Annual Solution
Jesus Christ says: "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you!"

The Creator
We believe in the one creator. As described in the Bible. He is a loving father for all of his children. He is omnipotent and, with great wisdom, created this, our world on which we live.
We believe in Jesus Christ. As described in the Bible. He is the son of the living creator. He alone is the only way to the father. Jesus rose from the dead and is with the Creator to Heavenly Father. He will come back from there.
Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit. As described in the Bible. He is our helper in need. Always and everywhere. He shows us the heavenly secrets and he explains everything to us. He is our support.
The Bible, that is, the Old and New Testaments, is our foundation on which we stand. It is the inspired word from the Creator. It is the power from which we can refuel every day.
We know that we all have mistakes and bad attitudes and, as the Bible says, live in sin. Yet we believe that we will all be forgiven of our sins. That we can unload our mistakes and bad attitudes at the creator. The Creator's grace does all of this.
The Creator has a special plan for everyone. It doesn't matter where you come from or what you do. The plan is tailored to your life. This plan exceeds all of your ideas. He is totally good, inspiring and can be absolutely adventurous. We want to discover and implement this plan together!
Prayer is the most important thing. It is talking to the creator. It is inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is not about drowning down any old formulas, phrases or hollow words, but about talking to the creator in real terms. Best of all, prayer is not a one-way street. No the creator answers.