With this offer we would like to give you the opportunity to learn more about the Bible and Christian life. Reach people and get the message across to other people.
We thank "The International Curriculum" as well as all pastors and pastor Michael Ackermann, who unfortunately passed away much too early and gave us the opportunity to use these lessons for this service.
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Our thanks also go to BibleServer for the possibility to connect the links of the Bible verses directly to the website. The biblical passages shown refer to the King James Version (KJV) translation.
In the course of these lessons, we will look at:
Desert mentalities (7 lessons)
Dr. Joyce Meyer is known and loved worldwide for her radio and television programs "Leben im Wort". She is the author of many books and has the gift to convey the truth of God's Word in a very practical way. This course shows how Christians can deprive themselves of God through wrong ways of thinking about blessing and inheritance.
Development of leaders (5 lessons)
Rev. Brian Houston is pastor of Australia's largest church. He is known for his gift to train leaders in all areas of life and service. In this course he teaches the most important principles of how to become a successful leader and how to think, talk and live as such.
World Mission and Harvest (10 Lesson)
Dr. Howard Foltz. This course serves to mobilize a local church for a vision for world mission. He is a long-serving missionary, professor of world missions at Regent University and founder of AIMS.
Ministry of Reconciliation (4 lessons)
Dr. A. R. Bernard is pastor of the largest church in New York City and a respected leader in the United States. Few are as qualified as he is to speak about the reconciliation of peoples and races. This course goes deeper than questions of race, and also covers the spiritual and natural origins of humanity and their common purpose.
Personal evangelism (5 lessons)
Rev. Ray Comfort is a passionate evangelist from New Zealand. He is the author of over 30 books, one of the most important of which "What Hell Wants to Hide" is in German. In this course, he teaches biblical principles of personal evangelism, the correct use of the law, and effective communication of the gospel.
Dr. Joyce Meyer - Desert mentalities
Desert mentalities Dr. Joyce Meyer - Mindset, Vision and Responsibility
My name is Joyce Meyer and I am the chair and founder of Life in the Word Ministries. I have found in my life that the Word of God is full of life. I need the power of the Holy Spirit. God called me to preach. I started as a housewife and mother of three. Maybe you are wondering how God can use me? That's what I thought. God uses things or people that would despise others. I had a lot of problems in inside, but God looked at my heart. Today I run an international television broadcaster that can be received through more than 350 stations.
Our radio program can be received by more than 250 stations. I have written 32 books. Our ministry includes a national and international travel service through which we preach the gospel. My life's calling is to help people grow. God has many blessings for you. He has a wonderful calling and a big plan for your life. But we have to grow.
A. It took the Israelites 40 years to travel 11 days (Deuteronomy 1: 2).
1. It seemed like it would be a long time before God had me where He wanted me.
2. I was rebellious.
a. I had negative feelings.
b. I had a desert setting.
3. "You have been at this mountain long enough (Deuteronomy 1: 6)."
a. Do not get discouraged.
b. God is more patient with us than we are with ourselves.
B. "As a man thinks, so is he or so will he be (Proverbs 23: 7)."
1. Views are very important. (Colossians 3: 1-2).
a. Align your mind with higher things.
b. Adjust your mind to the right things.
2. Change yourselves through the comprehensive renewal of your thinking (Romans 12: 1-2).
a. Your mind (your thinking) needs to be completely renewed.
b. Your mind needs to be completely transformed.
c. Then you will see the perfect will of God. (Romans 12: 1-3).
3. Put aside the old man and way of life (Ephesians 4: 22-24).
a. We must continually renew our mindsets.
b. Satan will tell you lies.
c. The word of God is the truth.
d. If you fight the devil with the word of God, he cannot overcome you.
e. Maintain a positive attitude.
f. We don't have to stay in the desert.
4. What is going on inside you determines how long you will be in the desert.
A. I thought nothing good would ever happen to me.
2. The old passes.
3. Everything becomes completely new.
B. The Israelites did not have a positive vision for their lives.
1. God has a good plan for your life.
2. Be a person with a clear goal orientation.
3. The Holy Spirit never gives up.
C. The Israelites made no progress because they could not see with the eyes of faith. They only looked at what was ahead of them.
1. Look beyond your origins.
2. Turn your gaze beyond your current point of view.
3. Believe that the great God who lives in you will do great things in you.
D. The Spirit of God who came upon Jesus taught Him not to make decisions based on what He could see or hear. (Isaiah 11: 2-3).
1. He walked in the knowledge of the Holy Spirit.
2. Look with the eyes of faith so that you can develop a positive vision for the future.
E. The Israelites never looked beyond their means. (Numbers 14: 2-4).
1. When they encountered temptation or a difficult situation in their life.
a. they never made a worship offering.
b. they thought it was better to be dead.
c. they wanted to go back to Egypt.
2. Egypt stands for bondage and slavery to the devil.
a. There are many people who fall away from the faith when things get difficult.
b. The Spirit of God enables us to create the impossible.
3. If you don't want to spend endless hours on your exam, pass it now.
a. Unless you change your posture, you will not be able to reach the next level.
b. Bad attitudes hold you back.
c. Numbers 20: 3-5.
4. Again and again they asked God "Why"?
a. God wants us to trust Him.
b. We are all the same.
5. Numbers 21: 4-5.
a. They complained.
b. They had the wrong heart.
F. Abraham had to start over, but he had the right attitude to do it. (Genesis 13: 14-17).
G. Isaiah 43: 18-19.
A. Many people don't want to take responsibility for their lives.
1. We walk around the same mountain over and over again.
2. When God tries to show us the solution, we don't want to face it.
B. The word "responsible" means:
1. To be accountable or responsive to something.
2. Stand up for your debts.
3. To be accountable for the talents God has placed in you.
4. Take your commitments seriously.
a. A pledge.
b. A promise.
C. Mature people take responsibility for their lives.
1. Matthew 20: 16.
2. The ant takes responsibility even without supervision. (Proverbs 6: 6-11).
a. We're supposed to do the right thing even when no one is watching.
b. God is always watching.
1. Does it look like it will take a long time to get to where you think God wants you?
2. What can you do to help you grow and mature in the things of God?
3. What do you "think" of yourself? (Proverbs 23: 7)
4. List some negative and positive things about yourself.
5. What can you do about the negative things in your life?
1. Do you think God can use you even if you do not consider yourself worthy of it?
Justify your answers.
2. Why couldn't the Israelites take the Promised Land immediately?
3. How can you prevent your past from affecting the present? (2. Corinthians 5: 17)?
4. What do you think is God's good plan for your life?
Desert mentalities Dr. Joyce Meyer - Responsibility in Crises
We are talking about ten desert mentalities and wrong beliefs that get you into will hold onto the desert.
A. We have to grow up.
1. Young children need someone to look after and care for them.
2. I want to be like Jesus.
B. Get up (Joshua 1: 2).
1. Genesis did everything for them.
2. They were not used to doing things on their own.
3. Leviticus died.
C. Lots of people want to do great things but don't want to take responsibility.
1. We cannot live in the promised land with someone else doing everything for us.
a. Someone else prays.
b. Someone else is looking up their Bible.
c. Someone else is encouraging them.
2. God wants us to grow and become fruitful trees of righteousness.
D. "To open up" means to get up or to awaken spiritually.
1. Lethargy means sluggish indifference, apathy, as well as being passive, hesitant, lazy and lukewarm.
2. They hesitated for 18 years and just did what they wanted.
a. People stay in the desert because they want to get their own way and ignore God's will.
b. We want to make our plan and we want God to bless it.
c. But God himself has a plan.
d. Isaiah 55: 10.
3. We are not made to live in the desert.
4. We are not really happy until we arrive in the promised land.
5. Don't use the way people behave as an excuse to behave just as badly about yourself.
6. When we sow the seeds of right action, God will bless us.
E. A man who had a desert mentality was paralyzed for 38 years.
1. John 5: 1-8.
2. God will show you what you need to find a way out of your problems.
3. The man thought that something else would have to help him.
A. "This is too hard," is one of the most common excuses I come across.
1. As long as I believe it is too difficult, it will always be difficult.
2. But it is never as difficult as staying in captivity.
B. God deliberately led them on this difficult path (Exodus 13: 17).
1. We grow during hard times, not when things are going well.
2. Faith only grows when we have to use it specifically in a particular matter.
3. The Israelites were not prepared for war.
4. God doesn't always show us everything at once.
5. If we venture out, God will show Himself too.
C. If you have no one left but God, then you are really getting close to God.
1. I went through several years of loneliness.
2. Nobody understood me.
3. Nobody believed in me.
4. Nobody saw what I saw.
5. I lost friends.
6. God took me out of my job.
7. Small birds fly in flocks while eagles travel alone.
D. God led them through difficult times to test them and see if they would keep His commandments or not (Deuteronomy 8).
1. If we are not faithful in small things, we will not be faithful in greater things either.
2. The message you are preaching also makes the demands of an exemplary life on your part.
3. No matter what happens in my life, I will trust God.
E. God doesn't want us to just seek His hand; He wants us to look for his face.
1. He wants us to grow.
2. He wants us to say: "Not my will, but your will be done."
3. Don't give up when difficult times come.
4. Proverbs 24: 10.
1. Write down the areas in your life where you need growth or where you should mature and what you can do to help make your change.
2. Are there areas in your life where you experience attachment to something?
3. What can you do to get free from this bondage?
1. What can we do to increase our willingness to take responsibility for what we do in our lives?
2. In which areas of our life do we need growth?
3. How does faith grow?
Desert mentalities Dr. Joyce Meyer - Complain and Impatience
We now come to desert mentality # 4. First I want to pray for you. Let’s read Isaiah 53: 4-5 together. there is tremendous power in prayer (James 5: 16).
A. Unless our attitude in suffering can glorify God, we are not truly liberated.
1. It is not suffering itself that honors God, but rather a godly attitude in suffering through which HE is glorified. (1. Peter 2: 19-21).
2. Jesus suffered victoriously.
a. Without complaining.
b. With confidence, no matter how things go.
c. Silent.
3. We need to learn to keep our mouth shut and not complain.
4. John 14: 30.
B. It is important that we remain true to each other at all times.
1. Skills are released through stability.
2. 1. Peter 4: 19.
3. Be sure that God is in control.
C. We must be steadfast and patient in suffering. (Romans 12: 12).
D. Mumble, grumble, regret our situation, nag and complain.
1. Philippians 4: 6.
a. With thanks.
b. God must first change our attitudes before He gives us progress.
c. Always try to find things to be thankful for.
a. We complain to God.
b. It is important that we do not act like everyone else in the world.
c. Don't join someone in the workplace who is constantly complaining.
a. Don't complain.
b. We are to speak of the goodness of God.
c. We make our problems worse by complaining about them.
d. We pray for things and then we complain when we receive them.
4. 1. Peter 5: 8-10.
a. To resist the devil means to resist the wrong attitude.
b. If we stand firm, God will set us free.
c. Everyone suffers.
a. When we struggle with the devil, it takes us away from God.
b. Put your eyes on God.
c. God will destroy your enemies.
d. We are tired because we are always trying to fight our own battles.
A. This attitude is the fruit of pride.
1. Before God can use you, He must humiliate you.
2. Enjoy temptation because it eventually brings patience (James 1: 2-4).
a. Sometimes trials bring out other things in you.
b. They bring out anger.
c. They can also lead to emotional outbursts.
d. Sometimes they lead to you treating others badly.
3. Patience only develops through trials.
4. James 1: 4.
B. The apostle Paul learned to be satisfied (Philippians 4: 11).
1. Don't worry that you are in a learning process.
2. Everyone has to go through trials.
C. God will not give us abundance or make us live in abundance unless we learn to cope with difficult circumstances. - Philippians 4: 11-12.
1. When we need strength, He gives it to us.
2. He gives us his grace every day.
3. God will give you what you need when you are really in need.
D. The Bible tells us to be patient.
1. James 5: 7.
2. The farmer is eagerly awaiting the harvest.
3. A harvest awaits you.
1. Look up the following scriptures.
2. Which exams do you currently have to pass?
3. How can you enjoy every single temptation?
4. Read Philippians 4: 11. What did Paul do to learn how to be satisfied?
1. Communicate with each other about things that give you cause for complaint.
2. How can you translate your complaint into thanksgiving to God?
3. We can thank God for things that we normally do not notice.
Desert mentalities Dr. Joyce Meyer - Impatience and Victim Mentality
We are at desert mentality # 5. We are at James 5: 7.
A. This is the wrong attitude of impatience.
1. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit that we must develop.
2. Be patient while you wait.
a. James 5: 7.
b. The story of an impatient pastor.
3. A lot of people are sick because they are so impatient.
a. They are impatient with other people.
b. You are impatient in light of certain circumstances.
c. You are impatient with God.
d. You have no patience with yourself.
B. James 5: 7.
1. The farmer waits hopefully.
2. He waits eagerly for the harvest.
3. He can enjoy his life while he has to wait.
C. You will have to wait for many more things in your life than you will receive.
1. The farmer plants the seed and waits.
2. Patience is not the ability to wait.
Rather, patience relates to what we do while we wait
D. God wants us to be patient with people and in various situations in the same way that He also shows us his patience.
1. God is patient and long-suffering.
2. Let's not get tired of doing what is right. (Galatians 6: 9).
3. We had to be patient with our giving.
4. I made the decision to give no matter how much.
E. The story about a prophecy.
1. The same passage was given to me. (Galatians 6: 9).
2. God said to me, "Go ahead and carry on".
3. We stand on the word and eventually it overcomes our circumstances.
4. Someone who cannot wait well will not enjoy life much.
F. The only way to develop patience is to go through things we don't want to expose ourselves to.
G. Before God can use you, you must develop patience.
1. Hebrews 10: 36.
2. 1. Peter 5: 6.
a. Pride and humility.
b. When you learn to trust God, you can also enter into His rest.
c. A year in which I learned a lot about myself.
d. What we ourselves begin, we must also finish ourselves.
e. What God begins, He finishes (Hebrews 12: 2).
H . Sometimes we know very well about the message, but we don't really live it out.
1. Many people have a gift but not the character for it.
2. We must be rooted and grounded in God's principles and ways.
I. You may not be thrilled with the foundation. However, if you don't have it, you will be very sorry later.
J. Thank God He directs our steps (Proverbs 16: 9).
1. Proverbs 16: 25.
2. With some life experience behind us, we find out that we don't know everything.
3. We need to learn to be patient and wait for God.
A. John 8: 32.
B. Adam and Eve accused each other, God and the devil. (Genesis 3: 12-13).
C. The truth-bringing spirit comes to guide you into all truth. (John 16: 13).
1. Proverbs 23: 7.
2. We need to know the truth.
3. You will encounter two kinds of truths in your life; the kind you want to hear and the kind you'd rather not hear.
D. He has a lot to say to all of us once we are ready to face it.
E. Abraham and Sarah accuse each other (Genesis 16: 1-6).
1. In which areas of your life are you not patient?
2. Do you have a scripture to refer to in any temptation while waiting for an answer?
3. Have you ever blamed someone else for something you did wrong?
1. Name a few things that we find difficult to wait for.
2. Share a farmer's life and what we can learn from it.
3. In what different ways is God patient?
Desert mentalities Dr. Joyce Meyer - Self Worth
We continue to work on desert mentality # 6 and mentality # 7.
A. Abraham and Sarah accused each other.
1. Often times we make the same mistake as these two.
2. But that only extends the time to our breakthrough.
3. Genesis 16: 1-6.
4. Hagar began to look at Sara with a wrong attitude.
5. Sarah puts the responsibility on Abraham.
6. Abraham gives Sarah back responsibility.
B. Everyone was suddenly running away.
1. The longer you run away, the more bondage you can recharge.
2. God helps us face things.
C. The Israelites accused God and Moses (Numbers 21: 5).
1. They avoided the real questions of their lives.
2. What it really was about was their attitude.
3. We have to worry about our behavior.
D. What happens in our life shapes our personality.
1. Don't let the excuse to just stay who you are.
2. God can change us if we allow Him to.
E. Someone with decision-making power hurt me so badly that I could no longer submit to authority.
1. Excuses.
2. God asked me: "You asked me a lot, do you want it now or not?"
3. Make a decision that you won't be making excuses in the future.
4. An account of walking in love.
F. Don't just stop making excuses to others. Also, stop apologizing to yourself.
1. God really wants to take care of us.
2. Deuteronomy 7: 1.
3. All areas where we are unclean with ourselves are our enemies.
4. We all have our own set of enemies.
5. God destroys our enemies step by step (Deuteronomy 7: 22).
6. They will not be destroyed until God delivers them into your hand.
a. Put God in command.
b. Be careful that our freedoms do not lead us into a spirit of pride.
c. Perhaps the terror of the enemy may refer to the spirit of pride (Deuteronomy 2: 22).
G. 1. Peter 5: 10.
1. Suffering will not be absent while waiting.
2. If I wait for God, He will be faithful to set me free.
H. I desire truth for my inner being.
1. David had lived in sin for a year without repenting.
2. Sometimes God asks us to do something. But we argue or make excuses in order to escape the scope of His will.
3. The story of Ruth Ann.
A self-pity: a feeling of sadness about ourselves.
B. Idolatry: To turn inward, to focus on ourselves and our feelings.
1. We pervert the gift of compassion.
2. God wants us to orientate ourselves outwards.
3. When I can't help myself, God will anoint me to help someone else.
a. I sow a seed in someone else's life.
b. God is going to use this to create a harvest in my own life.
C. Martyrs: People who live self-sacrificingly without proper motivation.
D. We waste our strength trying to get sympathy.
1. The story of Dave watching football.
2. You can be pitiful or powerful, but not both at the same time.
3. You have to trade your ashes for beauty.
4. You must give up self-pity if you want to receive power.
E. Mark 8: 34.
1. The cross we have to carry means living a selfless life.
2. 1. Corinthians 13, God is this love.
3. It is a daily challenge to deny yourself.
4. What about me, what about me, what about me; God says, "Stop thinking about yourself."
5. God says: "Do what I tell you and I will think of you."
6. Sow yourself as a seed and God will use you.
7. You do not need to think of yourself when God thinks of you.
8. Sow yourself as a seed and God will use you to bring in a great harvest.
1. Do you blame anyone else for your problems?
2. What excuses do you use here?
3. What enemies are there in your life (Deuteronomy 7: 22)?
4. Are there some areas in your life where you use self-pity to appear as a martyr?
1. Discuss Sarah's attitude towards Hagar (Genesis 16).
2. What did Abraham do about Hagar?
3. What are some of the excuses we use to avoid certain situations?
Desert mentalities Dr. Joyce Meyer - To Compare
We now come to desert mentality # 8: "I don't deserve God's blessing because I am not worthy." This is a very important lesson. We have no chance of living in the promised land if we have a poor self-image.
A. Lots of people just don't like themselves.
B. Many people stay in the desert all their lives.
C. Numbers 13: 33.
1. Ten talked about what they couldn't do.
2. Two talked about what they could achieve.
3. The problem was how these people saw themselves.
4. When we have a negative attitude towards ourselves, everything seems too big for us.
5. We must learn to see ourselves in Christ. (John 15: 5; Philippians 4: 13).
6. We are all in Christ and nothing of ourselves.
D. Our sins are not really what we sometimes make of them.
1. We can ask for forgiveness and then move on.
2. I couldn't get on with someone because I didn't like myself.
3. You cannot pass on what you do not own yourself.
4. You can't even talk to someone who is insecure.
5. If you have bad feelings about yourself, others will notice too.
E. I am not worthy of a single blessing, but God is worthy.
1. We are united in a community of heirs with Christ.
2. I don't get what I deserve, but what God deserves.
F. God wants us to learn to inherit things without working for them.
1. We just have to love God to take our inheritance.
2. Many people are workers.
3. God knows you will make mistakes.
4. You are a special person, you are a child of God and he wants to bless you.
5. I want to be an inheritance and receive these gifts given to me freely.
G. Everything the Father has belongs to Jesus (John 16: 13-15).
1. The Holy Spirit transfers it to you.
2. We are always trying to get something. We have to learn to simply receive things.
3. A transmitter must have a receiver in order for the transmission to work properly.
a. To get something means to get something through striving and dedication.
b. For us to receive something means to behave like vessels.
c. God wants us to receive things by faith.
4. If you want to wait to live in the promised land until you deserve it, then you will never get there.
5. The language of the Bible is about receiving, not getting. (John 1: 12).
6. Start receiving what God wants to give you.
H. God rewards those who zealously seek Him, not those who have a perfect life record (Hebrews 11: 6).
1. Living in the expectation of God.
2. Heaven is a collection of blessings.
I. When I pray in the name of Jesus, I am not representing who I am.
1. I don't have to pray on my own behalf.
2. A person's name represents their character.
J. He understands our nature, so we can courageously come before him and receive (Hebrews 4: 15-16).
1. Get close to God because you have weaknesses.
2. Her son's story.
3. Even while God is changing us, He is still helping us.
4. Galatians 3: 1-2.
5. He wants us to do everything out of grace so that He can get credit for it.
A. How did your new life start?
B. If you haven't been smart enough to start, how can you be smart enough to finish it?
C. I tried to change myself for many years.
D. We need a deeper understanding of God's grace and favor.
1. I did so many things to achieve that people liked me.
2. God does not bless our carnal endeavors, but He blesses our faith.
3. God's way endures, but our ways do not.
a. John 6: 28.
b. Romans 8: 1.
E. John 10: 10.
F. How you started doesn't automatically determine how you will end up.
1. God has a plan for you.
2. How do you feel when you think about yourself?
3. If we didn't have weaknesses, we wouldn't need God.
4. I'm not where I want to be. But I'm no longer where I used to be.
5. John 6: 28.
G. We should endeavor to behave according to His nature based on all that God has done for us.
H. Stop clinging to any fears about yourself.
1. Hold on.
2. Enter the promised land.
1. How do you see yourself?
2. Be honest with yourself, can you suffer yourself?
3. How can you receive from God (Hebrews 11: 6)?
1. How do you see yourself as a group?
2. How do you see yourself as an individual?
3. Discuss what it means to be in an heir with Christ.
4. List some things you can receive as heirs.
Desert mentalities Dr. Joyce Meyer - Hardness and Rebellion
Today we're going to start with desert mentality # 9. This is about jealousy, envy and comparative thinking. We will also talk about the dangers of strife. You are a unique creature. God has a plan for your life. There is too much envy in the body of Christ. (Proverbs 14: 30)
I. DESERT MENTALITY # 9: "Jealousy, envy, and comparative thinking."
A. You must realize that God has a unique and individual plan for each and every person (Proverbs 14:30).
B. Envy and jealousy cause us to behave badly.
1. Envy caused Joseph's brothers to sell him into slavery. Acts 7: 9.
2. Joseph's brothers hated him.
3. Ask yourself if you are jealous or jealous of someone.
C. Pastors can get jealous of other pastors' churches.
1. They are jealous because their churches are bigger.
2. Envy and jealousy are rooted in insecurity.
3. They are anchored in the fears we have about ourselves.
4. You have to face the truth about insecurities so that God can make a difference in your life.
a. The story of Joyce's daughter.
b. She was set free by facing the truth about herself.
c. She is a unique creature.
D. Envy is the feeling of anger that arises at seeing the welfare of others.
E. Jealousy is the fear of losing something that is yours to someone else. This also includes resenting someone else's success, which in turn is based on feelings of envy.
A. After hearing about the suffering that was about to happen, Peter immediately wanted to know what was happening to John and what was going to happen to him. (John 21: 21).
1. Perhaps Peter had a problem with John's personality.
2. God has an individual plan for each of us.
3. God gives us gifts from heaven (John 3: 27).
4. Jesus politely advised Peter to mind his own business.
B. Taking care of other people's business will keep us trapped in the desert.
C. Unrest is a major problem in the church (James 4: 1).
1. God will do nothing in your life until you stop being jealous of others (James 4: 2).
2. Waking in love is what gives us strength.
3. Hebrews 12: 15.
4. Unless you help contain strife when faced with it, it will spread.
5. Our whole church can be destroyed by quarrels (Galatians 5: 15).
6. We must walk in unison with one another (Matthew 18: 19).
D. When we began our ministry, God commanded us to do the following things and we would be blessed.
1. Be a person of integrity.
2. Do all things with high quality standards.
3. Don't give the strife a chance.
A. Stubbornness and rebellion.
1. Stubborn means stubborn, difficult to deal with or to work with (Webster's Lexicon).
2. Employees who have little sense of business compliance.
3. We must not be stubborn in dealing with God.
4. To be rebellious means to refuse control and correction, to be unruly and not to follow general guidelines.
B. Saul's example.
a. We often wonder whether God will appear.
b. We need a reverent fear of God.
c. He thought instead of obeying.
a. Saul did what he wanted to do and not what God asked him to do.
b. God regretted making Saul king.
c. Saul acted in a spirit of pride.
1. Fear God.
2. Obeying God is man's whole duty.
3. It is the root of all character.
4. It is the basis of all happiness.
5. Every time we obey God, we take one step further into the promised land.
1. Ask yourself if you are jealous or jealous of someone.
2. Do you think you have any uncertainty in your life?
3. What do you think it means to fear God?
1. If you have a dictionary or lexicon, please look up the words "envy" and "jealousy".
2. Exchange with each other about the gifts that you can recognize in your counterpart as a gift of God.
3. How can stubborn people stand in the way of their growth in the Lord?
Rev. Brian Houston - Development of Leaders
Development of Leaders Rev. Brian Houston - The Heart of a Leader
The time to serve Jesus has never been cheaper than now. All over the world, God is doing wonderful and unprecedented things. There is a great need for a whole generation of leaders within the community. To people who can be a role model for others in different ways through their lives. Before we read leadership development, we should read Proverbs 4: 20-23 together. What happens in your life is determined by what you have on your mind. Your heart determines your attitude to life. Your heart also determines the success of your life. The direction your life takes is determined by what you set out to do in your heart. Regardless of what happens around you, your life is based on what is happening in you (see e.g. Josef's life). This is exactly why we are told to keep the word right in the heart. (Proverbs 4: 21)
In James 1: 21, we are asked to take the word planted in us with gentleness in our hearts. James 1: 22 states that we should be doers of the word.
Leadership begins in the heart. If you want to develop yourself as a leader, it has to start with you. Many people carry bad things around in their hearts that negatively affect their whole lives.
A sign of something wrong that is still in the heart is: a negative attitude or an attitude of defeat. If you have a negative attitude, it will affect your whole life.
TEXT: Proverbs 4: 20-23
What is in your heart ultimately determines who you are (Proverbs 23: 7. See also: Proverbs 16: 9; Matthew 12: 33-35; Matthew 15: 17-18).
1. It all depends on what you are made of.
a. Therefore, a negative attitude is a reflection of what is in the heart.
b. A good person brings out good from the good in his heart.
c. An evil person brings only evil out of the evil in his heart.
d. The negative person only creates negative things because of the negative attitude in his heart.
e. A defeated person will only be able to produce defeated things because of defeat in their heart.
f. The man of faith will produce things of faith from faith in his heart.
g. An overcomer will produce things out of his overcomer spirit that endure and are suitable for overcoming.
h. If there is life in your heart, then you will in turn radiate life.
A. For example, a negative person justifies himself by claiming to be a prophet.
However, the New Testament prophets always encourage, exhort, and comfort.
B. Leadership does not need to be justified, it takes responsibility.
C. Those who have a negative attitude always adapt their theology to the level of their own experience.
You shouldn't attach what you believe to your horizon of experience. Rather, you should change your experiences so that they correspond to what you believe. If you can do that, you will be ripe for leadership.
A. Proverbs 13: 20 - Negativity is folly. God will not destroy you because you are foolish. But the folly will destroy the potential that is in your life.
In the eyes of God, negativity is folly. That's why it's stupid to hang out with negatively minded people.
B. Overcoming, positive people pose a threat to negative people.
1. If you have a negative attitude, you usually don't like to expose yourself to the company of positive people.
a. Such people don't want to hear answers all the time.
b. Rather, they want someone who understands how bad they are feeling.
c. They want people around them who sympathize with them.
2. Negative people even find themselves in the crowd of parishioners because they are simply seeking connection.
3. Negative people use certain idioms: 11all say that ... "
4. Negative people eventually isolate themselves.
5. Negative people are very self-absorbed (they look inside themselves). As a rule, they expect much more from others than they can invest in them.
A. The development outlined in this verse is: Worry leads to depression. When someone is depressed, they can no longer look straight ahead. This has a significant impact on his perception of living conditions.
B. A negative person can believe something that is totally wrong.
In this regard, their attitudes also affect their understanding of the Word of God.
C. A leader needs to have the right things in mind. Otherwise what is in his heart will continually undermine his real purpose.
Example: Michal, David's wife.
A. Negative people are quick to judge others. You notice the smallest things.
B. Negative people only need to hear one cue to blow it up later.
C. Negative people only hear what they want to hear.
It affects the children (Proverbs 22: 6).
Often things are reflected in children that they didn't like about their parents.
A. When you have a negative attitude, what you cannot and what you cannot afford will rule you.
B. Negativity is a reflection of what is in the heart. Therefore, it is important that we "feed" our hearts with God's Word so that the right things will grow up in our hearts and reproduce in our lives.
1. Study the following sections:
Proverbs 4: 20-23; Proverbs 23: 7; Proverbs 16: 9; Matthew 12: 33-35; Matthew 15: 17-18.
2. Make a critical assessment of your own life. Is your life determined by a negative attitude?
3. What can you do to ensure that change happens or that your quality of life is generally improved?
Form small groups of 3 or 4 people each and exchange ideas about the following:
1. How can you help someone who exhibits a negative spirit in the church without judging them?
2. How can you level your experience so that it aligns with your theological understanding?
3. Why is it easier for negative people to be within the congregation, even among the worshipers?
4. How can negativity be cured?
Development of Leaders Rev. Brian Houston - Your Heart determines the direction of your Life
Leadership development is a great opportunity. It is the greatest thing if anyone can help develop the leadership skills of others. The most important thing when it comes to leadership is what is happening in a person's heart. Because what is in your heart determines your whole life. Let's open Proverbs 16: 9 together.
Video | Your Heart determines the direction of your Life
mp3 | Your Heart determines the direction of your Life
1. If you want your heart's plans to align with the steps the Lord is leading you, then you must first have the right things in your heart.
2. If you are satisfied in your heart and soul and you are fine, then you will be fine in life at all. (3. John 2)
3. This is why you need God's Word in your heart: it can handle all the other things that want to fill your heart.
B. Matthew 5: 8.
1. If you allow God's Word to completely purify your heart, you will both see God and see the plans for your life.
2. Then you will also lead your life in accordance with His goals.
3. If it is the pure in the heart that God will see, then that also means: If a cloud or darkness lies over your heart, your vision will also darken.
C. James 1: 21-26.
1. When the word is implanted in your heart, you and that word will become one and that will really change your heart.
2. If the word has no effect on your life, you are deceiving yourself (James 1: 22)
3. It is the inner person who produces the real quality of your life (James 1: 26)
a. Your thinking and your feelings are very closely related to what you have in your heart.
b. Your ability to make decisions is also related to what moves your heart.
4. What does it mean to deceive your heart?
5. There are things that need to be changed in every heart.
a. Bitterness or unforgiveness.
b. Pride or your own ego.
c. Selfishness.
d. Unbridled ambition.
e. Love of money and possessions.
You may recognize some of these things that you have anchored in your heart. Maybe you won't find anything in it. But you are deceiving yourself. You need the implanted word to be changed. (James 1: 16)
D. 1. John 1: 7-10.
1. According to this passage, the key is to let God Himself work on the deeply ingrained beliefs of our hearts and let us correct them.
There are many things that make up a person's actual "root system". If these are not really scrutinized, the service of that person may well grow outward without being changed internally.
2. We must walk in the light as He is in the light. Then we can have fellowship with one another.
When we allow God's Word to enter our hearts, the negative things in our hearts will be brought to light.
3. If God's truth does not affect your life, then you are close to deceiving yourself. (1. John 1: 8)
a. This can lead to losing direction in life.
b. When does this happen?
c. When you don't face the small but sinful things of your heart ruthlessly, but rather justify them.
4. Sin are not just the really bad things like murder, theft etc. Broadcasting Sin is a seed of evil in your heart. This can also be negativity, bitterness or a love of money. (Verse 10)
a. Get really close to the roots of your heart!
b. If you say one thing here and do something else there, you are portraying God as a liar.
A. Life sends out confusing signals.
Your talking and doing do not match.
B. Fraudulent behavior.
There is no purity in your heart.
C. Life contradicts a multitude of well-meaning advice.
If your heart is betrayed, you will simply ignore a lot of valuable advice.
D. Avoid anyone who challenges your thinking.
E. Find allies. (People who don't really understand you, but at least agree with you.)
F. Feeling misunderstood.
" Nobody understands me."
G. Inability to take the step to the next higher level.
1. God wants to move your life forward and draw you more and more to himself through His blessings.
2. Therefore: "Guard your heart with all diligence, for life wells out of it."
3. "The human heart thinks of its way." Leave it to God's Word to uncover what is hidden in your heart. Let yourself be corrected and changed through this. In this way you will be able to pass on God's plans and goals to others.
One way the Word of God can be implanted in our lives is through memorization. It is appropriate at this point to memorize some of the key verses in this lesson.
Please memorize: Proverbs 16: 9; Matthew 5: 8; James 1: 21-26; 1. John 1: 7-10.
1. In your groups, reflect on the following statement: "If a cloud or darkness lingers over your heart, your vision will also darken."
2. List some of the minor sins that we often justify in our hearts. Exchange ideas about how we should deal with them so that they do not grow into deep roots in us.
3. Pray for one another that the Holy Spirit will use this lesson to change your hearts and that you will be receptive to the effect of His Word on you.
Development of Leaders Rev. Brian Houston - Your Heart determines your success in Life
Leadership is an invention of God. It is a wonderful way to give people valuable guidelines for their lives. Jesus says: "My sheep hear my voice." A life based on the example of Jesus is a life that inspires others to imitate. This is exactly what I want to encourage you to do: Live so that others can align with you. Then you are real a leader. We have already dealt with the importance of the attitude of the heart (Proverbs 4: 23). Your life is determined by what is important to you. Your attitude, the direction and the course of your life are decisively shaped by what is in your heart. The success and success of your life are also determined by your heart. Thank God we have Jesus at our side who helps us, ours Align hearts as they should be.
TEXT: Isaiah 53: 10
“So the Lord wanted to smash him with illness. When he has given his life as a guilt offering, he will have offspring and live long, and the Lord's plan will work out by his hand. "
A. To make you please God
What God's pleasure means:
1. Revelation 4: 11 - We were created for his pleasure.
2. Psalm 35: 27 - God's good pleasure consists in blessing his people.
3. Luke 12: 34 - It is God's pleasure to place you in His kingdom.
4. Ephesians 1: 9 - God's pleasure is to counsel in your life to have an purpose.
B. So that your soul flourishes and your life succeeds. 3. John 2
1. A healthy heart leads to a healthy life.
2. A defeated soul also means a defeated life.
3. Negative soul, negative life.
4. If you entrust your spiritual welfare to the destiny of a person who is not sane in his own heart, it will in a short time sink to the state of his heart.
5. We must allow our souls to be enlarged and enlarged.
6. The soul or heart of a church is its leadership or key people.
7. If the soul of a church is not healthy, the church will never thrive.
8. When the soul of a church is full of bitterness, rebellion, and negativity, how can the church thrive?
9. Therefore, take time to build the leadership of the church. Above all there, strive for the right spirit and the right attitude. Your church can flourish in the same way that its soul flourishes.
There are certain things you can do for your heart so that it will bring forth the kind of life that you expect from God by faith.
A. Educate yourself. Proverbs 19: 2
1. You can own degrees without your heart being trained and brought up. (John 8: 32)
2. You have to teach your soul what the word of God says. (Psalm 139: 14)
B. Teach your soul to calm down. Psalm 62: 2; Jeremiah 4: 19
Get in the habit of silencing negative voices within you and making them praise the Lord.
C. Hold your soul accountable.
1. A conqueror soul does not shy away from responsibility (Ezekiel 18)
2. Stop looking for excuses.
3. Learn to overcome the victim mentality.
D. Anchor your soul. Hebrews 6: 19
1. The enemy works with hopelessness.
2. Anchor your soul in hope.
3. God's Word is full of promises to you that will come to fruition everywhere.
4. Therefore, build your hope on what the Word of God says.
E. Teach your soul to boast Psalm 34: 3
1. To boast in the Lord is to put one's trust in God.
2. You may have divine trust and receive divine power because you are a child of God.
3. In order for a healthy heart to come into being, it must be trained in the things of God. It will calm any other voice that wants to be heard loudly. It will be anchored in the sure foundation of hope. You are responsible for your life. Excuses are not allowed. You also need to know how to make God great.
4. Your success is God's pleasure.
1. Give some reasons why Jesus Christ was struck by God for you.
2. Where does well-being and prosperity begin?
3. What kind of education do you need to make your life a success?
4. Must other training methods therefore be condemned?
5. What should you have trained your soul for so that it can help you when you are depressed and discouraged?
1. How can you broaden and enlarge your soul so it can flourish?
2. The soul of a church is leadership. How does this relate to the growth and well-being of a church?
3. Share some of the negative voices in your soul and how you can silence them.
4. How can we boast in the Lord without falling into spiritual pride?
Development of Leaders Rev. Brian Houston - Leader or Successor
Leadership includes the tremendous opportunity to shape life. There is an enormous lack of true leadership in the Christian community. To be a good pastor does not automatically mean to be a good leader. Leadership is about giving others a role model that they can emulate. Sometimes for a leader that means taking people to their limits or even beyond.
Precisely because pastors love their people, they shy away from leading them into these areas of tension. Because they don't want to make unnecessary waves, they keep coming back to the views and thinking that people are already familiar with. But Jesus always made waves. He had a service that shook the boats in safe waters. When Jesus came near a boat, something always happened. As a leader, it is sometimes necessary to "shake the boat" in the same way.
Leadership as servants
1. What leadership means in the world: Matthew 20: 25
To rule over people, to demonstrate natural authority, to dominate.
2. What leadership means in the church: Matthew 20: 26
a. Jesus does not say that no one can be great. Rather, it teaches how one can learn real greatness.
b. Jesus makes it clear that the path to greatness within His church must not be confused with the path taken by all the world.
c. The path to greatness is open to those who want to be a servant. Matthew 20: 27
3. What it means to be a servant:
a. It doesn't mean fighting your way up from the dust anytime, anywhere.
b. It has nothing to do with a lack of trust.
c. It means understanding what you live for and why you serve Jesus. Matthew 20: 28
4. If you want to be a leader, you must guide others in facing and carrying out God's mission for their lives.
a. You can never do that if your thinking is repeatedly influenced by the mentality around you.
b. You can never do this if you always give in to people's comforts.
c. Many leaders just want to keep everyone happy, so they try to please everyone.
d. But leadership actually means leading by setting an example.
B. 1. Peter 5: 1-3.
Leadership means serving as a leader.
1. What a chief does not do:
a. Control people.
b. Manipulate people.
c. Leadership through compulsion.
2. What is characteristic of a chief:
a. Lead through exemplary behavior in every respect.
b. He challenges people.
c. People must be able to recognize something in his life that they consider to be worth striving for in their own life.
1. Leadership as an exemplary life
a. In words - the level of your conversations.
b. In Transition - How you shape your life.
c. In love.
d. In the mind - freedom in the mind.
e. By Faith - someone who lives by faith.
f. In purity.
2. Are you making progress in any area of your life? Are you growing spiritually?
3. Do you love the service or do you just consider it a great sacrifice?
Leadership means having faith that others will follow.
1. What is the result of what you preach in your own life?
2. Leadership or God-given authority is not tied to your title, certification, or ordination. This only expresses recognition.
3. Your authority is based on your God-pleasing role model function.
4. Leadership based on human insecurities is oppressive to people.
5. But leadership, which is based above all on a God-oriented example, has an encouraging effect on people and helps to unleash their potential.
Leadership means giving direction to the flock in following.
1. Too many leaders follow the flock. We are called to emulate the example of our chief shepherd, the good shepherd.
2. In order to be able to give the flock standards for following, you must be able to go beyond the prevailing unity of opinion.
A. The masses are ruled by false voices. Luke 8: 34-37
B. The crowd takes on a herd mentality.
The sheep follow blindly.
C. The crowd is very fickle. Luke 8: 37-40
If you want to become a leader, you have to be determined and know where you are going.
D. It's easy to persuade the masses to do something. Matthew 27: 20-25.
We only have to be convinced of one thing; that is the call of God over our life.
E. The Crowd Makes Wrong Decisions Matthew 27: 21
F. The masses crucify their leaders. Matthew 27: 22
G. The crowd never takes risks.
1. Peter went out to walk on the water. The other disciples did not dare to do that.
2. The disciples got into the boat while the crowds stood on the bank.
H. Great disciples can be made from a non-binding amount.
1. Be a fully devoted leader to God.
2. Give the crowd something to focus on.
3. Live a life full of examples of devotion to God.
4. Remember that it is not part of our business to give in to people's need for comfort.
5. Leadership frightens the lazy but at the same time comforts the frightened. Be a leader and train others to be leaders.
1. Work through Matthew 20: 20-22 and compare leadership in the world to the leadership Jesus provided for the church.
2. Which of the two styles is more the same as your way of leading?
3. In your own words, describe what servanthood in leadership means to you.
4. Use this lesson to assess yourself critically. Are you more of a leader or a successor?
1. Take your time to carefully examine the following statement: "Leadership scares the lazy, but at the same time comforts the horrified."
2. Compare the political systems and styles of leadership in the world to the New Testament pattern for leadership that Jesus gave us. Which of these applies to your leadership style in service?
3. How can we exercise authority in our job of leading the crowd without becoming authoritarian?
4. Gather some suggestions on how leaders can live on a level different from the group mentality.
Development of Leaders Rev. Brian Houston - Pitfall for Visionaries
The Bible says, "Without vision, the people perish." There are some people whose visions are misguided. Some visions are simply unrealistic. Some visions are based on belief, others based on guesswork. It is God's plan and will for you that you are someone whose life is permeated with a vision. A vision can open up tremendous opportunities for you, a life with a clear one Lead determination.
When you develop a vision, you have to be prepared that not everyone is enthusiastic about this dream. In John 9 we find the story of a blind man whom Jesus healed. Jesus gave him eyesight again. When the Spirit of God comes alive in you, you can receive a vision and learn to see in a way never before. There are many people who see very well naturally, but have no vision in the spiritual. Helen Kelly, the inventor of Braille, was asked if she could think of anything worse than being blind. She replied, "Yes, to have eyesight and still not be able to see."
Many do nothing more than maintain something within their leadership. They only exist. Jesus gave his eyesight back to this man. But this man was surrounded by people who could see in the natural sense, but had little or no vision spiritually. Let's look at different fronts that the man had to deal with.
TEXT: John 9
A. The disciples focused only on the problem.
1. Many churches of our day focus only on problems. They hold exams, seminars, and conferences just to ask questions.
2. Many communities are paralyzed by a fear that is medically termed catatonic schizophrenia. It is a state of complete freezing.
3. It is possible to feel committed to reasoning and questioning in such a way that we forget to get up and do what God asks of us.
B. Jesus chose to focus on the answer.
1. Jesus tells us the same things today as he did 2,000 years ago. It's all summed up in the mission statement.
2. Do not always focus on the problems, but follow the Spirit of Jesus and seek answers devotedly.
Everyone who had known the man before and knew he was blind had a problem with him now that he could see.
A. If you allow yourself to be dominated by the attitudes of those who previously knew you, then you will never be able to step into God's comprehensive will for your life.
B. It is God's will for you that you are no longer recognizable to those who know you from earlier times.
After the resurrection, Jesus was not recognized by those who had known him before.
C. The neighbors represent the people who know you very well.
1. What they think they know about you:
a. Your weaknesses.
b. Your past mistakes.
c. That God can't use you.
2. Don't let their thinking control you, for they don't see you the way God sees you.
3. If you really want to set leaders free, give them room to grow and change.
4. Do not allow others to measure your life and ministry. Let God set the standard.
5. It is fundamentally one of the enemies of a vision to be guided by those whom one is known.
A. The spirit of the Pharisees is a religious spirit. John 9: 16
You never see what comes from God.
B. The Pharisees could only see the Sabbath.
1. But Jesus healed more than once on the Sabbath.
2. It happens so often that God doesn't do things the way we expect them to.
3. God does not give a vision that fits into the general thinking.
C. The Pharisaic mind is always a separatist mind. John 9: 16
There are many people who are so attached to externals, such as earrings or jewelry, that they lose sight of the miracle of a person's salvation.
A. They couldn't believe until after talking to their parents.
B. The spirit of unbelief usually begins with ourselves.
1. It is so easy to let what you know about yourself dominate you.
2. We need to develop trust in God. - Hebrews 10: 35
3. The enemy loves to sow the seeds of unbelief in you. He wants you to:
a. see how difficult it is.
b. lets you be dominated by a lack of results.
c. lets you be dominated by money problems.
d. Is depressed by a lack of employees or members.
4. We must overcome the spirit of unbelief if we are to fulfill God's plans for our lives.
5. God's vision will always lead you beyond your natural abilities.
A. You distanced yourself from the miracle. John 9: 22
B. Many people are blind because of what they believe is right.
1. They are so driven by what they see as right that they cannot see God's plan and purposes for their lives.
2. Your vision must be based on what you have seen to be the truth for your life.
3. You must know the truth and enable this truth to plant a vision into your life.
4. Be what God has called you to be. Stand up and claim God's vision for your life to lead a fruitful life in the name of Jesus.
Take your Bible and study John 9. Pay close attention to the five groups represented there.
List each of these groups and summarize in your own words how the respective spirit of these groups can be overcome in your own life.
1. How can you deal with the spirit of familiarity, that is, with your past weaknesses and your past failures?
2. Review the five mentalities we examined in this lesson. Which of these attitudes can you see in your life?
Discuss it in your groups and hold hands to overcome these attitudes in prayer.
Dr. Howard Foltz - World Mission and Harvest
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - Mission terms
Dr. David Barrett, a well-known mission scientist from the Anglican Church, has discovered that there are approximately 440 million spirit-filled people in the world who are associated with the renewal movement of our day. He also found that the great revival movement of the Holy Spirit increases by about 54,000 people every day, that is about 19 million people annually.
This is an enormous contribution to the harvest. God is pouring out His Spirit today and He is creating spirit-filled churches so that the execution of the mission command can be completed in our lifetime. You are part of it and God leads you and your church into worldwide evangelism.
This course pursues seven overarching goals. These are:
1. Understand the central mission science terms.
2. Know how to build your life on the biblical foundation of the mission.
3. Find out the perspective from which God looks at the world.
4. Understand what a Mission Command Church looks like.
5. The personal application of the mission order concern to the life of the individual.
6. Mobilize every member of the congregation for worldwide evangelism.
7. To help the local church become a strategic church.
There are seven terms that we need to understand in fulfilling the missionary command.
This term refers to God's work of atonement with which He builds His Kingdom all over the earth.
A. This term refers to the cross-cultural part of the Missio Dei.
B. Here we are entering another culture whose worldview is different from ours.
A. A missionary is someone who enters another culture to do the work of the Missio Dei.
B. It is someone who has served effectively and fruitfully in their own culture and whom God calls to enter another culture.
C. Everyone must be a witness and a missionary.
D. But not everyone is called to move their families to another culture to preach the gospel there.
A. E-1 evangelism
1. Focuses on reaching our own city or our geographic region and culture in general (this is often referred to by "Jerusalem and Judea" from Acts 1: 8).
2. These are the people who are easiest for us to reach.
B. E-2 Evangelism
Focuses on cross-cultural evangelism in a culture that has striking similarities to our own (also known as "Samaria").
C. E-3 Evangelism
That means breaking through significant cultural barriers (also known as "to the ends of the earth").
A. When God looks at the world, it is from an ethnic group perspective. An ethnic group is made up of individuals who are the same ethnic. have a linguistic or cultural background.
B. There are 11,874 groups in the world that can be ethnically and linguistically grouped.
C. There are 24,000 ethnic groups in the world.
That is an ethnic group in which there is no living one. local church or community of believers who would have the spiritual means to evangelize their own people group.
A. That means completing the mission of Jesus Christ step by step in a measurable and understandable way.
B. It does this by establishing a vibrant indigenous church among each ethnic group.
C. Why Do We Obey Mission Orders? Because it's in the Bible. How do we do it? It happens gradually one after the other. Only when we have carried out this commission will Jesus Christ come again.
1. Write in your own words the definition of the following terms:
a. Missionary:
b. Ethnic group:
c. Unreached ethnic group:
d. Fulfillment of the mission order:
2. What are the similarities between E-1 and E-2 evangelism?
3. What is E-3 evangelism?
1. Discuss the relationship between the terms: missio dei, mission and missionary. How are they related?
2. How can we transform our local churches into mission command churches?
3. How many ethnic groups can you identify in your country?
How many of these do you know of that do not have a living, indigenous community?
4. What can your group do about this need or shortage?
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - The biblical basis for mission
In our first lesson, we looked at missiological terminology. Now we want to talk about the biblical basis of the mission. This is probably the most important lesson in this course, because theology is defined as a worldview. Weltanschauung in turn relates to our interpretation of reality. Theology helps us to interpret the realities around us appropriately. That is why our theology of mission is of enormous importance.
The whole Bible is a book of mission. God is a god of mission. This lesson will help us understand God's perspective on interpreting His Word and reaching His world. There is one quality of God that we tend to neglect in our theology of God. This attribute is: God is a God of mission. This quality is inseparable from God's nature.
When we talk about the biblical basis of the mission, we do not start with ourselves, but with God. We don't start with the New Testament either, but with the first chapter of the Bible at all.
A. God is active in history.
1. He is the creator.
In Hebrew, "the word bara" stands for "create". It means speaking out and calling into reality out of nowhere.
2. HE is an architect.
a. An architect has a clear idea of a building in his mind. His vision becomes a reality by putting it on paper.
b. When God created the earth, He had a vision of a perfect kingdom that would be under the rule of Adam and Eve.
3. God is a builder.
a. All of this speaks of His actions in creation.
b. Carefully read Genesis 1 and you will find 8 places that say, "God said" and He created.
B. Man is created:
1. As the crowning glory of God's creation.
2. In God's Image, Shadows and Likeness.
3. In equality with God, that means: pattern and shape (Ecclesiastes 3: 11).
II. THE MISSION OF SALVATION (Genesis 3: 15, Romans 16: 20).
A. All redemption is also restoration.
B. God brings us back from the kingdom of Satan. He reinstates us; as a representative of a mission for those who are still are not saved.
C. God sends us to the enemy's camp to free the prisoners.
A. The realm of darkness.
1. Satan: his descent is the dark world (Colossians 1: 13).
2. What distinguishes his kingdom? (Ephesians 6: 12).
3. The realm of darkness consists of four elements:
a. Demonic rulers.
b. Demonic authorities.
c. Powers of this dark world.
d. Spiritual forces of evil.
4. Salvation breaks that four-fold grip on our lives. 1. Peter 2: 9 speaks of four human qualities that this gives us.
a. We are the chosen gender.
b. We are the royal priesthood.
c. We are the holy people.
d. We are the people of property.
5. What is our job? (Acts 26: 18).
B. Kingdom of Light.
1. Jesus is the "seed" of the woman (Ephesians 5: 8).
2. We are to live as children of light.
Our forgotten task: We are a people of mission.
A. The stewardship mission (Genesis 1: 28)
1. There are two basic things God does for us in relationship with Him:
a. He is blessing us.
b. He speaks to us.
2. We are supposed to do three basic things:
a. We should listen to Him.
b. We are to obey Him.
c. We are to administer His blessings.
3. Five things emerge from God's blessing in Genesis 1: 28: These are called the "cycle of blessings" in the following.
(Continued in lesson 2)
1. Study Genesis 1 and write down the eight places where God spoke and He created.
2. How does God involve man in His mission? (Genesis 1: 28).
1. Discuss in your groups about the forgotten quality of God in our theology and its relation to mission.
2. How does God reveal himself in human history?
3. What is our responsibility as God's messenger of blessings?
4. Discuss the cycle of blessings in greater depth.
5. What implications does this cycle have for Christians about the society in which we live?
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - Evangelism and Discipleship
In the previous lesson, we talked about the first aspect of the mission on our part: the stewardship mission. A brief review of the cycle of blessing: God blesses us so that we can be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and rule over it. It's about God's purpose and vision of owning a kingdom. He could have used the angels for this, but He chose us to do it. Therefore, as His representatives, we are tasked to extend His kingdom to the ends of the earth.
Many Christians want to go from blessing to reign. But it doesn't work that way. Managing our semen is more of a process. So we have to learn to be fruitful. We have to learn to multiply and gain weight. We also need a strategy to fill the dark world with God's glory and grace. To then free the prisoners of the satanic empire and subdue the powers of darkness. That is our mission as a steward. There are two other aspects of the Mission that is our responsibility.
(Continued from lesson 2)
B. The mission of testimony and evangelism (Mark 16: 15, Mark 16: 20).
1. The first reference to the missionary command is found in Genesis 1: 28.
2. This mandate is written on our hearts.
3. The first written commission is in Genesis 12: 1-3.
4. The fivef old record of the New Testament missionary command reminds us of who we are.
5. The command to go.
It is an imperative on our life.
a. Our instruction: "go all over the world."
b. Our job: "preach the good news".
c. Our goal: "every creature."
6. The reaction of the disciples.
a. Your intention: "You went out."
b. Her sermon: "They preached everywhere."
c. Their partnership: "The Lord worked with them."
d. Their power: "confirmed His word by those with the following signs."
e. Your passion: motivated by love and obedience (2. Corinthians 5: 14).
C. The disciple-making mission (Matthew 28: 18-20).
1. This commission is based on the authority Jesus received from His Father.
2. The word "authority" means delegated power for legal representation.
3. We have authority through our relationship with the Lord.
4. Our instruction: "Going" or "already on the way."
5. Our job: is to make disciples.
6. Our goal: from all peoples, "ethne" (ethnic groups).
7. Our duties: baptize; all.to teach what we are told to keep.
8. Promise: "I am always with you."
A. Promise of blessing (Genesis 12: 1-3).
1. Abraham was a messenger, just like Jesus and we.
2. The most important in bullet points.
a. I will make you a great people.
b. I will bless you
c. I'll make your name big
d. You will be a blessing.
e. I will bless those who bless you.
f. Cursed be whoever curses you.
3. Basic statement (Hebrews 11: 8).
All peoples of the earth are to be blessed in you.
4. New Testament applications (Galatians 3: 8; Matthew 21: 43).
a. Every time I am blessed, I have a divine obligation to be a blessing myself (Amos 3: 2-3).
b. The descendants of Abraham failed to fulfill God's purposes, so He conferred the power of the kingdom of God on the Gentiles for a time.
c. It is God's will that we should be churches that stand for the benefit of the nations and carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.
d. If we disobey Him, we could become religious machines engaging in many activities without the power of the kingdom of God.
B. The promise of power (Acts 1: 8).
In Greek the word "dunamis" stands for strength. This means the power that shows itself in both ability and urgency.
1. The strength lies in walking.
2. The Holy Spirit drives the mission.
3. Jerusalem: immediate surroundings, same culture. (E-1).
4. Judea: surrounding area, same culture (E-1).
5. Samaria: surrounding area, diverse culture (E-2).
6. Ends of the earth: distant area, different culture (E-3).
A. The prophecy of fulfillment (Matthew 24: 14, 2. Peter 3: 11-12).
1. The gospel of the kingdom.
2. Being preached.
3. All over the world.
4. As a testimony to the nations, "ethne" (ethnic groups).
5. Then the end will come.
B. The prophecy of the great festival (Revelation 5: 9-10; Revelation 7: 9).
1. A large crowd.
2. Every nation, "ethne," tribe, people, and language.
3. Will stand before the throne of the Lamb. From Genesis to Revelation, God is a God of mission. He is building His Kingdom.
Examine the following Bible passages and write down what is special about each assignment.
5. Acts 1: 8
6. Your summary.
1. Gather in your groups what is contained in the mission statement by going through the following passages again:
2. To what extent can these components be experienced in your local churches?
3. Do you have a group of believers you can discipleship? If not, ask God to give you a discipleship movement.
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - The state of the World
In this lesson we want to take a look at the state of the world. We will see how God looks at the world. We all know that the world is a rather crowded habitat. At present the world population is over 6.0 billion and it grows by another million every five days (according to the Population Institute).
A. The growing population.
1. In 1830 there were only 2 billion people on earth.
2. In 1930 it was 3 billion.
3. In 1960 it was 4 billion.
4. In 1975 the population was nearly 5 billion.
5. The world population is growing at breakneck speed. It is our job to evangelize each one.
B. The World Statistical Report.
The following statistical data will help us to better understand the current state of the five billion people on earth.
1. Devoted Christians: 10% of the population. That's roughly 550-600 million people.
2. Other Christians: 20% of the population. This group is also called named Christians. They include around 1 billion people.
3. Non-Christians within reach: 30% of the population. That's about 1.2 or 1.3 billion.
4. Unreached Peoples: 40% of the total population.
There are no living churches among them to evangelize. Many of them live in the 10/40 window.
A. A staggering 97% of the world's unreached peoples live in what is known as the "10/40 window." This is a belt that stretches from West Africa to Asia, between 10th and 40th degrees north of the equator. Missionary Efforts in this region are of strategic importance for the task of world evangelism, as the majority of all Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists live in this area.
B. In addition, 82% of the "poorest of the poor" are found in the 10/40 window.
C. 84% of all people with the lowest quality of life live in the 10/40 window.
According to the United Nations, the standard of quality of life is determined by three determinants:
1. Life expectancy: How old we can get.
2. Child mortality rate: Far more children die at birth in less developed countries than in more developed countries.
3. Education: When people can't even read, it is very difficult for them to make progress.
It is the oppressed, the sick and the hungry who populate this habitat. Among them are some of the least developed nations on earth. Of all the countries in the world, these have the least access to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
A. People within reach
B. "Division of the World" by Patrick Johnstone and David Barrett
C. "Unreached People Groups" by John Gilbert of the Southern Baptists Foreign Mission Committee.
There are 6,431 unreached ethnic groups.
D. Ralph Winters' view of the U.S. Center for World Mission.
1. There are nearly 12,000 ethno-linguistic groupings.
2. If you add up the cultural ethnic groups, you get over 24,000.
3. A church planting movement is urgently needed among at least 10,000 ethnic, linguistic and cultural groups.
4. It is one of the individual human rights to be able to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
5. We live in a time of great opportunity. We can reach unreached ethnic groups by any number of means, if we just want to.
Figures in millions; Sources: World Evangelization Database and U.S. World Mission Center.
What Christians Spend:
Donations to overseas missions are only 7 cents per member per week in America.
1. Write down your description of the "10/40 window" in your own words.
2. What do you consider to be the highest fundamental human right of every person?
3. Who are the unreached ethnic groups?
4. Write down your role as a dedicated Christian helping reach the unreached.
1. Discuss the various means available that devoted Christianity can mobilize and use today to reach unreached peoples.
2. What changes will your ward program primarily face if your church is to become a mission command church that reaches unreached people groups?
3. Can you identify some ethnic groups in your area that are not at home in the 10/40 window, but still correspond to the classification?
4. How can the community of believers in your area best reach out to these people groups? Which evangelistic methods are promising?
5. Pray that the Holy Spirit will begin to open their hearts to receiving the gospel and that the Lord of the harvest will send gospel workers to them.
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - The World Missionary Church
In our previous lesson we talked about the status of the task of world evangelization. We have found that the task can be completed because we have the appropriate tools.
However, we need to make some changes in how we use our finances and other resources.
A. Christians spend 99.9% of their income on themselves.
B. You spend 0.09% on the evangelized non-Christian world (people who have heard the gospel, but reject or resist it).
C. You only spend 0.01% on the non-evangelized population (everyone who has never heard the gospel).
In the same way, we must rethink the way in which our Christian workers and additional "manpower" are employed.
A. It has been determined that 94% of our full-time Christian workers serve in the English-speaking world.
The English-speaking world is only 9% of the world's population.
B. We have also found that less than 2% of our missionaries work in the largest unreached village, that is the Muslim world! This shows that we tend to send missionaries to areas that are already evangelized. We need to target the 10/40 window, however. This is what David Barrett called "World A".
C. In the USA there are approximately 1,300 people for every full-time Christian employee.
D. In the unreached areas of the world, there are around 450,000 people for every full-time Christian employee.
E. In Asia there is a ratio of one full-time Christian worker for 2.7 million people.
III. Suffering people in the world
A. We know that there are approximately 1.8 billion people in the world who suffer from malnutrition.
B. Of 6,528 language groups, less than 1/3 have a complete Bible. There is obviously a tremendous need for people who are physically and mentally starving.
Definition: A missionary command Christian is someone who takes the missionary command seriously and connects his / her life with the fulfillment of this missionary commission. Every Christian should be someone who:
A. Commit to being a loyal and obedient intercessor for a lost world.
B. Donates for the purposes of the mission.
C. Practically participating in short-term missions.
A. Definition: A mission command church takes its missionary mandate seriously and organizes all its programs and ministries in such a way that it can evangelize Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.
A mission command church is made up of mission command Christians.
B. The model of a sending church.
C. Two types of churches.
1. The institutional or traditional community:
a. Such churches tend to have separate departments.
b. Each area competes with the others for attention.
c. You are extremely concerned about your budget or adequate resources, to keep their community alive.
2. The organic church.
a. Permanently has the dynamics described above without getting bogged down in competitive battles.
b. The structures serve to go out, from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.
c. This creates a strategic church, not an institutional one.
d. The dynamic or organic wholeness of God works permanently.
e. God's power is released to the ends of the earth through appropriate church structures.
f. Structures and organizations are never sufficient to set the dynamic element of the Holy Spirit in motion or to realize it.
g. The dynamic of the Holy Spirit comes from our relationship with God.
h. But structures can hinder the dynamism of the Holy Spirit or even bring it to a standstill.
D. The Criteria of a Mission Command Church.
1. A praying church.
Pray for the whole world and for at least one people group that you have adopted.
2. A giving church.
a. Each community should dedicate at least 10% of its total income to a cross-cultural service.
b. Give a quarter of this amount to unreached ethnic groups.
c. This should be viewed as the entry level of giving. Regular reviews should take place.
3. At least 10% of the members of such a church should be involved in short-term assignments.
4. Each ward asks God that at least 1% of its members become professional missionaries.
5. Each ward should work with other churches to help them mobilize so that the four goals just mentioned can be achieved.
6. Each church must work with the worldwide body of Christ to assist in the full accomplishment of the missionary assignment. (John 17: 20-21).
Ask God to lead your church to become a commissioned church.
1. Conduct a study of your own local church by examining the various structures and organizations, using the knowledge gained in this lesson. Interview appointments with various group leaders and the pastor can also be helpful.
2. Record the summary of the results of your examination on a separate sheet of paper.
3. Does your church qualify for a mission command church or is it more of a traditional church?
4. What can you do to help make change or improve your community?
1. In your groups, ask each other what percentage of church income is given for mission?
2. What can be done about your church spending so that more money can be released for the mission field?
3. How many of your ward members are engaged in either full-time or short-term cross-cultural missionary service?
4. Does your ward have a group that meets regularly for missionary prayer to stand up for the concerns and activities of missionaries around the world? If not, what can you do to start such a group?
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - Influencing the World through Prayer
In the previous lesson, we heard about filling our churches with Christians in charge of missionary orders and working passionately on fulfilling the missionary mandate. We also found that each congregation must be a congregation committed to the mission order, at the center of which is the dynamic of God. God wants these dynamic forces to be released through the structures of the church for the benefit of the whole world. The church exists to serve the world and not for its own sake.
Now we are going to talk about mobilizing every single member of the Church as a Christian missionary. Mobilization means preparation for war. We have been at war since Genesis 3: 15, where the term "enmity" is used. In this lesson we will learn about seven components for mobilizing your church for world evangelization.
The primary work of the mission is prayer. And prayer remains the permanent work of the mission.
R. A. Torrey, one of the prominent ministers at the time of the revival in the United States, said: "There is not only a great need for organization and programs today. What we need most is prayer, more prayer, and more effective prayer."
We need to become more effective in obedient prayer and spiritual warfare. (Matthew 9: 35-38).
A. Jesus walked around (Matthew 9: 35).
1. He left heaven and came to earth obedient to His Father's commission.
2. We too must get up, just as Jesus did.
B. Jesus served.
1. While He was traveling, He was preaching the gospel.
2. A vision is received in listening to God, in obedience to God, and in entering into service.
3. As we go, we will see His vision more and more clearly.
C. Jesus saw the suffering crowds.
D. Compassion and love were released in His heart.
E. He saw the harvest.
F. He saw a few workers.
G. When we recognize this need, we are commanded to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send the workers out into his harvest field.
This prayer is about the Lord throwing workers out of the church in a committed manner in order to put them into the harvest field.
A. The position and attitude of demonic forces and evil people towards God. (Psalm 2: 1-3).
1. Two positions taken by the enemy:
Conspiracy and incitement.
2. Two attitudes of the enemy towards the kingdom of God:
a. Kings boast and rulers gather together against the Lord.
b. Malicious political leaders are responsible for the enslavement of people.
B. God's attitude towards them:
1. He laughs at the enemy's plans.
2. He mocks her.
3. He rebukes them in His anger.
4. He terrifies them.
5. He looks at them from His rulership and sets up His Son as King.
III. PROMISE OF PRAYER (Jeremiah 33: 3).
A. A familiar reputation.
Call out to me from a relationship of trust.
B. A call to have a vision for great things.
C. God promises to show us great things.
A. Leaders must make a commitment to pray for the harvest and the world.
Leaders must initiate their church into a commitment to prayer for the nations.
B. A successful prayer plan needs guidance.
1. By pastoral leaders.
2. Through a "Mission" working group.
C. Information is required for a successful prayer plan.
1. Prayer for the World manual.
2. Weekly / daily prayer letters.
3. Newsletters from missionaries.
4. Prayer for missionaries.
5. Prayer maps to help people get a clear picture.
6. The inclusion of mission concerns in church publications (e.g. church letters).
7. Prayer is the constant and increasing work of mission.
8. We need prayer, more prayer and more effective prayer.
Pick up a world map and write down as many nations as you can in the 10/40 window. Put them on your daily prayer list and begin by praying that the Lord will remove any obstacle that is holding the kingdom of God from spreading in these countries.
Gather in small groups and use the information you have received so far in this course as a guide for a time of prayer in which you will remember the mission to the ends of the earth.
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - A Mobilizing and Sending Church
In the previous lesson, we looked at the importance of prayer. In this lesson, we want to talk about how to set up a mission committee and plan strategically in the local church.
The mission committees are the missionaries' transmitters within the local community. In the real sense, everyone in the community is a sender. But those on the Mission Committee have a special place in that they feel the call of God in their lives to form a group that mobilizes the entire church for the mission. Depending on the size of the municipality, the committee can have three to twelve people. Every mission order community should have such mobilizers for missions.
A. Qualifications.
1. They have to be people of prayer.
2. You must show dedication to the vision and programs of the church in general.
They need to feel as committed to on-site work as they are to cross-cultural missions.
3. You must have been discipled within the local church.
a. Discipleship training that meets high standards should be carried out within the local congregation.
b. The local church is both a center of discipleship and missionary mission.
4. You must have had at least some missionary training.
You must take this course and other available courses in your country.
5. You need cross-cultural experience, e.g. can be gained on a short-term deployment in the mission.
B. The role of a mission committee.
1. They meet regularly to pray together.
2. You must act in cooperation with other community leaders.
3. You must take on clearly defined responsibilities and train each individual member to be committed.
4. Your focus is on the following areas:
a. Mission training.
b. Missionary prayer.
c. Special mission conferences.
d. Financial planning for mission.
e. long-term planning.
f. Research and personnel issues.
5. Develop guidelines, strategy, and planning for missionary work.
II. MISSION STRATEGY AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION (Matthew 16: 15-19; Revelation 3: 7; Isaiah 22: 22).
The strategy provides us with keys that are helpful to our communities.
A. Five Keys to Developing a Strategy.
1. Prayer and cooperation.
2. Vision or philosophy of the church.
3. Definition of a strategy.
4. A plan for people mobilization.
5. Be flexible about strategy and planning.
Ask God to give keys to your church and make it a base of missionary mission.
Conduct an investigation by your ward's mission committee or other churches in your area that have such a committee.
1. How many members does the committee have?
2. What is the area of responsibility?
3. How many missionaries does the ward support?
4. What is the annual mission budget?
5. How many short term missions does your ward fund each year?
6. Is there a weekly mission prayer meeting?
7. How many people are attending this mission prayer meeting?
8. How would you rate the work area 11Mission "in your church as a whole?
1. In your small groups, ask each other whether each church you represent has a mission committee. If not, discuss how such a committee can be formed in each local church.
2. Who do you think will be a key person in turning your church into a mission center?
3. What kind of people should a mission committee consist of?
4. Discuss what can be done to avoid conflict between mission committee duties and other work in the ward.
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - Short term Mission and Mission Conferences
We have already spoken of mobilizing our communities for world evangelization. We started with prayer. Then we looked at the mission committee or an appropriate working group. We also talked about the strategy. Each community is required to become a mission base.
When Paul was on his way to Spain, he wrote to the church in Rome. His concern in Romans 15 can essentially be summarized as follows: “Make the missionary's guest room ready. I come to you and I want to stay with you for a while. I will serve with you for a while and I would like you to help me on my trip to Spain. "Paul was practically saying that he wanted the church community in Rome to work in remote areas. It always was The goal is to make every church a sending church.
It is important for the local church to send out well-equipped teams to establish churches in unreached areas. A good way of launching this is to send out a short-term mission team.
A. The blessings of short-term assignments:
1. The people who go are blessed.
2. Our families and friends are blessed.
3. The church that sends such teams will be blessed.
4. This gives the mission field itself a blessing.
5. The lost thereby share in the blessing.
B. Various options for short-term assignments:
1. The length of the mission:
a. A week long.
b. Weekends.
c. A month or two.
2. Types of missions:
a. Praise and worship teams
b. Pantomime performances.
c. Charity services.
d. Practical help (e.g. from supporting construction crews).
e. Evangelistic actions.
C. Preparation for short-term assignments:
1. You must be in relationship with the local community or a missionary stand on site.
2. We need to train our team members.
a. Training in evangelistic methodology.
b. Training in spiritual warfare.
c. Training to gain understanding of the new culture that is reaching shall be.
3. You must have the correct posture (Matthew 23: 8).
a. Three attitudes to avoid:
i. Head complex or syndrome.
ii. Father complex.
iii. Teacher Complex.
b. The most welcome attitude:
Spirit of Willing Service.
D. How to make the most of the short-term deployment experience:
1. Prepare yourself well before you go.
2. Take advantage of every opportunity that arises during the time of your assignment: Stand in the flow of the Holy Spirit.
3. Make the most of your trip after you get home.
A. Advantages of Mission Conferences:
1. Train and inspire participants to further the vision for mission.
2. A mission conference offers a call to dedication to Jesus Christ.
a. Churches that hold missions conferences every year have 120 percent more converts than those who do not.
b. Churches that host missionary conferences have 15% more annual incomes than those that do not.
c. Congregations that hold conferences donate approximately 120% to 300% more to world missions than congregations that do not hold conferences.
B. Different models of mission conferences:
1. A monthly conference:
a. All Sunday long.
b. Special services and activities throughout the month.
2. A weekly conference:
a. Evening events.
b. Various meetings on Saturdays.
3. A 3-day conference.
a. Friday evening.
b. All Saturday and Sunday.
C. The program of a mission conference:
1. Invite guest speakers, mission candidates, and mission motivators.
2. Colored maps, posters and display of national flags.
3. Mission-related films, videos and audio-visual presentations.
4. Special dishes and menus from all over the world.
5. Emphasis on prayer and giving.
6. Announcement of short-term assignments.
7. Special focus on child and youth work.
8. Music that goes with the mission.
9. Mission Representative Booths.
10. Pray for creative direction and brainstorming to instill mission awareness and devotion in your church.
Develop a program to hold a mission conference in your local church. Discuss this with your senior pastor if you are not in the position yourself.
This program should include the potential benefits of such a conference for the local church as well as specific activities to be carried out.
1. Exchange creative ways in which mission conferences can be promoted in your area.
2. Together, outline strategies for sending short term mission teams to the unreached peoples in your area.
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - Giving in Faith and unreached People groups
We continue with our theme of mission and mobilizing the community for harvest. So far we have looked at four main components of mobilization. These are: prayer, a mission committee, short-term intervention teams, and a mission conference.
Now we want to deal with giving based on a promise of faith. How can we increase our wealth to complete the mission order?
Video | Giving in Faith and unreached People groups
mp3 | Giving in Faith and unreached People groups
TEXT: Genesis 22: 8, Genesis 22: 11; 2. Corinthians 8: 3-5; 2. Corinthians 9: 8
God himself will take care of the sacrifice.
Generosity is a result of God's grace.
A. What the promise of faith is:
1. An amount of money that you trust God to provide (usually monthly) in order to be able to give the money to world missions.
2. A step of faith that you take because you count on God's provision.
3. It is an identification with the step of faith that missionaries have already taken.
4. It is a form of communication between you and God (Deuteronomy 8: 18).
5. The privilege of participating in and partnering with God's work.
B. What the promise of faith is not:
1. It is not the tenth.
2. It is not a community reserve.
3. It is not one person's obligation that is later assumed by another person.
4. It is not a frivolous commitment, but something that relies on communication with God.
5. It is not what you selfishly use for your own ends, but what you use to spread the gospel.
C. Advantages of Promise of Faith Forms:
1. The written form gives the mission committee a basis for financial planning.
2. People take a signed commitment seriously.
3. A signature verifies the validity of a promise. Thus, the committee does not have to rely on large amounts from unclear sources.
D. How does God provide?
1. It is supernatural supply.
2. Save here: give there.
3. Double earnings for mission.
4. Money out of "nowhere!"
5. Make riches so that God can be glorified.
The preparatory phase
1. Recognize the plight of the unreached.
2. Pray.
3. Discover the material wealth of your community.
4. To be continued in the next lesson.
1. Study 2. Corinthians 8 to 9 and write down what you notice about God's principles of giving and blessing.
2. What practical insights can you gain from these sections with regard to planning your donations for God's work?
1. Discuss the difference between:
Promises of Faith, Tithing, and Reserves.
2. Why is the promise of faith seen as a better way to build a group of faithful friends?
3. Exchange views on different ways of God's provision for His people and prove this to one another through testimonies from the recent past.
World Mission and Harvest Dr. Howard Foltz - Preparation of Missionaries
In the previous lesson, we focused on how a local church can reach unreached people groups. The first big step is preparation. The first step is to recognize the need.
Now let's look at two more steps together that are part of the preparation.
A. Preparation.
1. Realize the need.
2. Pray.
a. This is the key to everything we do.
b. We have to enter into spiritual warfare and wait for God for a special word of knowledge and a word of wisdom.
c. We need special insight to know what steps to take to glory God.
d. All of this only happens through prayer in unity.
3. Discover the wealth of your community.
a. Do a research in your church to find out what the main spiritual anointings are.
b. What kind of professional talents do your church members have?
B. Mobilization.
1. Research:
a. Start doing research in a library.
b. Send a research group to the unreached race you have chosen.
2. Associate with other churches and institutions. (Leviticus 26: 8).
3. Develop a strategy.
a. God will give us the right strategy for every situation. But we have to work it out step by step.
b. It is important that we set ourselves time limits so that we can set measurable goals.
c. Goals are basically statements of belief.
d. Faith is stimulated by vision.
4. Hold fast to prayer.
Increase in the intensity of prayer.
C. Implementation.
1. Proceed with investigations.
2. Don't stop praying all the time.
3. Give the strategy clear priorities: develop deadlines.
4. Discover and train your employee potential.
5. Follow the strategy step by step (Isaiah 49: 8).
The goal of training missionaries in the local ward is to send out at least 2% of adult ward members as effective and well-prepared missionaries. It is equally important to maintain a fruitful relationship between the missionary and the local church. Ideally, 1% of these are full-time missionaries and 1% are tent makers (making money on the side).
The five-step approach.
A. Level 1: Interest.
1. Consultations with the mission committee, possibly with an external advisor.
2. Literature on mission, research, and prayer.
B. Level 2: Discipleship.
1. Counseling / discipleship in cooperation with mission adviser.
2. Finding out the spiritual gifts.
3. Cross-cultural experience: Short-term assignment in missions.
4. In-depth missionary study, reading, and prayer.
C. Level 3: Training.
1. Education at secondary school or Bible school.
2. Intensive contact with the mission committee.
3. Constant connection to the local church.
4. Develop a strategy.
5. Establishing a relationship with a sending society or with a missionary who is already in the field.
D. Level 4: Apprenticeship period.
1. Service in the field with an experienced mission mentor for approx. 3-4 years.
2. Working with a team.
E. Level 5: mentorship.
1. Mentoring the mission field.
2. Maintaining relationships with the local church.
If we act as multipliers, we can win the world for Jesus Christ and see Him return to earth in this generation. This course is full of principles that have been learned and applied from experience in many nations. You can apply these principles to your circumstances as well.
1. Conduct an inquiry into your church and discover the dominant spiritual gifts that are at work among your church members.
2. Also try to find out what your people’s professional talents are.
3. How can you mobilize these gifts and talents for mission?
1. It is probably best now if you pray in your small groups for God's guidance in adopting an unreached people group to reach yours. During this prayer, allow the Word of Knowledge and the Word of Wisdom to manifest in your groups.
2. Hold onto the unreached people group to whom the Lord wants you to be sent. Develop strategies by applying the principles of this course. They will be of great help to you.
3. Which churches in your area can you find partnerships with in reaching these groups?
Dr. A. R. Bernard - Reconciliation
Reconciliation Dr. A. R. Bernard - Introduction
In the last days of Christ's service on earth, He gathered His disciples on the Mount of Olives to share the signs of the times with them (Luke 21: 10). In Greek, the word "nation" stands for the word "ethnos", from which we derive the word "ethnicity". The following block of topics will deal with issues of race, ethnicity (ethnicity) and reconciliation from a biblical perspective.
The service of reconciliation is the service of Jesus Christ. God reconciled the world to himself in Christ. Today every Christian is given the word and ministry of reconciliation. The fruit of the reconciliation of man with God is the reconciliation of the individual with his neighbor.
A. Ignorance is becoming the most violent element in human society.
1. What we do not understand, we fear and at the same time tend to reject it.
2. If we do not understand each other, it is easy to give space to fear and thereby create divisions by dividing humanity into individual groups.
B. Jesus felt compelled to wander through Samaria in order to underline that God's love is capable of transcending any human culture. (John 4: 4-7).
1. The Samaritans were firstly impure and secondly a mixed race. Yet Jesus was willing to share the cup with a member of this people - something a respected Jew would never have done.
2. When Jesus looked at the woman, He looked beyond race, ethnicity, and social rank. He showed that it is basically nothing other than the heart.
3. She was so impressed by Jesus that she couldn't help but spread the good news about Him.
C. The truth overcomes divisions among people.
Throughout the Old Testament it is noticeable that God refers to ethnic groups (e.g. the Canaanites, the Hittites and the Jebusites). He always looked at them on the basis of their ethnicity.
A. Definition of ethnicity: The commonality of culture, language, religious beliefs and geographical origin.
1. We have to get used to a strict distinction between ethnicity and race.
2. In Genesis 10: 20 we encounter the emphasis on languages, families, and their areas.
3. Ethnicity, not race, is God's focus when looking at human society.
B. Definition of race: a classification based on the arbitrary selection of physical characteristics such as skin color, face shape or eye contour.
1. Such a view can never be traced back to God's example.
2. Genesis 1: 26-28 reveals that man's original identity was not based on ethnicity or race, but existed essentially in the image of God.
3. 1. Thessalonians 5: 23 also points to the revealed trichotomy of man - spirit, soul and body.
It expresses the stewardship God commanded Adam when He gave him dominion over the earth.
A. Three responsibilities of stewardship.
1. Spiritually it means receiving, keeping and teaching the wisdom of God.
2. Intellectual stewardship means expanding and teaching knowledge about the world that God created.
3. Physical stewardship includes the provision of material resources necessary for human needs and satisfaction. In return, people should be enabled to exercise their spiritual and intellectual functions even more effectively.
B. Each individual has, to some extent, all three of these capacities and responsibilities, although the individual tends to be more in one direction.
1. Noah's three sons, Ham, Sem and Jafet were representative of the human trichotomy. The pursuit of spiritual, intellectual and physical things later became the dominant factor in the lives of these three.
2. What applies to the individual applies equally to entire nations.
3. In human society we find nations characterized by passionate pursuit.
4. Every nation has something unique to contribute to the common whole.
A. Every individual and every national entity has, by God's grace, a unique contribution to which human society as a whole deserves and enriches it.
B. Regardless of what ethnicity or culture you are from.
C. Acts 17: 26 reveals that God is the one who gives power and removes people from their sphere of influence throughout the history of every nation. It is he who defines the limits of their living space for each individual nation in relation to time, space and sphere of influence.
E. Habitat means the conditions of residence and ownership.
F. God has a specific time, place, and purpose for each nation through time.
G. It was God's plan that every nation should contribute to the communal life of humanity (as a whole).
1. Through their pursuit, they should become a blessing to society.
2. They were destined to use their gifts to find God.
A. The Mission Order
1. In Mark 16: 15, the commissioner's command, we are asked to preach the gospel to every creature; in this way everyone is meant individually.
2. Matthew 28: 19 exhorts us to teach all nations that the nation is made up of many individuals.
B. When Jesus comes again, He will judge both individual and national societies in proportion to how they have produced fruit from what has been entrusted to them.
C. Against this background, we can now understand the judgment on Israel.
1. They failed to bloom the fruit of God in their society.
2. Over time, they had identified themselves too much by their nationality rather than by the God who had delivered them.
As the lessons lie ahead, we will look deeper into where God's destiny with human society will eventually lead. We will begin with Revelation and then gradually work our way back to the beginning. It is my prayer that both your minds and hearts will have expanded and that you will begin to see reconciliation in a completely different light.
1. Why did Jesus feel compelled to wander through Samaria?
2. Which ethnic groups of modern times come to mind when you think about it?
3. Which of the three stewardship responsibilities is dominating your quest?
4. Who do we address with the missionary command?
1. What nationalities and races are represented in this course today?
2. How do you rate God's heart in terms of ethnicity?
3. Share the three stewardship duties entrusted to Adam.
4. We are made to be interdependent. As an individual and as a nation, how do you rate the contribution you can make to society?
Reconciliation Dr. A. R. Bernard - Origin and Destination
We deal with the subject of reconciliation. In Genesis 4 there is a law called the "Law of Genesis". It says that everything begins in the form of seeds and grows out in one experience. As stated in the creation narrative, God planted everything on earth in seed form. He gave each seed the ability to reproduce in its own way. Everything that human society would need in order to be fruitful, to multiply and to rule over the earth was already laid out in Adam in the form of a seed in Adam. (Genesis)
A. Each descendant of Adam contributed in his person to the fulfillment of the mandate to rule over creation.
B. It was God's purpose to create human society in a way that would be interdependent.
1. I am meant to have something unique that you need and you are meant to have something unique that I need.
2. Together we can meet one another's needs and form the unity of humanity that God originally intended.
3. Despite everything, the original intention has failed. The reason for this is sin.
C. Cain's story (Genesis 4: 17-20).
1. Cain was banished from the presence of God.
2. But he did not lose the image of God which he inherited from Adam.
3. Everything that human society would need was already in seed form in Adam.
4. Cain's contribution (Genesis 4: 18-22).
a. We read that a city was built.
b. Every son and every nation that descended from the individual sons made a special contribution to the whole of society.
c. These were all expressions of the things that had already existed seed-like in Adam.
D. What failed with the first man, Adam, God will achieve with the last man Adam, that is Christ.
1. God put everything into Christ that human society needs to come together in unity and to reestablish rulership.
2. All things will be united in Christ.
II. THE BODY OF CHRIST (1. Corinthians 12: 12).
A. The body of Christ is the second example to underline God's intention to create interdependence among believers.
1. We must not judge one another based on our skin color or physical characteristics.
2. Rather, we are allowed to value one another in relation to the God-given contributions that we make to human society.
B. Revelation 21: 24-26 records the activities that go on around the New Jerusalem.
1. The nations will walk in their light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into them.
2. The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into them.
3. After the second coming of Christ, it will be possible to identify the nations. Each nation will bring its glory as a sacrifice before God.
C. The glory of an object
1. The glory of an object is its inherent worth or merit.
2. The glory of the nations is their worth.
3. Every nation is recognized by the contribution it makes to society.
4. If a nation rejects another, it also rejects what God has put in that nation to complement global society.
5. We reject what God has put into this nation as a contribution to society when we despise its individual.
D. The greatest problem facing any human individual is solving the identity crisis.
1. Who am I?
2. How do I get confirmation?
3. What is my purpose in life?
E. Jesus was rejected. (John 1: 10-13).
1. Some rejected Jesus.
2. But as many as received him received the right to become children of God.
F. Two portions of inheritance for society (John 1: 13).
1. A natural one, through which we are identified with the earth.
2. And a spiritual one, through which we can be identified with God.
3. As long as you try to resolve your identity crisis through natural identification, you will never discover your full potential, which is given to you in the image of God.
G. What a person believes about his origins inevitably determines what he thinks about his purpose in life and his destiny.
H. The two genealogies of Jesus.
1. A genealogical register (Matthew 1) identifies Jesus as a descendant of the natural line of David.
2. The second genealogy (Luke 3) traces the descent of Jesus back to the beginning or to God. This is an expression of His spiritual inheritance and authority.
A. Jeremiah was a native Jew.
1. Jeremiah existed in a certain form before he was born in the mind of God.
2. A personal testimony from Dr. Bernard.
3. We are products of eternity, which are placed in space and time in order to carry something from eternity into human society.
B. After my origin from God's hand had been clarified for me, I received my further confirmation neither through the color of my skin nor through my country of origin, but from the image of God.
A. The parable of the tares of the wheat. (Matthew 13).
1. Everything begins in seed form and grows out in an experience.
2. The parable of the tares of the wheat. (Matthew 13: 36).
a. The parable of the sower speaks of how the word of God transforms people's hearts.
b. The parable of the tares speaks of Jesus sowing people who have been changed by His word. They are sown in every society, culture and all peoples to bring forth fruit for God.
B. When we begin to understand that God's purpose is to bring us into oneness with each individual, we will no longer see our differences as a problem. But then we will recognize our differences as the greatness of God bringing together unique people of different kinds. They become one in the one Lord.
1. What is the greatest individual problem for every human being?
2. According to John 1: 10-13, did you become a child of God?
3. Read Jeremiah 1: 4-5. Can you imagine that God knew you and made a plan for you before you were even born?
4. Explain why God's purpose is to bring us together as one.
1. Exchange ideas about various things that we need from one another on a daily basis and that make us aware of our mutual dependence on one another.
2. What is meant by the glory of a nation? What does your nation have to contribute to global, global society?
3. Do we judge each other based on our skin color? What criteria should we use to assess a nation?
4. Share the parable of the tares of the wheat. (Matthew 13: 36-43).
Reconciliation Dr. A. R. Bernard - Enemy's strategy
I hope you have seen reconciliation in a different light over the past two lessons. You have certainly recognized the common thread:
• God had a specific purpose for human society.
• He wanted a society of free moral representatives who could exercise their will in a way that would be subject to the will of God.
• God planted Adam in seeds all that human society would ever need.
We saw these truths manifested when we looked at Genesis together. We looked at Adam's son Cain, whose. Descendants made certain contributions to society. These contributions included areas such as music, entertainment, worship, mining, industry, agriculture, cattle breeding and agriculture. Consequently, the construction of an entire city goes back to one man, Cain. This simply revealed what God had already planted in Adam as seed. It was also an expression of the fact that God intends everyone to make a certain contribution to the general public. God founded human society on the principle of interdependence. In the first Adam, however, it failed because of sin. Jesus Christ, the second Adam, will eventually help God's original purpose to break through when all things are united in Christ.
People were held captive by the fear of death.
A. The power of death is fear.
B. Satan's power is fear.
1. Fear was the first emotional experience Adam had after he sinned.
2. Satan's power over our lives is the fear in which he entangles our hearts.
a. Fear is fed by ignorance.
b. The moment that knowledge shines in, fear is banished.
c. The more knowledge we receive, the more authoritative we can speak.
d. Hence knowledge translates into authority.
C. The spirit of fear (2. Timothy 1: 7)
1. Jesus came to destroy Satan's power of fear by bringing the knowledge of God.
2. When the knowledge of God arrives, fear must give way.
3. Knowing God helps us better understand the power of God's love.
4. As God's love matures in a believer, this understanding helps cast out fear.
5. According to 2. Timothy 1: 7, in the absence of fear we find:
a. force
b. love
c. Self-control or prudence
6. The Bible says: "... gain insight with all that you have." (Proverbs 4: 7).
A. In Lesson 2, I discussed how God identifies nations by their families, languages, and borders.
1. He recognizes peoples like the Hittites, Philistines, Americans, Japanese etc. as nations.
2. God does not deny ethnicity, but uses it to glorify His Kingdom.
3. When we study creation, we gain insight into the creative abilities and wisdom of God.
4. Even His Eternal Deity itself is a unique expression of individuality within the framework of His oneness.
5. Each unique personality of the deity represents only the one God.
B. Genesis 11: 1 states that there was only one language and one tongue.
1. Man was united through a common language.
2. The tower (Genesis 11: 2-7)
a. God testifies to the power of a united human society.
b. They had disobeyed when they were not spread all over the world.
c. As a result, God confused their language so that they would eventually have to disperse all over the earth.
d. With different languages and the resulting breakdown in communication, fear spread.
3. Culture is the internalized system of beliefs, traditions, beliefs and habits that constitute the life of a people.
4. Each ethnic group was shaped by the common language spoken.
C. Their fears led them to try to limit God, thereby losing the original revelation of God.
1. God then had to reveal himself to human society by meeting Abraham.
2. Abraham was called out of a society that worshiped many gods.
3. He would become a nation (i.e., Israel).
4. A seed (that is, Christ) should arise from Abraham that would bring mankind back under unity in Christ.
5. Satan has used fear fueled by ignorance to maintain separation in human society. This fear came to an end in Jesus Christ.
III. The day of Pentecost
A. We hear a message under the anointing of the Holy Ghost.
1. We have many languages, but only one understanding.
2. God's plan is to bring all of humanity back to understanding.
B. How Satan Works
1. We tend to go against what we don't understand.
2. A man's story.
3. How often do we judge and criticize only because we do not understand what background someone comes from.
4. If we allow God's perspective to give us, we will see that the similarities among people go well beyond their differences.
IV. Galatians 5: 16-23
Contrasts the works of the flesh with the fruit of the spirit.
A. The works of the flesh fall into four categories:
1. Uncontrolled passion; expressed through adultery, fornication and uncleanness.
2. superstition; expressed through idolatry and sorcery.
3. social disorder; expressed through hatred, contempt and jealousy.
4. sins of debauchery; expressed by drunkenness and Feast.
B. The works of the flesh are the works of fallen human nature.
1. These works of the flesh are contrasted with the fruit of the Spirit.
2. The works of the flesh are not the works of the devil.
3. The devil can misuse the works of the flesh for his own ends, but he needs our cooperation for this.
C. 1. John 3: 8 shows us that the devil produces works.
D. John 8: 44 reveals what the works of the devil are.
1. Satan is the father of lies.
A lie is anything that is said with the intention of creating a false impression.
2. Deception sums up the works of the devil in one word.
3. The devil builds fears through deceit and lies.
4. Jesus called knowledge the key because it opens the door of fear.
5. In 2. Corinthians 4: 4 the devil is called the deluding man of the human mind.
6. In 2. Thessalonians 2: 8-10 the devil is called the seducer of the masses.
7. In Revelation 20: 3 the devil is called the deceiver of the nations.
E. If there is a lack of communication, then there is automatically a lack of understanding for one another.
F. When there is a lack of understanding, both fear and the power of the devil spread.
A. The woman represents Israel.
B. The dragon represents Satan.
C. Revelation 12: 11 we are told how believers overcome the devil.
D. The blood of the Lamb is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that brought us the knowledge of God.
E. This blood has purified us so that we can receive the Spirit of God.
F. It is this spirit that searches the wind of God and reveals its thoughts to us.
A. The Greek word for "accuse" is derived from the Greek word "categorio". This is the root word for the term "categorize", which we also use in German.
1. In Revelation 12: 10, the devil is called the "accuser of the brothers".
2. The word describes a classification, attribution by labeling or by giving a name; in each case a characterization is meant.
3. Satan's method of deceiving nations relies on labeling ethnic groups with categorization, which in turn is used by the world to condemn them. This is intended to stir up division and enmity.
4. It is Satan's plan to further nurture this hostility by highlighting the differences through ignorance.
B. It is my prayer that you will not be ignorant brothers or sisters. But that you are set free by the truth of God's word and grow into the insight of God and his perspective, which grow through reconciliation with God. May it be given to you to experience reconciliation in this way in dealing with other people.
1. Name the first emotional experience Adam had after he sinned.
2. List the four categories of the works of the flesh.
3. Whose father is Satan?
4. What is always a lack if there is a lack of communication somewhere?
5. What is lacking when the devil's fear and power is present?
1. What do you know about fear? How is fear banished?
2. How does the knowledge of God work for our good?
3. Why did God want to see the nations scattered all over the earth?
4. How were the ethnic groups distributed? What similarities did the individual ethnic groups share with one another?
Reconciliation Dr. A. R. Bernard - Live a reconciled Life
We have examined the Bible as a document in the history of salvation. We have appropriated God's perspective on belonging to peoples and races of the world. I would like to talk to you about the practical implementation of how we can achieve reconciliation.
A. When the word of God finds expression in a human life, we can see and understand the value of that word (John 1: 14).
1. The story of Cain (Genesis 4)
a. Cain had been hurt by God's rejection.
b. People can choose how to respond to certain matters in their life.
c. Because of what was going on inside Cain, he allowed his injury to turn into anger at his brother.
d. Cain became indifferent to his brother and distanced himself from him.
2. The story of the woman at the well from lesson 1.
a. The woman's cup represented much more than just a container of water.
b. Jesus drank from the woman's cup. In doing so, he totally identified with the woman.
d. Jesus put aside his reputation and pride and identified himself with the woman's pain.
e. Are you ready to identify with your brother's pain and experiences?
f. It is precisely when identification takes place that the gospel gains vital power.
B. Prison doors (Luke 4: 18)
1. Jesus opened the prison doors.
2. There are many prison doors in life.
3. There are prisons of anger, hatred, ignorance, envy, pride, unforgiveness, bitterness, racism and prejudice.
4. Any place of involuntary limitation in a person's life is practically a prison. The ministry of Jesus Christ is the liberation of humanity.
5. Because the ministry of Jesus Christ represents the deliverance of mankind, the church is the continuation of that ministry.
6. Like Jesus Christ, the church must also clearly oppose all forms of poverty and oppression. You can not with gem. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, the spirit of freedom. while ignoring injustice.
a. Our active commitment is required.
b. It also means taking responsibility for your brother.
C. Isaiah's charge against Judah (Isaiah 1)
1. Isaiah brought a lawsuit against Israel for engaging in religious activities, but at the same time missing the essence of God's message.
2. At Isaiah 1: 13-17, God tells them to stop making meaningless sacrifices to Him.
3. It is easy to get involved in religious activism.
4. People don't care how much you know before they learn how much you really care about them.
D. John the Baptist warned the people (Luke 3: 4-7).
1. People gathered around John the Baptist.
2. John exhorted them to produce real fruits of repentance. (Luke 3: 8).
3. If someone repents, he should also attend to his brother's business as a result.
4. What should we do then? "(Luke 3: 10)
5. Whoever has two coats should give one to someone who has none.
6. The tax collectors should stop exploiting the people.
7. The soldiers should not extort money or falsely accuse people.
When the heart of a person is under the influence of the gospel of Jesus Christ, this shows itself outwardly in a new lifestyle and finds its expression in social, political and economic engagement. The spiritual work of the gospel is the salvation of the soul. The social impact of the gospel is the passion for equality and justice in human society. I am ready to move beyond racial, ethnic and denominational boundaries. I will become one with my brother.
That is exactly the ministry of Jesus Christ. That is the ministry of reconciliation. That is the kingdom of God and the hope of glory.
1. How can you identify personally with your brother or sister's pain and experiences?
2. What prison doors are there in life?
3. Why did God no longer want Israel's sacrifices in Isaiah 1?
4. What are some examples of the fruits of repentance given in Luke 3: 8-14?
5. What fruits of repentance were found in your life after you were converted?
1. Why did the fact that Jesus drank from the woman's cup influence those around the woman (John 4)?
2. How can you as a group identify with the pain and experience of your brothers?
3. What kind of prisons are the people in your cities and towns exposed to?
4. Give some examples of changes that are happening in different people's lives.
Rev. Ray Comfort - Personal Evangelism
Personal Evangelism Rev. Ray Comfort - Hell's greatest secret
To my greatest dismay, in my worldwide travel service, I found that up to 80% of those who made a decision for Christ turned away from the Lord again. In 1991, one of the major denominations recorded 294,000 decisions for Christ. Only 14,000 of these were found in the community of communities. In other words, they could not give any information about the whereabouts of 280,000 of their decision-makers. Such a result is normal for normal evangelicals.
I then went into prayer on this. I also studied great men that God had used for centuries, e.g. Charles Spurgeon, John Wesley and others. I found that they had applied principles that were totally neglected in modern evangelism.
If you walk up to a sinner and tell him that Jesus died for him on the cross, he will think that is nonsense and find it offensive. Nonsense because it just doesn't make sense. And offensive because you accuse him of being a sinner even though he doesn't think he is.
But if you walk in Jesus' footsteps and take the time to open the divine law, the ten commandments, it will be different. If you show the sinner exactly what he did wrong and he is convicted, the good news will neither be judged nonsense nor be offensive in any way. Rather, it will be the power of God for salvation.
TEXT: Romans 3: 19
II. The function of God's law is to shut the sinner's mouth and present him as guilty before God. (Romans 3: 19).
A. God's law tells us what sin is. (Romans 7: 7)
B. The law acts as a disciplinarian t o lead us to Christ. (Galatians 3: 24)
1. The law does not help us, but leaves us in our helplessness.
2. The law cannot justify us. Rather, it puts us as guilty before God's judgment.
A. Rather than using the law and its power to lead sinners to the Lord, modern evangelism has sought another basis for challenging sinners to respond to the gospel.
B. What modern evangelism has chosen can best be summed up with the catchphrase "improving the quality of life".
C. With this, the gospel degenerated into:
Jesus Christ will give you peace, joy, love and fulfillment.
D. The illustration of the two men on the plane.
E. As believers, we know that the righteousness of Christ will keep us from the wrath to come.
F. If we were to bet on the Lord Jesus for the right motivation, namely to escape the wrath to come, the following would happen: When adversity met us, we would not be angry with God, nor would we lose our joy and peace. But this tribulation would then draw us even closer to Christ.
G. Sadly, there are masses of practicing Christians in our ranks who lose their joy and peace in the face of tribulation.
Why is that?
Because we are dealing with the effects of modern evangelism.
H. There is no need for healing if you are not convinced that you have an illness.
I. The law convinces you that you have an illness and then you can accept the gospel.
J. Biblical evangelism is always law for the proud and grace for the humble.
K. You will never see Jesus waste the gospel or the cross or the grace of God on someone who is proud, arrogant and self-righteous.
L. With the law He breaks hard hearts, and with the Gospel He heals broken hearts.
A. He gives the law to the proud. (Luke 10: 25)
1. A certain scribe stood up to try the Lord.
2. Jesus confronted him with the law.
3. The scribe was ready to justify himself.
4. Jesus told him the parable of the good Samaritan.
5. This story silenced the scribe because he did not really love his neighbor as himself.
B. The rich young man (Luke 18: 18)
1. He claimed to have kept all of God's commandments.
2. Jesus confronted him with the first commandment to show him that his money was actually his God.
C. He gives grace to the humble.
1. In the case of Nicodemus (John 3)
2. He was a humble Jew.
3. In the case of Nathaniel (John 1)
4. He was actually an Israelite.
5. There was no deceit in his heart.
6. The law was the taskmaster who brought them to Christ.
7. In the case of Jews on the day of Pentecost.
8. They were pious Jews from different nations.
1 Timothy 1: 8 teaches us the purpose of the law.
9. The Bible is full of examples of how the law contributes to evangelism.
D. The approach of Jesus. (John 4)
1. Jesus first approached this woman in the human-natural context of life.
2. Only then did the law of God come into play.
3. The law shows sin in its true light.
4. That leads to repentance.
5. Charles Spurgeon said, "They will never accept grace until they have trembled before a holy and righteous law: they will never engage in the healing process unless they are first convinced that they have a disease. "
6. So look around for a sinner, do this experiment with him and see if it works. Jesus showed us how to do it; follow him. If someone comes to you and confesses his need as a sinner, give him grace. However, the likelihood is much greater that many of the people you deal with will want to establish their own righteousness. Then you confront them with the law.
7. I'm not talking about preaching about Hellfire. Sermons about hellfire only create fearful states. But the use of God's law leads to tearful repentance.
Examine the gospels for examples of how our Lord has used different approaches to presenting the gospel.
Give 3 examples each of His use of law and grace.
1. Discuss various reasons why there are many choices in the church of Jesus today, few of which can be called true converts.
2. What can we do to change this development?
3. How does the quality of life approach differ from the use of God's law in bringing sinners to Christ?
4. Share different approaches on how to confront the proud, religious, and self-righteous with the law first before opening the gospel to them.
5. At what point can you move from the "law method" to the "grace method"?
Personal Evangelism Rev. Ray Comfort - True and false conversion
According to the dictionary, atheism is the belief that there is no God. The Italian dictator Mussolini sat on a mountain peak as a young man, hurling his fist up and said, "God, if you exist, kill me." As If God did not bow to this dictation, Mussolini concluded that there is no God. However, God answered his prayer some time later.
In Romans 1: 18-20, it is said that God's anger strikes the sinner for two reasons:
A. What can be seen of God is evident among them.
B. Each of us has a conscience.
1. The word conscience means: with knowledge.
2. For God has revealed himself among them through everything that he has created made.
A. To make a Coca-Cola can, there has to be a manufacturer.
B. If it has been designed, there must be someone who made it.
C. Believing otherwise means entering into an intellectual space.
D. As hard as it is to convince someone that no one designed a Coca-Cola can, any more do I allow myself to be convinced that there is no God.
E. The entirety of creation testifies to the genius behind God's creative hands.
F. One of the best places to see a miracle of God's creation is in a mirror.
G. Remember how a baby is formed in the womb.
1. A woman becomes pregnant.
2. The doctor tells her to eat a lot and drink a lot of milk.
3. What is milk? - Grass.
4. What is grass? - The precursor of dust.
5. The cow ate the grass and produced the milk.
6. The mother drinks the milk and this is how the baby develops.
H. Where does an egg come from?
From the chicken.
I. Charles Darwin, one of the main founders of the theory of evolution, said: "Let us assume that the eye could have arisen through natural selection, then sins that I freely confess are an absurdity of the highest degree."
J. When man admits that God exists, he also admits that he is totally responsible to Him.
K. The atheist cannot find God for the same reason that a thief cannot find a policeman.
A. How do you know there is a builder when you look at a building?
B. The building is proof that there is a client.
C. I don't need trust to believe this, I really only need eyes to see.
D. The same principle applies to the painting and the painter.
E. The same principle applies to God. All I need to know that God exists are eyes to see and a brain to think. (Romans 1: 18-20)
F. Just as I don't need faith to believe a builder exists because the building is proof, so I don't need faith to believe in God's existence because creation is proof of it.
G. But if I want to contact the Creator on a personal matter, I must have faith in Him. (Hebrews 11: 6)
H. When we look at creation, we see a tremendous order in it.
I. The problem of an atheist is that in reality he does not even think that he can only believe in what he can see with his own eyes.
J. There are many things that we believe in even though we cannot see them.
K. The analogy of broadcast waves to television broadcasting:
You are invisible.
L. All you need is a receiving device.
1. When I meet an atheist, I say to him: "So you don't believe in anything you can't see?"
2. Then I ask him if he has ever seen his brain?
3. He replies: "No".
4. Then I reply, "What you are saying is that there is no evidence that your brain exists."
5. God says, "Only a fool says there is no God."
A In order to be able to make an absolute statement, you need absolutely comprehensive knowledge.
Example of an absolute statement:
B. There is no gold in China.
C. For this statement to be correct, you really need to know that there is no gold in China.
D. Because there could be gold in river beds, in the mountains or in other hidden places.
E. If so, the statement that there is no gold in China would not be true.
F. In order to be able to make an absolute statement that there is no gold in China, you must have absolute knowledge that there really is none.
G. "There is no God" is an absolute statement.
1. In order for this statement to be true, I must have absolute knowledge.
2. I have to be omniscient.
3. Someone who has all knowledge would know practically everything about everything.
4. He knows how much hair there is on each individual head and he knows every thought in every heart. The whole story would lie before him like an open book. He knows everything exactly.
5. Now, Mr. Practicing Atheist, let's say you have 1% of the knowledge of the universe; could it not be that within the framework of the knowledge that has not yet reached you, there is evidence of the existence of God?
6. If he is sensible, he will have to admit, "Yes, that could be possible."
7. He should basically be saying, “Within the limited knowledge I have at the moment, I have come to the conclusion that there is no God. But in reality I don't know. "
8. So he is not an atheist, but an agnostic.
9. The Latin equivalent for agnostic is "ignoramous". This expresses the intellectual capacity of a man who looks at a building without knowing that there is a client.
H. Proverbs 28: 26 says, "He who trusts his mind is a fool."
1. Never trust your natural senses alone.
2. A famous American, Benjamin Franklin, said, "The older I get, the more I tend to question my own judgments and to show more respect for the judgments of others."
3. What we have covered so far in this lesson we call apologetics - the proof of God's existence.
4. It is sad that many Christians get stuck in the area of apologetic reasoning.
5. You are trying to prove to people that the Bible is God's Word or that God exists.
6. If you have convinced someone of the existence of God, you have only convinced him of something that he already knew in his heart.
7. As you testify to people, try to get their attention and then use the Ten Commandments to show them that they have sinned against God.
8. Because God is not about the recognition of His existence, but He wants to achieve conversion and faith in Jesus Christ.
9. God has called us to be faithful witnesses.
10. Therefore, pray for wisdom.
Examine Psalm 53 and Romans 1: 18-32 and list the consequences that people face for ignoring the existence of God.
1. Is it worth the time for a witness of Christ to prove to an atheist that God exists?
2. Discuss different methods you can use to convert an atheist to Christ.
3. Pray for one another that the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom when you meet people who do not believe in the existence of God, so that you can respond to them and convict them of sin in their hearts.