your vision to God's vision and plan for the nations. (Matthew 28:19)
J. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 5: 18)
1. Nothing of eternal value will happen in your life outside of the action of the Holy Spirit.
2. Allow the Holy Spirit to purify you, fill you, and control you.
3. "Give up completely before God so that the Holy Spirit may work unimpeded" - Hudson Taylor
Practice Dr. Ralph Mahoney's Paths To Achievement regarding the vision the Lord has given you for your life and ministry.
Write it down.
1. Share various new ways that God is using in arming His people so that the gospel can be spread.
2. Before you complete this lesson, practice the three types of prayer described above in your small groups.
Use these types of prayer personally in your life and take them with you in your quiet times.
The Leader's Vision Dr. David Shibley - God's Vision and your Vision

Is there an all-encompassing purpose of God that stands behind what He does for His people? What is the purpose of God's heart's desire that we be people of faith, strength, holiness and well-being? It is true that He wants these things for us because He loves us. But there is also an intention behind why God intended these things to His people.
Why did Jesus call and choose you? (John 15: 16). Note here that Jesus did not say that He called and chose us to go to heaven or to enjoy a full life. All of this is already ours. But it is rather the result of our relationship with HIM.
Then why did Jesus bring us to His kingdom? He made us children of the empire so that we could bear fruit. The fruit Jesus speaks of here is not only the fruit of the Holy Spirit, but the fruit of a rich harvest. Harvesting valuable souls all over the world.
We need to open our eyes to look beyond our self-imposed spiritual barriers and to see the whole world for which Christ died.
This course is about developing our vision. However, we must remember that no matter what vision we pursue, it must be linked to God's general plan. Our vision of God must be part of God's vision for the nations. It is our job to participate in God's global plan. It is God's global plan to bring all nations under the rule of Jesus Christ.
Christ gave us the mission order, which is practically the march order of the church represents. It has been the agenda of the church since the time when Christ in the Heaven has risen until He will come back.
The great Africa missionary David Livingstone made the following observation: "God had only one son and this was a missionary." The Christian faith is a missionary belief. From a heavenly perspective, the most important thing that happens worldwide within the body of Christ is the international right of ownership of the church around the world to the mission command. It is not just the responsibility of the US church to evangelize the world. Rather, it is the privilege and responsibility of every believer in every nation.
TEXT: Genesis 12: 1-3
A. With the calling of Abraham
B. Through fellowship with the redeemed of all time (Revelation 5: 9; Revelation 7: 9)
A. The signs of Christ's return (Matthew 24: 14)
1. The gospel will be preached to every community.
2. The conflicts between all nations.
3. The emergence of communion of the redeemed among ethnic groups.
The greatest vision a leader can have is one of partaking in God's will for the evangelization of the world and explaining to the group how it can best be put into practice. "- John Haggai
B. The promise of strength to fulfill the missionary command.
The comprehensive nature of this command: Disciples of all nations.
2. Mark 16: 15
a. The broad essence of this command: Preach the gospel to all creatures.
b. The supernatural authority through the following signs.
The supernatural mission in supernatural power. (Luke 24:49) Don't go until you are filled with the Holy Spirit. Don't stay after you've been filled with the Holy Spirit.
4. John 20: 21
The connection between supernatural task and supernatural power.
5. Acts 1: 8
The availability of strength to carry out the missionary command.
a. The power of the Holy Spirit. (Zechariah 4: 6)
b. The power of God's word. (Jeremiah 23: 29)
c. The power of the gospel. (Romans 1: 16)
d. The power that is in the name of Jesus. (Acts 3: 16)
e. The power of the blood of Jesus. (Revelation 12: 11)
A. A personal vision:
What is the unique role God has given me to help fulfill the missionary command?
B. A shared vision:
What unique role has God given my church to help fulfill the commandment of a mission?
C. A worldwide vision:
What is the unique role God has given me to play in working with the entire body of Christ to help fulfill the commandment of a mission?
Do you have a vision for your life and ministry?
Under prayer, write down the vision God has given you for your life and ministry. Share this vision with someone you would consider one of your leaders.
1. Christ brought us into His kingdom with the intention of bearing fruit. Share different ways we as Christians should bear fruit.
2. Share your respective service visions with one another. How can your individual vision be linked to God's agenda for the world?
3. Is it somehow possible to make the necessary adjustments in your vision of service to move to the center of God's plan?
4. In what special ways can Christians bring the blessings of Abraham to the nations of the earth?
The Leader's Vision Dr. David Shibley - The financing of Vision

God has given Abraham and his descendants the promise that He would bless him and his seed. Some have described this as by far the best that God's blessing is for His people.
But something fundamental happens when you become a recipient of the blessing of Abraham. We are not only blessed as Abraham's spiritual offspring, but so that we can be a blessing to others. The fact is that we should be a blessing to all families on earth. This gives a clear reference to world evangelization.
Jesus reaffirmed this call of His people in the mission command. King David understood that he had been in God's blessing line. So David said a prayer referring to the covenant that had been made with his father, Abraham.
TEXT: Psalm 67: 1-2
A. Entitlement to God's Blessings (Psalm 67: 1)
1. The offspring of Abraham
2. Christians are the spiritual offspring of Abraham.
B. The responsibility of the posterity of Abraham (Psalm 67: 2)
Abraham's blessing to bring all families on earth.
A. God is not just giving you a vision to tempt you into the potential of that vision and at the same time withhold the care that will be necessary for the realization of that vision.
B. If God has given you a vision, He will also show you the strategies for realizing this vision and He will also provide the means by which it can be implemented.
But this requires sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
C. It is not enough to know what God expects of us, it is important to know how God wants us to do things and when the right time is for them.
D. If we are to receive God's favor for the vision He has given us, we must have the following:
1. God's vision
2. His strategy,
3. His schedule.
E. God's Strategies in Financing the Vision:
Ten ways to fund a vision.
1. Before you give, forgive.
The silent killer of unforgiveness stifles the flow of life of God's Spirit (Acts 24: 16; 1. John 1: 9)
2. Start sowing in faith today in anticipation of a harvest. (Luke 6: 38)
a. God's order: give first, then you will get it back.
b. God keeps an exact record of this. (Galatians 6: 9)
3. Bring the full tithe to the storehouse. (Malachi 3: 10)
a. Pastors, do you tithe?
b. Does your church tithe for sharing the gospel?
4. Develop a thankful attitude towards God. (2. Corinthians 9: 7)
5. Seize the opportunities God has given you.
6. Don't be afraid of taking chances after praying and seeking wise advice.
7. Make sure to give at the urging of the Spirit. (Matthew 10: 8)
Every day I will have the opportunity to give something to both God and people.
8. Give alms to the poor, especially in secret. (Proverbs 28: 27)
9. Develop a plan with which you can pay off all of your debts. (Romans 13: 8)
10. Share your vision with clarity and enthusiasm. (Habakkuk 2: 2)
a. "Leadership means knowing what to do next; knowing why that is important; and knowing how to find appropriate sources for the needs now." Bob Biehl
b. "The leader who does not fully realize the value of money will unwise squander it and suffer badly from it. Such foolish behavior will ultimately, like heavy, wet blankets, bury him in debt and in the end suffocate him." Costa Deir
F. What to learn from a desperate widow. (2. Kings 4: 1-7) Principles disclosed in the text for funding a vision of the heart:
1. Don't let the circumstances scare you.
2. Go directly to God with your concerns.
3. Make an accurate list of your existing assets.
4. Get up and running with the little you have.
5. Start pouring what you already have.
6. Trust God for a miracle.
7. Realize that a miracle is already happening in your home.
8. God now asks you two questions:
a. What do you want the Lord to do for you?
b. What do you have "in the house"?
Develop a plan of action to raise the available resources to fulfill God's vision for your life and ministry.
Discuss this with your leader.
1 . What right are believing Christians entitled to enjoy God's blessings that He promised to Abraham?
2. Continue sharing strategies for funding your God-given visions. Which of these should you work on more in your life and ministry?
3. What do you already have that you can invest in the vision the Lord has given you?
Dr. Jim Feeny - Church Planting by Teams
Church Planting by Teams Dr. Jim Feeny - Overview of Church Planting

The issue of church planting is very important. In this course we will learn some principles that will help you better understand how to create churches.
A. Biblical Reasons for Planting New Churches.
1. The principle of reproduction
Genesis 1: The biblical principle of reproduction "according to its kind".
"And the earth rose up grass and herbs that bring seeds, each according to its kind, and trees that bear fruit in which their seed is, each according to its kind."
Apple trees in turn produce apple trees ... sheep reproduce as sheep ...
The offshoots of parishes are new parishes!
2. The principle of sowing and reaping. Someone hands out abundantly and has more and more, another sparsely where he should not and yet becomes poorer. (Proverbs 11:24)
a. We need to SHEET good seeds so that we "increase" so that we may see some of the harvest.
b. The biblical principle of "sowing and reaping" (Galatians 6: 7-9) = sow much, reap a harvest of abundance "sow little, reap little.
3. The fulfillment of the missionary command.
Church planting is necessary for the fulfillment of the mission command according to Matthew 28: 19-20: Therefore go and MAKE DISCLAIMERS all peoples: baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teach them to keep everything I command you have. And see, I am with you every day until the end of the world.
a. Jesus called us to go out and spread His gospel among all nations, and to baptize, teach, and make disciples.
Conversion to Jesus can happen anywhere. But the place where JÜNGER are taught, trained and led to Christian maturity is the local church.
b. Church growth expert Eimer Towns believes planting new churches is an essential part of fulfilling Jesus' missionary command. Dr. Towns says, "God's approach, which he primarily uses to evangelize an area, is to start a NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH to reach that area with the good news."
c. In Acts 1: 8, Jesus told His followers: "You will receive the power of the Holy Spirit who will come upon you, and will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and until the end of the world."
The rest of the Acts of the Apostles shows that CHURCHES were born when they went out to the nations and, in the power of the Holy Spirit, spread the gospel.
B. Practical Reasons for Planting New Churches:
1. The need is great. It is said that in Europe alone there are about 250,000 towns and villages without evangelical witness or church.
2. Research in America shows that new, smaller churches are more effective at evangelizing than large, older churches.
3. As long as billions of people in the world are not yet saved, it will take millions of new churches to reach them for Jesus and to train them in the Christian faith.
4. Church growth expert Dr. Peter Wagner says: "The most effective method of evangelism under heaven in itself is the planting of new churches."
A. Mother and daughter church planting. A ward sends some of its members to another part of the same city to plant a church.
B. A Bible study group. This method is very common and effective in the U.S.A. The church planter moves to a new area, starts a Bible meeting, gathers a core group of people and ultimately leads the Bible meeting until it becomes a church.
C. Church Planting Pioneers. It is usually a younger couple who move alone to the target area and try to plant a new church there.
D. Congregation planting teams dispatched by the local church.
This method is recommended and taught as part of this video school series. I practiced it myself and was able to plant two successful churches in the U.S.A.
1. Team church planting is a proven, promising practice that you can use. It encompasses the commitment of the local church in sending a pioneer pastor AND with him a team of trained, committed Christians to another city, part of the country or a nation.
2. The TEAM approach to church planting is entirely biblical:
a. The apostle Peter was accompanied by six men when he brought the good news to Caesarea. (Acts 10)
b. An ethnically mixed group of Christians built up the well-known church of Antioch. (Acts 11: 19-21)
c. From Acts 13-19 we see the Apostle Paul planting churches, with small groups of Christians accompanying him.
A. Abbott Loop Community Church is a large, Spirit-filled congregation in Anchorage, Alaska. It was founded in 1959 by a team led by Pastor Dick Benjamin.
1. In 1967, Pastor Benjamin and the Abbott Loop Church sent their first team of 22 people out to Peters Creek, Alaska, to plant a church.
2. In 1987, 20 years later, the Abbott Loop Church sent nearly 1,000 men, women, and children to church planting teams. They worked under pastoral guidance to plant 40 new churches in the United States and overseas. Since then, many more teams have been sent out and more churches have been planted. One of them is the Medford, Oregon church where I pastor.
3. Some of these churches have planted new churches themselves. There are now 66 churches in the United States and overseas whose roots go back to the church planting service of the Abbott Loop Christian Center in Anchorage, Alaska.
B. In summary, teamwork church planting is a tried and true biblical method of reaching the masses for Jesus Christ. We have used this method with great success. In the next four lessons, I want to share with you how your churches can become service armament and church planting centers.
1. Read Matthew 28: 19-20. According to this passage, why is church planting necessary to fulfill the commandment of a mission?
2. Give your opinion on the following statement by Dr. Peter Wagner: "The most effective method of evangelism under heaven in itself is the FOUNDATION OF NEW CHURCHES." Do you agree? Why?
3. List some popular methods used in church planting that have been studied in this lesson. You can also add your own. What is the most recommended method for this course?
1. Think about the area in which you live: Do you see many New Testament churches around you?
2. Do you think there are enough churches for the area's population density?
3. Is there a need to plant new churches so that more people can be disciples?
4. Think again with each other of the known methods of church planting.
Which of these methods do you think will be appropriate for your area?
Church Planting by Teams Dr. Jim Feeny - Local Church as a Training Center

Thank you for your interest in "Church Planting through Teamwork." I pray that God will use this course to bring forth fruit in your life and in your church.
A. The New Testament does not mention Bible schools or similar educational institutions outside of the local churches.
B. There were prophets and teachers in the church in Antioch. Notice that the Bible teachers were found within the church. (Acts 13: 1)
C. In Acts 19 we meet the apostle Paul teaching the word of God very comprehensively in the young church in Ephesus. In Acts 19: 9-10 we see that Paul ... parted with them and also parted the disciples and talked to them daily in the school of tyrannus. And this happened for two years, so that all who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord, Jews and Greeks.
What Paul did here was roughly equivalent to running a two-year Bible school within the local church in Ephesus.
D. Timothy, a disciple of Paul, later became pastor of the same church in Ephesus. Paul exhorted Timothy to continue to train servants in the church there: 2. Timothy 2: 2 - And what you heard from me in front of many witnesses, commend faithful people. able to teach others too.
A. Local churches suffer losses sending gifted believers elsewhere for formation. Instead, this could Responsible young people would be of great help and strengthening to the communities if they would complete their training there.
B. Local churches are able to provide a high level of personal and pastoral accompaniment to those preparing for full-time ministry. This is generally not the case with centralized Bible schools and similar training centers.
C. In the churches there are pastors, evangelists, teachers, elders, and sometimes apostles and prophets. These various ministries (Ephesians 4: 11-12) are necessary to equip the Saints for the work of ministry. In contrast, those in charge of Bible schools and training centers are predominantly Bible teachers. Teachers, for their part, cannot provide the broad basis of service preparation found in the churches.
D. Church trained ministers are personally and directly exposed to the full range of Christian programs - praise, preaching and teaching, evangelism and follow-up work, the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, pastoral care, and much more. The community is the only place where they get this valuable on-the-job training. i.e. first-hand in practical self-awareness.
A. This is not a difficult task and does not require prohibitive resources or huge gatherings. Even pastors from small and medium-sized churches can establish dynamic training programs for ministry within their churches.
B. The all-important starting point is a SOLID LOCAL CHURCH, structured exactly on the pattern of the biblical churches and firmly founded on Jesus Christ and His Word. Jesus himself said: I [Jesus] will build my church on this rock. (Matthew 16: 18). And in the parable of the two builders (Matthew 7: 24-27), Jesus commands us to build on His Word.
C. Jesus gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to His church (Ephesians 4: 11). Their calling includes preparing the Saints for service. Find these particularly gifted servants. Every church should have at least one such servant. There are certainly several such gifts in many communities. For you it is important to win exactly these people as trainers.
1. It is of particular importance to find Bible teachers with a call to God who can teach extensively, line by line, the truths of God's word.
2. It is also of vital importance that the local church have elders who can meet the biblical demands of that position.
These individuals are responsible for providing personal care and spiritual guidance to the men and women who participate in the training program.
D. Pastors must ensure that the entire church is well instructed in the biblical truth of "body service" - that is, that each individual is a unique member of the body of Christ, the church, and has a unique ministry to perform. Romans 12: 6 "... and have various gifts according to the grace that is given to us." Compare also 1. Peter 4: 10 - "And serve one another, each one with the good gift which he has received, as the good stewards of the various grace of God."
E. In addition to the regular preaching, teaching, service of elders, and on-the-job training that the local church offers, it should develop its BIBLE EDUCATION. This can be done in a number of ways.
1. Add a special "Bible Study" once a week. Teach Bible books and biblical subjects that will serve as foundation and maturation for the audience.
2. Even smaller churches can start their own Bible school. For example, I suggest three classes on Friday evening and a further three on Saturday morning or a comparable schedule that is best suited in your country.
3. Medium and large churches can begin a full-time Bible school that is held daily. Teach e.g. 4-5 classes every morning, 4 or 5 days a week. Use the talented local church staff as faculty. Some communities will also choose to offer evening classes for those who cannot attend during the day.
F. There are other service training program tools available to local churches. The pastors should evaluate these and only recommend those of whom they are convinced.
1. Videos, like this training series.
2. Audio cassettes, tapes.
3. Seminars and conferences. which are often held in cities.
4. Distance learning. Many good Bible schools and educational institutions allow distance learning to take some of the required courses. I have benefited greatly from this method myself.
5. A pastoral community internship. The pastor and those responsible for the congregation can set up an in-depth program within the local congregation, with which the more mature candidates for pastoral activities are familiarized with the various details of pastoral or congregational work.
God has enabled YOU right there, in the local churches, to SCHOOL servants. In the next video we are going to look at the important topic of how to ADVISE those in their VOCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT who are participating in the training program. Furthermore, they should be helped to fulfill their CALLS in the Lord's Church.
1. Where would you begin your training to become an effective gospel worker?
2. If there is a need for additional or specific training in the Christian sector, where or how would you find the resources for it?
3. Suggest some ways the ward can expand its teaching service.
1. Discuss the lecturer's view of the existence of educational institutions and Bible schools. Has he completely condemned their existence?
What is the correct conclusion on this matter?
2. Does your ward have all the talented staff needed to establish a service training center in your local ward? If not:
What could be done to benefit from the work of gifted servants such as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers?
Church Planting by Teams Dr. Jim Feeny - Employees in the Church

Based on our first two lessons, we found that local churches are called to propagate through the CREATION OF NEW CHURCHES. We have also seen that it is the local churches where future workers are to be trained to fulfill their God-given calling.
In this lesson, we will look at how church leaders can CONSULT future workers and help them recognize God's CALLS over their lives. There are three important factors in "career guidance" that can be distinguished very precisely:
1. The Vocation of the future employee.
2. The TIMELINE of this calling.
3. The geographical PLACE where this calling will be realized.
A. The Bible says: Plans fail unless you consult with one another; but where there are many advisers, they succeed. (Proverbs 15: 22). God has a plan over every single life. But it takes wise, devoted advisors to help future employees recognize these plans and fulfill them. You pastors, elders, and other local church leaders - you can be such wise counselors.
B. Acts 13: 1-3 names the five local church leaders for Antioch.
The apostolic calling to Barnabas and Saul was seen in Acts 13: 2. But the same five church leaders had fasted and prayed first before sending them out to serve. The really important point is that such an important calling as apostolic was a matter that was fully recognized, judged, and acted upon within the confines of the local church of Antioch.
C. In the same way, as church leaders in your local congregations, you can help your people recognize and claim their God-given promises.
D. In the remainder of the lesson we will look at how you can advise your prospective co-workers and help them identify these three key factors - the VOCATION, ITS TIME FRAME, and their geographic LOCATION.
A. God gives GRACE.
1. Galatians 2: 9, ... and since they RECOGNIZED the GRACE that was given to me [Paul] ...
2. Romans 12: 6, ... and have different gifts AFTER the GRACE that is given to us.
3. 1. Corinthians 15: 10, But by God's GRACE I am WHAT I AM.
4. The apostle Paul became ... a SERVANT. .. through the gift of the GRACE of God given [to him] according to His mighty power. (Ephesians 3: 7)
5. The VOCATION of a Christian is determined by the special measure of the GRACE GOTIES given to him or her. Put simply, it is the counselor's job to help people properly RECOGNIZE God-given GRACE for their service in their lives.
B. Skills are part of that GRACE.
1. 1. Peter 4: 11 calls us to serve ... by the POWER God grants. It is an important goal of career counseling to help the person seeking advice determine exactly WHAT their God-given abilities ARE.
2. I often suggest that people who want to discover their calling should make a list of their (1) SKILLS and (2) WEAKNESSES. That can be very instructive. Then the “career counselor” who knows them can help them ... evaluate their ABILITY as appropriate. Romans 12: 3.
C. Brother Dick Benjamin's video lessons study in detail at 1. Timothy 3: 1-12 and Titus 1: 5-9. The qualities listed in these verses are PRESCRIBED to anyone entering the ordained full-time ministry.
D. We do not all have the same gifts.
1 . ... and have different gifts according to the grace that is given to us. If someone has been given prophetic speech, they PRACTICE IT according to faith. If someone is given an office, he SERVE. If someone has been given teaching, he TEACHING. If someone is admonished, ADMIT. If someone gives, HE GIVES with a clear mind. If someone is in charge of the church, BE CAREFUL. Romans 12: 6-8
2. Discovering spiritual gifts and callings is not that difficult. Just WATCH the person at first. If his gift is prophecy, he will speak prophetically in your church. If it is Bible teaching, he will be ENGAGED in effective Bible teaching ministry within your church. If his calling is practical service, you will SEE him DIVING himself in the service of the church.
E. Your advisor, PRAY A LOT! Since a person's calling comes from God, we need God's revelation and insight to see things from God's perspective.
A. Ecclesiastes 3: 1 tells us that ... everything under heaven has its HOUR. God has plans and purposes for our life and ministry. And God has a SCHEDULE.
B. 1. Timothy 3: 6 tells us that a spiritual leader “... NOT A NEWLY BAPTIZED. Do not push anyone immature to serve. From my experience, I can say that most who miss God's schedule do it EARLY when they are late.
C. Hope that is DELAYED terrifies the heart ... (Proverbs 13: 12). On the other hand, you have to be very careful to see when someone is ready. Do not hold it past God's time frame.
A. Let's look at the examples of the apostles Peter and Paul. PETER was a Jew from Galilee in Israel. Peter grew up within the language and cultural area of Israel. And his ministry was mostly limited to Israel. PAULUS was also a Jew. But he was a Greek-speaking Roman citizen from Tarsus in the Roman province of Cilicia.
Notice that, as with Peter, Paul's ministry also took him to places where he felt "HOME" - in Paul's case primarily to the Roman provinces north and west of Israel and finally to Greece and Rome. Both of these great ones Apostles served effectively where they were familiar with the language and culture.
B. Pastors, teachers, elders, Christians in India, China, Russia and in ALL nations of the world - YOU can reach your people! You speak the language of your heart. You know their cultures and ideas. You can train staff in your local churches. You can send them out in CHURCH GROWING TEAMS to win YOUR NATION for Jesus Christ!
1. Study Acts 13: 1-3 and answer the following questions:
a. How did the apostles Barnabas and Saul confirm their apostolic calling?
b. What else did they do after confirming their calling?
c. Before they went out into their ministry, what role did their church play in their calling?
d. Are you part of a leadership group that can play this role in your calling? Can you submit to her?
2. Have you taken the time to find out what your God-given abilities are for the service He is calling you to do?
a. You have the opportunity to practice this exercise here. Study the following sections and make a list of the spiritual gifts mentioned there. (Romans 12: 6-8; 1. Corinthians 12: 7-10; Ephesians 4: 11)
b. As you ponder these gifts, consider your community activities and list your skills and weaknesses.
Discuss the following questions:
1. What is the biblical basis on which you can be sure of God's calling in your life?
2. What are the practical signs that can be observed in a Christian's life to determine if he or she is called to serve?
3. How can we find the right time to start a particular ministry?
4. How can the church leadership identify the right staff for a particular geographic location?
Church Planting by Teams Dr. Jim Feeny - Selection of church planting teams

In the last lesson, we looked at how church leaders can advise future workers and help them understand God's calling in their lives.
This lesson is about how to locate church planting teams in your local church. First, let's look at the pastor who is leading the team. Then we look at how to recognize good team members.
A. A Called One - He is the single most important key to successful planting.
1. He should be called to one of the five-fold ministries (usually as a pastor).
And he [Jesus] instituted some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, some as shepherds and teachers. (Ephesians 4: 11)
2. He must be called not just to serve a church in a pastoral way, but to be a pioneer in church work. Not all full-time employees have a reputation for church planting.
a. But there were prophets and teachers in the church in Antioch. The Holy Spirit said: Separate me from Barnabas and Saul to the work to which I have called them. So they fasted and prayed and put their hands on them and let them go. (Acts 13: 1-3)
b. I planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the flourishing. (1. Corinthians 3: 6)
B. A biblically qualified man
1. Prepare your hearts not just to send out people willing, but to prepare people of the highest quality. The church in Antioch (Acts 13) sent Barnabas and Paul!
2. The pastor / team leader in the pioneer situation must be fully qualified as measured by 1. Timothy 3: 1-7 and Titus 1: 5-9. But there should be a bishop. (1. Timothy 3: 2)
C. A man of good character
1. The church planter must be a man of infallible character.
2.1. Timothy 3 and Titus 1 list many necessary character traits. Our experience sending teams has highlighted several more important qualities of a church planting pastor:
a. A man with "vision"
b. A humble man.
c. Don't be afraid of hard work
d. Not quickly discouraged, not a "slacker"
e. A man of courage and determination
f. A personality that really attracts people.
g. Someone who can motivate themselves; a "self-starter"
h. A spiritual man, not a carnal man
i. A man of prayer!
D. Someone who is trained and qualified in the skills necessary for the service.
1. The sending church should ensure that the church planting pastor has the following skills required for this ministry:
a. Skill in leadership
b. Good knowledge of the word of God
c. Good field service. Give him some opportunities to preach!
d. Familiarity with spiritual gifts and the practical exercise of at least one of these gifts.
2. If possible, have him do a parish internship for aspiring pastors. Even a very simple program can be very effective. It's basically about using it "up close" and immediately in all possible service activities in your local church.
A. Called men and women: Jesus wants to send out workers [PLURAL! Many!] In his harvest. (Luke 10: 2)
1. God will specifically call certain people and families to go out with a church planting team. He will touch their hearts. 1. Samuel 10: 26 - [The new king] Saul went home to Gibeah with brave men whose hearts God had touched.
2. You do not need to be called to fivefold ministry. But they must feel a call to serve with their God-given abilities. Like the team leader, they too should feel a call to pioneering work.
B. Biblically qualified and trained men and women.
1. Remember, Jesus sows His people all over the world as a "GOOD seed" (Matthew 13: 37-38). Members of the team must be men and women of exceptional character.
2. Ephesians 4: 12, calls for the fivefold ministry of the church to perfect the saints for the work of ministry. A good team member has submitted himself to the arming ministry of his sending church.
3. Our church planting experience has shown that good team members typically have many, if not all, of the following qualities:
a. A real love and respect for the team pastor
b. Full loyalty to him and the sending community.
c. Heart of a servant
d. It is beneficial if some team members have strong evangelistic bias.
e. Faithful and devoted
f. Men and women of perfect integrity
g. Spiritually and with a strong prayer life
h. Ready to WORK. Church planting is hard work!
1. According to Ephesians 4: 11, how can you become a pastor team leader for a church plant?
2. Study 1. Timothy 3: 1-7 and Titus 1: 5-9 and establish the requirements for a pastor team leader.
3. Are the team members exempt from these character traits?
4. How would you describe "a good team member"?
1. A church planting team leader needs to have some personality traits. Discuss these qualities and how they can be developed.
2. Gather some guidelines in selecting a team for church planting.
3. Is a new church needed in your area? As a group, what can you do about this need?
4. Pray that the Holy Ghost will help you practice this course.
Church Planting by Teams Dr. Jim Feeny - Preparing and sending out church planting teams

Preparing and sending out church planting teams.
Video | Preparing and sending out church planting teams
mp3 | Preparing and sending out church planting teams
A. It starts with a healthy, stable local church (as in Antioch, Acts 13).
B. The church leadership instills in the church a vision of going out.
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creatures. (Mark 16: 15)
C. School the people in your community. Fill them with God's Word (2. Timothy 2: 2).
D. Develop "good seeds" (Matthew 13: 38). Use holy, faithful Christians to carry out missionary commandments.
E. By covering up prayer, help your people discover the grace that dwells in them (Galatians 2: 9). Help them discern and recognize their callings (Acts 13: 2)
F. Church leaders provide detailed and comprehensive advice to potential team pastors and team members. Make sure that they have their lives completely "in line" in both the natural and the spiritual realms.
The plans come to nothing if one does not consult with one another; but where there are many advisers, they succeed. (Proverbs 15: 22)
G. Make sure there is harmony and unity within the team.
1. But I urge you, dear brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak with one voice and do not allow any divisions among yourselves, but hold on to one another in one mind and in one opinion. (1. Corinthians 1: 10)
2. After all of these preparations are completed, the local church elders ordain the team pastor by the laying on of hands and dispatch the team.
3. So they fasted and prayed and put their hands on them and let them go. (Acts 13: 3)
A. This will give the pastor time to get to know his team well.
B. This enables potential team members to find out if they are in solidarity with the team pastor's vision.
Can two walk together if they are of one mind? (Amos 3: 3)
C. This allows the team to build solid relationships with one another before they go their own way.
D. I encourage potential teams to meet at home to celebrate proper services together before they are sent out. In this way they can learn to pray, shape praise, and serve together.
E. Potential problems such as member marriages and children can be revealed and addressed while still in the mother ward. They become a far bigger problem in a new mission field church.
A. What are other churches (if any) doing in the area?
B. What "laws" govern Christian service there?
C. He can obtain information about available housing, jobs and schools.
D. He can look around for possible meeting places.
1. Finally the big day is here! The pastor, his team and their families are sent out as part of a service. The elders lay hands on them and send them out in all form with God's blessing.
2. We recommend a generous donation from the sending community as a start-up aid for the needs of the service group.
A. In Acts 11, Christians from Jerusalem planted a church in Antioch, Syria. The immediate reaction of the growing leadership in Jerusalem was the support of a mature servant. They sent Barnabas, who was of great help and support to the new church.
B. Mature, experienced workers visiting new churches very often see problems early on and can help the new pastor correct them.
Some time later Paul said to Barnabas: Let us set out again and see our brothers in all the cities where we have preached the word of the Lord as they are. (Acts 15: 36)
C. In Acts of the Apostles, we find a pattern of teamworking mature workers visiting new church plantings:
1 . Peter and John (Acts 8)
2. Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14-15)
3. Paul and Silas (Acts 15)
4. Jude and Silas (Acts 15)
5. Agabus and other prophets (Acts 11)
A. There are billions of unsaved people on earth. Millions of new churches are needed to reach them.
B. Pastors and other church leaders, it is your job and your calling to raise mature Christians and send them out to plant new churches. The need is great and the task is huge. But with God's help your churches can make it!
C. I agree with Dr. Peter Wagner agree. He claims, "The most effective method of evangelism under heaven in itself is the planting of new churches."
D. And I also agree with Donald McGavran's statement that "the first job today is to effectively multiply churches."
E. That is true of every culture, every language and every continent.
F. With God's help, let's go to His occupation, planting new churches!
1. Do you feel God's call in your life to be a church planter after completing this course?
If your answer is yes, you should develop an action plan to gradually implement this vision.
Then talk to your pastor about it.
2. If your answer is "no," write down some ways you can support those called into this ministry.
1. Assume that you as a group are a church planting team that is about to be sent out to a new area to be developed to plant a church there. What preparations would you propose to each other, spiritually, psychologically and materially?
2. How can the team leader promote unity and good relationships within the team? Suggest practical options.
3. What position should the sending church take?
Rev. Bayless Conley - Guided by the Holy Spirit
Guided by the Holy Spirit Rev. Bayless Conley - Spirit Guided and Spiritual Power

Many of us are in situations where we do not know what to do. But God has answers for us. It was never God's intention that the leadership of the Body of Christ should do its work in the power of the flesh. It is not intended that the diverse service should be performed by human intelligence alone. It is God's plan for those in charge of leadership to be led by His Spirit have to be.
If we want to reap spiritual fruit in our tasks, it must be determined and empowered by the spirit. It is one of the most frustrating experiences ever to be on duty without knowing how the mind guides.
God gave us His Spirit to help us make the right decisions. When it comes to dealing with difficult and defiant people within the church, we have to be guided by the Spirit. When we experience persecution and spiritual attacks, or when we come under pressure, we need guidance. Even when it comes to acquiring real estate for a building, we need to be guided by the spirit. Whether we choose leaders, give sermons, or help people - we need the help of the Spirit of God.
When we are leaders, many lives are affected by what we do or leave. None of our decisions should be left to our human intellect. God gave us His Spirit so that we can make the right decisions. But for that we have to learn how to listen to Him. When we listen to the Spirit of God, we hear things that other people don't hear.
TEXT: Deuteronomy 4: 5-6
A. The written word of God is the wisdom of God. (Luke 11: 49)
If you need God's wisdom for your church or home group today, the Bible is the first port of call to look for it.
B. The written word of God assures us of our success in service. (Joshua 1: 7-8)
C. The written word of God shines as light on our path. (Psalm 119: 105, Psalm 119: 128)
1. God guides us through His Word.
2. We need to have the right attitude towards God's Word.
3. This attitude should be obedience. (Isaiah 8: 20)
4. God does not lead in contradiction to His revealed, written Word.
D. The Holy Spirit guides into all truth through the Word of God. (John 16: 13; John 17: 17)
1. Seek God's Word for guidance in your life.
2. Find out what the word of God says before making decisions.
3. Find out what biblical church leadership qualifications must be met before you appoint leaders.
4. As soon as we step away from the word, anger is inevitable.
A. Integrity means straightforward character and honesty. (Job 27: 3-6)
When we choose to live a life of integrity, it becomes easier for us.
B. Pastors must lead by integrity. (Psalm 78: 70-72)
1. People are not allowed to take leadership roles in the church just because they give money.
2. If they do not conform to God's choice, it would be a violation of the principle of integrity to entrust leadership to them.
3. Integrity also means that I will not use questionable means to raise funds.
4. Pastors, protect your areas of responsibility with integrity!
5. Be honest with people when you talk.
6. Don't hurt your conscience.
7. Every time you compromise at the expense of the truth in order to get something, you will end up losing.
A. Let the peace of God decide on all questions that arise in your mind and make it the ultimate authority.
When you start praying about something specific to do, ask yourself whether you have peace in your heart or if you are hesitant and uncomfortable.
B. Walking in the path of wisdom leads to peace. (Proverbs 3: 13, Proverbs 3: 17)
1. Many important decisions can be made based on whether one is at peace about them.
2. Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
A. God gave us the body of Christ to help us.
1. No man and woman exist like islands just for themselves.
2. If the advice you receive from others is different from what God has put on your heart, you should spend more time praying about it.
3. You alone will have to account to God for the decisions you have made.
4. Because others can help us to see facts in a whole new light and to consider things that we have not even considered.
5. You can help us review our own motives and use the right timing.
B. We must be open to those who love us. (Proverbs 18: 1)
Remember that the choices we make as leaders in the body of Christ affect others. So let's go to the Word of God, walk in integrity and with the peace of God and the counsel of others.
List four ways that God leads us according to the lesson considered. Write down your own answer to each one.
God guides us through His written word. Therefore, I must study the Word of God and apply the principles discovered in all of my decisions.
Share the following in your groups:
1. How do we distinguish whether the Holy Ghost or other spirits guide us?
2. What should we do if the people around us do not support what we think we have heard from the Spirit?
3. Gather different ways in which we can violate the principle of integrity in making decisions.
4. What does integrity mean to you personally?
5. What role does the peace of God and the counsel of others play in your life when you are faced with crucial decisions that are not clearly stated in the Bible?
Guided by the Holy Spirit Rev. Bayless Conley - How God Guides us through our Spirit

In the previous lesson, we looked at God's Word for guidance in our lives. We talked about how God leads us through integrity, what God's peace in our hearts follows, and the openness to advice we receive from others.
In this lesson we will talk about how God guides us through our human mind.
TEXT: Zechariah 12: 1
Notice how, according to this Bible text, God creates the spirit in man.
Man has a spirit within.
1. Thessalonians 5: 23 also teaches that man is a tripartite being - spirit, soul, and body.
A. There is a difference between a person's mind and soul.
1. The spirit is the actual person who dwells in the body.
2. The soul consists of will, mind and feeling.
3. The body is the house in which a person lives.
B. God is the Father over spirits. (Hebrews 12: 9)
1. Jesus confirms at John 4: 24 that God is Spirit.
2. If God is spirit and man was created in God's image (Genesis 1: 27; Genesis 2: 7), then man must be spirit.
3. The Bible says: The body without the Spirit is dead (James 2: 26)
C. The spirit of man died in the garden of Eden. (Genesis 2: 15-17; Genesis 3)
1. God speaks about the spiritual death of Adam and Eve.
2. That means separation from God. (Genesis 3: 8-9)
3. Adam and Eve are the beginning of all human life.
4. Thus humanity naturally becomes children of anger. (Ephesians 2: 1-3)
That plan was fulfilled through Jesus Christ.
A. The new spirit in man. (John 3: 1-8)
1. A person must be born again to receive this new spirit.
2. It is about a spiritual birth through the Spirit of God.
3. The change takes place internally.
4. When a person receives Christ, he receives a new spirit.
B. We contact God through our spirit and He communicates with us through His spirit.
If God will guide and guide us through His Spirit, it will be through our Spirit.
C. God enlightens us through our spirit. (Proverbs 20: 27)
1. The Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit. (Romans 8: 16, 1. Corinthians 2: 14)
2. God reveals through His Spirit what He has prepared for us and this Spirit communicates it to our spirit. (1. Corinthians 2: 9-12)
III. HOW GOD HANDLES OUR SPIRITS (John 13: 2, John 13: 21)
A. Be troubled in your mind. (John 13: 21)
1. If you find yourself in the company of people who have the wrong mind or motive, your mind will be sad.
2. They may say or do the right thing, but when you are among them something is bothering you in your mind.
3. Be vigilant as soon as you feel an inner excitement, because God is talking to you.
B. Distressed in spirit. (Acts 16: 16-18)
Certain people, peoples or places cause you to feel distressed in the spirit. Be vigilant if this happens to you and learn to pay attention to it because it will save you trouble.
C. Restless in Mind. (2. Corinthians 2: 12-13)
1. Your mind will not find rest as long as something is wrong.
2. Stop and wait for God when it seems that you cannot find rest on the path you are walking.
D. Be challenged in spirit. (Acts 17: 16-17)
1. In this case, it is time to open your mouth to pass something on.
2. Get involved, because God guides you.
3. The word "challenge" means: nudging or gently pushing someone.
4. When you learn to listen to God in this way, your ministry will find the right balance.
E. Be driven by the spirit. (Acts 18: 5)
1. An inner compulsion to speak.
2. The means of becoming more sensitive to how God treats your spirit is to spend time in God's Word.
3. His word is spirit and life.
4. Also spend time in prayer, especially praying in other languages.
5. When you pray in tongues, your spirit prays.
6. Pray and study the Word.
7. Listen to your mind.
Examine the life of Christ as described in the Gospels and find parallel passages or events in the life of our Lord in the five ways God deals with our spirits.
1. Be troubled in the mind.
Example from the life of Christ:
2. Distressed in spirit.
Example from the life of Christ:
3. Be restless in the mind.
Example from the life of Christ:
4. Be challenged in the spirit.
Example from the life of Christ:
5. Be driven by the spirit.
Example from the life of Christ:
1. Everyone in the group should be able to share at least one new perspective on the direction of God's Spirit that was taught in this lesson.
2. Refer to your own experience of the five ways God treats our spirits.
3. What should our main guide be when it comes to receiving spirit guidance from God?
Guided by the Holy Spirit Rev. Bayless Conley - Signposts in difficult times

Sometimes when we are under a lot of pressure it can be difficult to hear from God. But these are the times when we need God's approval and direction the most.
TEXT: 1. Kings 19: 1-19
A. Israel as an entire nation had turned back to sin.
B. They had fallen away from practicing idolatry.
C. At Elijah's prayer, heaven had held back the rain.
D. He called all Israel together on Mount Carmel.
E. There Elijah called down fire from heaven, and the whole nation turned and came back to God.
F. He prayed again and the rain began to fall.
G. Elijah had many fantastic supernatural experiences that drove God's victory.
H. Then the greatest tests of his life followed.
I. It is often the case that our most difficult trials are immediately followed by our greatest victories.
J. Some of the toughest temptations you will ever encounter will come after your most exhilarating and beautiful experience with the Lord.
K. At this critical and difficult time for Elijah, he needs new direction from the Lord.
There are some principles in this section that teach us how to receive direction from the Lord during difficult times.
A. Don't give up.
1. As the crisis loomed, Elijah knew he needed to hear from God.
2. He decided to go to Mount Horeb.
3. This is what is known today as Mount Sinai.
4. That is Elijah's goal.
5. But before he gets there, he wants to give up. (1. Kings 19: 4)
6. You will reach the moment of breakthrough if you don't give up.
B. Cut yourself off from unnecessary things. (1. Kings 19: 3)
1. He read his servant in Beersheba.
2. This servant was not chosen by God to succeed Elijah, but Elisha. (1. Kings 19: 16)
3. Elijah never returned to fetch this servant again.
4. Sometimes we fill our lives with things that God never intended us to have.
5. Are you within the boundaries God has set for you?
6. Or have you accumulated a lot of things in your life or ministry that God never assigned you? (2. Corinthians 10: 13-14)
7. What is the most recent thing God told you to do?
8. Did you do it or leave it undone?
9. If you need God's direction, especially in difficult times it is necessary to rethink, check and replay.
10. Make yourself aware that a new direction from God arises from following an old one.
11. You will not find the second step in God's will until you have taken the first step.
C. You need to rest. (1. Kings 19: 5-6)
1. You must rest spiritually in God.
2. Concern will cut you off from the flow of God's wisdom in your life.
3. It is important even for the natural man to rest.
D. Spend time in the Word of God and in prayer. (1. Kings 19: 6)
1. Bread is the type for the Word of God while water is the type for the Spirit of God.
2. So if you want to receive direction from God, you must eat and drink.
3. Get into the word of God, into prayer and into fellowship with the Spirit of God.
4. When you do this, God will speak to you through His Word. (Proverbs 6: 22)
5. If you commit yourself to the word and to prayer, you will come to the place where you will hear from God.
E. Remember how God leads you. (1. Kings 19: 11-12)
1. Horeb or Sinai is the place where God spoke to all Israel. (Exodus 19)
2. God says that He will guide you not by the physical signs of your senses but by the small, calm voice of the Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 12: 18-26)
3. What does this almost inaudible voice tell you when you are in silence?
4. The most important event that can ever happen is a person's salvation.
5. This is confirmed by the Spirit's testimony in accordance with our spirit (Romans 8: 16)
6. Why should we expect more when it comes to minor issues in our lives?
7. Spiritually develop so that you can know when God is speaking to you.
8. All of the choices we make in life are less important than our salvation.
9. Don't expect spectacular things to happen to you before you learn to listen to God.
10. God speaks in a calm, easily overheard voice.
F. Realize that you are not alone. (1. Kings 19: 18)
1. You are not the only person who has to withstand the pressure today.
2. Many people of God go through the same tests that you now have to pass.
3. They have listened to God and have emerged solidly from their trials.
G. Act on the instruction you have received. (1. Kings 19: 19)
1. As soon as you know that you have received instruction from God, act accordingly.
2. Enter the middle of God's stream and follow that direction.
3. Your best days are ahead of you.
1. Reconsider and review the responsibilities of your life and ministry. List them below:
2. Who are too convinced that God has called and equipped you to do so?
3. Which ones are you not convinced God has called you to practice, but you have added them to your service because of necessity?
4. What can you do about these added responsibilities?
5. When was the last time you took a "break" from your time-oriented business in order to withdraw personally?
1. When are the best times in our life or ministry when we need God's direction most?
2. Discuss various barriers or distractions that can sometimes prevent us from reaching our breakthrough place where we can hear God.
3. Does any suggestion on how to get rid of unnecessary things in our life or ministry?
4. Suggest some ways you can find physical and spiritual calm in your surroundings.
Guided by the Holy Spirit Rev. Bayless Conley - The Priorities of Life

Setting your priorities correctly will help you make good decisions. Once your priorities shift, you will get a lot of trouble in your life and in your ministry.
Some decisions really shouldn't be difficult for us if we only focus on our priorities. There are four key priorities that we want to focus on in this lesson. These are: service, family, relationship with God and relaxation. Think for a moment: in what order would you list them? Priorities are determined by what we consider valuable and important. The things you do while you are all by yourself indicate where your priorities really are. I would like to share with you what your priorities should be.
1. Every time one of these priorities comes up, she wants to become number one herself.
2. This world has been drawn into darkness because Adam and Eve had their priorities mixed up.
3. Eve raised the material above the spiritual.
4. Adam raised his wife above God.
5. God is a God of order.
6. God prefers a certain order of doing things.
7. You can avoid so many problems in your life and ministry if you group the priorities in your life according to the biblical pattern and principles.
A. Definition
1. Preaching is not a relationship with God.
2. Rather, preaching is an overflowing relationship with God.
3. Prayer and study is not a relationship with God.
4. Your personal relationship with God is your friendship and fellowship with God.
5. The time you spend in His presence in prayer and worship.
6. The time you spend in His Word getting to know Him.
7. This is the first priority in life.
B. Communion with God through prayer and word.
1. Any effective ministry will either be a product or a by-product of this personal relationship with God.
2. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. (John 15: 4-5)
3. The only way we can bear fruit is to maintain an intimate, living connection with Him.
4. Notice that Jesus chose the apostles first to be with HIM and only then to preach. (Mark 3: 13-15)
5. Knowing HIM is more important than knowing His power (Philippians 3: 10)
6. It is possible to work for God without having time to fellowship with God.
7. Martha was overly distracted and just too busy serving the Lord and His disciples. But she didn't have time to sit at Jesus' feet. (Luke 10: 38-42)
8. Pastors, leaders, take time to sit at Jesus' feet. We have to choose to be with God.
A. The primacy of the spouse.
1. The spouse ranks after God and before the children.
2. Adam's wife completed his existence, not the existence of Christian ministry (Genesis 2: 18)
3. Christian service means service to people; so it has to start with the spouse. (1. Timothy 3: 1-5)
4. If you cannot care for your own bride, how can you care for the bride of Christ?
5. If you are unable to provide for your own family, how can you do it for God's family?
6. The spouse belongs in front of everyone else in your ministry except God himself.
B. The primacy of children
1. Your children are your very first mission field.
2. After you have won them over to the faith, they will form the first church.
3. There must be order in the family of God's servant before he can be qualified to serve others.
4. The story of Eli, the priest. (1. Samuel 2: 22-36)
5. You can be a great minister, but if you don't spend time with your family, your ministry can become a disaster.
III. PRIORITY # 3 CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (Colossians 4: 17; 2. Timothy 4: 5)
Give yourself completely to the service.
Service is a collaboration at God's side to change people's lives and destinies.
This service is divided into different areas:
A. A time for prayer and study
In order for us to receive refreshing messages from God to feed His flock, we must spend time in prayer and study of God's word.
B. Take your time with those responsible or the leaders of the church.
The example of Jesus:
1. The three disciples closest to Him: Peter, James and John.
2. Then the other 12.
3. Then the group of 70 disciples.
4. Then the innumerable crowds.
5. You need to spend time with the leaders within your ward.
6. Only then do you serve the congregation.
7. Be available and approachable. Build relationships with your people.
C. This ministry consists of work. (1. Peter 5: 1-5)
1. Full-time employees are not dictators.
2. Rather, you need to lead by example.
A. Take time to rest.
1. Your ministry can take you so captivated that you are busy with it one day after the other, without a break.
2. There are times when Jesus will tell you to step back and rest for a little while.
3. If you don't take some rest, your body will eventually collapse.
B. Take time to exercise. (1. Timothy 4: 8)
1. Do something to relax.
2. Find something that you like and that is good for your body.
3. This will help you to get your senses free again.
4. There must be a balance between relaxation and activity during the service.
5. Make time for both: relaxation and exercise. Make your decisions based on your priorities in life.
1. Create a schedule of your current daily routine. Start by getting up in the morning and finish with going to bed.
2. Find the amount of time you have each week for: God, family, service, and relaxation.
Time with god:
Time with your family:
Time for your ministry:
Time for rest and relaxation:
3. Are your priorities okay or shifted?
4. Pray and act according to your answer to question 3!
1. Assess each of the four priorities and share with your group members how each one fits into your schedule.
2. Pray for one another. Pray especially for those in your group whose priorities have shifted.
Guided by the Holy Spirit Rev. Bayless Conley - Pitfalls and dangers in search of God's guidance

In this lesson, I will share some practical wisdom that will help you make wise decisions and not be misled. Beware of making decisions based on appearance or popular opinions.
Video | Pitfalls and dangers in search of God's guidance
mp3 | Pitfalls and dangers in search of God's guidance
TEXT: Acts 27: 9-15
There was something Paul perceived in his spirit.
A. All outward appearances contradicted what Paul saw in his spirit.
3 things spoke against Paul:
1. The Expert (Acts 27: 11)
2. The majority (Acts 27: 12)
3. The circumstances (Acts 27: 13)
B. Everyone was wrong, only Paul was right.
C. Learn to listen to the inner testimony of the Spirit.
So often in our lives we don't listen while God speaks to us through our spirits within.
Judges 6: The Story of Gideon
As New Testament Christians, should we look for signs like Gideon did? We need to take note of certain truths.
A. Gideon was not a Christian.
1. He did not live under the New Covenant.
2. He lived in a generation deviated from faith.
3. His father was a Baal worshiper.
4. He did not know God.
B. Christians carry God's light within them that Gideon did not have.
1. We are under the New Covenant.
2. We are born of God.
3. God's Spirit dwells in us.
4. We have access to God's Word.
5. If we begin to ask for signs or to lay out a fleece, we are likely to be entering very dangerous territory.
6. The only time we find anything like it in the New Testament is in Acts 1.
7. But in Acts 2 the Holy Spirit came.
8. He came to live in us.
9. No one has ever done this again in the New Testament.
10. If we look for signs to learn the will of God, we will ultimately be deceived.
11. We should rather be guided by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us than by external signs.
C. Seduction by external signs (Joshua 9: 3-16)
1. We have to be sensitive.
2. When something doesn't seem right, take your time to wait for God.
3. God wants to guide us.
4. God guides us through our hearts.
A. Some important things about prophecy:
1. Prophecy that really comes from the Spirit of God will never contradict the written word of God.
2. The New Testament gift of prophecy is not given for guidance.
a. The New Testament does not teach us that we should be guided by prophecy.
b. 1. Corinthians 12: 7-11 gives us the 9 gifts of the Spirit, which can be divided into three different groups for study purposes.
Revelatory gifts
Word giving
3. The purpose of prophecy in the New Testament (1. Corinthians 14: 1-5)
a. Edification: to build
b. Exhortation: to call near God.
c. Consolation: to support.
4. We are not meant to be guided by prophecy.
a. But the Holy Spirit can confirm things that God has already placed in our hearts through other things.
b. The key is: we need to develop our personal relationship with God.
c. Prophecy is about the edification, exhortation, and comfort of the church.
B. Welcoming God's ministry to the church (1. Thessalonians 5: 19-21)
1. We shouldn't despise prophecy.
2. Sometimes the Holy Spirit may reveal future events.
3. But we have to check all things.
4. Prophecy can be judged.
5. Because human beings can make mistakes.
6. We can check prophecy against the Word of God.
7. We can also judge prophecy by the inner testimony of the Spirit in our hearts.
8. If it comes from God, embrace it.
9. But do not fall into the trap of whoever promises to guide your life through personal prophecy.
C. Various Means of Leading God in the New Testament.
1. Through dreams.
2. Through visions.
3. By listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
D. It's more than just an internal impression.
1. God can guide us through any of these methods whenever He wants.
2. Don't start looking for these ways of guidance on your own.
3. If you do, you will ultimately be seduced.
4. You always have God's Word to turn to.
5. You always have the abiding presence of His Spirit.
6. God will always guide you through peace in your heart.
7. Look out for these things. If God wants to guide you through something spectacular, that is His privilege.
8. If you have a dream, a vision, a revelation, or if you hear a voice, none of it will contradict the written word of God.
9. Develop a close and intimate relationship with the Lord.
10. Learn to know the Holy Spirit.
11. learn to hear and feel His inner impressions.
12. Get to know the word of God better and better.
1. Study Acts 27: 9-15 and Joshua 9: 3-16
What lessons can you learn from these two passages about the dependence on external signs for guidance?
2. Study 1. Corinthians 14: 1-5 and share the purpose of prophecy in the context of the church.
3. List the New Testament passages where there are examples of people led by the Lord through the following means:
a. Dreams:
b. Visions:
c. Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit:
4. How can you rely on these resources when it comes to knowing the will of God for your life?
Form small groups and discuss:
1. To what extent can we rely on our inner impressions for guidance about God's will?
2. How can Christians today use the example of Gideon or other men of God in the Old Testament to confirm the search for outward signs in finding out God's will?
3. How can we rely on personal prophetic promises for leadership?
4. What are the New Testament guidelines that we must follow in order for prophecy to be verified by God?
5. In what ways can we rely on dreams, visions, or a voice to guide us?
Dr. Ed Cole - Promise Keepers
Promise Keepers Dr. Ed Cole

Dr. Ed Cole is President and Founder of the "Christian Men's Network" His ministry has a powerful impact on men's lives in over 150 countries worldwide. This message influenced coach Bill Mc Cartney to found the "Promise Keeper Movement".